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Cheaters / hackers


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So tired of people using Hacks and Cheats in this game. It's out of hand. Rated warzones and none rated warzones.


Bioware wants us to report the people who use them but do nothing about it. I have reported proven hack users and they are still playing.


It's Time the Developers / programmers Got off their Butts and started to fix this issue. I can promise The longer you let this go on without acctually fixing it the more people your going to loose as a customer base. Why would anyone want to play a game that allows People to use Hacks / Cheats.


Very close to cancelling my subscription and deleting the game. Something better change soon bioware.

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I agree. This past month pvp has literally become impossible to play due to he number of players abusing cheats (speed and lag/teleport).


Sadly, as the previous poster said, this thread will soon be deleted, because it has the taboo words: hack & cheat.

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I'm thinking of getting FRAPS just to record cheaters and put them on youtube. Then you have definite proof for the devs, plus they can't delete the video. Anytime it comes up in the forum you can re-link it for people to see again.

Plus put the name of the user and guild in the youtube comments to out them publicaly on google searches.

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I can say that I've potentially seen the speed hack but how do you see a lack/teleport hack?


Basically we all know there is quite of lag in warzones, the perfect example is when every single character (including yours) appears to be frozen on screen, when the movement returns, you can see everybody in different positions.

The best way to spot the lag/teleport hack is when you're about to kill some player (usually in full WH set) and when you're about to give the final blow, their character get frozen for 1 sec (everybody else is moving normally on the field) and immediately disappear as if he was an assassin/shadow using the cloak escape move. He's out of your attack range and most of the times appear about 20-30 m behind you.


I have watched plenty of times fighting assassins and shadows how they use this power, and their characters never get frozen, you can follow the animation and they're moving while they cloak. Instead, from tanks, dps to healers to every other non-stealth class, they never fail to get their character frozen for a sec and disappear.

Edited by zorroazul
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okay most major hacks ban you sooo fast. Second you all have to realize server lag and few other things. I have yet to see any real teams that are good at ranked cheat. I am not worried about this community all cheating since guess what they will always exists. You need to just stop crying on the gosh darn forums making these people happy. You seem to drive these trolls to do more and more. I think some of these "hacks" are more or less your computer or internet. Speed hacks still do exists and I have seen others use them just as even yesterday. Guess what they still lost every gosh darn warzone to us. Hacks do not produce the necessary skills to hit the right button combo :p. Edited by MrFrezzer
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Some aren't so 'stealthy' in a WZ this past week was fighting a sentinal, hit him with my 10m max range inferno grenade we were both running toward the Grass Pylon in Alderan - a second later he is interrupting the cap on the node - my inferno timer is still ticking on him and he showed as 137 meters from me covered 137 meters in a split second to stop a cap...
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The Lagging in warzone is because of the Hackers, They are using a 3rd party program to get more banwidth than you get. I figured i would post this info as it will get deleted soon. Bioware isnt going to do anything about it beause they cant. There is no way for them to prove that you or I didnt Lag in a warzone match. Most of these hackers are using this program Edited by Neexx
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The Lagging in warzone is because of the Hackers, They are using a 3rd party program to get more banwidth than you get. I figured i would post this info as it will get deleted soon. Bioware isnt going to do anything about it beause they cant. There is no way for them to prove that you or I didnt Lag in a warzone match. Most of these hackers are using this program


I been seeing that for the last 6 months especially when members of certain Imp guilds are in it.

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I saw the gingers vids, but he is in different server where I play, in TOFN I only saw a teal (all where from the same guild ) who land just crit hits.. I'm still confused about it, if they had luck or it was some kind of cheat....

Any way, I frapsed it, and made screen shoots from the log, if I will be able to make the same recording, report will fly to BW.

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The Lagging in warzone is because of the Hackers, They are using a 3rd party program to get more banwidth than you get. I figured i would post this info as it will get deleted soon. Bioware isnt going to do anything about it beause they cant. There is no way for them to prove that you or I didnt Lag in a warzone match. Most of these hackers are using this program


Yes as suspected,many here had a discussion that all of a sudden at very convenient times lag spikes hit and damage is through the roof,,,there is a number of Imps on the Bastion doing this i am certain of.

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I saw the gingers vids, but he is in different server where I play, in TOFN I only saw a teal (all where from the same guild ) who land just crit hits.. I'm still confused about it, if they had luck or it was some kind of cheat....

Any way, I frapsed it, and made screen shoots from the log, if I will be able to make the same recording, report will fly to BW.


I noticed something in a Huttball recently,i was critted by every single member of a certain guild for 4063 damage,i didnt pay attention to it until i noticed it by the third or fourth time,but there it was again and again the exact same number 4063,that cannot happen by chance imo.

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"Cheaters do not exist in this game, so don't talk about them!" - EAware


Thread will be deleted, nobody relevant from EAware will read, respond or act upon it.


Suppressing the truth has never worked for anybody anywhere, but EAware sure keeps trying.... :(

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I once was hit by a pair of knock backs while capping a door in voidstar. Half of my character ended up inside the door and I was stuck in a floating position. No one could attack me, I could attack no one and couldn't even move or cap. Eventually I stopped floating and was able to cap the door with the other team unable to interrupt. (Dont lie, in the moment, you would try and cap too!) I got reported for hacking. Too many of you are way too quick to cry hacks.
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I once was hit by a pair of knock backs while capping a door in voidstar. Half of my character ended up inside the door and I was stuck in a floating position. No one could attack me, I could attack no one and couldn't even move or cap. Eventually I stopped floating and was able to cap the door with the other team unable to interrupt. (Dont lie, in the moment, you would try and cap too!) I got reported for hacking. Too many of you are way too quick to cry hacks.


Once on my operative I somehow gained control of the ball in huttball the minute i used escape. I must have been the last person to do damage to said target before he died instantaneously the moment I used the skill. I was able to run to the goal line in stealth with the ball. Never has it happened again since. I've been stuck in the door a few times too, but was never able to cap the door ( I was locked in the side of it ). Although, a guild member had what happened to you, happen to them and were able to cap without the worry of being interrupted lol. I understand there are glitches, but I know a speedhack and the disappearing acts when I see them.

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So tired of people using Hacks and Cheats in this game.

Believe. You have no idea of what a hack or a bug in this game .

But I'll give to you one chance. Tell me some of these supposed bugs and hacks. What's happen?

Edited by lucianobck
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Sorry but PVP is unplayable in the moment!


So as U.S. I'm playing on a German server and it's a desaster.


Few minutes ago played PVP and the first thing I noticed has been serveral lags at the start.


Some guys didn't get any damage but were killing us with 1 to 2 hits.


In Huttball they are running from their line to ours in less than 3 seconds.


They are standing in the middle of the flames and nothing happens.


A couple of weeks ago there have been two players on the battleground and they told us that they are cheating as much as they can because Bioware isn't doing a thing about it.

They got a lot of tickets but nothing happens.


So if you look on the German thread about PVP you'll find nothing about cheating and I think it's the same like here the threads have been deleted.

Edited by Desplain
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Yeah, I know the feeling pal. That's the reason I stopped playing matches for the last week, I was so frustrated and angry that it almost made me quit the game.


Instead, I took a week off pvp and that's it. No more pvp for me until BW takes some action about this.


Seriously, the way pvp has been with these people have made the game totally miserable for many players!


Btw, I'm surprised this thread is still open...maybe it's for the weekend?

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