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There's been no confirmation as of yet whether the Cathar will be included or not. But seeing as it is an expansion it would seem ideal to do so since that has been the tradition with most MMO expansion packs to include a new playable species. Edited by Vitas
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It has been confirmed by the Devs a number of times that the Cathar will be an independent Cash Shop only purchase.


And that all future New Race considerations will be based off of its sales figures.


We have not recieved any information that the Cathar release is soon let alone timed with RotHC.

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Well it's gonna suck that I'm not going to help secure the future of new races being added in.



What idiot thought, "Oooh, let's add a little-known cat race as the first add-on species to this Star Wars game"? I'm sure there's an obscure panda society somewhere in the SW universe they can get excited about adding in, too.



If the first add-on species was something else, I'd probably support it. But Cathar? No thanks.

Edited by Sanctioned
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There's been no confirmation as of yet whether the Cathar will be included or not. But seeing as it is an expansion it would seem ideal to do so since that has been the tradition with most MMO expansion packs to include a new playable species.

It's been more than confirmed multiple times. Maybe not with Makeb, but sometime very soon. I predict next patch.

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Well it's gonna suck that I'm not going to help secure the future of new races being added in.



What idiot thought, "Oooh, let's add a little-known cat race as the first add-on species to this Star Wars game"? I'm sure there's an obscure panda society somewhere in the SW universe they can get excited about adding in, too.



If the first add-on species was something else, I'd probably support it. But Cathar? No thanks.


Yeah, like Bothans!

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Most, if not all, new races are going to be 'human re-skins' - it takes too much effort and programmer time to do otherwise. Might we see Cathar, Zeltrons, or Voss? Sure - very little effort. Wookies, Bothans, or Sullustans? Don't hold your breath. You'll turn an unhealthy color.
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But that's exactly the point of the whole endeavor. They want to deliver on the more non-human species,

but it's a lot of work to do it right. And they know about the list of fan favorites,

as in rodians, togruta, kel'dor, nautolans, just to name a few (who are already in the game as NPC)


To do it right, they need new tech, because Nautolans with disappearing head tentacles, or the inability to wear hoods

will not do (for example). Especially if we have to pay real money to be able to play them.

Guess what, Bioware actually knows this.


The Cathar, a species that existed as an NPC species already in game, but one that was easier to convert to a playable one,

is actually the market gauge to see if enough interest is even there to PROPERLY start working on other species.


If the interest is there, and big enough, they might do the fan favorites that need more work. If there's no interest,

then we will only get the quick and easy reskins AT BEST, but who cares then, only very few will buy that anyway.

Edited by Talahar
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Hey, I would love Bothans actually. I know I was taking a potshot at fuzzy animal-like races, but at least I've heard of Bothans and the Bothan Spynet before.


Plz you dont know what a cathar is no clue what you are talking about.






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