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Top 10 Reasons Why Star Wars: The Old Republic is my WoW Killer


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and this...simply brilliant and lol moment. good on ya!




Poor form here. I live in Baltimore and traffic is bad enough on 695 - 83 exchange, without having to add a plane flight into the commute to work:(


How about we launch The District? I doubt it would make my commute from NoVA any longer. *sigh*

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While I agree that the training swords feel sucky... it's worht it for that sense of achievement when you get your first lightsaber. It was just.. awesome. Hearing that perfect sound effect when you draw it for the first time. And feeling like a ****** when you get to use it.


When I first equipped my lightsaber and heard that familiar sound I thought "Oh yes, you and I shall do great things together."

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Yeah that was a bit annoying, I agree. I pretty much made one of every character and have been enjoying the story-lines immensely. With most of them of them I get to hear stuff like "she had more knowledge of the force at 5 than..." and "omg you're Havoc squad..." and "you're the best bounty hunter ever so let's prove it" etc. So I kind of overlook the SI beginning, but fair point indeed. :cool:


I won't throw out any spoilers, but around level 30 or so ... you show the world just how bad *** you really are.


Trust me on this ... you will NOT be called a slave, ever again. Ever.

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reason #1 - Wow sucked in the first place.



Now, now don't be hatin. A lot of people enjoy/enjoyed that game. Nothing wrong with that. Their pop culture references are funny and they do a lot to engage their fan base. Any MMO that wants to be successful can certainly learn a lot from WoW's successes and failures.

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Pretty funny read, nice job and fairly true even for the Blizzardest of Blizzardy fanboys such as myself. Nothing to say people can't enjoy both though, casual as WoW's gotten.


Very true, but I suspect most are only willing to pay one subscription at a time.

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I dunno that I was ever tired of blasting fireballs at things. The fantasy was never tiresome, I just couldn't enjoy my fantasy with PANDAS running around. And stupid, stupid talent trees. And more, but blah.


Sith Inquisitors start out being called slave and made to feel crappy and inferior, FWIW. I never felt as insulted in game in WoW as I feel leveling an Inq for the first 10 or so levels.


Interesting read. Thanks. :)




Yea, I'm only lvl 16, now, but I had better be allowed to kill that SOB eventually... you know who I'm talking about.

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I'm starting to think I should clarify that first part more. What I'm saying is I am specifically tired of games with elves, and orcs, and mages, oh my!


I understood what you where saying no worries lol. Im sick of fantasy with dragons orcs elves sword + shield and all that **** also I <3 sw thus adding more to my love of this game even more.

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The only thing I feel I disagree with in the article is the whole "feeling inferior" thing.


Jedis start as Padwans. Sith Inquistors are slaves.


Jedis start with glowing nerf bats.


Meanwhile, looking at Troopers and Smugglers....


Troopers start with the bad*** distinction of being a Sgt. No one really wants to be an officer. Sgt. is the way to go! And, they start with the weapons they will move forward with. Rifles, blasters, etc.


I kinda feel like Jedi get the short end of the stick. They'll give noobie gun shooters REAL guns right out of the gate. But Jedi, who are supposed to be responsible, in control of their powers and able to make major life and death decisions, get a glowing plastic bat.



Yea, but in the end, that's actually a bonus... a good thing. It's a rite of passage that only force users get to engage in. The first time you light up that bad boy... ooooohhh yyeeeaaaa!!! Nothing in the other classes starting areas is half as cool.

Edited by Tyrloch
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I agree with most everyone here. Awesome job that summed up how I feel about playing this game over the other MMO that shall remain unspoken. :D


And yes, Jar Jar can go back into a hole somewhere.


I wish my wife would follow me and kill stuff I point at. I tried to get into the "other" game and she lasted to level 20 before she just threw up her hands and went back to Mario Kart. :(

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