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Fix section x


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Thanks for adding more armors and profit$ for you.


How about fixing a simple quest on Section X where we currently cannot free the gammorean leader (which should be tied, but isn't cause its bugged).


Yep, this needs fixed. You can find other leaders but it's annoying.

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  • Dev Post

We deployed a fix for this mission with the most recent patch. The patch note is:

March of the Dread Guard: Players now use the remote device recovered from nearby enemy NPCs to free all prisoners. Only 5 prisoners now need to be freed (down from 12), and leader NPCs count towards this goal.



If you are still experiencing issues with this mission, please post details regarding the trouble in this thread.

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We deployed a fix for this mission with the most recent patch. The patch note is:

March of the Dread Guard: Players now use the remote device recovered from nearby enemy NPCs to free all prisoners. Only 5 prisoners now need to be freed (down from 12), and leader NPCs count towards this goal.



If you are still experiencing issues with this mission, please post details regarding the trouble in this thread.



The problem is you "fixed" it the wrong direction. Previously the prisoners linked to the clickable stationary object worked perfectly fine but the leaders which required the shackle remote inventory item were borked. Now you've made it so all the prisoners require the shackle remote.


While I can appreciate the changes made to the quest they really are a temporary solutions as given enough weeks between maintainance and this quest will be broken again. Already there are two broken prisoners (the leaders again) on The Red Eclipse.

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We deployed a fix for this mission with the most recent patch. The patch note is:

March of the Dread Guard: Players now use the remote device recovered from nearby enemy NPCs to free all prisoners. Only 5 prisoners now need to be freed (down from 12), and leader NPCs count towards this goal.



If you are still experiencing issues with this mission, please post details regarding the trouble in this thread.


All this did was make it possible for EVERY NPC, Leaders and Prisoners, to get bugged. I went there not but hours after the "fix" was deployed in the patch and already saw bugged NPCs. Yes, it's much harder for every NPC to get bugged now between weekly maintenances, BUT THIS DID NOT FIX THE ISSUE.


And if the servers are not brought down consistently, like they weren't for three weeks over the holidays, it is quite easy for every NPC to get bugged.


I don't really wish to sound mean here, but do the devs even KNOW what is happening in the game? Do they even pay attention? Did they even go to take a look on ANY server at what was occurring? It should have been immediately obvious this "fix" would "fix" nothing, but just delay the complete bugging of the quest longer.




I bugged this quest, and reported it for days after I first saw the issue in section x, for at least a couple weeks I did it religiously... and it's as if the devs never even look at the bug reports, and CSR do nothing to help or even report the issue to the devs.


And as an aside the fix for Targeted Misfire was weak, and only made the quest go from "incredibly idiotically designed" to "Annoying, but completable if there aren't 5 people around." Is it so hard to make the codes drop randomly from every NPC in the area? Is that so difficult?

Edited by Vorna
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I had to laugh when I saw the "fix" for the first time last night and maybe a third of all leaders and prisoners were standing around, not shackled. Had to visit three cells to find the exact amount for the quest.


How did they manage to get it this wrong? Could have just removed the leaders and their part of the quest and, boom, fixed.

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they're hiring temps and interns to test their content.

Head over their twitter, it's true.


This is misleading, the testers they are hiring for the expansion pack are required to not have game testing experience because they are looking for regular gamer feedback for that particular test. Just like motion picture companies hire test audiences to watch a movie in development and give feedback on it.

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We deployed a fix for this mission with the most recent patch. The patch note is:

March of the Dread Guard: Players now use the remote device recovered from nearby enemy NPCs to free all prisoners. Only 5 prisoners now need to be freed (down from 12), and leader NPCs count towards this goal.



If you are still experiencing issues with this mission, please post details regarding the trouble in this thread.


So, in other words, you gave a band-aid and an aspirin to someone whose arm just got blown off instead of fixing the arm...


I guess this is what we can expect from now on. If there's a game-breaking bug, they'll just make it less likely the bug will affect people, except it will fail, just like all other half-@ss solutions. Other bugs they'll only fix if it causes concerns for cartel market items (and could cost them down the road in false advertising litigation). All currently existing bugs will only get fixed if a developer takes his/her own initiative to fix them..... and then, I doubt that person will be working here for very long.... since as we know, if it doesn't go into the cartel market or isn't something they can call an "expansion," it doesn't matter.

Edited by JefferyClark
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The problem is you "fixed" it the wrong direction. Previously the prisoners linked to the clickable stationary object worked perfectly fine but the leaders which required the shackle remote inventory item were borked. Now you've made it so all the prisoners require the shackle remote.


While I can appreciate the changes made to the quest they really are a temporary solutions as given enough weeks between maintainance and this quest will be broken again. Already there are two broken prisoners (the leaders again) on The Red Eclipse.




The more logical fix would have been to change the clickable guy into a clickable block instead of the other way around. Or just remove the leader requirement and leave the 12 click block guys.

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I had to laugh when I saw the "fix" for the first time last night and maybe a third of all leaders and prisoners were standing around, not shackled. Had to visit three cells to find the exact amount for the quest.


How did they manage to get it this wrong? Could have just removed the leaders and their part of the quest and, boom, fixed.


This. They did a great job on fixing it backwards (pronounced: breaking the working part of the quest).


Great job dev team, once again you amaze me by outdoing even my expectations or your incompetence.

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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone been having the "loot" bug? for me its happend 9/10 on the final of 'Hypobiology' when looting the Elite in the phase... you just cant loot.. its like your 'loot' clicker just doesnt work anymore on anything including out the phase.. its like the clicking part of your mouse has died


When it first started happening just a UI reset would fix it.. then I had to completely relog.. now its gone to closing the whole game and restarting, the 1/10 for me has happend in a different area, when I was in another phase in the 'Targeted Misfire' quest.. I couldnt click on the panel to activate the ceiling opening to kill the droid

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