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Ideas on how we can help player crafting?


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What are some ideas you all have on how we can help make player crafting worth it? It seems the mats and such are the price of the product in the end making it pointless to even craft 50 gear. Now i can say i have sold a few 30-40 items on the GTN but not that much. What are some ideas you all hav that can increase crafting overall? Edited by Anosa
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I would like to see all crafters get new looking schematics and gear upgrades that are relevant to use at 50. All of them have something like this, but they are bind on pickup. If anything they should be bound to legacy, then they would be more useful for players. Otherwise crafting really loses its luster upon reaching 50
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I would like to see all crafters get new looking schematics and gear upgrades that are relevant to use at 50. All of them have something like this, but they are bind on pickup. If anything they should be bound to legacy, then they would be more useful for players. Otherwise crafting really loses its luster upon reaching 50


think if they allowed item decay and such it would fix all the crafting issues in general. an appearance mod for weapons would be cool too. Maybe have a window pop up with your weapon and you can drop player mods on it that would open certain socket types that would also change the appearance of the item. Example...

if you put a socket that was the appearance of a scope on your rifle it would allow for only accuracy mods.. a longer barrel would increase accuracy and damage per hit.. ect

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Simple - all crafting skills should allow for a few engame-enhancing items that only they could make.


At the moment Artificers get to make 50+crystals, while sell in the millions on my server.


As a synthweaver, I have nothing in that bracket, unless you count augments (and other crafts can make those too)


Give me the ability to craft and sell lvl-50 appropriate gear you can't get elswhere.

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How about we not screw over


Armor/Synth by only selling orange gear on the cartel market and no new schematics.

Cybertech by selling the ship parts on the cartel market

Artificers by selling the best looking crystals with the highest stats available at the lowest level on the cartel market



I mean, that would be a nice start, right? :)

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Unique. Good looking. Iconic. ASKED FOR armor sets worn by alll the enpeecees around us. Make them a world drop, rare flashpoint lewt, ops... anything. People will get them and everyone will be happy. It's about time


Like more un-hooded jedi robes:D:eek:

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Simple - all crafting skills should allow for a few engame-enhancing items that only they could make.


At the moment Artificers get to make 50+crystals, while sell in the millions on my server.


As a synthweaver, I have nothing in that bracket, unless you count augments (and other crafts can make those too)


Give me the ability to craft and sell lvl-50 appropriate gear you can't get elswhere.


agreed. I am a 400 synth and i dont make anything compared to that. I sell augment parts but that isnt even worth my time

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I would like to personally do some of the crafting myself. I found some enjoyment out of crafting in WoW, you just set yourself to craft about 25 items while you go and do a cup of tea, in SWTOR that enjoyment is completely taken out of our hands :<.


Keep the crafting system, but let the player do some crafting themselves. Or let me do some of the Investigation, Underworld Trading or Diplomacy missions.


I wanna do things too :<. My companions have all the fun :<.

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There's multiple issues going on currently with crafting and gathering skills:


1. Endgame products are limited to certain crafting skills only. Sure e.g. synthweavers may learn how to craft Dread Guard gear, but they learn how to craft empty shells.... Worthless gear for which people most definitely will not be paying the cost of mats.


2. Endgame products use primarily their own tier of crafting mats, and too little regular grade 6 mats in comparison. This leads to a major abundance of grade 6 mats.


3. The already great abundance of grade 6 mats, also has too few consumables to be spent on. Yes, there are stims, but they quantity of grade 6 mats I gather alone by myself is enough to produce hundreds of stims a week. Whilst myself, I use about 3 or 4 a week for raiding purposes. They ought to introduce more types of consumables to help deplete that high quantity of raw materials.


4. In relation to 3, consumables such as adrenals ought to be adjusted as well. Rather than the few seconds boost they should make their effect last a minute or 2 with lessened effect. Boosts such as those are generally more used as they have a more stable, predictable effect.




The question is however, do players want more micro-managing or high quantity of mats costs to compensate for getting rid of the great number of raw materials?


BioWare's choice to let you be able to gather from anywhere by simply sending out your companions has crippled the market in the sense that now essentially everybody can act like the gold farmer in WoW, by stacking up hundreds of raw mats just to try and throw it on the GTN for low, low pricing. As such, having created one of the most unhealthy MMO markets till date.

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:jawa_cool:what i would love to see is a new crafting skill all about space ships, i mean this is a star wars game i would love to see more custimaizaion to our ships or be able build ships from scratch, evan put some type of really cool stickers or be able to paint it. And have this all duable by having a starship crafting skill.


I would also like to see more scematics for armor, armstech, bio, artifice..... and so on. maybe have the chance to custimize it so it a one of a kind piece.


I also think that if they did some missions that envolved your crafting skills it might be more enjoyable and fun.

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Bring items into the game that are strictly craftable and better than vender items, but with a catch. The crafted items have lower durability and diminishing durability (decay).


Each time an item is repaired, it lowers the durability of that item eventually bringing it to zero and can no longer be used (i.e. 200/200 damaged to 100/200 repaired brings it to 150/150 and so on).


Each death lowers the durability 10% for PvE and 20% for PvP.


These items can be improved by certain crafting skills, but each improvement lowers the durability exponentially (i.e. 10% -20% - 40% - 80%).




Bring expendable items (consumable) to each crafting class.

Biochem has buff stims and med packs

Cybertech has grenades

Synthweaving, Armormech, Armstech, Artifice and have no consumable items. These could be item buffs to increase stats, DR, movement increase, or some other beneficial buff.


Take companion gifts out of loot drops from missions and make them craftable for each Crafting class depending on the type.

Diplomacy could be used to give increased light or dark side rate.

Investigation could be used to analyze armor to increase its effectiveness.

Treasure Hunting could be used to locate appearance modifications for armor and weapons.

Underworld Trading could be used to modify weapons to be more effective.

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if you aren't making 50k-100k+ a day crafting, you are doing it wrong.


you know there are more things to craft than 47-50 gear right? the gtn is almost empty of good 10-40 items. don't believe me? how many purple enhancements you see in the 20-40 range? earpieces? mods? offhands? 5-6 augment slot kits i can't keep in stock. I have to make my own leveling gear, because it's never on the gtn. i'm still making tons of money. granted, it's not the super cash flow it was 6 months ago. and yes, the cartel store selling crafted items and the insane use of Stabilizers certainly sucks, but the market is still there and you can still make a good living off it.

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I'd love to see permanent durability loss, though slow, but I doubt it's ever going to happen, while it would also mean that certain outfits people REALLY like would only be with them for a short time without the ability to ever get it back, like rewards from class-missions or world-arcs.


What I'd actually love to see implemented, is the ability to dis-assemble ANY piece of equipment we can aquire outside the Cartelstore for a chance to learn a schematic from it.

Crafted purples: 5% chance to learn an ORANGE shell of the item with the exact same cosmetics and restrictions the original had.

Non-orange, non-artifact world drops: 20% chance to learn an ORANGE shell of the item with the exact same cosmetics and restrictions the original had.

BOP mission rewards including the oranges: 20% chance to learn a BOE empty ORANGE shell of the item with the exact same cosmetics, a level requirement the same as the suggested level for the mission it came from and ADAPTIVE.


All that, just with the catch that you'd need an armormech to disassemble cunning/aim gear, a synthweaver to disassemble willpower/strength gear, an artificer to disassemble lightsabers, and an armstech to disassemble the non-force weaponry.



As a result, we'd get a lot more customization, but also some things that would also remain very rare. Good luck finding a Consular who not only went Armor Mech but also succesfully learned the schematic from a one-time rewarded armorpiece for Zenith.


Either Biochem or Investigation could be buffed by making those craft/reward items used for character customization. Since Biochem doesn't really need a buff (boring as it is, it's already the most beneficial craft available), I'd rather see character customization be rewarded through Investigation crits.

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What are some ideas you all have on how we can help make player crafting worth it? It seems the mats and such are the price of the product in the end making it pointless to even craft 50 gear. Now i can say i have sold a few 30-40 items on the GTN but not that much. What are some ideas you all hav that can increase crafting overall?



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What are some ideas you all have on how we can help make player crafting worth it? It seems the mats and such are the price of the product in the end making it pointless to even craft 50 gear. Now i can say i have sold a few 30-40 items on the GTN but not that much. What are some ideas you all hav that can increase crafting overall?


armstech, armormech, synthweavers = augments and their slots

cybertech = droid parts and ship parts

biochem = adrenals, medkits

and some that like to change their look

thats the crafting in this game

Edited by Kissakias
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