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I would like a Vong Event


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I was told that the Yuuzhan vong wer not part of the timeframe we use on the Swtor servers, but I looked up some information and have found the following information used on multiple sites talking about the history of the Star wars galaxy:


When the Yuuzhan Vong left their galaxy, how long their voyage took, or if they even knew what their destination would be, was unknown. At least one account spoke of their journey taking at least several millennia;[12] however, by 26 ABY, one of the oldest worldships (old enough to be dying, and considered to be 'ancient') was less than 1000 years old.[11] It would appear that by 3,997 BBY, sometime after Exar Kun became the new Dark Lord of the Sith, the Praetorite Vong's slivilith probe creatures had arrived,[25] and as of 3,963 BBY, at least one scout had reached the Wild Space region of the known galaxy.[26] In that year, a group of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders under the command of Canderous Ordo encountered what would later come to be known as a Yorik-stronha, disguised as an asteroid in the Crispin system, while chasing a group of pirates in the system's asteroid belt. When Ordo used a thermal generator to melt the frozen methane covering the "asteroid", the Yorik-Stronha, in Ordo's words, "woke up". The asteroid began to spin quickly and then proceeded to fire plasma at the Mandalorians. The extragalactic weaponry was able to melt through the Mandalorian's armor "like wax". The attack on the Mandalorians became the "first contact" with the Known Galaxy. The probe fled soon after the brief battle with Canderous Ordo's Mandalorians. Ordo followed in hot pursuit, but was unable to keep up with the probe. The Mandalorians were able to track the probe's hyperspace wake to the edge of the galaxy, where the Neo-Crusaders turned back, apparently thinking that the mysterious ship was going on a suicide run into the great void outside the galaxy. Also in this general timeframe, a female Shaper arrived in the galaxy in suspended animation, crashing on Lorrd and surviving there for several decades, interacting with locals who believed her to be a demon


I think this would make for an excellent event to use the vong and get some of their tech for characters

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I'm not interested in the Vong myself. While a lot of people enjoy the EU, you'll probably find that a majority of Star Wars fans either don't care about it, or flat out don't like anything too far out of cannon. Plus, it's been already said that the next trilogy will not be anything like the books, thus pushing the Vong story line further out to the fringe of the Star Wars mythos.
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I'm not interested in the Vong myself. While a lot of people enjoy the EU, you'll probably find that a majority of Star Wars fans either don't care about it, or flat out don't like anything too far out of cannon. Plus, it's been already said that the next trilogy will not be anything like the books, thus pushing the Vong story line further out to the fringe of the Star Wars mythos.


The movies may push out the idea of the Vong, but i heard that ALL the books are supposed to be cannon, The clone wars carton is not cannon I heard also. I was not a fan of the books personally, but I love the idea of throwing down against a foe that the force doesn't work on. That would make it an all out brawl for the warriors and make it harder for the sorcerers since the force powers wouldnt affect them. That would be an awesome buff to get from vong armor or get and ampistaff pet/weapon. Even specialized gear for the Space missions to take on a Coralskipper

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They didn't even have a Life day event for the Holidays so good luck with this.. lol you might get a Vong Speeder on the Cartel market for $18.00 lol


I don't need any more speeders I want the pets, I cant even get my monkey lizard. and a Ampistaff/pet or thudbugs would be wonderful

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The movies may push out the idea of the Vong, but i heard that ALL the books are supposed to be cannon, The clone wars carton is not cannon I heard also. I was not a fan of the books personally, but I love the idea of throwing down against a foe that the force doesn't work on. That would make it an all out brawl for the warriors and make it harder for the sorcerers since the force powers wouldnt affect them. That would be an awesome buff to get from vong armor or get and ampistaff pet/weapon. Even specialized gear for the Space missions to take on a Coralskipper


None of the books are cannon. Nor are any of the cartoons. Nor any of the films for that matter. Absolutely nothing Star Wars is a siege weapon that fires metal balls.


If you mean canon, then the books and clone wars series were both canon. The original Clone Wars cartoon is not. However their status now is unknown. Who knows what Disney's policy towards them will be.

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None of the books are cannon. Nor are any of the cartoons. Nor any of the films for that matter. Absolutely nothing Star Wars is a siege weapon that fires metal balls.


If you mean canon, then the books and clone wars series were both canon. The original Clone Wars cartoon is not. However their status now is unknown. Who knows what Disney's policy towards them will be.


Picky, picky. ;)


On topic never a great fan of the Vong oh look another race of organic tech aliens with a warrior culture never seen that before. Personally be more interested to see some more development of the gree or rakata.

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The movies may push out the idea of the Vong, but i heard that ALL the books are supposed to be cannon, The clone wars carton is not cannon I heard also. I was not a fan of the books personally, but I love the idea of throwing down against a foe that the force doesn't work on. That would make it an all out brawl for the warriors and make it harder for the sorcerers since the force powers wouldnt affect them. That would be an awesome buff to get from vong armor or get and ampistaff pet/weapon. Even specialized gear for the Space missions to take on a Coralskipper


you heard wrong. Post ROJT is all non canon. George Lucas said this many times before. Plus the new movie is going to be original so they will be wiping the slate clean.

The Clone wars Cartoon IS canon.

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Read my first post they started showing up in the time of canderous. And I don't want these new movies. The prequels weren't even good. Also the books are better than anything they will come up with. And if the books and cartoons aren't cannon then we don't need to worry we can put the vong in the game. We already put the rhakghouls in.
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i never really knew much about the Vong or it's history but I went to wookieepedia and read their entire history. It looks like Bioware took most of their armor set inspirations from the Vong.


If you look at the pictures throughout the wookieepedia history most of them seem very very similar to the pve/pvp endgame sets for sith warriors and sith inquisitors.

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Most people say that the books ARE cannon. The prequels sucked and the game has failed. All I'm saying is use something that some fans are behind


LFL says the books are C-canon, like the rest of the EU. C-canon can be overridden by films or the TV series. I say the C in C-canon stands for Crap, and the books are just fan fiction that they make you pay to read. "Most people" have not read the 150 or so books that are out, and of those who have, opinions are decidedly divided.


So who is this "most people" you refer to? And where's your evidence that the game has failed? I log on to full fleets and a game I enjoy, and so do hundreds of thousands of others. SWTOR hasn't lived up to the hype, sure. It's not a WOW killer. But it's stabilised as the second biggest MMO out there. We should all fail so miserably...

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Except seeing the Vong like the way the OP is suggesting wouldn't makes sense considering they won't invade until after the Movies. Before this game there was A Single Scout Ship that was noted but wasn't completely identified as at that time it wasn't known that it was a Vong Scout Ship that Canderous encountered.
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Except seeing the Vong like the way the OP is suggesting wouldn't makes sense considering they won't invade until after the Movies. Before this game there was A Single Scout Ship that was noted but wasn't completely identified as at that time it wasn't known that it was a Vong Scout Ship that Canderous encountered.


I was wondering when someone would bring this up. Yes this is true. The Vong probably should not appear beyond maybe mentioning this scout ship, and maybe having it reappear. Now, investigating a Vong crash site I could see, especially in the same vein as the rakghoul event. Hand out amphistaffs as rewards (like the bowcasters) and thudbugs as special grenades (like those the cybertechs make). Maybe even a set of Vong social armor. As long as the character's in game never determine the origin of the ship, I'd say it would be fine. After all, 3000 years is a long to to lose records of one lone mysterious crashed ship, especially since organic ships are not unheard of (like the ones from zonama sekot).

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What? No. lol.


You're right. The numbers I was talking about, here, are mainly pre GW2. So, OK, maybe (although the way GW2 is going, it's not a sure thing ) it's 3 these days, not 2.


Again. We should all fail so miserably.


Of course, if you've got better numbers, I'm eager to see them. But if those three words are all the argument you've got, run along.

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I was wondering when someone would bring this up. Yes this is true. The Vong probably should not appear beyond maybe mentioning this scout ship, and maybe having it reappear. Now, investigating a Vong crash site I could see, especially in the same vein as the rakghoul event. Hand out amphistaffs as rewards (like the bowcasters) and thudbugs as special grenades (like those the cybertechs make). Maybe even a set of Vong social armor. As long as the character's in game never determine the origin of the ship, I'd say it would be fine. After all, 3000 years is a long to to lose records of one lone mysterious crashed ship, especially since organic ships are not unheard of (like the ones from zonama sekot).


Well, Canderous makes a reference to an object seemingly similar to what might be a Vong starship... Perhaps a single Flashpoint where we board a derelict starship (oh, spooky) that contains unknown technology and terryfying enemies. And light sources are limited. ;)


I think that as long as it isn't named or out right referred to as the Vong or anything with the Vong in the name, then it could work, as the Galaxy won't know the Vong as the Vong until the fully invade the Galaxy.

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