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How even are WZs here?


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Been trying to find a decent server where one side doesnt just destroy the other one in every single WZ. On my last server Imps lost probably 90% of the time and the only 10% of wins came against other Imp teams. I guess when 2 horrible teams play each other someone has to win but im shocked we just both didnt get losses. Also what are the queue times like for both sides?
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Que time's are no prob usually a few minutes at most for me. Depending on who responds you will hear both sides are "Bads" but in all honesty there are really good players on both sides. Usually the ones complaining can't afford augs and choose to not wear an offhand because it "cost's too much" or are going for their Luke Skywalker dreams and are heading off to take a node solo because having no augs and going to kill all the imps is the right plan. All in all. You'll learn who is good and enjoy your time here if you choose to succeed. :)
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it's really not so much which faction you play. on both you usually get games where you either destroy - or get destroyed :p



the major difference being right now is that republic is a little more whiny, claiming they are always losing, which in turn results in a lot of people constantly mourning how terribad everyone but them is ;)

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it's really not so much which faction you play. on both you usually get games where you either destroy - or get destroyed :p



the major difference being right now is that republic is a little more whiny, claiming they are always losing, which in turn results in a lot of people constantly mourning how terribad everyone but them is ;)


I can agree to this. Most games are usually destroy or be destroyed. I think the republic members who que together and have been around are extremely good. The republic side, in general from what I've seen, seems to not care to team with one another is the only thing I notice that is different, that and they seem a tad more diversified in their class selections. The lack of grouping up with one another seems to put them at a disadvantage at times overall. I play imp side and therefore can not comment any further than that.


Imp side, I see lots of guilds and groups that are friends with each other teamed up for premades whereas republic shy away from one another. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Master_Nate
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Solo Que'ing is going to be bad everywhere is what everyone is saying. :rak_03:


Premades are over rated. Have rolled solo in PvP since DAoC and will continue to do so. Sure sometimes I get curbed stomped but I just find it more relaxing to play solo. Seems like I should do fine here solo joining PuGs as a Pub. I mean it cant possibly be any worse than my last server.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Tbh man pot5 is the most competitive PVP server out there. But with that being said the pubs imo are not as strong as the imp players atm. Pubs have strong players though that play with eachother. I would say a lot of new pubs have been playing and there are some really good ones. On any given day or night I probably win 75% of the time, but that doesn't mean I have never gotten rolfstomped against pubs. Like any other server there are good players and bad players we just have to deal with it.
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I'm playing on both sides, Imp mainly tho. Warzones are pretty even usually, the only real bad warzones are when people complain more instead of playing or at least trying to win. Well and those warzone leavers who like to ruin a start of a warzone, but I bet that's the same everywhere.
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Tbh man pot5 is the most competitive PVP server out there. But with that being said the pubs imo are not as strong as the imp players atm. Pubs have strong players though that play with eachother. I would say a lot of new pubs have been playing and there are some really good ones. On any given day or night I probably win 75% of the time, but that doesn't mean I have never gotten rolfstomped against pubs. Like any other server there are good players and bad players we just have to deal with it.


Well isnt the only other choice for PvP the RP-PvP server?

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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if you don't mind solo queueing, have a basic understanding that some games are terrible, some are good, and some are coin toss. then you should be fine. I solo queue and enjoy myself quite a lot. Do what you want, play how you want. Both sides have good players and bad. Sometimes its the luck of the draw.
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Well isnt the only other choice for PvP the RP-PvP server?


I was under the impression the topic dealt with warzones. I have characters on all kinds of servers (east coast PVP, EU English RP, EU English PVE, EU German PVP, EU German PVE...) and comparing them all (granted since I play on pot5 90% of the time I can't really 'compare') ... the only other 'good' warzones I see are actually on a PVE server, but only 'playstyle-wise'. there is a lot more whining, funny enough. 'good sportsmanship' is found on the RP server, but it's not better than here by any means.


all in all I'd say the PVP scene as a whole on this server really isn't too bad.


and on top of that we seem to be the only server where people still make an effort in organising (or randomly starting) actual open world pvp without calling each others names for hours ;)

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I was under the impression the topic dealt with warzones. I have characters on all kinds of servers (east coast PVP, EU English RP, EU English PVE, EU German PVP, EU German PVE...) and comparing them all (granted since I play on pot5 90% of the time I can't really 'compare') ... the only other 'good' warzones I see are actually on a PVE server, but only 'playstyle-wise'. there is a lot more whining, funny enough. 'good sportsmanship' is found on the RP server, but it's not better than here by any means.


all in all I'd say the PVP scene as a whole on this server really isn't too bad.


and on top of that we seem to be the only server where people still make an effort in organising (or randomly starting) actual open world pvp without calling each others names for hours ;)


Yea its about WZs but Im also trying to find a server where they arent totally favored towards one side. Also one where you can queue solo and still win as I dont have friends that play and wont be in a guild.

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Yea its about WZs but Im also trying to find a server where they arent totally favored towards one side. Also one where you can queue solo and still win as I dont have friends that play and wont be in a guild.


I usually solo queue and win most of my games, there are bad days as well tho, that's life. If you pvp a lot you always find people to group with.

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WZs are pretty even on the server at 50, except for 2 exceptions. In my experience, Pubs tend to win Civil War the vast majority of the time. I don't have any explanation for this phenomenon, but it definitely happens a lot. It certainly has nothing to do with Pub premades (we don't have a lot in PvP), healers (everyone, including myself I should add, seems to prefer DPS), and focus fire (you practically have to bribe pubs to target a healer). But we do win that WZ a lot.


Hypergate is another story. It's basically the opposite of CW; we lose almost every time. In my experience, this is because Imps are way better at focus fire, have more healers, and have better coordinated premades and guilds playing together. This advantage is huge in Hypergate, where the fights are huge and side nodes are extremely valuable.


Again, these are all just observations from my own experience. Other people might have different ones.

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Interesting reading the responses in this thread. I play Republic and queue solo all the time. In fact, PvP is my end-game.


And quite honestly Republic is terrible. Seriously. It seems like there's more imps replying here than pubs, which isn't surprising considering there is more imps on this server. But I'd really like to see more level 50 pubs posting in this thread that are not part of a premade or a serious PvP guild like Pax Republica.


I wanna hear from random 50s that solo queue. On any given night, I'd say the average Republic player that plays alone loses close to 90% of the time. In fact, when I saw the OP, my first response was going to be this is TOTALLY the server for you. It sounds like the exact opposite of his previous server. Imps destroy pubs here pug vs. pug.


Sure, we win sometimes. But more often than not, we get absolutely destroyed. Huttball is almost always 6-0, ACW frequently ends in three caps, NC is usually some variant of, everyone zergs south and gets promptly killed, the imps get it and then farm us for the rest of the match. Usually ending up right at our starting platform. Voidstar actually seems to be 50/50. It's a coin toss and the one WZ I don't totally dread going into. I've only played a couple matches in the new WZ so I can't really comment on it. They were both losses though.


The best part is it's so bad on this server pub side, that bailing early is a TERRIBLE problem. You are almost always dropped into a warzone at the tail end of a beat down. And why BioWare doesn't add a deserter debuff to this, I don't know why. But it's bad.


So anyway, that's my perspective of a level 50 Republic player that queues solo. Doesn't do premades and is not in a PvP guild. I honestly think that's the objective opinion the OP was looking for because he won't have any friends here at the start. He won't be in a guild. He'll have to do things solo till he starts making contacts.


And this is a GREAT server to do that on if you're imperial.

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Interesting reading the responses in this thread. I play Republic and queue solo all the time. In fact, PvP is my end-game.


And quite honestly Republic is terrible. Seriously. It seems like there's more imps replying here than pubs, which isn't surprising considering there is more imps on this server. But I'd really like to see more level 50 pubs posting in this thread that are not part of a premade or a serious PvP guild like Pax Republica.

I am an unguilded 50 who does exclusively solo queueing on our server. I got 20k hp, 1300 expertise half EWH/full WH, and have been doing this for a pretty darn long time. My guess is that you and I are in basically the same boat.

I wanna hear from random 50s that solo queue. On any given night, I'd say the average Republic player that plays alone loses close to 90% of the time. In fact, when I saw the OP, my first response was going to be this is TOTALLY the server for you. It sounds like the exact opposite of his previous server. Imps destroy pubs here pug vs. pug.

My overall win% is roughly 50/50, but as you yourself observed, some WZs are better or worse than others. Let me go WZ by WZ to give some rough win percentages. I have actually been keeping track of my wins/loses for the last two weeks in a spreadsheet, and while my overall sample size is pretty good, my sample size for individual WZs could be higher. So I will withhold all the nitty gritty data details until later. The percentages are still interesting.


Remember: this is all information on PUG wzs, not ranked. There are plenty of 50s on our server who don't do ranked, so the pug stats are still useful to most people. This is also all information from my experience alone, so other people might have different observations.


Civil War: 75% Win Rate

I win this one a lot. Even though Imps seem to have more healers than we do (a recurring problem), the map layout tends to mitigate that advantage. A big reason we might win this a lot is because as a scoundrel, I can almost always take the side node with 1 other person, which gives us a big edge. Or maybe Pubs just are eager to protect a homeplanet.


Voidstar: 60% Win Rate

I feel like we used to win this one more a few months ago, but Pubs still tend to do well. If we aren't up against a 3-4 man premade, we win probably 90%+ of the time. Even with premades in the mix, we still have a 50/50 chance. Again, I think the fact that I am a Scoundrel also helps, because I can put pressure on less-guarded doors.


Denova: 50% Win Rate

Total toss up. The team with the most healers and the best focus tends to win this one, and that really just depends on who is online at the time.


Hutball: 40% Win Rate

There aren't a lot of solid Pub premades you see in pug huttball matches. Imps, however, often have a sin/jug chain of passes going, plus healer support. If you avoid the imp premade, this is winnable. Probably a 50/50 matchup. But once the imps get a premade, we lose probably 90% of the time. Thankfully, at the times that I play, there aren't always imp premades around.


Hypergate: 25% Win Rate

When it comes to this WZ, we are the Jaguars of the league. We just cannot win this WZ to save our life, let alone complete a daily or weekly. I don't know what it is about Hypergate that makes it so challenging for pubs. We routinely lose both pylons. We lose all the fights mid. We don't focus any targets, whether a healer or even just a random dps. If anything, we focus tanks in every fight. No one collects orbs. No one tries to ninja enemy pylons. Imps, on the other hand, routinely do all of the above in every single WZ. Maybe some Pubs just don't understand how to play the objectives on this map. Or maybe the Imps are just plain better at coordination and it really shows on Hypergate. Whatever the reason, this is definitely our worst battleground.

The best part is it's so bad on this server pub side, that bailing early is a TERRIBLE problem. You are almost always dropped into a warzone at the tail end of a beat down. And why BioWare doesn't add a deserter debuff to this, I don't know why. But it's bad.

If I ever join a WZ in progress in which we are losing, I automatically leave. All of my win %s above assume that I was in the WZ from the very beginning to try and influence the outcome. Deserter debuffs should definitely be implemented; they did it for Group Finder, they can do it for PvP too. Of course, they would have to give the option to reconnect for those who legitimately DCd.


Hope this gives you some "objective" idea about 50s PvP for Pubs.

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Interesting reading the responses in this thread. I play Republic and queue solo all the time. In fact, PvP is my end-game.


And quite honestly Republic is terrible. Seriously. It seems like there's more imps replying here than pubs, which isn't surprising considering there is more imps on this server. But I'd really like to see more level 50 pubs posting in this thread that are not part of a premade or a serious PvP guild like Pax Republica.


I wanna hear from random 50s that solo queue. On any given night, I'd say the average Republic player that plays alone loses close to 90% of the time. In fact, when I saw the OP, my first response was going to be this is TOTALLY the server for you. It sounds like the exact opposite of his previous server. Imps destroy pubs here pug vs. pug.


Sure, we win sometimes. But more often than not, we get absolutely destroyed. Huttball is almost always 6-0, ACW frequently ends in three caps, NC is usually some variant of, everyone zergs south and gets promptly killed, the imps get it and then farm us for the rest of the match. Usually ending up right at our starting platform. Voidstar actually seems to be 50/50. It's a coin toss and the one WZ I don't totally dread going into. I've only played a couple matches in the new WZ so I can't really comment on it. They were both losses though.


The best part is it's so bad on this server pub side, that bailing early is a TERRIBLE problem. You are almost always dropped into a warzone at the tail end of a beat down. And why BioWare doesn't add a deserter debuff to this, I don't know why. But it's bad.


So anyway, that's my perspective of a level 50 Republic player that queues solo. Doesn't do premades and is not in a PvP guild. I honestly think that's the objective opinion the OP was looking for because he won't have any friends here at the start. He won't be in a guild. He'll have to do things solo till he starts making contacts.


And this is a GREAT server to do that on if you're imperial.


Are you me? Because you just described my exact experience PvPing on this server. I'm back from a break and trying to legitimately gear my Scrapper Scoundrel for PvP. I can honestly say that wins are extremely rare, and humiliating beatdowns are the norm. The last two days, I have gone 1-12, and about 9 of those losses were total thrashings. Seriously. Tonight alone, I went 0-9. and all nine were terrible losses. I've been playing and PvPing seriously for the last two weeks and I still have not won Ancient Hypergate... but I can tell you all the stuff the Jedi Master says when we lose!


I'm gonna try to finish filling out my War Hero gear before I start looking for a PvP guild, but I don't know if I can make it there before I give up in frustration. 90% loss rate for Republic PUG sounds about right. It's just... the average Republic player on this server is just so dumb compared to other servers I was on.


I started on Terentatek, and then went to the Fatman, and both servers, while having smaller Republic populations, had a lot of players that knew how to PvP; how to work as a team, how to pull out last minute victories, come from behind, etc. Terentatek especially, we were outnumbered by Imps almost 3:1, but a lot of the Republic players on that server had leveled together and PvPed together all during that process. So even though we were in separate guilds, a lot of the original, and more influential, players knew each other and had played together. And until The Ilum Massacre when all the Imps got Battlemaster overnight, and thus, a huge gear advantage, Republic could hold it's own when warzones were relatively balanced.


Here, it's not uncommon to see two Republics charge into battle against 4+ Imps and get totally slaughtered. Tonight, we lost a Denova game 100-0, totally humiliating. We had people going for each gun, but only in groups of three or two. They would get killed by the defenders, and not take any of them out. And like you said, quitting is absolutely out of control. People quit warzones if more than two people are there with Recruit gear, or if the other team scores early in a Huttball game, or if they cap a door quickly, or lose two guns on the initial rush. And then there's just no chance from there. This has left a lot of players very jaded about the state of PvP (somewhat justified when you consider glaring class imbalances and long losing streaks) and a very defeatist attitude among many Republic PvPers.

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Interesting reading the responses in this thread. I play Republic and queue solo all the time. In fact, PvP is my end-game.


And quite honestly Republic is terrible. Seriously. It seems like there's more imps replying here than pubs, which isn't surprising considering there is more imps on this server. But I'd really like to see more level 50 pubs posting in this thread that are not part of a premade or a serious PvP guild like Pax Republica.


I wanna hear from random 50s that solo queue. On any given night, I'd say the average Republic player that plays alone loses close to 90% of the time. In fact, when I saw the OP, my first response was going to be this is TOTALLY the server for you. It sounds like the exact opposite of his previous server. Imps destroy pubs here pug vs. pug.


Sure, we win sometimes. But more often than not, we get absolutely destroyed. Huttball is almost always 6-0, ACW frequently ends in three caps, NC is usually some variant of, everyone zergs south and gets promptly killed, the imps get it and then farm us for the rest of the match. Usually ending up right at our starting platform. Voidstar actually seems to be 50/50. It's a coin toss and the one WZ I don't totally dread going into. I've only played a couple matches in the new WZ so I can't really comment on it. They were both losses though.


The best part is it's so bad on this server pub side, that bailing early is a TERRIBLE problem. You are almost always dropped into a warzone at the tail end of a beat down. And why BioWare doesn't add a deserter debuff to this, I don't know why. But it's bad.


So anyway, that's my perspective of a level 50 Republic player that queues solo. Doesn't do premades and is not in a PvP guild. I honestly think that's the objective opinion the OP was looking for because he won't have any friends here at the start. He won't be in a guild. He'll have to do things solo till he starts making contacts.


And this is a GREAT server to do that on if you're imperial.


Edited by SirMissingno
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This. All of this. Republic PvP is atrocious.


...Not really. You're always going to take a few more lumps pugging, than with a pre-made. The same negatives happening on the Pub Side, are happening on Imp side. I think the biggest drawback on Imp side, is that there are too many players who think they know what they are doing, start qqing at the first sign of losing, etc. I'v e had a chance to play more recently due to winter break, and have a had a great time in the zones for the most part. Some fun groups to play with and against, such as Balance on pub side, and Catalyst on Imp side. I recently made a sage and did note a need for players, so that toon will most likely be my focus for a bit.


Still waiting for Bio to tie all this great PVP to some sort of open world bounty or to an RvR scenario, though.

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This. All of this. Republic PvP is atrocious.


Sadly, I have to agree (as a solo queuer). The balance also seems much worse now, after coming back for f2p. My recruit geared imp alt wins noticably more than my geared main of the same class. Playing Imp side just feels... smoother, like things are not as hectic and random.

Edited by durvas
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