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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop with the class balance excuse


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the resolve system is fine, ccs matter. you not liking to be stunlocked, has more to do with your personal playstyle and what and how you think you should be able to accomplish that.


how can you actually believe doubling cc cds and at least doubling(reset after death) the availability of cc-breaker relate to cc's being more meaningful? ccs would be rendered >useless<.

Just think about why which classes get more cc'd. the squishies that start panicing the moment anything hits them, or the melee that mostly cause that panic.. so you basically want melees/bursters to be even more uncontrollable, while the squishies do what? for that to somehow work, all gapclosers would need to have their cd doubled too, and def cds would need to be adjusted in some way, added to some classes... which translates to the same situation in an unnecessary more complex way with more flaws, just to pelase whom? noone.


I will agree i do not like being stunned 3 consecutive stuns in a row. People say it only takes 2 but that isn't really true either. With how stuns overlap now you can have 3 straight stuns on you. Ya if you are up against 3 your most likely going to die but with roots, snares, knock backs you have a chance to give them hell. The way it is now you just stand there shaking *** you get your ***** beat into the ground and your CC break is still on cooldown for another 1:30. If it reset on death i'm not sure it would help much with how quickly people throw CC's around.


I do think doubling the CC's CD would help the stun fest that most hate. However, i see the problem range may face but it would help if you added, or reduced the CD for snares and roots to help mitigate it.

Edited by Rhyn
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Class balance in this game is NOT ok.


Marauders - Have no true counter. They have way too much survivability compared to their damage output. The best way to balance these guys would be to take away their ability to obfuscate and give it to another class. The reason being is that Obfuscation completely negates the burst of too many classes, (snipers, jugs, Assassins, Powertechs). Marauders have enough defensive cooldowns as it is and really should be "eating" more of the burst of other classes.


Mercenary - Basically a free kill to ALL classes. They can rack up great damage when left to free cast but when attacked they have very poor survivability and are easily shut down. IMO obfuscation should actually be given to the bounty hunter tree. It would stop them eating so much of the burst of other classes.


Sorcs - Too low survivability in relation to their damage output. Bioware tried to balance this with bubble stun. Bubble stun however was a very silly decision and produced a plethora of flow on effects ruining warzones for a lot of people. A better solution is required.


Jugs - All 3 trees are viable. Vengeance needs a buff, smash tree (all warriors) needs a nerf.


Assassins - Fine in all 3 specs. Tank tree should be more tanky and have less damage than it does. The other 2 trees are in a good place.


Operatives - Healing tree is overpowered. Concealment needs a slight "SLIGHT" buff. I would probably redesign the tree by allowing combat exit to reset whenever a kill is achieved. This would allow the class to actually use its burst. Probably a bit better energy management wouldn't hurt as well so that you could actually chuck nades without running out of energy.


Powertechs - Tank tree needs a buff, AP tree needs a root on flamethrower 3 stacks instead of a slow. The slow is bugged and does not work half the time. Retractable blade is meh especially with 6 talent points associated with it. The only Talent of it worth taking is the slow but its talent number 6 - no thanks. Combust tree is fine with the exception of incendiary missile. I'd like to see its heat cost lowered and perhaps even a cooldown added so that it can be spammed on single targets.

Edited by JackNader
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I agree with the op the class balance is pretty close it just depends on the player. The cc given to each class is right on and should never change. The ccs tht should change are the tech grenades no way should a combat sent have an extra cc to wip a ranged class or vs virsa like adrennelans they should be pve only. As far as the cc goes from stun bubble is ahould only apply to the caser. or change it altogether so when it exploses it reduces accuracy by 200% and causes a root. It would have the same effect as a stun and cause no resolve.
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However, i see the problem range may face but it would help if you added, or reduced the CD for snares and roots to help mitigate it.
How exactly would that help when the latter is foremost used by the AC'es that the ranged classes are trying to get away from? Sorcs root is on knockback and it has to be speced for. Slow has a short CD but is mitigated by all the crap melee throw back at us. They should just turn the bubble stun, when applied on non-casters, into a root on burst instead and with no resolve value, like other roots in the game. That might have worked in combination with nerfs to some of the other insanities in the game. Edited by Washingtoon
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Please The Rage/Foucs is no were near OP as you guys think. Yes we can do alot of damage and yes i won a few 1v1 however i also have lost few. You want to know y, it not cause the other class is better then. but the other player is much more skilled on how to use there class. Understand A Skill player will always find a win a match but he/ will not crying or ***** on hard it but on how fun it was. Win or Loss
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Class balance in this game is NOT ok. It really isn’t that bad. I do think it needs some tweeks but nothing as bad as what people cry about.


Marauders - Have no true counter. Shadow and slinger does a damn good job against them


Mercenary - Basically a free kill to ALL classes. I agree


Sorcs - Too low survivability in relation to their damage output. Bioware tried to balance this with bubble stun. Bubble stun however was a very silly decision and produced a plethora of flow on effects ruining warzones for a lot of people. A better solution is required.


Jugs - All 3 trees are viable. Vengeance needs a buff, smash tree (all warriors) needs a nerf.

Yes veng/vig tree needs a rework and smash needs a rework on the mechanic either auto crit on sing stacks on the targ not the jug/guard


Assassins - Fine in all 3 specs. Tank tree should be more tanky and have less damage than it does. The other 2 trees are in a good place. Tanking can’t be tanky until the adjust def against force and tech attacks then it would justify a little less damage. Until they do I think it is fine as is.


Operatives - Healing tree is overpowered. IMO 1 thing is OP and that is med pack with no CD. You add a 2-3 sec CD on it and it would be fine.

Concealment needs a slight "SLIGHT" buff. I would probably redesign the tree by allowing combat exit to reset whenever a kill is achieved. This would allow the class to actually use its burst. Probably a bit better energy management wouldn't hurt as well so that you could actually chuck nades without running out of energy. I would agree with an adjustment to energy management.


Powertechs - Tank tree needs a buff, I can’t say anything on this TBH. I have heard the same complaint by some vanguards.


I agree and disagree with you on this.

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I have most of those classes and have a different take myself. I think some people don't understand that classes have roles and that can cause issues. Here is what i have a problem with in PvP.


1- smash singularity stacks on the target not the guard/jugg so only the single player gets hit with the large smash the other 4 get standard crit damage IE. 3k


2- Bubble stun needs its resolve value upped to the other hard stuns and should only be on the sorc/sage


3- Merc/mando needs to be looked at they are hurting some.


IMO the the biggest problems with class balance comes from the current CC system, and the insane amount of burst in the game ATM. It needs to be toned down So classes that are designed for sustained damage have a place in PvP. Not every class should be designed for burst and no burst class should be able maintain some high sustained damage.


The resolve system needs to be adjusted so CC's actually matter in the game. Make your CC break ability reset on death and double the CD on all CC abilities so they actually matter. Then we would see less stun locks, and cc use would then mean something when used correctly or hurt you when used unwisely.


Best post ever, and i agree.

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Please The Rage/Foucs is no were near OP as you guys think. Yes we can do alot of damage and yes i won a few 1v1 however i also have lost few. You want to know y, it not cause the other class is better then. but the other player is much more skilled on how to use there class. Understand A Skill player will always find a win a match but he/ will not crying or ***** on hard it but on how fun it was. Win or Loss

You're right and yet also wrong. A single rage/focus specced character is perfectly balanced as dps to survivabilty goes IMHO. The issue is that a pack of them have much more synergy together then any other pack. Take for instance 4 pyro's'assault vanguards. You can bet 4 running together are gonna burn targets down super fast, but, here's the kicker it's all single target dps. 4 smash monkeys runing together are doing that same burst, but, it's aoe damage....that's when it's OP and out of whack. I certainly have no fix for the problem. So I mainly roll with an infiltration shadow these days.

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So every class can be FOTM?


1st Class was rolled shadow Dec 15 2011

2nd Vanguard was rolled I believe in Feb 2012 played tactics and assault spec

3rd sent was rolled I think In April 2012 tried all spec but like combat the best

4th Sorc rolled around Jun or July 2012 Madness

5th Scoundrel is the last and he is a scrapper and I really enjoy it.

6th ops medic also in the works


Here is the deal Sorc’s can fry the piss out of melee if they don’t close the gap and fast. Melee can destroy the sorc if they do close the gap. However, this is not always true who is behind the keyboard and has more experience and time vested in that toon will have the edge. It is a vicious circle I know.

For ops/scoundrel DPS I think they are harder to play than other classes and be good at it. It is very positional and target selection is key for the class but it does not suck and in the right hands is brutal.


Notice that none of those classes were Snipers. Amazing.

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You do realize that you just debunked your own thesis by agreeing to everything people ever complain about in terms of balance, right?


You do realize that you wrote a useless sentence that pertains to absolutely nothing, in terms of anything right? J/K man lol.



Screaming for nerfs endlessly on the forums is a disease. It's a plague of the lesser minds, a selfish refusal to adapt and overcome. PVP contains the x-factor that many of us crave. There is chaos and strategy and a level of excitement unavailable in any other part of the game. Learning how to quickly adapt, and anticipate combat specifics are essential. It's from within this chaos that a player finds "balance", by relying on his team's and his own intuition. There have been many posts about how to fight against shi-cho opponents. read them. Develop yer own.


Here's a future "nerf" example...

I remember co-ordinating attacks with another jug. We were both using shien form(I still am atm), and we would both charge a target, and unleash dual ravages. Needless to say, we could drop said target very quickly. Is there soon to be a thread released called "nerf ravage/masterstrike"? By doing so, will we have achieved "balance"?


Class balance doesn't exist.




Class balance can never exist.


The reason why I'll state again, is due to the fundamental element called Player Skill. It's an ugly truth but there's beauty within in it.

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You should be careful when you assume you know what they say. and FYI i do not.


for your info i have i have vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc. I have tried smash but i really hate it and think it is bad for PvP so i run combat.


Play gunnery commando/arsenal merc exclusively at level 50 for the next 6 months and then come back and say things are ok...and for your information sent = marauder.

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Assuming that they fix the "click exploit", a stun, even if it happens to be a hard stun, shouldnt have the same value as a stun you directly control. I hope they take that into consideration before they nerf it to the ground and lose another 10 % of the player base in one patch.


It's an exploit to click off a buff?! That's news to me! Also why should it not have the same resolve value? Cause some crying scrub says? Makes totes sense. Before it was buffed it filled the proper amount of resolve for it's CC type and duration.

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You should be careful when you assume you know what they say. and FYI i do not.


for your info i have i have vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc. I have tried smash but i really hate it and think it is bad for PvP so i run combat.


So you basically play all the OP classes (barring the sage). VG, shadow, and sent are the top 3 classes right now.

Edited by Smashbrother
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So you basically play all the OP classes (barring the sage). VG, shadow, and sent are the top 3 classes right now.


I find this humorous. Listen i made this thread to inform people like you that there really aren't OP classes with 1 exception and ironically it is a class you have Guardian. TBH it is the focus spec that is OP and that can be fixed with a mechanic change. So if you think all those classes are OP then it is good you came to this thread cause it was designed for people like you.


The bottom line is learn the class you play and learn the class you have trouble with that will make all the difference in the game. MMO's cannot have balance when you put the human factor in the equation. Some people suck and some don't and those that do either learn or cry. I am encouraging the learn aspect.

Edited by Rhyn
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Smash needs nerfed and the bubble blind needs to fill the proper amount of resolve and that probably still needs nerfed.


Oh and buff mercs then we're GG.


If they fix the resolve they probably need to remove the stun from working on someone besides sorcs altogether. Otherwise you'll get derp smashers leaping in, breaking a bunch of bubbles at once, and then enjoying their free 30 seconds of CC immunity.


Otherwise I agree completely.

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If they fix the resolve they probably need to remove the stun from working on someone besides sorcs altogether. Otherwise you'll get derp smashers leaping in, breaking a bunch of bubbles at once, and then enjoying their free 30 seconds of CC immunity.


Otherwise I agree completely.


As I said in my other post. The resolve for bubble pop was fine when it was a mez. 3 second mez and 300 resolve. Now it's a hard stun and still 300 resolve. Thus it's broken.


Also resolve doesn't work like that anymore so the derpsmash will leap in break a bunch of bubbles and have the same amount of resolve from one popping. Please learn your mechanics.

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