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I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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If you're feeling nickel and dimed, exercise the power you have as a customer. Don't buy the expansion. Unsubscribe and uninstall. Show Bioware you mean business. If you buy this expansion, if you give them encouragement (money), this direction will continue.


It really does boil down to this.


I know alot call Nala a fanboy. ( you should actually look at alot of his/her posts. They are'nt always defending Eaware)


If people really wanted this changed. Don't pay for it. I have stated how I feel about it in many posts. And my issue really does'nt fall in with most posts.


It seems to me, that Eaware is not really going to change their mind, unless there is a Big uproar ( not the posts that are unconstructive either) or a loss of money. ( and even that would have to be big, if it is not they will just adapt.)

Edited by Spiritinblack
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Do other games really give out expansions for free? That's not what I'd expect. My assumption was that I was playing a subscription to log onto the servers and play the existing game, not everything they ever add to it forever. That seems like a financially untenable idea, especially considering the amount of story and voice acting it will contain if it's anything like existing planets. If people want new story, which most do, they're going to have to pay for it's creation.
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OK, when they sell the level increase for $4.00; Makeb for $7.50; and the class quests for $7.99 I will remind you of your folly. :jawa_tongue:


The point is to get them to repackage it to reasonable levels which sell more and make them the same or bigger profits.


Not to try and gouge customers more. :)

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This seems more like a DLC vs an expansion. wont take long to do the 5 levels. I wont get it anytime soon,charge the f2p's for it,i already paid for the game and 2 subs. for a small update it should be free to subs. Maybe if enough subs dont buy it they will rethink the model, i doubt it though.
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Do other games really give out expansions for free? That's not what I'd expect. My assumption was that I was playing a subscription to log onto the servers and play the existing game, not everything they ever add to it forever. That seems like a financially untenable idea, especially considering the amount of story and voice acting it will contain if it's anything like existing planets. If people want new story, which most do, they're going to have to pay for it's creation.


(this is not a flame at you.)


Yes.... other game do give them out free. Look at some other threads ( maybe this one too) to see which games.


We don't know how much more story it will contain ( something that I really don't think should be discussed yet due to not knowing).


The story that is coming with it is NOT class story. ( they have said as much, but it is story, so I put that in the same spot as we don't know enough about it).


Hope this helps a little.

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Here's how i see it, for now of course not knowing the exact schedule of updates and such.


Using WoW as the example as its the only MMO i played for any length of time, every couple years a big expansion came out that you bought for whatever it was, 30-40 bucks. Assuming ToR does a yearly larger "patch/expansion" like Makeb, IMO its sort of just breaking the WoW expansion into several smaller, and less costly, chunks.


Imagine Wrath of the Lich King, if the first chunk was Northrend and its quests, that's Makeb.


That is if ToR continues with enough and decent content to keep me thinking of it this way. I do agree though that as a subscriber if these "expansions" come out every 6 months, rather than being part of my subscription they try to make me buy each one, then i will have to re-think sticking around.

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So much needless hand wringing.


1. If you don't want to pay the damn $10, don't.

2. They are obviously pushing out content as fast as they can. You think maybe they are holding back for some ulterior motive? Why not enjoy what they can/have put out?

3. The game IS STILL free to play. You can play all the existing content now for free. No, I don't think subscribers that don't pay should get another 5 levels.

4. Obviously Ops, Flashpoints and other content will have to be tuned to account for those that are capped at 50.


If you don't like it, don't do it. Stop complaining about it on forums.

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It really does boil down to this.


I know alot call Nala a fanboy. ( you should actually look at alot of his/her posts. They are'nt always defending Eaware)


If people really wanted this changed. Don't pay for it. I have stated how I feel about it in many posts. And my issue really does'nt fall in with most posts.


It seems to me, that Eaware is not really going to change their mind, unless there is a Big uproar ( not the posts that are unconstructive either) or a loss of money. ( and even that would have to be big, if it is not they will just adapt.)


I will bet I hate more things about the game than many of the 'haters'. I just don't complain about it. For example, I think Bioware is really being ridiculous selling the only decent looking gear on the Market while continuing to come out with more high level sets that looking like they came right out of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.


BUT, I don't support it then. I like the F2P conversion because it lets me buy all the unlocks I'm too lazy to earn the credits to buy. But I buy very little else in the market. I bought a hoodless robe for my Guardian because I was tired of never finding one though. :jawa_mad:

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With "Rise of the hutt cartel" - one part of me thinks great it's only £5.99 and we will get Makeb, level cap, new storylines etc the other part of me thinks hang on didn't they say in E3 EA conferance this year that it's free (inlcuding new race: cathar)


I do hope they plan and annouce more than what they are saying otherwise it will feel like we arepaying for a patch not an expansion.


I too agree with others I would rather pay more for a full fledge get it from the shops Expansion with new classes, races, planets, act 4 etc than what at the moment seems like a nice patch.


So basically I feel kinda 50/50 about this one, we'll have to see what future annoucements will say, hopefully something we don't already know about since summer 2012.

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It truly is nickel N dimming the sub owners. Truly. No and , ifs, or butts about it. I keep a sub open. The Devs say their trying to "massage the F2P options" into the right balance spot. I feel their just trying to "massage my wallet". However I paid the stupid fee.
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This seems more like a DLC vs an expansion. wont take long to do the 5 levels. I wont get it anytime soon,charge the f2p's for it,i already paid for the game and 2 subs. for a small update it should be free to subs. Maybe if enough subs dont buy it they will rethink the model, i doubt it though.


small update???? small update? if this were an update, it would be the bigger update ever in all the MMO.


this is a mini expansion or DCL. 10 BUCKS? that is nothing, pay it and QQ please.

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I want to be careful to say that I'm not being critical of the Makeb content update.

You started a thread called "I'm feeling nickle and dimed by Makeb".....and you're not being critical? O***k, lol.


Every couple years, I expect an expansion that significantly updates the game. In SWTOR I would expecte a full rework of all classes so they play different and the game legitimately feels updated. I would expect a full Act 4 including a minimum of 3 Voss/Belsavis/Corelia sized planets, a class story that progresses through each planet for all 8 base classes, and some evolution of my relationship with my companions. I would also expect to see at least a couple new flashpoints, and at least 1 new tier of operations. I would pay 40 dollars for this. I also wouldn't expect this to happen this year. It would be a 2014 thing.

You expect all that for $40? That's completely unrealistic. You might as well stop playing the game now if that's what you expect. A 2014 thing? You want to wait another year and a half for more stuff? Well, I guess you should shelve this thread until 2014 then since we're not there yet....maybe you'll get what you want by then, doubt it though.


Also, it would make no sense for them to release a $40 expansion pack this close to launching F2P.

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it was suppose to be free, they primised that BUT, sometimes you can't complete the promises. Just think they got Layoffs and F2P. you have to what Bioware suffered sometimes


Not to be funny but as a consumer Bioware's problems (actually EA's problems) aren't ours. Stuff happened but it is their responsibility to ensure this does not affect service (thinking more of CS and QA here) not ours to go "there, there you tried" as if they were some whiny toddler upset over a spelling test.


Now if they can't honour their promises then at the very least they have an obligation (for PR needs if nothing else) to explain why and possibly, if they wanted good PR and/or good customer relations, to sweeten the explanation with something. If only they had a mechanism for rewarding loyalty in this game...oh wait.


Or do you think EA would be forgiving of consumers not remembering to pay their sub?

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Not to be funny but as a consumer Bioware's problems (actually EA's problems) aren't ours. Stuff happened but it is their responsibility to ensure this does not affect service (thinking more of CS and QA here) not ours to go "there, there you tried" as if they were some whiny toddler upset over a spelling test.


Now if they can't honour their promises then at the very least they have an obligation (for PR needs if nothing else) to explain why and possibly, if they wanted good PR and/or good customer relations, to sweeten the explanation with something. If only they had a mechanism for rewarding loyalty in this game...oh wait.


Or do you think EA would be forgiving of consumers not remembering to pay their sub?


So true...was it our fault that they made a game not able to retain subscriptions?

I wasn't on the beta team or any closed test , were you?


I don't mean you Darklorder. ^^

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You expect all that for $40? That's completely unrealistic. You might as well stop playing the game now if that's what you expect. A 2014 thing? You want to wait another year and a half for more stuff? Well, I guess you should shelve this thread until 2014 then since we're not there yet....maybe you'll get what you want by then, doubt it though.


Also, it would make no sense for them to release a $40 expansion pack this close to launching F2P.


If they cannot deliver minimum of what other companies deliver, that means that they cannot compete, and then, well, its game over.


What do you think happens to companies that screw up and then yell to their customers "PAY MOAR" rofl

Edited by GrandMike
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Funny too cuz we paid 60 bucks for the game. its free now. new players pay nothing. Yet you want 10 more bucks


Pretty much sums it all. I don't know any other game which was handed over for free after 10 months of its existence. Sure, there are some restricton,but the core of TOR is story, which is entirely free.

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The subscribers are definitely getting had. If it cost $5 dollars then there would at least be parity with f2p but subscribers wind up paying $25. And if you choose not to buy it in very short order you are 5 levels behind everyone who did. So in effect they are obliging you to pay for it to compete. Even for EA, that's douchy. I mean $5 is a trivial sum but the douche wafting from this "expansion" is so powerful it robs me of any desire to partake. And there isn't that much desire to begin with.
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The subscribers are definitely getting had. If it cost $5 dollars then there would at least be parity with f2p but subscribers wind up paying $25. And if you choose not to buy it in very short order you are 5 levels behind everyone who did. So in effect they are obliging you to pay for it to compete. Even for EA, that's douchy. I mean $5 is a trivial sum but the douche wafting from this "expansion" is so powerful it robs me of any desire to partake. And there isn't that much desire to begin with.



I know right? God forbid they take the original makeb content, add to it, add 5 levels and ask for $10. I mean, what's next? They might actually ask us for another 10 bucks 2 years from now.

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Now this is one very "adulty" and mature post :D




What did they add to:



Level cap raise




which they called NON EXPANSION CONTENT UPDATE few months ago, eh?


We don't know yet but we've been told there is a lot more to the expansion than they revealed. Hey, if they come out and say its just makeb and nothing else, then even I might quit. But until then I assume they aren't just making crap up for the hell of it. I don't instantly assume they are lying to us. But then again, I'm not an angsty video gamer who has to make my self importance on the forums.

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I know right? God forbid they take the original makeb content, add to it, add 5 levels and ask for $10. I mean, what's next? They might actually ask us for another 10 bucks 2 years from now.


Too subtle for you? Let me rephrase: "God forbid they ask more for it from subscribers than f2p players".

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Too subtle for you? Let me rephrase: "God forbid they ask more for it from subscribers than f2p players".


Industry standard basically. Raise the level cap, add some content, charge some money. You should be able to decide if that level of service is ok for you. If not, no one is asking for you to stay. No one cares if you leave over 10 dollars.

Edited by Arkerus
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