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Phantom and Spymaster gear changes


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as a life long Teir`Dal of Eq1 from beta and eq2 from beta, hearing you say that brings joy to my heart. As a sith marauder from beta, i can do nothing but grin at your reckless emotional outburst. As a human, i can do nothing but laugh in your face because i couldnt care less.


Thank you for everything you have done for me. :o

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I like the changes. Infact, since the change to the trailblazer's set i bought the whole damn set simply because i felt it added more to the ****** rogue look that the set portrayed.


The phantom set finally looks like it was meant to, when i dropped cash money on the packs to try and get it only to have it not appear as i had been lead to believe.


The spymaster set actually feels like it's there, rather than a flat, boring, uninspiring paint application over my characters nude body, and the helmet looks amazing with it's new HUD eyepiece, and other tech attachments.


The preceptor set has gained the air of ****** that was portrayed in the cartel market, and is now a respectable outfit for a jedi of any persuasion to don and enjoy.



I understand that some of you bought these items for their incorrect and bugged appearances, something that was noted in the dev tracker, which is seperated out of threads so that you can stay informed of bugs and problems as and when they are found. I understand that the changes came as a surprise, as you failed to read the notice informing you of it, both before the patch, and after it was rolled out with the included patch notes presented to you, on the launcher.


I can even understand that you expected these items to never change, as they'd been around for a month, regardless that the terms of service specifically note that all assets and game services are subject to change at the discretion of Electronic Arts and Bioware austin, and that by agreeing to those terms in order to play the game, you wavered your right to any refunds or exchanges in relation to game assets, which you were merely buying access to utilise during your time on Bioware's servers.


IF they change these back, they will cause another uproar of equal proportion from those who waited patiently for the assets to reflect their advertised depictions.


IF they add an exchange service to get the old appearances back for those who are unhappy or feel cheated by the change due to their own refusal to stay informed, it will be a courtesy that they have afforded you out of good will and a wish to maintain a welcoming environment for their customers.


However, neither of these solutions should be expected, demanded, nor are they as a company in any way obligated to do so.


Stop complaining that you dropped hundreds in Cartel packs with no guarantee that you would even get these items in the first place. Stop demanding refunds on your entire cartel coin history, as even if they were liable and compelled to give you a refund, you'd only be eligible for a refund on the packs that the items appeared in.


And for goodness sake... stop threatening to cancel your subscription unless they give in to your demands. You merely look spoilt and self entitled. When buying cartel packs, you were gambling. There was never any guaranteed payoff. You merely paid for the chance to win something.




TLDR version: Thank you for fixing the appearance of the equipment, please offer some form of exchange service for the gear to attain the old appearances for those who feel inconvenienced.


Don't be a douche to the devs for doing what they were obligated to do to follow advertising and trading standards laws world over. It's your fault for gambling.

Edited by PaladinAlane
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So as is the norm, BioWare has done something incredibly stupid that any sane developer would have looked at an realized was incredibly stupid and quickly would have come up with a different solution. Like the Malavai Quinn romance. The changes to expertise. The changes to resolve. Getting rid of the large amount of moddables and color match to chest in beta. Buffing derpsmash. The list goes on, and the cartel pack adaptive armor debacle is now added to it.


I really don't get it, the devs know we hate two things above all about the ugly armor they keep throwing at us.


1. Hoods.


2. Crazy things glued on the armor, usually at the shoulders.


And yet, that's what they added to these armor sets for the most part. I like to imagine the brainstorming sessions the devs have when they come up with this stuff:


"Hey, you know that armor Jadus wears that we don't really have an attractive custom version of in game for SIs to wear, and yet we know they want without stripes or bronze tubes and pink accents- Let's give it to them, except, LET'S MAKE IT UGLIER, add a hood they adore so much, the mummy shoulders... and damn, it needs something else.... I KNOW, antenna on the gloves! Perfect!"


"I was thinking we should give them a JC styled set, maybe something nice and simple with no crazy shoulders or hoods or strange accessories, maybe just a nice robe with some gold accents. But then, IS IT REALLY a JC inspired look without an ugly hood and inexplicably stupid shoulders? I THINK NOT!"

Essentially, every change was awful with maybe the exception of the collar on the trailblazer (the shoulder is inexplicable and stupid), and they couldn't even improve the whole set, the changes to the trailblazer boots ruined one of the nicest and sleekest boots they've added.


Any sane developer would have realized that people wanted the items they got in game, they used those items, they designed outfits around those items, and wouldn't want them to randomly change. A sane developer wouldn't have changed them. A sane developer would have apologized for the minor fail at advertising something that wasn't exactly as it was advertised and offered the "corrected" sets as sets players could buy in the 'Equipment' section and discounted them for a few weeks for the players that wanted them and bought packs for them only to be let down. They could then correct the advertising image to what was actually in the pack, and everyone would be happy.


But no, this is BioWare. I hope BioWare does the right thing NOW though, the thing I described in the above paragraph.

Edited by Vorna
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A cat suit is supposed to look painted on, a spy suit is traditionally a cat suite. If you want hideous gear with all kinds of gender erasing crap glued on it, try every single other piece of gear in the whole darn game. These were the only decent pieces without. There was no need to change them to look like a pack cover artist rendition, it's a rendition. Satele looks hot in the artist rendition too, but in game she wears hoodrat black lip liner, has baggy wrinkles, and has gained 40lbs. An artist rendition is not proof of what gear will look like, that's what the character preview window is for. And yes we gambled, of course we gambled, that is the way BW set the system up to work, gamble to get the pieces you want. You dont gamble that they will stay the pieces you want after investing all the cash to get them. If they don't want to support their own system, they shouldn't have made such a predatory system in the first place.
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So as is the norm, BioWare has done something incredibly stupid that any sane developer would have looked at an realized was incredibly stupid and quickly would have come up with a different solution. Like the Malavai Quinn romance. The changes to expertise. The changes to resolve. Getting rid of the large amount of moddables and color match to chest in beta. Buffing derpsmash. The list goes on, and the cartel pack adaptive armor debacle is now added to it.


I really don't get it, the devs know we hate two things above all about the ugly armor they keep throwing at us.


1. Hoods.


2. Crazy things glued on the armor, usually at the shoulders.


And yet, that's what they added to these armor sets for the most part. I like to imagine the brainstorming sessions the devs have when they come up with this stuff:


"Hey, you know that armor Jadus wears that we don't really have an attractive custom version of in game for SIs to wear, and yet we know they want without stripes or bronze tubes and pink accents- Let's give it to them, except, LET'S MAKE IT UGLIER, add a hood they adore so much, the mummy shoulders... and damn, it needs something else.... I KNOW, antenna on the gloves! Perfect!"


"I was thinking we should give them a JC styled set, maybe something nice and simple with no crazy shoulders or hoods or strange accessories, maybe just a nice robe with some gold accents. But then, IS IT REALLY a JC inspired look without an ugly hood and inexplicably stupid shoulders? I THINK NOT!"

Essentially, every change was awful with maybe the exception of the collar on the trailblazer (the shoulder is inexplicable and stupid), and they couldn't even improve the whole set, the changes to the trailblazer boots ruined one of the nicest and sleekest boots they've added.


Any sane developer would have realized that people wanted the items they got in game, they used those items, they designed outfits around those items, and wouldn't want them to randomly change. A sane developer wouldn't have changed them. A sane developer would have apologized for the minor fail at advertising something that wasn't exactly as it was advertised and offered the "corrected" sets as sets players could buy in the 'Equipment' section and discounted them for a few weeks for the players that wanted them and bought packs for them only to be let down. They could then correct the advertising image to what was actually in the pack, and everyone would be happy.


But no, this is BioWare. I hope BioWare does the right thing NOW though, the thing I described in the above paragraph.


it's very sad and bodes quite ill for the future of the game.


I mean, this is basic common sense: if they show so much incompetence and mess up this badly on something that should be so obvious, how are they ever going to get the difficult stuff right?

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I am bewildered by the people saying "Look, it's your fault for buying Cartel items, even if you bought them on the GTN and so only saw the item preview." No one makes anyone buy Cartel items, but BW certainly WANT us to. They want our money. And they also want an in-game economy to flourish. Which means showing us some consideration, unless they are confident new buyers are going to be pouring in every month. Unless you are confident your company can **** money, it's quite a good idea not to **** on your customers.


Is the suggestion that no one should buy anything?


I think what's been coming over in several threads is, yes, BW can change the appearance and performance of anything they darn well please, whenever it pleases them. A separate question for them to consider is: is that good practice? Good marketing? Is it likely to persuade people to buy more stuff/have confidence in the game economy if they keep doing it due to simple mistakes?

Edited by winterjane
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So as is the norm, BioWare has done something incredibly stupid that any sane developer would have looked at an realized was incredibly stupid and quickly would have come up with a different solution. Like the Malavai Quinn romance. The changes to expertise. The changes to resolve. Getting rid of the large amount of moddables and color match to chest in beta. Buffing derpsmash. The list goes on, and the cartel pack adaptive armor debacle is now added to it.


I really don't get it, the devs know we hate two things above all about the ugly armor they keep throwing at us.


1. Hoods.


2. Crazy things glued on the armor, usually at the shoulders.


And yet, that's what they added to these armor sets for the most part. I like to imagine the brainstorming sessions the devs have when they come up with this stuff:


"Hey, you know that armor Jadus wears that we don't really have an attractive custom version of in game for SIs to wear, and yet we know they want without stripes or bronze tubes and pink accents- Let's give it to them, except, LET'S MAKE IT UGLIER, add a hood they adore so much, the mummy shoulders... and damn, it needs something else.... I KNOW, antenna on the gloves! Perfect!"


"I was thinking we should give them a JC styled set, maybe something nice and simple with no crazy shoulders or hoods or strange accessories, maybe just a nice robe with some gold accents. But then, IS IT REALLY a JC inspired look without an ugly hood and inexplicably stupid shoulders? I THINK NOT!"

Essentially, every change was awful with maybe the exception of the collar on the trailblazer (the shoulder is inexplicable and stupid), and they couldn't even improve the whole set, the changes to the trailblazer boots ruined one of the nicest and sleekest boots they've added.


Any sane developer would have realized that people wanted the items they got in game, they used those items, they designed outfits around those items, and wouldn't want them to randomly change. A sane developer wouldn't have changed them. A sane developer would have apologized for the minor fail at advertising something that wasn't exactly as it was advertised and offered the "corrected" sets as sets players could buy in the 'Equipment' section and discounted them for a few weeks for the players that wanted them and bought packs for them only to be let down. They could then correct the advertising image to what was actually in the pack, and everyone would be happy.


But no, this is BioWare. I hope BioWare does the right thing NOW though, the thing I described in the above paragraph.


Exactly - that would have been the sensible, fair thing to do. Thanks again for ruining a game I have enjoyed for over a year Bioware!

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I think it's story time. Don't you?


So... Let me tell you all a short little story - that I'm sure many of you can relate to.


When the Cartel Market first opened and all the cool 'n' interesting gear started popping out of those boxes, it was a little like Christmas. We would open them up snd see what's inside. Some things we would keep, some we would give away, and some we would place on the GTN with hopes that they would find a good home. One player somewhere got a Spymaster chest piece, looked at it, mused for a moment, and finally relinquished it to the GTN abyss for 600K creds. Another player, in a similar situation discovered the Spymaster leggings. S/he too decided that another player might be happy wearing them. So s/he put it on the GTN for 300K.


Later that day, I happened upon the GTN (with its new preview function in all its glory :D) and found these two items, and bought them straight away. They made me happy. "This is what my Shadow was missing," I thought to myself. Wearing these two items along with the Cevin event Tusken boots and BH gloves, made me feel and look as though I were in Haseo-kun's Xth-form from .hack//G.U. Vol.3. Not exact mind you, but close enough. It was a, "OMG THIS IS SOOO AWESOME" moment. This is what end game gear should look like! Glowing blue core in my lightsaber hilt. Glowing blue etched effect in my bracelets. Suited in a black on white form-fitting body suit that almost screamed futuristic, technologique, methodic, maniacal ... AWESOMENESS. Oh yeah! Bring on NiM EC and 16man HM TFB. I'm totally gonna tank that up in this. Mwahaha..lol...


Fast-forward to last night.


After noticing that there was a black version of this awesome set, I started thinking on changing the shell of my DPS 2nd spec gear. So, at the eleventh hour, I login and purchase the Phantom chest piece off of the GTN for over 200K and change. I immediately fell in love. This is perfect! I immediately ripped the mods and augment from my previous piece, MK-6 aug slotted my Phantom up, threw in the mods... "Notice: The server will be shutting down in 15 minutes..." message flashed on my screen. "and I so wanted to try out her new look too. Oh well. No biggie," I thought to myself. "There's always tomorrow."


I took one last look in the preview screen of my DPS gear, and exclaimed, "Awesome, I'll tweek this tomorrow and run some WZs to try it out and look good while doing so! Heeheehee.." well tomorrow's another day, and I'm off to bed. Good night toon-chan. As I look at my toon from the character select screen, I think to myself, "Funny how they sometimes stare at you through the screen like they want you to play with them some more, or talk to them and tell them that it'll be all right. That, even though Kephes will mess you up with BotM, or the Rancors in KP will treat you like a ragdoll, you always seem to come bsck to me in one piece. Daijyoubu na~ toon-chan. There's always tomorrow."


Tomorrow came. And toon-chan was ...different. I asked her, "what are you wearing? That's not what I put on you last night." She just stared at me through the character select screen - hoping that I would tell her some comforting words again. A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized I couldn't squeeze a syllable. "I'm sorry toon-chan." i don't know what to do... I can't play with you today.


Maybe if I come here on these forums and hope.... Maybe your makers can fix you...

Edited by PifferPuff
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The "you should have come to the forums and read the dev tracker feed to find out what was going on and not wasted that time playing a game" argument reminds me of....


Prosser: But the plans were on display.

Arthur Dent: On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar.

Prosser: That's the display department.

Arthur Dent: With a torch.

Prosser: The lights had probably gone.

Arthur Dent: So had the stairs.

Prosser: But you did see the notice, didn't you?

Arthur Dent: Oh, yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign outside the door saying "Beware of the Leopard." Ever thought of going into advertising?



Or, to sum up in a run-on -

If I am playing the game, see someone with a really nice armour set and find out it is called spymaster and spend time, real money and credits to get it, mod it with augments and rip end game mods to fit it only to have it ruined in a patch and then be told I should have been here all along to know it may or may not at some point possibly be "fixed", it is all my own fault?

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I can understand the negative feedback on the stealth fixes to these cartel costume pieces. However, I am REALLY digging the fix to the Smuggler gear...and to a greater extent all the changes make sense and look good. Well, except the Phantom Stealth Headgear should have an option of hood (shoulder pads) or no hood (shoulder pads).


I spent a lot coins just now buying a lot of the new pieces, so if you roll this back I think you will have another round of backlashes. PLEASE let us keep the new/fixed items if we can. Thanks!

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I can understand some of the anger but constantly insulting the devs isnt really helping anyhthing, and quite likely makes them more prone to ignore a legitimate complaint. Before you say it it's not their job to troll thru the muck to find the rose so to speak. Say what you need to say without the insults, just makes you look bad, and doesnt help your cause, whatever it may be at all.



OK general, how's this, "I love you devs, you are so awesome, I love everything you do. BTW per chance, whenever you get spare time can you give me my old looking armor back, no big hurry." You think this approach works chief? They messed this one up real bad, and what your going to see is a real bad response.

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Those of us who were perfectly happy with the look of our purchased items have been told off in more than one thread today along the lines of "well you never posted saying you had no problems, so this is your own fault".


That just might have something to do with the current noise levels you are seeing from usually quiet people.

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I can understand the negative feedback on the stealth fixes to these cartel costume pieces. However, I am REALLY digging the fix to the Smuggler gear...and to a greater extent all the changes make sense and look good. Well, except the Phantom Stealth Headgear should have an option of hood (shoulder pads) or no hood (shoulder pads).


I spent a lot coins just now buying a lot of the new pieces, so if you roll this back I think you will have another round of backlashes. PLEASE let us keep the new/fixed items if we can. Thanks!


Uh huh. Refer back to this post when some gear you really like gets changed to a look you don't like later.

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I love both looks, preferring the "real" and "fixed" version of the Phantom Robe. I believe that they should include the "broken" version of the Phantom Robe in the game via a vendor for the same price as Social Gear (Around 500 credits) to compensate for this slight blunder.


As for a movement to change it back to the mistake they made? Not in favor.


Edit: Dev Tracker states, "The Spymaster and the Phantom outfits were both adjusted to look more like their advertised appearance in the Cartel Market, after we received more than a few remarks about this dissimilarity. This is to ensure that customers receive the advertised appearance."

Edited by Mister_Awesome
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BW, this is a mess you have on your hands. The spymaster, phantom, and trailblazer changes are not welcomed by the majority of players. As a GM all I did was hear complaints this morning from guildies as we logged on and discovered we got ripped off.


You implemented this "fix" in a very bad manor. With no changes on a PTR with character copy service - We did not know how this would turn out. People bought (spent in game credits or cartel coins, some real money to get cartel coins) to get these items and customize their character - a hallmark of MMORPG gaming in the modern era. They augmented them and bought other pieces to make their armor look cool and unique. Gamers invested time and money....


So you have a problem. Displays didn't match what people got. I did not hear one bit of this in general chat months ago when cartel market launched, but I heard it all day today - that means, the majority of customers did not care. Today, the majority are outraged. You needed to implement a different strat.


What you needed to do for your PR was to make a fleet vendor that would exchange those cartel items that were "visually incorrect" for ones that were. They could have been named differently or added a MK-2 or whatever so you didnt have to change coding on items already in existance. You simply would dup the item, change the dynamic name, change the design and offer it on a vendor for trade. You would have avoided all this hassle.


So brings us to today.... people are frustrated but what are they going to do? Some will complain hoping you will be the BW that you were before the game launched, listening to feedback and making changes quickly. (Remembers back in 2008 when characters hands were heck big and the community cried out and it was changed) The players are now in a phase of "I dont look cool anymore" so what do they do, they spend credits on GTN items and more will buy more cartel packs to get the newer gear more easily - both ultimately equal more real money into your pockets. This is not right, and I hope you do good as a company and try to right the wrong, or put better the perceived correction that turned out to be a PR nightmare.

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They weren't the only ones to change, and for the worse either. For me, it is the Preceptor's Gear, which I really liked, and spent a fair bit trying to get. It looked fantastic, had no hood, and was the first set of robes I actually liked.


NOW, I log in to find that the robe has a hood, the robes themselves don't drape properly, the lower robe's *** sticks through the back of the upper, and it's got insanely stupid shoulder pauldrons of some type??


This is the stupidest looking bit of gear now, and I never would have wasted my cartel coins on this.

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For those that say "They told us in Dev posts that the items you see in game are mistakes and will be changed in a future patch, so you should have known it would be changed. To not change it would be FRAUD and FALSE ADVERTISING".


I say this


They also told us in the beginning they would offer us a HOOD DOWN option for Jedi robes

They also showed us pictures and videos of Jedi robes without hoods


That was over a year ago, where are those fixes?


This time the mistake must suddenly be fixed right away. This time they make a mistake and not only do people NOT complain, but a majority of people go out of their way to purchase the items because they LIKE the way they look.


In a game where for a year now, every Big shouldered hooded outfit that hides your face (which by the way is the ONLY really customizable part of your character) looks like every other hideous hooded hack; they FINALLY gave us some form fitting simple clothing that people like and gets positive feedback




Fine then, I'll play!!






Or you can just give me back my regular clothing, I customized my FACE at character creation, giving me the option to HIDE MY HEADPIECE so I can see my face does no friggen good if it immediately PLACES A FRIGGEN HOOD OVER MY FACE!!!!!!!!



Yeah, I'm a little ticked. I play DESPITE what they refuse to fix, and finally a mistake goes right and THAT"S what becomes priority.

*** man.... ***!

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