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PvP Changes List


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A list of changes that my friends and I would like to see happen, as I'm sure most of the PvP community, some of this will take longer than others.



- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.

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A list of changes that my friends and I would like to see happen, as I'm sure most of the PvP community, some of this will take longer than others.



- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.


Yes to the first two and they said right after launch they are gonna do a soft bracket for wzs and full premades and rated will come right after. This has be stated 1000000000000..0000000 times

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- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


Absolutely NO


All this does is take any casual aspect away from queueing for warzones and grants a nearly guaranteed victory for people that play with guilds.


I, for example, play with just my wife. Me and her would get rolled every time against a fully queued and organized group of 8 on teamspeak. Its a completely unfair advantage.


queueing with 4 is already a big advantage, that is enough.

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I understand you don't want to get rolled by organized teams but it is really annoying not be able to queue up with a group of your friends. The middleground here is they need to make casual games, maybe where you can only queue by yourself and organized rated games where the teams have a rating - like WoW rated Battlegrounds.
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Good reasoning there. I love how you explain your position and defend your points. What's that about "sucky bad" posts?


The basic rules of discussion state that the person proposing the change(s) needs to argue in favor of them, the OP just makes a statement without arguments.

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Absolutely NO


All this does is take any casual aspect away from queueing for warzones and grants a nearly guaranteed victory for people that play with guilds.


I, for example, play with just my wife. Me and her would get rolled every time against a fully queued and organized group of 8 on teamspeak. Its a completely unfair advantage.


queueing with 4 is already a big advantage, that is enough.


Doesn't happen that way though.


I mean, it will sometimes. You'll come up against a team and get rolled. But most of the time, especially while the game is young, it'll be casual players against casual players.


The premade scen team thing did become a bit of an issue in the late stages of WAR when the populations started dying. A couple of possible solutions they never implemented:


- Separate queues for teams and solo

- Cross server warzones (not even sure if this is possible)


The funnest thing in Warhammer though was a group of pugs joining and coming up against a premade team and winning. Happened more often than you might think.


OP, I think your suggestions are good. The most important thing though... gief more warzones.

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Oh, and CC immunities pls.


Getting chain CCd is no fun. Something like a 30 second immunity when you take a stun would balance it up a bit.


I could be wrong, and it might be in already. Not done a whole lot of playing yet, and I'm quite squishy so don't tend to last long. But I often don't get to move a lot before getting chain CCd.

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A list of changes that my friends and I would like to see happen, as I'm sure most of the PvP community, some of this will take longer than others.



- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.


Queuing as a group and having to reinvite is a huge pain, this needs to be fixed ASAP.


Winning has no incentive right now in a warzone, that should be changed so people actually care about winning aside from their own pride.


8 people is pushing it at this current stage, four people are enough at the moment. It can be annoying to not be able to queue with all of your friends, but there will be too many large premades running around, you can win vs some 4 mans, but an 8 man you have no chance.


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Agreed 100%, there is way too much CC for my taste, mostly just in the forms of stuns.

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- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying

agree; but not that annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?

indifferent; personally don't PvP for rewards


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people

strongly disagree.


- Rated Warzones



- Brackets for Warzones

agree, bolstreing stats doesn't account for limited abilites and gear of lower level. At least two brackets (10-35, 36-50)


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP

CC is always a tough one; however, not seeing a major imbalance here yet.


responses in green

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lol @ this thread


at the VERY least they need to fix the lag that is only occuring in warzones for some people.. and make it so that you can queue up as a group after playing instead of reinviting


rated warzones and all that are cool but iron out the bugs first of course


one last gripe I have is that targetting in this game is *********** awful. I played league of legends and wow all summer and it feels like the targetting (ie, trying to target a team mate who's surrounded by enemies) in this game is just brutal in comparison. I have to click like 10 times to finally get the dude targetted sometimes. this could be related to warzone lag tho.

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They will add rated zones and arena whatnot later on, WoW didn't have that stuff until years after launch.


Winners DO get more, they just don't get stupidly high amounts like in WoW where winners get a 1/3rd of what the winners get. You know why this is good? It helps prevent lopsided factions which is already an issue with population on it's own.


All this would accomplish is letting the faction with the most premades stream ahead and then *****tomp the other faction and new players joining from then on. Hello Warhammer Online.


If anything WoW also shows that having a bigger incentive to win doesn't help anyone play any better either, I actually find 90-95% of the people playing in warzones are trying pretty good. If someone isn't good it's usually because they're new and don't know the rules/map.

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They will add rated zones and arena whatnot later on, WoW didn't have that stuff until years after launch.


Winners DO get more, they just don't get stupidly high amounts like in WoW where winners get a 1/3rd of what the winners get. You know why this is good? It helps prevent lopsided factions which is already an issue with population on it's own.


All this would accomplish is letting the faction with the most premades stream ahead and then *****tomp the other faction and new players joining from then on. Hello Warhammer Online.


If anything WoW also shows that having a bigger incentive to win doesn't help anyone play any better either, I actually find 90-95% of the people playing in warzones are trying pretty good. If someone isn't good it's usually because they're new and don't know the rules/map.


First of all the difference between winning and losing is really small, to the point I can barely tell the difference, a losing team member can get more points than the winning team if they got more medals I'm pretty sure.


As for your notion that winners shouldn't get alot more I find that rediculous, any form of competition besides gradeschool kickball awards winners. The current state of the reward system in PvP encourages, "Okay guys, go out and have fun, you're all winners in the end and get a cookie." I am not down with that, I want the warzones to be competitive and award the winners appropriately.

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- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying

Yes, no reason not to

- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?

No, but it doesn't really matter

- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people

No, not for regular warzones anyway


- Rated Warzones

Maybe, depends on implementation and might be good for full teams. None of this rated gear season rank crap


- Brackets for Warzones

No, bolstering all levels and same-server warzones is the system for this MMO


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP

Maybe, need a lot more time with level 50 world/warzone PvP to decide

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- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?

No, but it doesn't really matter


I completely disagree, when it comes to competition, winners need to be recognized and awarded. Two Olympians competing against eachother aren't both getting Gold Medals that year. This isn't exactly the Olypmpics, but it is competition.

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If you're playing to win and be "competitive" why do you care at all about the rewards? Shouldn't you just be playing to stroke your epeen and eventually when rateds come out to get high rank?


You're already at an advantage queuing in groups in a solo based queue system, do you really need to get more reward for winning so that the disparity grows? Do you like discouraging new players from queueing up because they just get *****tomped by overgeared premades? Have you not seen how PvP dies in the past MMO's?


PvP'ers like you make me laugh, you go on about being hardcore, competitive and skill based but then whine when you're not getting 2-3 times the reward so you can get gear faster to dominate on people you're already winning against..like really?

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- Brackets for Warzones

No, bolstering all levels and same-server warzones is the system for this MMO



Its a partial fix though. Abilities and gear even between level 10 and 25 makes a massive difference. When you start getting 50s with end game gear against 10s, even with the bolster, its gonna be a stompfest.


You can still bolster within brackets, but like I say, its only a partial fix. Brackets are necessary. Either that, or you give same gear and abilities to everyone, but wheres the fun in that?

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First of all the difference between winning and losing is really small, to the point I can barely tell the difference, a losing team member can get more points than the winning team if they got more medals I'm pretty sure.


As for your notion that winners shouldn't get alot more I find that rediculous, any form of competition besides gradeschool kickball awards winners. The current state of the reward system in PvP encourages, "Okay guys, go out and have fun, you're all winners in the end and get a cookie." I am not down with that, I want the warzones to be competitive and award the winners appropriately.


yea i dont like the whole "there are no losers" mentality but the entire game is like this. have you noticed that there is no way to track anything...no meters......hell i dont even think u can bring up the score screen in a warzone before the match is over. its to the point of absurd. how do u have competition without winners AND losers

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If you're playing to win and be "competitive" why do you care at all about the rewards? Shouldn't you just be playing to stroke your epeen and eventually when rateds come out to get high rank?


You're already at an advantage queuing in groups in a solo based queue system, do you really need to get more reward for winning so that the disparity grows? Do you like discouraging new players from queueing up because they just get *****tomped by overgeared premades? Have you not seen how PvP dies in the past MMO's?


PvP'ers like you make me laugh, you go on about being hardcore, competitive and skill based but then whine when you're not getting 2-3 times the reward so you can get gear faster to dominate on people you're already winning against..like really?


You're looking at organized groups the wrong way. I have a PvP guild of about 20 people, by a PvP guild I mean players who want to play this game to compete with other players in PvP. I don't want to have an organized team of 8 people and just smash PuGs, I want an organized team of 8 people vs another organized team of 8 people and see who is better.


The way the current system is now I can only invite 3 other players from my guild to even play a match together, it really hinders the enjoyment and strategy factor, along with there being no difference between winning and losing a match.


Listen, if you want to queue by yourself or maybe one or two other people and play casually and for fun, I understand that, go for it. Understand I want to queue up with as many of my friends/guildmates as possible and I want to go against other teams and have a competitive game where the winner is awarded accordingly.

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