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Am i the only one who has no problem paying for the expansion?


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I have no problem paying and the price seems reasonable enough (I'd think twice before shelling out 30+ USD) I just haven't bought it yet because I don't approve of being asked to make a purchase with little information on what i'm buying. Early access is not enough of a bribe to get me to buy it when I know next to nothing about the expansion.


Tell me exactly what I'm buying and let me make an informed decision and you can have my money if I deem it to be worth the price.

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After what I paid for BC, WotLK, and Cata... Makeb is a steal~

This. It's only a quarter the price of those, and from the looks of it, it'll have a bit over a quarter the amount of content, so it's a good deal in my opinion.


And I'm already hoarding popcorn for when those who complain now and don't preorder, find out that they have to pay the full $20 once it releases, because they didn't pre-order. I'm sure some of them will come up with amazing brainfarts.

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I dont understand why there is so much complaining about this. The money you spend is going to help the game develop further in the future. Its only 10 dollars... you spend more then that when you go out to chilis or the movies...


I honestly dont mind paying it at all.

I cancelled my sub because of it. I payed since day 1.

They do'nt need that extra 10$ to develop anything. This money is not for developing. They earn enough from monthly sub and cash shop.

If DDO, LOTRO, and STO can develop new stuff while giving DLC for free, and add on for free or cash shop point, SWTOR should be able to do it to, or maybe they have less subs ? Makes you wonder.

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I cancelled my sub because of it. I payed since day 1.

They do'nt need that extra 10$ to develop anything. This money is not for developing. They earn enough from monthly sub and cash shop.

If DDO, LOTRO, and STO can develop new stuff while giving DLC for free, and add on for free or cash shop point, SWTOR should be able to do it to, or maybe they have less subs ? Makes you wonder.


You think you will return the 12 euros they gave you for free when they payed your sub last summer? Cheap much?

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I have already pre-ordered and am very much looking forward to this expansion.


Same here...also I'm a subscriber.

I have no issue supporting a game I like and $10 is nothing compared to espresso drinks, movie tickets, fast food, etc that folks may spend each week....

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I doubt anyone has a problem paying $10 for the expansion. That isn't what pissed people off, it's the fact they said it would be free to subs. So yes, of course I will still get it but I also believe BW less and less with everything they say. Edited by Cordelia
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The consumer sets the limits. People like you are the prime reason companies get away with murder. What's next from EA? Were gonna release something next month. We're not telling you what, but for $100, you can be the first to have it! And the fools here will actually pay for it.


Release day DLC. Content removed from games or present on disc but held back to release as DLC. That's what the industry has come too because of consumer stupidity.


When I see stupidity, I call it. I'm not going to put it in pretty words for you. An idiot is an idiot. Don't give me your sanctimonious garbage. You know I'm right.


No, you're not. But you will stand by this until the end of time. While capcom **** the bed with already on disc content, held back for DLC like some has already mentioned, that doesn't criminalize every other company. Nothing is truly free and that's a fact. You should not get something free that someone else took the time to craft. Setting the bar at $10 is better than standing in ignorance as to how to maintain long term publisher investments. You act as if the amount of money they have is vast and immeasurable, where each employee keeps their job regardless of content success. Which by the way, is measured in $$$ and acclaim.


So while you sit at home, being an inconsiderate and self entitled forum poster, some designer is hoping his content that he created will extend his contract so he can keep paying his bills and feeding his family.


Your short sighted "corporate" paranoia, much like the Internet know it alls that push their beliefs and agenda through assertion instead of arguments, backed up with derogatory mud slinging doesn't actually do anything but infuriate people who understand how a business works. Through working to build one, keep the structural integrity or being a part of the very industry you see as a nickel and dime scheme.



It's $10 that they were unsure if it would be free or paid for from the moment they said anything. We are no where near the release of it and it was an exclusive offer now that doesn't have to be taken. If you're too cheap to buy it and would rather go play a hand of poker, you're still betting on an unknown chance. If you would prefer to buy a case of beer, you're literally pissing your money away. There is no real smart way to spend your money in this day and age.


So keep your judgements to yourself, simply state your belief and refrain from calling names like a child or teenager.


Or are you just here to troll?

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I doubt anyone has a problem paying $10 for the expansion. That isn't what pissed people off, it's the fact they said it would be free to subs. So yes, of course I will still get it but I also believe BW less and less with everything they say.


That was the plan BEFORE all the hate and destructive influence that ran the team through to unemployment. Is it that difficult to understand? It just sounds like an excuse to demand free stuff.

Do you want to pay for it or do you want to fire the rest of the dev team? I garantee you will get zero new content after that.

Whats best? 10 for a digital expansion, or no additional content and a dead game? I swear its seems difficult to get that picture.

Edited by Nemmar
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OP, respectfully, I wish you were. How's it so many folks are so confident this "expansion" is such a deal and worth the fleecing? Based on what? On all the original content and items that has manifested on the cartel shop? You all have very little clue what's actually in it. Its a surprise. Like the cartel casino. Try your luck.


This should absolutely be free for those that bought the game at launch. Period.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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OP, respectfully, I wish you were. How's it so many folks are so confident this "expansion" is such a deal and worth the fleecing? Based on what? On all the original content and items that has manifested on the cartel shop? You all have very little clue what's actually in it. Its a surprise. Like the cartel casino. Try your luck.


This should absolutely be free for those that bought the game at launch. Period.


why are you so greedy?

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I dont understand why there is so much complaining about this. The money you spend is going to help the game develop further in the future. Its only 10 dollars... you spend more then that when you go out to chilis or the movies...


I honestly dont mind paying it at all.

the problem i see here is that, ppl are upset that they were led to believe that they werent gonna be charge for makeb...which they were being naive. since f2p, assume everything from now on will be charge as dlc

Edited by astrobearx
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the problem i see here is that, ppl are upset that they were led to believe that they werent gonna be charge for makeb...which they were being naive. since f2p, assume everything from now on will be charge as dlc

It's the same craziness as a LOT of posters on these forums assuming that HK51's gear would scale with character level, meaning that unlocking it on a lvl 1 would give a companion with lvl 1 gear, and once they hit lvl 2, HK would automatically have all its gear upgraded to lvl 2 as well.


There are really a lot of very naive assumptions going round on these forums, and it's been like that since they were opened. A Bioware developer can't say *anything*, or it will be taken for fact, no matter the amount of "mights", "maybes", "we're discussing" and whatever they include in a statement, those parts are ignored, interpretation goes haywire, and you can already predict the next flamestorm of "upset customers". Usually it's the same people complaining over and over though, despite them stating loud and clear that they were going to cancel their sub on their previous 50 rants already.


At the same time, they're ignoring a lot of very obvious hints about upcoming features, simply because they don't WANT to hear that something within the game is going in one direction or another. Just take the species unlocks through legacy. Hints for that system were floating around before these forums were opened already, but they refused to hear them. Then, when the system was finally officially announced, they complained (ofcourse) and demanded that they should at least be able to get legacy class/species combinations through some microtransaction system. So now they got their microtransaction sytem, and they start their next complaint: there shouldn't be a microtransaction system, so I guess everything should be given to them on a silver platter now.


I really wouldn't blame Bioware if they included some long and extremely tedious quest chain to the Makeb expansion named "Silver platters, cheese and whine", just for them.

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I have no problem with the cost. I get that things have changed since that original comment was made.


That said I won't preorder as providing the funds to make the content is what EA is for. I have zero issue backing Kickstarter projects, but if we have to deal with a publisher like EA, they can front the money and I will buy it when it is live.

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I have no problem paying for it, though I am undecided on whether to buy it or not. But it's not because I am upset about having to pay for it. I just need to see whether to play that or my huge backlog of games that I bought from Steam.


However, I do think that at least it should be payable by Cartel Coins. This gives subs an incentive to remain subbed, since they are not doing much with their Cartel Coins anyway.

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That was the plan BEFORE all the hate and destructive influence that ran the team through to unemployment. Is it that difficult to understand? It just sounds like an excuse to demand free stuff.

Do you want to pay for it or do you want to fire the rest of the dev team? I garantee you will get zero new content after that.

Whats best? 10 for a digital expansion, or no additional content and a dead game? I swear its seems difficult to get that picture.


EA is a business. You vote with your wallet. You might want them to release more information. But your money has already told them that it's okay to release very little details, I'll still buy it anyways. And for every single preorder, that's how they're gonna see it.


It doesnt matter if we said it would be free earlier. It doesnt matter if it's gonna take almost or at another year for it to be released. It doesnt matter if we give very little information. No matter what, they'll buy it anyways.


That's exactly what you told them by still buying the content patch. Money talks.


If they said it has something they werent sure of yet, you would have the same people screaming in the forums like little girls saying how Bioware always lies.

Its all the product of the senseless hating. The fact we have to pay for this expansion in the first place, the fact that we now have a shop is all the product of senseless hating destroying this game. If those people hadnt run the game down, the team wouldnt have been restructured and the new model wouldnt needed to have been adopted and the new expansion would be free as originally planned and before the end of the year. But, beeing the people they are, i dont expected them to man up and take responsability for what they did, supporting the game.


You're right, it was all the forum complainers, or haters, or bashers, whatever you want to call them.


It wasnt the:


- Shoddy engine.

- The phase out of Ilum.

- The 2-3 months it took between each patch at launch.

- The bugs that they said we're fixed in the patch notes, but they were still bugged in game.

- The constant breaking of something every single patch.

- The crappy customer service.

- The constant neglect of the community, and lack of communication.

- The rebalance we've seen when most preferred 1.2 for the most part, with a few minor tweaks.

- Other horrible mismanagement of the game.


No, all the reasons those subscribers left in the first place was because of the hate on the forums. When I'm sure the majority of the people who play(ed) the game, dont even visit the forums.


Bah, bah, baaah little sheep. It was the constant bugs and all of the other things I mentioned above that made people leave the game. That didnt generate the profit (if any profit at all...) that EA's investors were looking for. They werent happy with the $15 a month they were already getting. So they added the cartel market and gambling boxes to please the investors, and make more money from the sheep.


People who are subscribed, and posting on these forums, are already supporting the game. And many of us would have preferred not to have the original team of this game laid off. Because what we are left with, I feel take no pride in this game. I'm sure many of us miss people like Daniel Erickson, and Alex Freed, the IA storyline writer, and many more. We've all sensed that sense people have been laid off or left, this game is being handled worse, and whoever's left takes no pride in it.


But this wouldnt have happened, if the game was of higher quality to begin with. I dont mean features like LFD, etc. I mean fixing all of the issues through out the year that I mentioned above. They would have kept more people, instead of losing 300,000-400,000 each month. They would have made more money, and then they wouldnt have gone F2P. Well, actually they probably would, because EA would never be satisfied with $15/mo. They will always want more.


The cause is that people felt the game wasnt as top quality as we expect from BioWare, and bugs existed for months. The effect is that people complained and left in droves. Not vice versa as you seem to think.


I really hate this word, but you're a BioDrone. And I find BioDrones like you hilarious...

Edited by Katsuragisama
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