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No one believes you when you say "I have a Powertech but chose not to play it because it is too easy. My Merc is my main".


You don't play the powertech because you can't. You like the range and healing option of the Merc.


You are as bad all all the bads that have Juggernauts, but fail at playing Smash. They play tank instead, enjoying the safety of all that defense, and ease of the spec, all while making 'QQ Smash' threads on the forums.


They are unable to pilot Smash spec - you are unable to pilot the Powertech - sit back and enjoy the safety of your range and running around corner self healing - stop making QQ theads.


Didn't really agree with what you stated, but your post looked really pretty.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I already posted twice in this thread but I forgot to ask the op how in hell would nerfing the pt make ur merc better overall ur still a free kill to every other dps out there prob exept lightning sorc and even against them I would still put my money on the sorc
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Assume what you like for now, but its not uncommon for me to see PTs go waaay beyond 600K, and a couple of weeks ago i sat in aaw of a 1000K DPS score with a respectable protection and objective score, if i didn't know better, i would be calling hacks!


I cant pilot a powetech? sure thing and i cant pilot a rocket launcher in halo either o_O wheres the adrenaline? wheres the blood rushing for the glory of taking down and equal or better target? sorcs, assassins, warriors, even you operatives bring it on i can always say to myself well nice try if im not jumping on my desk yelling at my screen with excitement, and il fly at a powertech just the same but getting 3 shotted before im half way through my rotation despite my stuns and interrupt, is getting really old. there's a saying i live by sir, Cheaters NEVER prosper. maybe share some of that CQC goodness because mercs get dived on like its going out of fasion these days.


Yes i am ALl for AOE, right now im a hybrid and everything is stacked on splash damage and AOEs don't like that? maybe try learning to not ball up together, i think that should be easier than lining up multiple targets with a single rotation? man its like the BF3 console forum all over again.


And they got nerfed 3 times? cool story bro! what did they nerf?, did they take 3 bolts out of their space marine terminator armor? the proof is in the pudding time and again they need more than a nerf, they need neutering:eek:


Sorry for my grammar again I still have yet to calm down about this >:[

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Assume what you like for now, but its not uncommon for me to see PTs go waaay beyond 600K, and a couple of weeks ago i sat in aaw of a 1000K DPS score with a respectable protection and objective score, if i didn't know better, i would be calling hacks!


I cant pilot a powetech? sure thing and i cant pilot a rocket launcher in halo either o_O wheres the adrenaline? wheres the blood rushing for the glory of taking down and equal or better target? sorcs, assassins, warriors, even you operatives bring it on i can always say to myself well nice try if im not jumping on my desk yelling at my screen with excitement, and il fly at a powertech just the same but getting 3 shotted before im half way through my rotation despite my stuns and interrupt, is getting really old. there's a saying i live by sir, Cheaters NEVER prosper. maybe share some of that CQC goodness because mercs get dived on like its going out of fasion these days.


Yes i am ALl for AOE, right now im a hybrid and everything is stacked on splash damage and AOEs don't like that? maybe try learning to not ball up together, i think that should be easier than lining up multiple targets with a single rotation? man its like the BF3 console forum all over again.


And they got nerfed 3 times? cool story bro! what did they nerf?, did they take 3 bolts out of their space marine terminator armor? the proof is in the pudding time and again they need more than a nerf, they need neutering:eek:


Sorry for my grammar again I still have yet to calm down about this >:[


Can't say I blame you for your frustration. But I haven't had much trouble with PT/VG only the very good ones I've seen are trouble really. Rest are just and PT/VG they go down the same way. But I do admit Mercs/Commandos need a look at.

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Can't say I blame you for your frustration. But I haven't had much trouble with PT/VG only the very good ones I've seen are trouble really. Rest are just and PT/VG they go down the same way. But I do admit Mercs/Commandos need a look at.


if anything i'd say a jet pack assisted super sprint like inquisitors have i mean they have that, then other classes have stealth and warriors got force leap. whats the merc got? all im seeing is Melee is high damage vs ranged attacks are low to mid damage, tanks have better armor, heals can regen yes makes perfect sence to me. but wheres my force leap? i have a jet pack for crying out loud and i dont get to jump accross 30 meters with it like that dump truck jug can? if it can hover me 10 feet in the air hile i blast rockets at the ground surely i can give me a run boost or jump me over 10 or so meters. even PTs got a kind of jet pack movement and if you think about it they are surely far heavier than mercs, they are TANKS!

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wait what are we complaining about?


my gripe with pt's is the ease of rotation, and the fact all their hard hitting abilities are instant and therefor un-counterable


their general rotation of dart->td->flame burst-> rail shot generally takes me to about 30% hp


generally i try to hide at that point (best case scenerio)


or they uppcut/flameburst and refresh another railshot to hit me for another 4.5k


with their shield and heal up theres no way as a sorc i could dps thru this while trying to get away/create distance



in my eyes pt's are just 1 of the big trio of faceroll that bads all started rolling months ago cause they couldnt hang


You play a sorc, and are complaning about PTs? How did the PTs got to you anyway? Grapple? And how can they close the gap after Sprint? Also, 30%, with instant self heal that crits for 6-7k? Also, roots, instant mezz, shieldstun, stun, anything??? Sorc owns a Pyro PT just so you know...Well, madness does. And, if you're not playing madness in PvP DPS, you're doing it wrong. And healers escape them even easier.

Edited by SneiK
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I have to wonder as another did, how does nerfing one class help another? Everyone knows that Merc/Commando are weak PvP classes. That was my first toon and I've since rolled 3 new ones for PvP purposes.


I've also been able to 1v1 plenty of PT's with my commando, some of which are pretty good. I think commando could be brought up to a higher level if charged bolts was changed to insta-cast with an adjusted damage. This would proc more rail shots and beef up dps. Full auto would still require a cast time which should help balance the range vs. damage.


On a side note, I don't get why people refuse to play certain classes or trees "out of principle". This is a game of numbers, and leaving 200k+ damage on the table out of principle is silly. "derp..I like to play a bad PvP class that puts out less damage because I rolled it first and it's more challenging to underperform..derp". <-- That guy is worse than the smashers, at least they have the sense to use the system to their advantage.


So, in the future, if you have a gripe about your class, why not discuss buffing/adjusting your class to bring it in line with what you feel is acceptable rather than cry for nerfs of another class that is outperforming you? Also, for the record, PT's and vanguards are just as squishy as commandos/mercs. Their "defense" is basically bursting people down faster. However, the healer is probably going to put more effort in to the PT since, you know, he's playing the class that can do more damage instead of clinging to principles.

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You play a sorc, and are complaning about PTs? How did the PTs got to you anyway? Grapple? And How can they close the gap after Sprint? Also, 30%, with instant self heal that crits for 6-7k? Also, roots, instant mezz, anything??? Sorc owns a Pyro PT just so you know...Well, madness does. And, if you're not playing madness in PvP, you're doing it wrong.


I can see where he is coming from though. If a sage/sorc is caught unawares they can have IM/TD/ED//RS all hit without any way to stop it. Then they need to pop their hard stun before the PT get's off one of his 2 hard stuns.


If the PT is caught unaware the sorc has the upper hand.

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I have to wonder as another did, how does nerfing one class help another? Everyone knows that Merc/Commando are weak PvP classes. That was my first toon and I've since rolled 3 new ones for PvP purposes.


I've also been able to 1v1 plenty of PT's with my commando, some of which are pretty good. I think commando could be brought up to a higher level if charged bolts was changed to insta-cast with an adjusted damage. This would proc more rail shots and beef up dps. Full auto would still require a cast time which should help balance the range vs. damage.


On a side note, I don't get why people refuse to play certain classes or trees "out of principle". This is a game of numbers, and leaving 200k+ damage on the table out of principle is silly. "derp..I like to play a bad PvP class that puts out less damage because I rolled it first and it's more challenging to underperform..derp". <-- That guy is worse than the smashers, at least they have the sense to use the system to their advantage.


So, in the future, if you have a gripe about your class, why not discuss buffing/adjusting your class to bring it in line with what you feel is acceptable rather than cry for nerfs of another class that is outperforming you? Also, for the record, PT's and vanguards are just as squishy as commandos/mercs. Their "defense" is basically bursting people down faster. However, the healer is probably going to put more effort in to the PT since, you know, he's playing the class that can do more damage instead of clinging to principles.


I think making charge bolts / power shot instant would be a nice way to give Pyro mercs a buff.


Making tracer / grav round instant with lower damage may help with gunnery / arsenal.


I am also all for giving Arsenal / Gunnery a way to increase their damage on DFA / Mortar Volley, and decrease its cool down.

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No one believes you when you say "I have a Powertech but chose not to play it because it is too easy. My Merc is my main".


You don't play the powertech because you can't. You like the range and healing option of the Merc.


You are as bad all all the bads that have Juggernauts, but fail at playing Smash. They play tank instead, enjoying the safety of all that defense, and ease of the spec, all while making 'QQ Smash' threads on the forums.


They are unable to pilot Smash spec - you are unable to pilot the Powertech - sit back and enjoy the safety of your range and running around corner self healing - stop making QQ theads.


Please tell me you're joking. How can anyone not be able to "pilot" those specs? Pushing three buttons on your keyboard and doing crazy damage is way too hard for some? You've got to be kidding of accusing people of not knowing how to play the two simplest specs in the game: pyro powertech and smasher. Alsp are you honestly accusing juggernauts who play tanks of being less skillful than a smasher? This is hilarious if you think playing a jugg tank (one of the highest skill cap specs in this game) is easier than playing smash or playing a squishy caster merc is easier than the 3-button smashing instant abilities PT.In the words of Darth Baras. "A blind, comatose lobotomy patient" can play these specs and do extremely high damage in warzones.

Edited by Solarenergy
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I think making charge bolts / power shot instant would be a nice way to give Pyro mercs a buff.


Making tracer / grav round instant with lower damage may help with gunnery / arsenal.


I am also all for giving Arsenal / Gunnery a way to increase their damage on DFA / Mortar Volley, and decrease its cool down.


the bolded would probably solve all of the classes problems overnight. but the QQ would be endless, and Bioware would overcompensate and nerf the crap out of Merc.


DFA does need to be unnerfed tho. revert the AOE back to 8m, or lower the CD to 30s

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Assume what you like for now, but its not uncommon for me to see PTs go waaay beyond 600K, and a couple of weeks ago i sat in aaw of a 1000K DPS score with a respectable protection and objective score, if i didn't know better, i would be calling hacks!


I cant pilot a powetech? sure thing and i cant pilot a rocket launcher in halo either o_O wheres the adrenaline? wheres the blood rushing for the glory of taking down and equal or better target? sorcs, assassins, warriors, even you operatives bring it on i can always say to myself well nice try if im not jumping on my desk yelling at my screen with excitement, and il fly at a powertech just the same but getting 3 shotted before im half way through my rotation despite my stuns and interrupt, is getting really old. there's a saying i live by sir, Cheaters NEVER prosper. maybe share some of that CQC goodness because mercs get dived on like its going out of fasion these days.


Yes i am ALl for AOE, right now im a hybrid and everything is stacked on splash damage and AOEs don't like that? maybe try learning to not ball up together, i think that should be easier than lining up multiple targets with a single rotation? man its like the BF3 console forum all over again.


And they got nerfed 3 times? cool story bro! what did they nerf?, did they take 3 bolts out of their space marine terminator armor? the proof is in the pudding time and again they need more than a nerf, they need neutering:eek:


Sorry for my grammar again I still have yet to calm down about this >:[


Yeah nerfed 3 times. First one was 1.2 i believe when you could proc RS after RS after RS because there was not 6 second cool down to reset it. I believe the nerf to DFA came about the same time changed it from 8 meter to 5 and honestly it was more along the lines of 12m radius. Lastly the ranged nerf lol.

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I have to wonder as another did, how does nerfing one class help another? Everyone knows that Merc/Commando are weak PvP classes. That was my first toon and I've since rolled 3 new ones for PvP purposes.


On a side note, I don't get why people refuse to play certain classes or trees "out of principle". This is a game of numbers, and leaving 200k+ damage on the table out of principle is silly. "derp..I like to play a bad PvP class that puts out less damage because I rolled it first and it's more challenging to underperform..derp". <-- That guy is worse than the smashers, at least they have the sense to use the system to their advantage.


I don't actually want any kind of buff, extra tools would be cool as they would cost heat and thus raise the skill gap as additional abilities to manage IMO.


and i don't enjoy playing simple blatantly OP classes by that logic i should go and play team fortress and spam rockets just to see myself with the highest score at the end of the match. maybe il go play startrek online and buy the invincible pay2win ship that can out manouver anything because hey, ITS THERE and by you're logic im dumb for not exploiting that. i know lets all just be power techs and snipers shall we? lets see how much fun this game will be then

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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No one believes you when you say "I have a Powertech but chose not to play it because it is too easy. My Merc is my main".


You don't play the powertech because you can't. You like the range and healing option of the Merc.


You are as bad all all the bads that have Juggernauts, but fail at playing Smash. They play tank instead, enjoying the safety of all that defense, and ease of the spec, all while making 'QQ Smash' threads on the forums.


They are unable to pilot Smash spec - you are unable to pilot the Powertech - sit back and enjoy the safety of your range and running around corner self healing - stop making QQ theads.


Well i think the same as OP. VG and PT are so *********** easy that it gets boring, i have a lot of more fun playing pyro on my merc than assault on pt

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is this turning into a nerf class x because I`m blind and don`t know what s going on around me thread?:D


haha :)


I don't think Pyro PTs need a nerf. I'm extremely happy with the range reduction and the 6 second limit on RS procs. Before that it was too easy to keep within that no melee, no leap zone. Lately play AP more on my PT than Pyro. I also tend to run a NoRSe (no rails shot) spec and stack power in lieu of accuracy since I don't use ranged attacks often.

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Obviously the OP was not playing when Carolina Parakeet was viable. The OP was also not playing when PPA had no internal CD. The OP was, again, not playing when a PT could use IM > TD > RS from 30m, doing over half the target's HP in damage before even closing in to 10m just to proc PPA and get another RS in immediately afterwards.


Sorry to all the haters - If you're pressing any less than 5 buttons regularly to do damage, as a PT Pyro, you're a bad and doing it completely wrong. I know you non-PT Pyro bads like to pretend we only need to press 3, maybe 4, but it's way more involved than that. Our objective damage is 99% single-target, which can easily be out-shone by a competent Lethality Sniper. And that's just the damage dealing side of it...A good PT Pyro also needs to worry about survivability and all the intrinsic complexities involved with actually staying alive in this glass-cannon spec.


Sure, PT's are Heavy Armor and get ~32% DmgReduc...But that's ONLY for Kinetic and Energy damage types. Other than than, PT's only get a piddly 10sec self-HOT and a 25% OA DmgReduc for 12 seconds. Our pull (Grapple) CANNOT be used if our target is resolved out, and we only get 6.5 seconds of total available CC time, which pales in comparison to almost every other AC.


A really good player can use all these tools and rock the house, but nearly every player in an MMO is not going to be on that level. Stop crying just because some noob can deliver a 4.5k attack once every few seconds. If you're dying to non-optimized scrubs playing a glass-cannon, maybe you should reanalyze your own personal skill level instead of trying to place the blame elsewhere.

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I don't actually want any kind of buff, extra tools would be cool as they would cost heat and thus raise the skill gap as additional abilities to manage IMO.


and i don't enjoy playing simple blatantly OP classes by that logic i should go and play team fortress and spam rockets just to see myself with the highest score at the end of the match. maybe il go play startrek online and buy the invincible pay2win ship that can out manouver anything because hey, ITS THERE and by you're logic im dumb for not exploiting that. i know lets all just be power techs and snipers shall we? lets see how much fun this game will be then


The first statement does not compute. You don't want a buff, but you would like to have extra tools? :confused:


I personally still enjoy playing my commando and run unranked WZ's with him. However, I will fully acknowledge beforehand that the class is gimped and I have to put in way more effort to keep up with other classes. That being said, I can often put up top damage with the exception of some derps and VG's. It sounds like you're pretty much in the same boat. So, why call for a nerf on PT/VG? Is it because it's the other AC from the same base class? Also, if you're outdamaging everyone else, what's to keep them from saying "nerf merc/commando"? There's going to be some parity between classes any way you cut it. If every class has the ability to output the exact same damage with the exact same tools, then what's really the point of playing different classes? I also don't recall seeing any suggestions other than to warm up the nerf bat. You've got a beef with a specific class (that you supposedly play), but don't really explain what you want done other than nerf. Any ideas on how you would like to nerf your companion class so that you can reign supreme on the DPS charts and have PT's cry out for a merc nerf? :rolleyes:

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As one who has BOTH a powertech and a merc, powertechs can do more damage, but cannot cleanse or heal in combat like merc does. Merc heals can be extremely short if u put the points in, i have seen one that took 0.3 secs. If used in the hands of a skilled player, Merc can be used well too. Unfortunately, Mercs are not too good at 1 vs 1 fights. Powertechs, have far less survivabilty than mercs, with 2 pathetic defensive cooldowns. :D Edited by varoncodebot
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As one who has BOTH a powertech and a merc, powertechs can do more damage, but cannot cleanse or heal in combat like merc does. Merc heals can be extremely short if u put the points in, i have seen one that took 0.3 secs. If used in the hands of a skilled player, Merc can be used well too. Unfortunately, Mercs are not too good at 1 vs 1 fights. Powertechs, have far less survivabilty than mercs, with 2 pathetic defensive cooldowns. :D


We all know powertechs have *******r to equal survivability than commandos, people just say that they dont because they can move, and because they dont like dying in 7.5 seconds. My sniper can do better anyways lol


YES MOVING AT THE SAME SPEED (if not slower) THAN A MELEE WORKS (Like a powertech), but standing still doesn't (Like a commando).

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PTs are great- I have one, a sorc, and a mara. My sorc is in full WH/EWH and often doesn't get the heal 5000 medal, and only recently began to break 3k damage (with chain lightning- I don't have death field which is the one ability a pvper will have that'll hit harder than CL).


My PT is in half recruit, half WH, only some of the WH is augmented- I can crit up to 5k on rail shots now, and still throw in a TD for 4k- not to mention my dots hit considerably harder. Damage wise- I blow the sorc out of the water, so if we were comparing my PT to my sorc, it'd be a no brainer saying the PT needs a nerf or the sorc needs a buff....


However- I also play a marauder- and frankly, other than the fast damage of the PT (which can be largely mitigated if you know when to use mara CDs) the marauder is ten times better than my PT. If you're going to nerf anything- nerf the most powerful class, the marauder, first- there is nothing I can't destroy 1v1 as a mara, and only a multitude of KB classes working together will really shut me down entirely, such as two snipers... it's a bit sad that it takes multiple people to take down a mara, but that's the truth.


Nerf PTs- and you just make the game easier and easier for marauders... so chances are BW will do it, because we know who they love best.

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Obviously the OP was not playing when Carolina Parakeet was viable. The OP was also not playing when PPA had no internal CD. The OP was, again, not playing when a PT could use IM > TD > RS from 30m, doing over half the target's HP in damage before even closing in to 10m just to proc PPA and get another RS in immediately afterwards.


Sorry to all the haters - If you're pressing any less than 5 buttons regularly to do damage, as a PT Pyro, you're a bad and doing it completely wrong. I know you non-PT Pyro bads like to pretend we only need to press 3, maybe 4, but it's way more involved than that. Our objective damage is 99% single-target, which can easily be out-shone by a competent Lethality Sniper. And that's just the damage dealing side of it...A good PT Pyro also needs to worry about survivability and all the intrinsic complexities involved with actually staying alive in this glass-cannon spec.


Sure, PT's are Heavy Armor and get ~32% DmgReduc...But that's ONLY for Kinetic and Energy damage types. Other than than, PT's only get a piddly 10sec self-HOT and a 25% OA DmgReduc for 12 seconds. Our pull (Grapple) CANNOT be used if our target is resolved out, and we only get 6.5 seconds of total available CC time, which pales in comparison to almost every other AC.


A really good player can use all these tools and rock the house, but nearly every player in an MMO is not going to be on that level. Stop crying just because some noob can deliver a 4.5k attack once every few seconds. If you're dying to non-optimized scrubs playing a glass-cannon, maybe you should reanalyze your own personal skill level instead of trying to place the blame elsewhere.


Sums it up in my opinion.

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