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I would like a Vong Event


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I'm huge fan of NJO but I think that we should keep Vongs aways from this Era.


I'm not interested in the Vong myself. While a lot of people enjoy the EU, you'll probably find that a majority of Star Wars fans either don't care about it, or flat out don't like anything too far out of cannon. Plus, it's been already said that the next trilogy will not be anything like the books, thus pushing the Vong story line further out to the fringe of the Star Wars mythos.


You are wrong. A majority of Star Wars fans that are still interested in Star Wars are interested in EU. Movies... well, movies are movies, it's base for Star Wars, but the only thing that is keeping this universe alive is EU. And please remember, that SWTOR is a part of EU based on Expanded Universe works (not only KotOR, but also old comic books, especialy Golden Age of the Sith and The Fall of the Sith Empire, they also took almost everything from EU - planets, races, culture, history, references).

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ok i did a little work on what is cannon and not:


""In July 2001, Lucas gave his opinion on the matter of what is canon in Star Wars during an interview with Cinescape magazine:


"There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There's my world, which is the movies, and there's this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don't intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don't get too involved in the parallel universe." ""



LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married...


so he only has the movies and prequels he doesnt care about the games or the books. in the C-Cannon the books and games will correlate, so that means if you've read the books where Canderous became the new Mandalore from the Revan Book that means that his Madnos did fight the Coral Skipper and not knowing it could have an spot in the Old Republic history, So we COULD have a Vong event just not called the Vong, They could be called the ExoGalactic invaders for all I care.


Also the new movies are a direct violation to what lucas wants

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ok i did a little work on what is cannon and not:


""In July 2001, Lucas gave his opinion on the matter of what is canon in Star Wars during an interview with Cinescape magazine:




Also the new movies are a direct violation to what lucas wants


You're right Lucas did say all those things, and they have been true all these years.


However the moment he decided to sell it all to Disney, and signed on the dotted line, those old interview words essentially became null and void, as shown by the coming episode VII, and the press conference where he has placed the future of his creation into Disney's hands, and I imagine Disney has their own plans for the future of the Star wars universe.

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As you've heard in the first KOTOR game, Canderous Ordo encountered a Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-et ship:


So a possible appearance by the Vong in SWTOR I wouldn't rule out. Of course not a huge invasion but maybe a small group of them in some form or one of their creatures. Also it's possible for Zonama Sekot to make an appearance and if the oppertunity was there to make it explorable, I wouldn't say no. It's possible maybe the beast in Terror from Beyond is a Vong creature but that's only speculation.

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As you've heard in the first KOTOR game, Canderous Ordo encountered a Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-et ship:


So a possible appearance by the Vong in SWTOR I wouldn't rule out. Of course not a huge invasion but maybe a small group of them in some form or one of their creatures. Also it's possible for Zonama Sekot to make an appearance and if the oppertunity was there to make it explorable, I wouldn't say no. It's possible maybe the beast in Terror from Beyond is a Vong creature but that's only speculation.


I would, cause even IF it made a cameo, it wouldn't be explorable by us as it doesn't get settled on until 89 BBY and it is unlikely that that creature is related to the Vong. Could it be a Creature from the same Galaxy that the Vong came from, sure but that would probably be the only similarity it had to the Vong.

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ok i did a little work on what is cannon and not:


""In July 2001, Lucas gave his opinion on the matter of what is canon in Star Wars during an interview with Cinescape magazine:


"There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There's my world, which is the movies, and there's this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don't intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don't get too involved in the parallel universe." ""



LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married...


so he only has the movies and prequels he doesnt care about the games or the books. in the C-Cannon the books and games will correlate, so that means if you've read the books where Canderous became the new Mandalore from the Revan Book that means that his Madnos did fight the Coral Skipper and not knowing it could have an spot in the Old Republic history, So we COULD have a Vong event just not called the Vong, They could be called the ExoGalactic invaders for all I care.


Also the new movies are a direct violation to what lucas wants


o good lord that dumb dumb could never make up his damn mind!!! back before there was episodes I II and III he said there were 9 stories and we only got the middle so he is just a big fat lire, he also once said that he read every book and had to ok everything that went on within them to be sure they went along with his view/story.


i for one am glad that he sold it all away, all he has done to this franchise in the past 10 years is run it into the ground. The only good things that has come out of all of it are the novels.

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I would, cause even IF it made a cameo, it wouldn't be explorable by us as it doesn't get settled on until 89 BBY and it is unlikely that that creature is related to the Vong. Could it be a Creature from the same Galaxy that the Vong came from, sure but that would probably be the only similarity it had to the Vong.


Colonization doesn't also mean discovery. There's also the possibility that it could've maybe been settled or had a small base during this era and eventually forgotten by the time of the Republic Dark Age.

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we can live without it and I doubt the community as a whole cares about it. Majority of the people here care more about features they had in WoW.


skrew features we have in wow i want features we had in SWG B^P

i would like to have a beast master B^)


i would like to be able to jump on my speeder and fly all over the planet and not worry about being knocked off and die due to exhaustion zones


i would like to be able to make armor and make it any damn color i want to make it!!!


i would like to be able to sit down and or dance with other people in a cantina


I would like to be any other race than something that looks human!!!!!!!

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Ah, KOTOR, how I remember Canderous telling me about shooting the asteroid and it flying off. Good times.


The only main event that could be done here is, I dunno, a crashed 'asteroid' which didn't disintegrate in orbit or somethin'.

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This is flying out of control!


The movies are the core foundation, the books fill the gaps. Not the other way around. The books can and will be retconned, as we have already experienced.


The Vong were originally designed to be Sith, that's right, another return of the Sith but juiced up on a darker side. Lucas does treat all of that EU content as non-existent, he has said it. But like the bible, there are a lot of contradictions.


While the Vong were hinted at being around for a long time, there was no pre-invasion. Ordo got that experience and it didn't get much deeper than that.


The films were stated as being new original stories, which will likely kill the whole solo-organa offspring stories. No Mara-jade... As we know them.


Just be prepared for honorable nods to the universe and hope for something good.


The Vong event in question, just doesn't fit or feel right in this era.


Keep thinking that the new films will wipe out the current EU. Just keep thinking that. There is plenty of room for new films to fit within the existing EU. Yes, there may be a few things that get retconned and cleaned up. But to say that Everything written to date will be wiped out is just pure speculation. Original stories does not mean "We'll wipe out the entire EU and re-write it.". All the stories regarding the Solo children will remain, like it or not.


As for a Vong related event? No, just no. They have no place in this game. I like them, but they do not belong here.

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Ah, KOTOR, how I remember Canderous telling me about shooting the asteroid and it flying off. Good times.


The only main event that could be done here is, I dunno, a crashed 'asteroid' which didn't disintegrate in orbit or somethin'.


There could be many possibilities on how the Vong could get involved. A mysterious idividual who's manipulating either the Republic or Empore or inciting civil war, Vong creatures who have drifted across the galaxy to arrive on one of the known worlds, or the discovery of Zonama Sekot where a group of Vong are found who have drifted from their galaxy.


The possibilities are there but of course limited as to how the Vong could be involved.

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Keep thinking that the new films will wipe out the current EU. Just keep thinking that. There is plenty of room for new films to fit within the existing EU. Yes, there may be a few things that get retconned and cleaned up. But to say that Everything written to date will be wiped out is just pure speculation. Original stories does not mean "We'll wipe out the entire EU and re-write it.". All the stories regarding the Solo children will remain, like it or not.


As for a Vong related event? No, just no. They have no place in this game. I like them, but they do not belong here.


While I certainly hope you are right as I am a huge EU fan, I find that doubtful. While certainly possible, it seems incredibly doubtful that they will keep the stories of the Solo children exactly as they appear in the books. For one thing they are not going to want filmgoers to have an extensive knowledge of EU material to understand the movies. It certainly seems likely that the Solos will have children and probably even have the same names. But the entire history of the children is too complex, they will probably start fresh in some regards in that area. Same goes for the founding of the New Jedi Order.


As popular as the EU novels are(many are New York Times Bestsellers), they are not nearly as popular as the films and TV show. Take the players of this game for instance, most have no idea just how deeply rooted in EU lore this game is, sadly demonstrated by some of the posts in this thread.

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Keep thinking that the new films will wipe out the current EU. Just keep thinking that. There is plenty of room for new films to fit within the existing EU. Yes, there may be a few things that get retconned and cleaned up. But to say that Everything written to date will be wiped out is just pure speculation. Original stories does not mean "We'll wipe out the entire EU and re-write it.". All the stories regarding the Solo children will remain, like it or not.


As for a Vong related event? No, just no. They have no place in this game. I like them, but they do not belong here.


Hence the reason I said "as we know it". I don't mean it will be purged as we know it, right from existence, just that it won't fit directly into what will exist. Unless they pull the Star Trek move to have it make sense in the universe on both sides of the fence. Original content is original though, so while the solo kids exist in the EU, they may not come to be in the films, making the books an alternate timeline. Which to an extent, removes them from the core canon presented by the films.


While it is sad that sometimes this stuff happens, accepting what is canon is up to the end user and what they value most in the universe they love.


Ultimately, the films are the core of the Star Wars universe before anything else, regardless of contributions, contradictions or any other anything the EU brings.

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Take the players of this game for instance, most have no idea just how deeply rooted in EU lore this game is, sadly demonstrated by some of the posts in this thread.


This is true, to an extent. I find the old republic universe far more interesting than the legacy EU. Simply because to me, the Skywalker era was over. Finding out the history of the universe and why "the oppression of the Sith" was so feared.


But this is all personal preference right? As all opinions are.

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Hence the reason I said "as we know it". I don't mean it will be purged as we know it, right from existence, just that it won't fit directly into what will exist. Unless they pull the Star Trek move to have it make sense in the universe on both sides of the fence. Original content is original though, so while the solo kids exist in the EU, they may not come to be in the films, making the books an alternate timeline. Which to an extent, removes them from the core canon presented by the films.


While it is sad that sometimes this stuff happens, accepting what is canon is up to the end user and what they value most in the universe they love.


Ultimately, the films are the core of the Star Wars universe before anything else, regardless of contributions, contradictions or any other anything the EU brings.


Although we know for certain they've said the Thrawn trilogy will be accounted as have taken place, we still can't be ceratin what this will mean for the Jedi Academy and New Jedi Order series. If the later was to contradict the events of the future films, then that would mean the Vong invasion would've never occurred and much of their history would be viewed upon as conjectual. As the films are highly unlikely to conflict with the events of SWTOR, this game could be viewed upon as that last bastion to help keep memory of the expansive lore that has already been established after Return of the Jedi but its past history which took place during this era ie. Like how Belsavis first appeared in Children of the Jedi but its wider history was explored in this game.


The Vong could be the first as such to consider featuring in the game in some form but of course not involving a huge invasion.

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In my view, one of the more attractive things about the Old Republic era is that there are no f*cking Vong.


I'm sorry but they actually do exist during this era. Canderous Ordo encountered a Vong Yorik-et ship:

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Although we know for certain they've said the Thrawn trilogy will be accounted as have taken place, we still can't be ceratin what this will mean for the Jedi Academy and New Jedi Order series. If the later was to contradict the events of the future films, then that would mean the Vong invasion would've never occurred and much of their history would be viewed upon as conjectual. As the films are highly unlikely to conflict with the events of SWTOR, this game could be viewed upon as that last bastion to help keep memory of the expansive lore that has already been established after Return of the Jedi but its past history which took place during this era ie. Like how Belsavis first appeared in Children of the Jedi but its wider history was explored in this game.


The Vong could be the first as such to consider featuring in the game in some form but of course not involving a huge invasion.


When did they ever say that the Thrawn Trilogy will be accounted for taking place in the movies? I have not heard anything to that effect. I would be super excited if that was the case though.


Source please?

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