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Healing's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it......(light spoilers)

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Just a quick moan thread lol. I'm loving my sorceror and most flashpoints have been great with a group that works well etc. Then there was ATHISS today. For the whole flashpoint I got nothing but abuse for not healing when it was because the dps were useless (tank wasn't the worst tbh but DPS is the easiest role to play so managing to turn a 15 min flashpoint into an hour long one can only be attributed to a lousy strategy).


They attacked everything in their path, sliced the elevator at the start and decided to stealth their way through the bit outside (obv meaning if u die, ur soloing it back through mountains of enemies). The next great idea was to lure the first boss into the cave meaning I couldn't heal and all the adds and boss were all over me. Trying to juggle healing yourself as well as the DPS who can't see s*it because the big galoot is taking up the viewing area is a task. Do they not get that ur heals are limited and u have to be able to SEE the player ur healing or it won't work.


Got to the end where the idiots burnt themselves up with the flames and obviously that makes the job even harder so i die because i've shielded one of them. Flashpoint ends and I get a 'learn to play' comment. Why does it wind me up so much? feck knows but it did lol


Rant over

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Ya I'm rolling a healer Op and is just sucks sometimes. DPS's aggroing everything in sight, tanks leaping into battle after battle without letting you (or anyone else) heal up or regen energy, people breaking CC's.... Probably one of the reasons there are so few healers (and tanks) then dps...
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Haha, I feel your pain!


I only play healer classes in MMO's, I love playing support roles in general.


I did just finish a Hammer Station that last 45+ minutes because the first half the Shadow tank wasn't running the tank stance and a Sentinel kept pulling everything in sight. It does become very frustrating, but like you said.


Someone's got to do it!



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If you die you shouldn't have to walk back unless it's a wipe, in which case the stealthers would be with you to sap things again.


The flames from the final boss only damage the person they're targetting... So if you died from them, it was your own fault. Although if they were targetting someone else they need to move, but they might not have known that.


No idea why they would tank the giant dog in the cave, and the DPS should be burning the adds immediately since tanks at that level don't have an AOE taunt.


Not trying to defend bad playing here, but some of your complaints are excusable...

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Try to teach players how to be better.


Then chew them out for being terrible and being the reason for failure.


Then have everyone you know /ignore that person.


*As a healer, I would suggest getting into a guild and running with the people in there, getting to know the people that you are healing and hopefully they will listen/be already good. Knowing the player helps out a great deal.*


I had a healer friend once that after giving some advice to a terrible dps player about how he shouldnt shoot CCed/marked mobs jumped into a bottomless hole and pulled her into it. After that happened the dps was kicked from the HM group and promptly we told everyone in the guild to /ignore that person.

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dont worry. it is the same at level 50 in the hms.


dps dont learn much by then. like some even have the capacity to do so.


stupid is a terrible diseases that thrives in the dps population.


I have seen just as many Stupid Healers as I have stupid DPS !

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The difference is the number of DPS. Say 50% of DPS are stupid and 50% of healers are stupid. Odds are you will have to deal with FAR more stupid DPS then stupid healers


True but its alot more annoying dealing with a stupid healer. Just my opinion :p but then again having a main as a healer I am very critical of other healers.

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True but its alot more annoying dealing with a stupid healer. Just my opinion :p but then again having a main as a healer I am very critical of other healers.


lol, I was just coming here to say this!


I am a sorc healer main and the way I see a lot of sorc healers heal drives me CRAZY. I've met so many don't use their heal circle in fights where the entire group is taking heavy damage (such as the beginning of EV) because it "uses up lots of force"... then when I ask them why they don't use consumption after casting it to heal from the circle they defend it with "I'm conservative with heals, you only need to heal people enough so they don't die. I don't like wasting force."


sdfjskldjfsdklfjsdklfjsdf = my brain's response.

Edited by Beltane
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healing sucks in lowbie fp's


most healers are limited to a couple lackluster heals for a long time in their leveling life

mix in derpy groups who assume said low-levelers have all their abilities at level 25 and you have the idiotic -"l2p" drivel from those in the group running willy nilly all over the place

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healing sucks in lowbie fp's


most healers are limited to a couple lackluster heals for a long time in their leveling life

mix in derpy groups who assume said low-levelers have all their abilities at level 25 and you have the idiotic -"l2p" drivel from those in the group running willy nilly all over the place

Both yes and no on the PvP thingy, I reach 100k before lvl 20, 200k before lvl 30 and almost every pvp game from lvl 30 i get over 300k healing. So it really is depending on how you play I think, and this is as an operative as well as a sorc, only played these two classes as healers, never tried merc but I guess the difference isn't that big when it comes to when they get healing abilities.

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AGREE Fully what's worse is the healer that wants to play tank because he or she is carrying the rest of the group , then it gets to be fun hitting enrage timers etc due to the lack of dps > :(( .. I know I'm a healer and dam GOOD one I feel you on this ...



LMAO good post made my day ... oyea forgot in a raid how they blame us if we wipe countless times due to the hitting the enrages timer's that's our fault to ... I did TFB SM to day , worse pug I ever did , we wiped two times at the second Boss because ether the Noobs who never did would not say anything or the DPS was that bad , SMTFB no less and the two healers and two tanks were the last to die both tries , I had to go so I couldn't get in a third try ...

Edited by moonshoter
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lol, I was just coming here to say this!


I am a sorc healer main and the way I see a lot of sorc healers heal drives me CRAZY. I've met so many don't use their heal circle in fights where the entire group is taking heavy damage (such as the beginning of EV) because it "uses up lots of force"... then when I ask them why they don't use consumption after casting it to heal from the circle they defend it with "I'm conservative with heals, you only need to heal people enough so they don't die. I don't like wasting force."


sdfjskldjfsdklfjsdklfjsdf = my brain's response.



MY main is Sorc to and YEA that happen a few times on my Tank in HM SM EV etc ,,, or the sorc doesn't heal at all and asked what that is , you just say hm and leave at that point ..




Good one



LAMO and so true ... I love that aoe so much I try to have it down as much as poss .. all ways on CD unless I need it for some fights were a lot will happen DMG wise and its needed more at that point in the fight ..,

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I have seen just as many Stupid Healers as I have stupid DPS !


problem is the stupid healers respec into dps. the same with tanks. what you have left is a ever increasing population of stupid players that now play dps. it is the way of mmos. those that cant tank or heal play dps.

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AGREE Fully what's worse is the healer that wants to play tank because he or she is carrying the rest of the group , then it gets to be fun hitting enrage timers etc due to the lack of dps > :(( .. I know I'm a healer and dam GOOD one I feel you on this ...



LMAO good post made my day ... oyea forgot in a raid how they blame us if we wipe countless times due to the hitting the enrages timer's that's our fault to ... I did TFB SM to day , worse pug I ever did , we wiped two times at the second Boss because ether the Noobs who never did would not say anything or the DPS was that bad , SMTFB no less and the two healers and two tanks were the last to die both tries , I had to go so I couldn't get in a third try ...


TFB is one of my favorite ops. Solo healed SM up till TFB just cause of the distance between groups during the tentacle phase at the beging :(

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I have a tank main and I have to say I see A LOT of DPS players who act like tanks. They run ahead of everyone and start attacking anything in range without waiting for the healer to catch up. Constantly breaking CC and getting killed. I see more bad dps players than healers. Healers won't last long as healers if they are not any good. DPS will keep trying to dps. I actually told a Sentinel to keep her bleeds/dots up on a boss we wiped 3 times on in the Battle of Ilum. She replied 'I don't have any bleeds/dots". After hearing that our tank quit and then the healer lol.


Healing is a dirty job just like tanking. When something goes wrong, people blame the tank or the healer. And it's not just a small mistake...it's a mistake that causes people to wipe. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mara and my Shadow specced in Balance for DPS but it gets annoying when you have a dps who doesn't know they are bad.

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Specfically Re: Athiss

I will never fully understand skipping large amounts of mobs in low level flashpoints. People for the most part are there for XP. Maybe some are there for loot or comms but XP is by far the biggest reward for these, especially with rested, legacy perk and a cartel boost. But people have been trained to play a certain way, it seems.


I don't play any DPS classes in PvE. I mostly play on my Op healer, Sorc healer and Shadow tank (though I recently leveled my Merc to 50 and I enjoy the healing style). Bad DPS is just going to happen. Standing in things will always happen. Ignoring kill order or obvious kill order. Breaking CC. I'm used to all this. It stinks when it ruins a group but whatever.


I do find myself being more critical of the classes I play though. LIke Shadows who never use pull. Or 30m TKT. Or knockback enemies out of AoE. Or get caught in stealth detection. Or Ops that never use RN. Or don't keep TA up. Or don't heal with probes. Most bad Sorcs only use DH/DI instead of their other incredibly awesome heals.

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I have a tank main and I have to say I see A LOT of DPS players who act like tanks. They run ahead of everyone and start attacking anything in range without waiting for the healer to catch up. Constantly breaking CC and getting killed. I see more bad dps players than healers. Healers won't last long as healers if they are not any good. DPS will keep trying to dps. I actually told a Sentinel to keep her bleeds/dots up on a boss we wiped 3 times on in the Battle of Ilum. She replied 'I don't have any bleeds/dots". After hearing that our tank quit and then the healer lol.


Healing is a dirty job just like tanking. When something goes wrong, people blame the tank or the healer. And it's not just a small mistake...it's a mistake that causes people to wipe. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mara and my Shadow specced in Balance for DPS but it gets annoying when you have a dps who doesn't know they are bad.


Im sorry but unless it was a watchmen sentinel they only have 1 DoT and unless you have a perfect rotation using it will lower your dps quite abit so telling an untrained combat spec(or rage i guess but who goes rage for HMs) is bad, also i assume you're referring to the last boss since you only fight 2 and 1 is really just a slightly harder trash mob, on the last boss you need to interupt his explosion or you'll end up wiping if you are hitting enrage you are doing something wrong

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Im sorry but unless it was a watchmen sentinel they only have 1 DoT and unless you have a perfect rotation using it will lower your dps quite abit so telling an untrained combat spec(or rage i guess but who goes rage for HMs) is bad, also i assume you're referring to the last boss since you only fight 2 and 1 is really just a slightly harder trash mob, on the last boss you need to interupt his explosion or you'll end up wiping if you are hitting enrage you are doing something wrong


I have a mara at level 50. Have played all 3 trees in FP's. I FIND a way to work in my Dots and still have high dps no matter which tree it is. My rotations have always been suggested rotations I've read online with a few changes by me. The Dots just help you achieve your goals faster. The boss we were on was Jindo Krey and it was FE. I've never wiped on this boss once since playing and we wiped 3 or times. Also should mention they wiped on it before I joined the group with my Shadow. They either kicked out the other dps or he quit before I joined.

Either way, my point is this...dps is one of the easier roles in this game which is why a dps can queue for 15-20 minutes in GF and whenever I use my tank I can get in right away. We have too many and way more who suck at it lol

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On my lvl 50 healer I have had few fail pugs( all esselles) really doing hard mode. But , I will say the times I have gotten a hit as a dps instead of a healer have been interesting. Almost every one I have had to save the day with emergency heals because the tank hit 15% or lower health or a DPS was ignored in a critical fight where we are focusing on 2 different targets during a boss fight. As a side note 2/5 esselles runs have ended in failure on ironfist. One group I told them through 2 straight wipes to interrupt his head shot and they kept on wiping. I assume the esselles is a more likely to be chosen by some noob looking to dip into the HM pool.
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I have a mara at level 50. Have played all 3 trees in FP's. I FIND a way to work in my Dots and still have high dps no matter which tree it is. My rotations have always been suggested rotations I've read online with a few changes by me. The Dots just help you achieve your goals faster. The boss we were on was Jindo Krey and it was FE. I've never wiped on this boss once since playing and we wiped 3 or times. Also should mention they wiped on it before I joined the group with my Shadow. They either kicked out the other dps or he quit before I joined.

Either way, my point is this...dps is one of the easier roles in this game which is why a dps can queue for 15-20 minutes in GF and whenever I use my tank I can get in right away. We have too many and way more who suck at it lol


Was it FE or was it illum you've said both now... If it was was jindo my guess would be noone was using the turret to disable the cannon.

Also you keep saying DoTs plural, non-annihilation marauders have 1 that is on a 15 sec CD and lasts 6 seconds. On a fight with lots of running it will be a dps boost to use on CD assuming you dont miss another key ability but fights like jindo, it would be better to spend that rage on massacre until you get your power to a decent level to make rupture have more use sub-800 power its pretty underwhelming .

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