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Rules of looting blatendly disregarded?


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I am seeing this more and more.

People ninjalooting stuff for alts, companions, because there new.

etc etc etc.


While i know this isnt wow i am getting tired of losing good gear to ninja's who claim it is for there companion.


Anyone else bother by this anoying excuees to jusify ninjalooting?

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I am seeing this more and more.

People ninjalooting stuff for alts, companions, because there new.

etc etc etc.


While i know this isnt wow i am getting tired of losing good gear to ninja's who claim it is for there companion.


Anyone else bother by this anoying excuees to jusify ninjalooting?


It's less of a rule and more of a custom. Meaning people who do that aren't breaking any rules, they're just being rude.


I haven't seen it happen much, though, because I usually pick up loot before anyone can grab it from under me. You snooze, you lose!

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Happened to me just yesterday on Cademimu. I was using my sorc healer. Anytime loot dropped that wasn't something I could use, I would just "pass". Everything came up with Cunning which was perfect for the smuggler in the group. The other two, a Sentinel and a Guardian didn't get anything either. Last drop is a lightsaber with Willpower main stat. The guardian needs it.


I'm done. No more PUGs for me. I'm ok with not getting drops in lowbie FPs like that. I'm not ok with people needing on gear they can't use or intend on using for a companion. Also keep in mind, the Knight's companion does have WP as a main stat but cannot use a single blade lightsaber to be effective.

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I'll just repeat part of what I posted in another thread on this:


People can only think of themselves and not others. Yes you took time to run the FP, you deserve your items, but so did the others that ran it and they deserve theirs just as much. Unless you can solo the FP you NEED THEIR HELP so respect them.


I am not telling you how you HAVE to act just how you should. No I cannot force someone to be thoughtful and courteous but I can encourage that behavior and /kick or /ignore those that wish not to act like human beings and/or adults. That is my choice. So yes you can need roll everything just to be a selfish a** but everyone else in that group can /votekick and/or /ignore you. So ask yourself, is need rolling that one comp item worth missing out on the rest of the FP loot (that you may ACTUALLY NEED) and dealing with ever increasing queue times due to being mass ignored

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Happened to me just yesterday on Cademimu. I was using my sorc healer. Anytime loot dropped that wasn't something I could use, I would just "pass". Everything came up with Cunning which was perfect for the smuggler in the group. The other two, a Sentinel and a Guardian didn't get anything either. Last drop is a lightsaber with Willpower main stat. The guardian needs it.


I'm done. No more PUGs for me. I'm ok with not getting drops in lowbie FPs like that. I'm not ok with people needing on gear they can't use or intend on using for a companion. Also keep in mind, the Knight's companion does have WP as a main stat but cannot use a single blade lightsaber to be effective.


Did you actually ask the person about that? I needed on a strength lightsaber once on my sage (I didn't read carefully enough), saw the mara need on it too and immediately went, oh crap, that wasn't for me was it? I won the roll and started a trade with him right away. No fuss, no muss.


Sadly, if I hadn't said anything, I don't think he would have either - I think he would have gone away angry about the 'ninja' even though I may just not have realized it. And had I not seen him need on it, I wouldn't have realized it until later when I went to equip it (so him just saying 'hey, that was for my class' would have fixed the whole thing).

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Did you actually ask the person about that? I needed on a strength lightsaber once on my sage (I didn't read carefully enough), saw the mara need on it too and immediately went, oh crap, that wasn't for me was it? I won the roll and started a trade with him right away. No fuss, no muss.


Sadly, if I hadn't said anything, I don't think he would have either - I think he would have gone away angry about the 'ninja' even though I may just not have realized it. And had I not seen him need on it, I wouldn't have realized it until later when I went to equip it (so him just saying 'hey, that was for my class' would have fixed the whole thing).


I didn't. Each roll that the Operative got (I said smuggler earlier...I have too many toons lol) everyone but me rolled greed on it. I normally pass gear if it is something someone obviously needs. So the Juggernaut and the Mara both rolled 'greed' on gear that dropped for our Operative in the group. Which is fine. The last drop, he selected 'need' on. To me that was a sign that he was:

A. Pissed that no gear he needed dropped

B. He really needed that gear for his companion.


Last time it happened in the Maelstrom Prison while I was on my Smuggler, I did say something. That time as I normally do, I selected 'pass' on anything I myself couldn't use and since I was the only Smuggler, 'need' on the stuff I could use. The one thing I actually needed was the Jacket that comes from that FP and the Sentinel selected 'need' on it. I called him out for it that time. This time, I decided I'm gonna start ignoring people who do that and my one of my wife's level 50 toons run the FP with me lol. Breeze through the content and get ALL the gear drops lol.

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You're right. No rules, just common courtesy which is obviously not so common anymore.

The game's mechanics not only allow, but encourage, selfish behavior. Any system of courtesy or etiquette that tries to counter this fact is only so much wet tissue paper.

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Human nature is human nature. And in today's society greed > decensy 99/100 times. Take a serious look at all the problems around the world right now, what's the main driver most of the time?


Morality is relative


Lets not go there.

If we had to fix everything socialty is doing wrong we might as while start world war 3.

It is alot quiker.

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Human nature is human nature. And in today's society greed > decensy 99/100 times. Take a serious look at all the problems around the world right now, what's the main driver most of the time?


Morality is relative


Good thing my actions are not influenced by society but rather by how I prefer to treat people and would like to be treated by people.

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It is a simple matter of courtesy and decency. There are selfish people running around the game that have neither of those things. It is not an issue that is exclusive to new players. Edited by TheBBP
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doesnt just happen from new players. older ones are far worse imo. there is a difference between not knowing and not caring.


I agree.

Plus, new players usually don't know what gear is for them and what isn't. The funny thing is that when you explain it to them they are more than willing to give the armor to the person who can actually use it. It's the older players that fail to realize that what they're doing is wrong.


When I roll an alt, I almost never need on anything even if it's for my class, especially if I find out that my teammates are new. There's no point. As an old player I have enough credits to buy the best gear for my toon and keep him geared to the teeth up till 50, so why take it from someone who actually needs it? the only time I need is for looks and even then only if no one else can use it.


However, OP, nothing can be done about this issue.

I'm as frustrated as you are but apart from ignoring people or only doing Ops/FPs with your guildmates, I don't see how this could change. Also keep in mind that the rules of looting are not in the game rules, it has more to do with being a good person than a good player. Bioware could start banning people for doing it and there would be some who'd keep on doing the same like nothing's changed. In the end, it's a manners thing; not everyone has them.

Edited by TheNahash
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It's the older players that fail to realize that what they're doing is wrong.

...or it's the older players who realize how the game actually works, and how little the "common morality" actually means.


However, OP, nothing can be done about this issue.

Actually, there are quite a few, but they involve replacing the old "need / greed" format with something that doesn't pit players against each other. E.g., independent and private rolls on loot tables; awarding each teammate a random amount of crafting mats or "loot tokens" or what have you; etc.


I understand why game designers like the need / greed system (and hence why it probably won't be replaced), but it's beyond me why players have become so invested in it that they'd rather make "play nice" rules than question its existence.

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Early on in the game I thought that greed was worse than need so I would need on almost everything unless it was a lower level than I already had for myself and my comps. Must have run a dozen or so heroics and FP's before someone called me out. I then traded with them back the item they wanted and told them I didn't know.. I think most people don't get mad if you need on one or two items if they are class specific to you. Especially if you click pass on the rest.


I tend to pass on most items when I play an OP or FP with people that are lesser geared/equipped than me. At this point I do most things for the daily Coms and BH Coms anyway.

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...or it's the older players who realize how the game actually works, and how little the "common morality" actually means.


In terms of gameplay, common morality means nothing. It's not even a game where you can actually see your teammates and therefore hope that people will not act like the a*****s they are in real life out of shame. it's a virtual world where anyone can be as immoral as he/she wants and get away with it.


But it doesn't always have to be about rules and regulations. Sometimes, common sense can be just as productive and people can just choose not to be idiots. And people need to remember that behind those cartoon characters they see onscreen, there are some other people who are also spending their time and putting an effort into the game.


I don't understand what you mean by "how the game actually works".

What good is, for example, BH gear for a sorcerer who doesn't even have an Aim-using companion? Why would a sorc need on a BH columi or rakata piece if not to just be an a*****e because he can or to sell the gear for a few credits that he could've made with 10mins of crafting?


The point is this: People in games have anonymity that sometimes empowers their worst traits.

Of course we'd like a different system better, but that's the one we have and we can make it work if we stop being greedy for a bit.

So, ultimately, no matter what Bioware does to fix a system that is not working as intended (with the exception of getting rid of it and replacing it with something new) there is no guarantee that people will not act greedy, because some people are innately greedy.

Edited by TheNahash
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