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Apparently things are so bad they won't even let us unsubscribe...


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Launch day or not the queues have been here for the last 4 days or so now , Bioware's reaction is that they cant promise you there wont be queues!


Nothing actually in the pipeline for resolving this issue it would seem so far , In this day and age you would think that a game launch would have learnt from all that have gone before ... but alas not!


The only reason is money, servers cost money to run so they try to launch a game as cheap as possible I think. Instead of having too many servers they crowd everyone one on too few and then say it is to give you a quality experience! yeah right sitting in a queue for hours is a quality experience........

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BW knew this was coming and people have been in the game for a week. They shouldn't have let so many people join the same servers...this person bought the game and has every right to complain. If you don't like the complaint, don't read or reply to the thread and be content with mediocrity.


Not being able to play because of broken queues isn't a small thing.
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I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose


So if you don´t care what we think and you still posted this are you assuming that WE care what YOU think?


Frankly I can recognize some mistakes by Bioware but it´s been a somewhat smooth experience compared to some other mmo launches I´ve been through but creating posts letting others know you´re quitting it´s just pathetic. Just wait till the support is up, cancel and leave but we both know you´re not going to do that don´t we?

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Ok so youre telling us that youre done and leaving.....Ok I get that but youre also telling us that you dont care what we say to you....if thats the case why are you posting on the forums? Usually people want replies to their threads? Oh well Im confused.


I'm telling you and anyone who might care that if you choose to leave, you cannot at this time apparently.


In other words, they failed us coming in and are failing us going out.


I found the game to be amazing despite flaws, the community management is horrid and has gone down since Beta.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:


They are probably in chaos trying to work out the bugs in the game, people complaining that they have to wait in a queue, and adding more servers should be pretty hard lol.

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1. You aren't really quitting so stop trying to feel special.


2. If you can't cancel by the time you are billed on January 19th 2012 then please send me a bill for your months subscription and I'll take care of it. The only catch is if you do cancel you can never come back, promise me that.


3. They aren't responding to people because 99.9% of the people complaining are just saying stuff like you are. Total and complete nonsense.


4. It's launch day, I didn't get to play at all the first day the great and powerful WoW launched.


5. Coming on the forums to lie, rant and try to be a special snowflake is the exact type of person that Bioware will avoid at ALL costs, so if you really have an issue go to the support forum and post there. We don't care.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes.


Another dime? You shouldn't have been charged anything yet. The game comes with 30 days paid time. They don't actually charge you for subscription until after the first 30 days.

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How novel, trolls who can't read.


And here I thought I had seen it all....:rolleyes:


I'm aware that you think this is acceptable, I do not. You apparently missed the point of this thread which is, you can't even unsubscribe at this point in time....


Dude you have 30 days free and you are trying to unsubscribe already? LOL!

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I'm telling you and anyone who might care that if you choose to leave, you cannot at this time apparently.


In other words, they failed us coming in and are failing us going out.


I found the game to be amazing despite flaws, the community management is horrid and has gone down since Beta.



Why don't you wait until just before your 30 free days are up. The game might improve to your liking. Calm down, breathe. Things will get better. Look at WoW's launch. Lag, queues, 15 minute loot lag, people fighting over mobs and resources. That was a nightmare. Give it a good chance before you throw in the towel.

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The whole "It's launch day" thing is a bad argument and would never fly in another industry. If a new airline started up and the first day 2 of their planes crashed, I doubt the FAA would give them much of a "first day" pass on that.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, odds are none of the patrons will come back.


If this was an event at my job, I would currently be pulling in every single employee I could, I'd have them mingling with the customers, assuring them that we are working on it, serving refreshments, comping all kinds of things and so on just to keep everyone happy. In the gaming industry however, good customer service consists of some clearly annoyed guy on the phone telling you that they are looking into it.


Well if a two servers crash and 2000 people are killed by it, we can call the FAA. This is more akin to every flight being delayed. Let's compare apples and apples, ok, not apples and death causing experiences involving a major federal investigative and regulatory organization.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, or any other night, odds are most of the patrons would be back to give them another shot after some time to work the kinks out.


I have to say I guess I'm glad it's not an event at your job, as I assume every bioware employee is ALREADY pulled in, was scheduled to be in, and is already busy working on these issues as fast as they can.


Don't get me wrong, I'll lay blame where it's due.... but really. I can't say they did a horrible job planning a party for 200,000+ people without having a really firm grasp on how big that + part would be.

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The whole "It's launch day" thing is a bad argument and would never fly in another industry. If a new airline started up and the first day 2 of their planes crashed, I doubt the FAA would give them much of a "first day" pass on that.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, odds are none of the patrons will come back.


If this was an event at my job, I would currently be pulling in every single employee I could, I'd have them mingling with the customers, assuring them that we are working on it, serving refreshments, comping all kinds of things and so on just to keep everyone happy. In the gaming industry however, good customer service consists of some clearly annoyed guy on the phone telling you that they are looking into it.


Oh so you have intimate knowledge of what they are working on and how they're doing it? I'm sure they're working 12 hour shifts for the next little while.


Did you honestly compare MMO's to planes? 0_o


You knew this game would be insanely popular and unless the only games you've ever played are Mario brothers and Barbie, this shouldn't be a shock.


The age of entitlement and selfish wants.


People were complaining about ques before the game even launched. Talk about skewed perspectives.



I don't know. Maybe it's better that these non-hackers are filtered out now, let them cancel instead of holding their hand in the forum or rage chat because if they are complaining about things that were expected they must be absolutely livid about not being able to gather certain nodes or various other minor issues that happen to effect the weepy princesses.


These people need to go play Darkfall for a bit, man up and then get back into other games. ;)

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Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.


Or they decreased the caps during last night's maintence.

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1. You aren't really quitting so stop trying to feel special.


2. If you can't cancel by the time you are billed on January 19th 2012 then please send me a bill for your months subscription and I'll take care of it. The only catch is if you do cancel you can never come back, promise me that.


3. They aren't responding to people because 99.9% of the people complaining are just saying stuff like you are. Total and complete nonsense.


4. It's launch day, I didn't get to play at all the first day the great and powerful WoW launched.


5. Coming on the forums to lie, rant and try to be a special snowflake is the exact type of person that Bioware will avoid at ALL costs, so if you really have an issue go to the support forum and post there. We don't care.


I've tried to cancel in firefox, chrome and IE8 on this machine. I get redirected each time. Do you have a better idea how to troubleshoot this or did you just come to make incorrect assumptions about my motives? At this point you are more troll than help.


As for not giving them another dime, I've paid for and been billed for two deluxe editions. That's $170+ after tax. I think I've paid my fair share at this time for me and my spouse. If they can't talk to us as a whole in a meaningful manner, I don't see why I should continue to pay any more money.


Chastise all you please, it doesn't fix the fact that even the option to leave isn't available and for many people the option to stay isn't looking much better.

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The whole "It's launch day" thing is a bad argument and would never fly in another industry. If a new airline started up and the first day 2 of their planes crashed, I doubt the FAA would give them much of a "first day" pass on that.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, odds are none of the patrons will come back.


If this was an event at my job, I would currently be pulling in every single employee I could, I'd have them mingling with the customers, assuring them that we are working on it, serving refreshments, comping all kinds of things and so on just to keep everyone happy. In the gaming industry however, good customer service consists of some clearly annoyed guy on the phone telling you that they are looking into it.




You have obviously never worked the opening of a restaurant! Cooks being so rushed and overwhelmed by constant non stop orders coming in by the dozens at a time, servers trying to turn around tables 5-6 times during dinner service. Trying to manage the huge lines.


LOl actually a restaurant launch is very very much like an MMO launch and there are usually more than a few bad experiences by customers during the launch of a restaurant

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The fanboys really need to take a reality check!


I have been in ALOT of releases, and this is about the worst. I accept staying in queue on launch day, but the queues have been like this since early in EGA. My server have a 3 to 4 hour queue, and its been like that since the 16th. Roll another server you say? Im part of a gaming community since 2001, and we are located on that server due to pre placement there. We have way to much time invested to reroll.


The ticker might say 1 hour, 45 mins in queue, but in reality its 3 to 4 hours. They dont even have the balls to give us a proper estimate. The word is spreading through larger gaming forums over the net, and its not good PR for BIO/EA.


So for the fanboys blaming "release day", you are wrong, its been like this for days.

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