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If you could have a lightsaber, what colour/style would it be and why?


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Main Lightsaber would be Violet as I think the color represents the balance of the force the best.

Would have a shorter secondary blade that I would use occasionally. Would rotate colors depending on my mood between Blue, Green, and Red.

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Main Lightsaber would be Violet as I think the color represents the balance of the force the best.

Would have a shorter secondary blade that I would use occasionally. Would rotate colors depending on my mood between Blue, Green, and Red.

If I'm Not Mistaken The Purple Means You Draw Upon The Dark Side But Isn't Enslaved By It.

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Toughest question to ask a bunch of SW fans lol


I'd suppose it'd depend on my "class" if it were


If I were a consular, I'd use a single saber. My fav color is purple, so it'd be that, or I'd use a copper colored blade. My sage actually used those colors in game, and I rather like them :D


Now as a sent I'd dual wield either green blades or the fire red ones

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IMO, the classiest colors there are, are blue and purple (movies' purple, not the game's which is much colder/darker), with a preference towards blue... Prequels/modern blue saber's hue is my favorite color ever, and (movie's) purple is rather good overall.


...but every time I tried to imagine myself with a lightsaber, it was green.

Don't ask me why, green isn't even my favorite color for anything.


Also, I love dual wielding and double-bladed sabers (blue double, heck yes), but I always imagine myself with a single one.


Given my overall passiveness and distate for hurting, I'd likely train Soresu first and Shien as support.


I wouldn't name my lightsaber. I don't name my stuff. I care a lot about my belongings, but they're just "my stuff".



TL;DR : a single lightsaber, green blade, used for Soresu assisted with Shien. No nickname, no hilt particularity.

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"Nonsense Repeated Does Not Become Truth"Prince Arcann.


I can't tell if you're trying to bait me or if you genuinely believe that blade colour says anything about the wielder's personality.

The only time I remember anyone trying to enforce the "meanings" of blade colours was on a Star Wars forum RP that started just after Attack of the Clones was released and died just before Revenge of the Sith.

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I can't tell if you're trying to bait me or if you genuinely believe that blade colour says anything about the wielder's personality.

The only time I remember anyone trying to enforce the "meanings" of blade colours was on a Star Wars forum RP that started just after Attack of the Clones was released and died just before Revenge of the Sith.

I'm not sure where the concept of "the colour of the blade reflects their personality" came from. It's mentioned in The Jedi Path that while Guardians often use blue, Consulars often use green and Sentinels often use yellow but this isn't because it reflects their personality, it's mainly to indicate which branch you belong to. Even then it isn't a rule Jedi have to follow, it's more like a traditional uniform. Prime examples include Yareal Poof who had a yellow blade initially and then swapped to a sapphire crystal despite being a Jedi Consular. In addition, Saesee Tiin was a Jedi Guardian who used a green blade. Eeth Koth was also a Jedi Guardian who used a green blade. Shaak Ti was trained as a Jedi Consular and she used a blue blade. Windu having a purple blade doesn't really have any meaning tbh, the only reason he has it is because it was given to him by some people he had helped.


TL;DR: Most of the time the colour of a lightsaber blade doesn't have anything to do with the users personality.

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If it was my choice, I'd have a blue crossguard lightsaber (like Kylo Ren's) as my main hand weapon and a green Volatile Conquerer's Lightsaber in the offhand.


BUDDY kylo ren's saber is not a crossguard,there is na actual crossguard in the EU of a jedi of the clone wars...and he never appeared again nor his crossguard

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It Has Plasma Vents To Prevent It From Overheating And Exploding,But Those Vents Aren't Lightsaber Resistant So You Can Just Cut Them If You Are Quick Enough,If They Were However Kylo Would Have A Great Weapon At His Hands...

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I think the point is that Kylo Ren's badly made piece of junk looks like a crossguard lightsabre.


In the Jedi Academy Training Manual for the Saga Edition d20 Star Wars game, there's a picture of a Jedi using a so-called crossguard lightsabre that has one really short blade and one normal blade, which is how they're meant to work in the game.

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Lightsaber Colors and Meanings


Blue- Jedi Guardian- Warrior. Focuses on combat and rooting out evil. Very strong lightsaber techniques and very powerful in the use of lightsaber.


Green- Jedi Consular- Focuses on Force abilities and uses negotiations to solve conflicts. Very strong force abilities but don’t make great duelists.


Yellow- Jedi Sentinel- Focuses on other abilities such as tracking, technology, surveillance and espionage Main goal is to see out and destroy traces of the darkside.


Red- Mainly used by sith and dark Jedi. Red is more compatible with dark side energies. They are also synthetic and do not grow naturally.


Purple- Uses Both lightside and darkside techniques. Usually more aggressive in their force use.


Orange- Focuses on negotiations as well as combat.


Gold- Uses very strong lightside base skills.


Bronze- Used by someone very powerful and relies on great physical strength.


Silver- Used by someone who is very calm and focuses on the living force as a whole.


White- Used by force users that have a very narrow and single minded view on the force and usually serves a master or a group unwavering.


Black- Used by force users that have a very narrow and single minded view on the force but is devoted to one’s self.



My guild leader posted this at the launch in our guild roleplay section.

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The descriptions for Blue, Red, and Purple are much the same as the ones used on that forum I played at back in the day.

Blue, Green and Yellow fit the class distinctions in KotOR1.

I've still never subscribed to the theory though.

IIRC the only natural source of red crystals was Dantooine kinrath eggs in KotOR1 (and possibly 2). When it comes up in the books (mostly RPG sourcebooks) they say that artificial crystals default to red, but with a bit of work, you can make them come out a different colour (Luke's green one for instance, or the silver blades used by the Imperial Knights in the Legacy comics).

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If you had a lightsaber, what colour, style would it be and why? Would you name your lightsaber(s)?


What would you do with your lightsaber(s)?


Hmm, two lightsabers that have a vibration feature (for those thinking of a lightsaber with a "Rabbit" attachment, get your minds out of the gutter... the vibration would be a feature to help prevent Repetitive Strain Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Really, what are you? 12?).

The colour would be a rainbow to annoy all of the other SW Lore fanbois, and there would be tiny unicorns sprouting from the tips of the blade during PvP, just to try and annoy the rabid PvPers that I see (not sure if Unicorns "sprout"... that is maybe a bit too vegetative, but after a bottle of wine I really cannot think of a better word, sorry). They would apply a buff to all characters engaged in combat, changing those characters' Lightsaber/blaster bolt crystal colours to be the same rainbox/unicorn effect, and the characters would run around with little Unicorns coming off them (like with the Lifeday snowball effect, but much more nauseating).

Their names would be Fifi and Trixabelle just, umm, because.


As for what I would do with them... you lot already had something in mind after the first sentence, and probably nothing else in the above drivel will have changed your mind, so I will admit it. I would use the lightsabers to whip cream to the desired thickness for my Sithy Cakes business. Doing all that whipping by hand would make my wrist ache :(

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  • 3 months later...

I've got one, sort of.

Single-bladed green/sea-green Bellicose from Ultrasabers. I think it fits my own design-esthetics perfectly; not too intricate, not to fancy, the angled "shroud" over part of the blade fits really nicely, so I can move my hand up real close to the emitter to utilize it in both a one-handed and two-handed grip.

From my practice with one-and-a-half-handed medieval swords, I've noticed that I thend to use my off-hand in a "only if necessary situational form, putting me quite firmly in a Makashi/Soresu blend, with some hints of Niman to complement it, and the design I'm currently using easily accommodates that tendency. All three of these forms allow the use of 1 or 2 hands, and thus a simple straight design for my sword was the best option.

My form, true to my Main(Jedi Sage) is highly academic and is used more as a form of meditation rather than actual combat, resulting in stylized movements, and a sleek execution, and true to form, my blade also shows that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Purple means you're using a purple crystal. :p

I know I already said this, but it needs repeating. "Lightsabres are not mood rings"



Lightsaber colors "meanings" came from the Star Wars RPG I believe, but they have never been iron clad beyond that.


So for the most part no one (should) care(s) what your lightsaber color is, beyond aesthetics and the more firm tradition of red= dark everything else= light.


Now my choice would a cane saber. Nothing too crazy, my hilt is just disguised in a cane. With a ****** pommel. Blade is blue or purple, most likely the latter.

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