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Gaurding Healers in PVP


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I devoted the last couple weeks to keeping a good eye on a healer or two. I'll put my gaurd on them, stay near them, stun, peel, push, taunt, and pwn ppl off of them. I focus target them so if I do wander away for a moment (to save an obj, or help finish an enemy healer) I know if they are OK or not and can speed burst back to them.


90% of the time, the healer throws me heals and keeps me alive. 10% of the time I give up on them because I'm not in the business of being and expendable meat sheild.


50% of the time I get their vote at the end (I'll assume it's theirs since the rest of my numbers suck pretty bad except 'gaurd'). 50% of the time no vote. Here is where the /crybaby comes in... if I spend a whole match mostly devoted to making sure you never die THROW ME A BONE dude, and gimme a vote.

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If there's a guy or two who runs through the Hutball map scoring 6 goals himself, or blowing 3 doors in Voidstar they are getting my vote regardless of who protected me.


I play an Op healer and I do love being guarded, but its the Tanks job to be a meat shield and protect me just like its my job to heal you (and others) and a DPS's job to kill stuff. I vote for those who go above and beyond their job, the Mara that kills 30+ and leaps to the enemy goal with the hutball to score. I usually finish with the highest healing total but don't get votes (nor do I expect them) because its my job to heal.

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I devoted the last couple weeks to keeping a good eye on a healer or two. I'll put my gaurd on them, stay near them, stun, peel, push, taunt, and pwn ppl off of them. I focus target them so if I do wander away for a moment (to save an obj, or help finish an enemy healer) I know if they are OK or not and can speed burst back to them.


90% of the time, the healer throws me heals and keeps me alive. 10% of the time I give up on them because I'm not in the business of being and expendable meat sheild.


50% of the time I get their vote at the end (I'll assume it's theirs since the rest of my numbers suck pretty bad except 'gaurd'). 50% of the time no vote. Here is where the /crybaby comes in... if I spend a whole match mostly devoted to making sure you never die THROW ME A BONE dude, and gimme a vote.


Mvp medals don't mean ****. Stop caring.

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Shouldn't be in it for the mvp vote but generally when i heal i'll give a tank a vote for good protection ^^ hell i'll do that occasionally if i'm a dps and see that a tank did a good job protecting a healer because more people will always vote for the healer
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Mvp medals don't mean ****. Stop caring.




Well +62 valor is more then nothing


Not if you're valor 100. Actually, even once you're just rank 70 valor and you can buy all those useless pets off the pvp vendor/wear crafted orange wh gear, more valor is utterly meaningless, just like legacy level 26+.


As to OP's point though, I think the MVP vote system does lead to hurt feelings/resentment, especially when there's a huttball guy who gets 6 scores or voidstar guy who blows 3 doors himself and he gets 0 votes. Those specific times when it's very clearly 1 person making or breaking the match. The one stealther who ninjas a node just in time to turn the match, but gets 0 votes. Part of the problem too though is when you're in a premade, you're inclined to vote for your group members, because if you don't, feels like you're being disloyal. When I'm in a premade, almost always vote for group members. When I solo queue, in Huttball, whoever had most objectives, Voidstar, usually max damage or max heals (rarely protection, since most people only have like 10-30k, enough to get their medals then stop, every so often I see some people with like 150k protection and I'll vote them), rest of the maps usually depends on my mood.


More recently, I've noticed a lot of people, assuming new f2p players, boasting about max kills. Kills are something I never pay attention to. I'll usually look at deaths if I'm a tank to see how much damage I took before going down, but never look at kills. I once saw a healer who got like 82 kills and did like 1312 damage, so yeah....kills don't really matter.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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Not if you're valor 100. Actually, even once you're just rank 70 valor and you can buy all those useless pets off the pvp vendor/wear crafted orange wh gear, more valor is utterly meaningless, just like legacy level 26+.


Yes but not everyone is at Valor 70+, so for those at valor 20+ it does still help.

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If there's a guy or two who runs through the Hutball map scoring 6 goals himself, or blowing 3 doors in Voidstar they are getting my vote regardless of who protected me.


I play an Op healer and I do love being guarded, but its the Tanks job to be a meat shield and protect me just like its my job to heal you (and others) and a DPS's job to kill stuff. I vote for those who go above and beyond their job, the Mara that kills 30+ and leaps to the enemy goal with the hutball to score. I usually finish with the highest healing total but don't get votes (nor do I expect them) because its my job to heal.


What about the sorc who pulled him to the goal line, or ran behind him healing him, or that player that got in a good position to set up the perfect pass so he could score his goals or the guy who guarded him every time he had the ball? What about the sniper who made sure his own teammates always got the ball by setting up on the rafters and killing all enemies who stepped in to the middle area? What about the people who kept enemies distracted while that guy was planting the bombs? What if that marauder had 30 kills just because he was rofl-deathmatching and someone from the opposing team just happened to be simply stupid enough to stand on his own goal iine, which is by now the most blatant mistake you can make in Huttball? The point I'm trying to make is that MVP isn't always so cut and dry as who scored the most goals or who capped the most doors. Most people just vote randomly or vote for someone just because they are a friend or a guildmate. That's why I try not to put too much stock in it anyway, as well as the fact that it offers such a minute reward.

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Only valor that matters is 40, so you can get ranked comms. If you aren't 40 valor already by the time you hit 50, that means your bad, and don't deserve MVPs anyways.


LOL so people who don't PvP constantly are bad? I've seen TONS of good PvP'ers who are at Valor 30 at level 50 because they do other things (FP's, Space, etc).


Since Valor is not legacy wide whos to say a level 50 with 30 valor doesn't have an alt with 100 valor?

Edited by Athena-Nike
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LOL so people who don't PvP constantly are bad? I've seen TONS of good PvP'ers who are at Valor 30 at level 50 because they do other things (FP's, Space, etc).


Since Valor is not legacy wide whos to say a level 50 with 30 valor doesn't have an alt with 100 valor?


Anyone who is good at pvp will be serious about not having a gimped 50. Hence they would have some RWZ and regular comms before hitting 50, if not out right maxed them.


Also hitting valor 40 isn't hard. You'd need to do a few games per level to stay valor capped since the amount of valor you get is ridiculous.

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Guarding healers? What does that mean?


With everyone being in WH gear the life a sorcerer healer has gotten so much tougher, everyone now hits for 5k+, while we still have no defenses. I'll go 10-15 pug games before a tank will toss a guard my way, it's pretty sad.


In fact, having no guard game after game is the MAIN reason why I left full corruption and went back to bubble heal hybrid spec, it is the ONLY way to have some survivability as a sorcerer. If tanks learned how to guard, or if there were tanks at all, you'd probably see less bubble stuns and more full healers. As it is right now, every jugg thinks they need to be in Rage... and they're right, they should be, which means no tanks until Rage gets a look at. You rarely see a PT tank in PvP anyway, and there's a 99% chance the assassin tank is not a tank at all, but all dps optimized.

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I'm a dedicated healer usually and I always MVP my tank when we q together. Idk if I'm just a snob but I don't really take to rando tanks in wz's unless we pre-agree to be a tank-heal duo or end up alone and take out at least 3 other players. Trust issues I guess. I hate putting heals into a tank who doesn't know how to taunt. xD


But when I see good tanks I MVP them over high dps. It's harder to find the discipline to guard than it is to kill alot.

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I don't care about the extra mvp rewards, I'm not even keeping track of the normal rewards, but it still annoys me when you're the determining factor behind a win and the premade you've ended up with only votes for its' own crappy members. You can heal for several 100K more than the premades healer and you've pulled and escorted more or less every carrier..yet no votes. Same thing as dps, you have the most objective points and are 300K ahead of second highest yet no points. I'd be more ok with people not voting at all, I personally don't vote when the entire team has been horrible.

That said, I'm usually giving the top protector my vote, this despite that he/she might have protected another player. I will definitely give the tank my vote if I have been protected because it really helps when I'm healing, in some games I'd call it amazing even.

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I play a 50 Operative healer and a 29 Sage healer and I must say whenever a nice guy like yourself goes out of his way to guard me while also taunt and cc the bad guys attacking me I do my best to follow you around, as long as your doing the objectives, and you will 100% get my vote at the end!


P.S. Just yesterday I was healing some tank the ENTIRE game must of saved his *** 20 times and he didn't even vote for me...so lets say I know how you feel :(

Edited by AGBen
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Tanking in PvP gets very little glory. Even when you hold off 3 or 4 people at a node until help arrives, even when you have 200k protection and take tons of damage for other players. People don't see that, they see damage and they see heals, tanking is a thankless job, don't go in expecting to be recognized.
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