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In general, how do you feel about the culture of each faction?


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Yesterday, I was doing a Heroic 4 on my sorc alt on Nar Shaddaa. We were doing fine until the quest bugged out for one of the group members. But he was a really cool dude so he stayed to help us finish it even though he wasn't getting credit for anything. He had to abandon the quest and start all over.


After we finished, everyone was like, "Thanks, man! Appreciate it!" Then bailed. He was like, "Gee, thanks." I felt so bad for him. So even though I didn't want to do the heroic all over again, I stayed with the guy to help him form another group and then made sure he could finish the quest. He was genuinely thankful and I was glad I could help out.


But this made me think of something. It seems folks that play imps are generally less helpful and a bit more in your face than pubs. At least at low levels. When I was leveling my sentinel, there was a similar case where one guy had a bug or something that was preventing him from completing the quest. So EVERYONE abandoned and started over so we could all get the same credit.


I feel like on Empire side there's no chance in Hades that'll happen.:D I admit I'm generalizing, but I'm curious. Do you feel the cultures of each faction are really different?

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I remember checking out random posts and comments by all types of people before the game was released, many of them were guild recruitment. It never failed that the Imperial ones were written in some of the worst English I have ever seen. I still believe that the more evil you get the less literate you become.
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YIt seems folks that play imps are generally less helpful and a bit more in your face than pubs. At least at low levels.


Nope, that's definitely not the case.I've met people while playing either a rep or a sith character who were awesome and made the heroic even more fun with whom we didn't just kill-loot-leave the instance, but actually talked and shared views on the planet/heroic/flashpoint and I've also met people who were so rude and annoying that I couldn't wait to finish whatever we had to do and never hear from them again.


It has nothing to do with the faction, it has everything to do with the person sitting behind the monitor.

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In my experience, faction doesn't seem to matter a whole lot when it comes to the general attitude of the players. Although, it is true that you will find more rude behavior at the lower levels of either faction, but again there are also many high level players with bad attitudes. I've had the opposite experience of you and experienced more jerk players on the pub side, but that doesn't mean I think all pub players are like that. Not all imp players are how you described either. Basically, it really just comes down to the individual players. But since more people play imps it seems, you might have a higher chance of running into bad players on that side...
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I am on a PVE server. The one difference I notice is that Imperials joke more, and their humor tends to be... wait for it... dark. That being a PVE server, there isn't much RP going on, but imps do that more, as well. For example, they answer gameplay questions in-character.
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I'm on the Shadowlands (PvE) server and haven't seen too much difference between factions, but then I haven't paid too much attention to general chat or spent a lot of time in the Republic faction yet (which always leaves me feeling unclean and logging right back in to my IA :p).


I'd say, though, that it also partly depends on the time of day. It even seems to swing with the success/failure of PvP warzones. Late nights when imps are constantly losing warzones are probably the worst on that side.

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I find that every person has selfish moments in time...and they may not be a character trait. some of those people may have been dead tired, and just waiting to finish to go to bed. some may have had guild peers pressuring them to help out the guild on a higher level toon, etc. they may have not even realized that this guy cared to finish it. Did he state he was going to run again and could use the help?


I would be a person who would stay behind and help out (if i had the time), but I don't expect others to have the same level of time and commitment I do. So I don't see everyone leaving as a sign of people being selfish or negative. There's allot of reasons they may have left other then "I don't care". but on the subject of one fraction being worse then the other for that...I haven't seen it from a gameplay perspective.


the only common theme I see that's fraction specific is why people choose one over the other for light vs. dark storylines. People who want to play a "dark" character will usually do so on the empire side, since that's what they're known for. It certainly isn't inclusive..there are those who like how the dark side plays out on Pub side, as an example, but overall i rarely hear someone say that they started an Empire toon cause they wanted to be the good guys :)


i will say that most people who like the idea of playing a good guy choose Pub, but I haven't seen that impact player interactions from a group perspective. What I DO see more often is people who are not familiar with MMO's playing repub more often then empire. If this changes how the fraction plays out overall I can't say.

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I have 8 toons from level 15 to 44 on both sides.

And there is no much difference. "

On each side there is a big chance to meet players cheerful, helpful, respectful, tolerant... generally lads you want to play with more.


Unfortuntly on both sides there are:

- Ninja looters

- Objective thieves

- Drama lamas

- Selfish jerks.


So, if someone want to start some war " My side is moral better than yours" i honestly cant support it with my experience.

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As a general guideline to follow for what happens with populations is....


1) if the population is about greater than 1-2 thousand people. Assume that they are alike any population, there are a-holes, cool people, gays, republicans and democrats, etc etc.


2) Never assume any "side" is different. Don't be a person to make a mistake and level a character on the imp side because you believe pvp is better there.


3) They are just people, like YOU!

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