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++ Who Designed Huttball? Please Hire Them To Create Another Warzone.


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huttball is great and I laugh at those who hate it. Clearly they are puggers.


As a PUGer who loves Huttball; I take offense.


What it really is, is people who want to dumb down the game for everyone due to getting put on teams of the PUGers specifically who cannot be bothered to understand any more than to kill the enemy at a couple of nodes. And even then, that can be a challenge to comprehend. It may not be the bad PUGers who don't like it; but they don't like it because of the bad PUGers.

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Not entirely true. The prime reason I dislike it is because it's a true TEAM play map. I personally think it should be thrown into it's own queue of PvP maps or taken out of non-ranked matches. As it's simply no fun unless you play as a team.


If you get put up against a group with a premade, you just get roflstomped.

If you get put up a group of randoms, it's just a bunch of idiots running around like headless chickens, fighting in centers or pits, offering themselves up as leap targets, not even caring about that ball sprinter taking it to the line, etc.


Making it a pointless fight which either is over in a few minutes without ever standing a chance. Or taking about 14 minutes incl wait time up front without really achieving anything.


Whilst the style of game is much more suited for ranked teams to pit against each other and try to claim the top of the ladder, by becoming the ultimate huttball champion. A game in which you need solid communication and effective teamplay. A game in which it simply doesn't suffice to every now and then say "2 inc west" to have everybody know what's going up.


While I think that this map is the only one where a premade has any real advantage you can still win with a group of pugs as long as they understand what the heck is going on. To many times do I see 4-5 of my teammates fighting 1 person while the other team is casually walking the ball with no pressure on the carrier what so ever. To many people think this is a TDM which is sad, yes you need dps to control middle but you don't see that all the time.


I have also played with pugs that actually know whats up. Getting a head of the ball carrier, positioning themselves in the endzone for a pass and not standing next to me while i'm getting rooted like crazy with my health bar depleting rapidly with the only option is death or throw it away if my resolve bar is full...oh yeah and also not filling the ball carriers resolve before the first fire, that drives me crazy.


This map requires the most awareness and some level of intelligence.

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As a PUGer who loves Huttball; I take offense.


What it really is, is people who want to dumb down the game for everyone due to getting put on teams of the PUGers specifically who cannot be bothered to understand any more than to kill the enemy at a couple of nodes. And even then, that can be a challenge to comprehend. It may not be the bad PUGers who don't like it; but they don't like it because of the bad PUGers.


So, there are always going to be bad days. Not everyone you come across is going to be the most L33t player EVER!

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huttball is great and I laugh at those who hate it. Clearly they are puggers.


wow there bud I PUG, I love hutt ball.


I dont pvp in a guild because because if sat in front of the TV with a mic on my head my girlfriend would take the kids and move out, she can probally take only so much of my closet dork :cool:


Already tow the line with surround sound and my 5 year old quotes the huttball lines, eek

Edited by kirorx
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So, there are always going to be bad days. Not everyone you come across is going to be the most L33t player EVER!


No doubt here. Although listening to these forums, you would think that you always get put on the team with the worst of all PUGer with you against the most elite premades in every match. Personally; I would rather have that happen in Huttball to be honest. I somehow always find a way to have fun in that game, even if it is going to be a blowout.

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Speak for yourself. Hutball is my favourite WZ. By a looooooong mile


I said nothing that indicated I was speaking for anyone but myself. I clearly said Alderaan was liked by everyone I knew and huttball was almost universally hated (both would have the caveat of 'by everyone I know' and it said almost).


I also said nothing about getting rid of it, so don't get your panties in a knot. I actually, very clearly, stated there should be more huttball maps, which should please someone who likes the game. I simply said it should be removed to its own queue, such as a sports section, so those like you can play it without getting those other pesky WZs and those who don't don't have to deal with it.

Edited by Prettyevilish
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You say Huttball is almost universally despised because you dislike it? It's the most popular warzone.


I didn't say 'because I hate it'. Sentences go together, people. If I say Alderaan is liked by almost everyone I have played with then obviously I am also using that caveat for the next statement.


I have yet to see any proof it's the most popular though. Is there a poll about that? And if so, how was it conducted? Only a very small minority of players visit gaming forums to start with and I would suspect an even smaller number of people who have delved into PVP would bother visiting the PVP forum to find a poll about WZs (it would mostly be the hardcore PVPers who would do such a thing, and those are the people who would run premades stacked to dominate at huttball).


Please provide hard facts before making silly declarations. I at least stated mine was from experience with other players outside of a forum.

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People don't like Huttball because you actually need to be decent at this game to enjoy that map. All the below average players will just get pulled into fire or knocked back off the catwalks and finish the game with 4 medals.


Many people who can do well at the game also don't like it. That's like saying "only fat people don't like track because they can't run fast." Lots of fast people don't want to run for a sports competition and lots of tall people don't want to play basketball.


Just because you dislike something doesn't mean you're bad at it.


My guild regularly dominates at this map when we put together even a small 2 or 3 man premade. I still hate the game. The map is very interesting though.

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I would think the usual forum whiners would love Huttball, since gear doesn't matter as much (except if you're a ball carrier) - gear doesn't effect your ability to knock a carrier down or get ahead of a teammate for a scoring pass.


I agree with the OP - lets get some more Huttball-like warzones (it's my favorite warzone to see, even if I'm solo queuing). But, I'd also be fine with the ability to personally opt-out of one of the warzones and not be matched into it - you're just hurting your own queue time. Where there's a problem is if you let people opt-out of more than one or even specifically queue for just one, since you'd allow people to queue with a composition that's really unbalanced (like all stealthers for Ancient Hypergate or all Knights/Sages for Huttball, etc), not to mention you'd be hurting overall queue times too much by splitting them up.

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Whoever designed huttball, please break his legs and fire him. Whoever designed Alderaan, please make more. .


They did, that's why we got 2 more just like it... /snoooorrreee....


Little warzones, for the pvp, little warzones full of crowd control! And they all play just the same...

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Not entirely true. The prime reason I dislike it is because it's a true TEAM play map. I personally think it should be thrown into it's own queue of PvP maps or taken out of non-ranked matches. As it's simply no fun unless you play as a team.


If you get put up against a group with a premade, you just get roflstomped.

If you get put up a group of randoms, it's just a bunch of idiots running around like headless chickens, fighting in centers or pits, offering themselves up as leap targets, not even caring about that ball sprinter taking it to the line, etc.


Making it a pointless fight which either is over in a few minutes without ever standing a chance. Or taking about 14 minutes incl wait time up front without really achieving anything.


Whilst the style of game is much more suited for ranked teams to pit against each other and try to claim the top of the ladder, by becoming the ultimate huttball champion. A game in which you need solid communication and effective teamplay. A game in which it simply doesn't suffice to every now and then say "2 inc west" to have everybody know what's going up.


Um no. Your team is going to get rocked by a good premade regardless of the map. The only difference is when you get rolled in huttball it's over in like 3 mins, where the other WZs still take a while.


2 good players in huttball can carry a whole team to victory. Not true with the other maps.


It's also the only map where nobody is forced to play "off node guard", which is an extremely boring job.

Edited by Smashbrother
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2 good players in huttball can carry a whole team to victory. Not true with the other maps.


Yea, it's not like it takes rocket science to know where to go or even voice communication. Every subscriber should have field respec now (if you don't, it's your own fault you aren't enjoying Huttball).


Are you a Sorc/Sage? Get in front of your friendly ball carrier, keep him healed / bubbled, and strategically pull him when you should (but don't blow your pull too early). On defense, use knockbacks, burn down the ball carrier.


Are you a SIN/Shadow? Grab the ball or guard the ball carrier, stealth ahead for passes (but not so far ahead that you leave your team short-handed by sitting in the endzone). On defense -> fire pulls.


Are you a Knight/Warrior? Carry the ball. Defense - LOLSweep / LOLSmash. Laugh at everyone else.


Are you a Scoundrel/Op? Respec to heals and stop complaining. Not willing to do what it takes for your team to win / for you to enjoy the warzone? Then who should you blame for not having fun?


Are you a Gunslinger/Sniper? Sit up on the catwalk, burn the idiots down below who can't leap you. Control mid / make enemy ball carriers regret grabbing the ball.


Are you a Vanguard/Powertech? Either respec to carry the ball or destroy enemy ball carriers. Either way, enjoy pulling people.


Are you a Commando/Mercenary? Complain on the forums.


Everyone gets what they want, and none of it required a premade or voice communication.

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Yea, it's not like it takes rocket science to know where to go or even voice communication. Every subscriber should have field respec now (if you don't, it's your own fault you aren't enjoying Huttball).


Are you a Sorc/Sage? Get in front of your friendly ball carrier, keep him healed / bubbled, and strategically pull him when you should (but don't blow your pull too early). On defense, use knockbacks, burn down the ball carrier.


Are you a SIN/Shadow? Grab the ball or guard the ball carrier, stealth ahead for passes (but not so far ahead that you leave your team short-handed by sitting in the endzone). On defense -> fire pulls.


Are you a Knight/Warrior? Carry the ball. Defense - LOLSweep / LOLSmash. Laugh at everyone else.


Are you a Scoundrel/Op? Respec to heals and stop complaining. Not willing to do what it takes for your team to win / for you to enjoy the warzone? Then who should you blame for not having fun?


Are you a Gunslinger/Sniper? Sit up on the catwalk, burn the idiots down below who can't leap you. Control mid / make enemy ball carriers regret grabbing the ball.


Are you a Vanguard/Powertech? Either respec to carry the ball or destroy enemy ball carriers. Either way, enjoy pulling people.


Are you a Commando/Mercenary? Complain on the forums.


Everyone gets what they want, and none of it required a premade or voice communication.




Actually, as a Mercenary, this is one of the WZs that I can do best, playing as a Defender. This map has a lot of scape routes (as a Merc. your main ability is to know when and how to run away - LOL!)

Edited by Millem
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Actually, as a Mercenary, this is one of the WZs that I can do best, playing as a Defender. This map has a lot of scape routes (as a Merc. your main ability is to know when and how to run away - LOL!)


LOL That's what I said earlier. Push those pesky marauders into the pit and LOS so they cannot leap back up. I have a marauder also, so I know one of the frustrating things is if I have to walk out of my way just to return to the action. Also; being able to pillar hump makes the root on rocket punch more useful if you are specced into that.

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It is very well designed no question, but it also has its down side. It requires a huge level of co-ordination, which is not always present. Some classes have superior edge like sins/shadows and vanguard (constant fire pulling). The only real advantage is that it is not very gear dependent like Void Star for example.


I like it, but it is not fun when half of my team think that their sole objective in the map is to attack ball carrier, or even worse, wounder around killing random enemies in no threat locations. It is much easier to co-ordinate a team in Void Star or Novare Coast than Huttball.


If I could ban one map most likely would be Huttball (unless I am playing with a team), with Hyper Gate being second.


We could use more maps like Huttball. I just do not want to see more maps like Hyper Gate.

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Funny, huttball and hyper gate are my 2 favorite warzones now.


Both tend to negate the lol smasher element and allow all classes to contribute so it feels closer to that balance we had a year ago.

I also notice all jedi and sith wwarriors hate those maps.

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Whoever designed huttball, please break his legs and fire him. Whoever designed Alderaan, please make more. That is my favorite warzone and most of the people I have PVP'd with enjoy it as well. Huttball is, almost universally, despised, because more often than not you'll face a premade who are put together solely to dominate at Huttball and that will be the end of the story.


Now, if what you're talking about is just the map itself, not the idea of trying to get a PuG team to coordinate for a sport, then yeah, the map is cool and it would make for an awesome death match arena.


And huttball wouldn't be nearly so awful if it was its own separate queue - like a sports queue instead of just generic PVP - and there were multiple huttball maps you could randomly roll into.


premades of stealth can literally dominate voidstar and alderaan and are completely and utterly undefendable. Any decent stealther can single handedly carry a team to a win (Unless they're just THAT bad and cant even respond in 20 seconds which is overkill anyways).


Carnage marads for predation help the most in NC.


It seems all warzones can be dominated by one motif of a class. The thing with huttball is that there is no single class that can do it all, however some classes can do more than others.


Novare and Ald have completely different mechanics.

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