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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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First of All anyone dealing with anything with an EA logo on it and does not expect to get lied to is naive at best...


As for all the anger and venom... keep in mind that any game is created as a business to MAKE MONEY and whatever they promise you is based on current economic and game conditions at the time they promise it... and always subject to change


I been playing online games since the beginning and what is happening here is commonplace so either you enjoy swtor or you dont.... and if its not worth the money then oh well (glances at door :))


Second... NEVER compare anything to WOW... its just wrong and unrealistic... there pockets are deep as deep gets and its all filled with gold... so of course they wont "lie" as much becuase they have the cash


now some of you will cite other games... but all because another game is willing to accept a lower profit margin to provide free"er" content doesnt mean all games will follow suit...

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As far as class stories go, yeah, there are a few that aren't as good as others. But I've played nearly all 8 of the classes and have enjoyed most of the class stories I have played. I loved the Sith Warrior story. I am wrapping up the Imperial Agent story and it is pretty awesome. I have played a good deal of the Bounty Hunter story and it's good though there is at least one kind of slow part (Taris). I have played the Jedi Consular story up to Act 2 and Act 1 was pretty damn good, I have a feeling I wont like Act 2 as much, but I'll see, I still enjoy the class. Sith Inquisitor has some really good story but I think it suffers from the same thing as the Consular story, where it seems like Act 1 is the best part but I can't be sure about that as I haven't finished beyond first Act on either. Trooper seemed like it had a really cool beginning, but I didn't get very far with mine. I can't really say much about Smuggler since I never even made it off the first planet when I attempted to make one.


Still, in my opinion the Class Stories are what make TOR because they are different. In fact, they are about the only thing to look forward to when you make multiple characters because all of the planet missions and quests are always the same.


I'll even go as far as to say the class stories are what make up TOR as you cannot advance your character without doing them. You can however skip everything else if you wanted to but I don't suggest it because you will obviously not have enough experience to progress along your story.

Edited by Sith_Ecks
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Yeah, didnt think of that but your right.

Once through with imp

Once through with Rep and everything else is going to be pretty dull and hard to get motivated for


Thats assuming getting 55 even worth it.


Had a guildie today saying its totally worth cause we get a new planet, 5 new levels, new skill trees, 2 new ops, 2 new flash points ...


At which point I interupted him saying "Whooooo there, where you getting this information from cause of your list only planet and 5 levels been announced by EA. The rest your assuming will be in cause of TORHead datamining and there is NOTHING to verify that stuff makes it to the patch"


He tried to defend it that it had to be in there and hes going on assumption it is but I gotta say it sounded to me like he was trying to convince himself more then anything.


I hope hes right but till its on the site in writing, its not official or valid

And with recent actions

Even being in writing on the site doesnt mean its a for sure thing based on recent events and actions




Yeah you'd have to hope there's going to be at least 1-2 OPs and FPs with it, but at the moment it is impossible to say.


Given the size of it (it being an adventure pack not an expansion no matter what their PR people have decided to call it) I'd guess it will be on the lower end of expectation though - only being the size of Belsavis to start with.


What they do with the skill trees plain worries me, at the momment class balance is ok (with a couple of exceptions), messing too much with the skill tress is just going to reset all of that back to zero............ at the moment we don't know if they will do that, or just give us an extra abilities on top.

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No, what I have a problem with is the principle of the matter. Bioware originally stated, when Makeb was first announced, that it would be a free, extremely large content update (unlike any other in the MMO genre, I believe). They also stated in the F2P announcement/FAQs/What-have-you, that the experience would not change at all for a subscriber who continued to subscribe. They then turn around and say that Makeb is no longer classified as a content update, but an expansion, and that subscribers will also have to pay to continue playing at endgame. Essentially, they lied, changing circumstances be damned.


BW rebuts.

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Without the class stories it is doubtful that my wife and I will still subscribe. We have no current plans on spending the $9.99 to preorder the expansion.


If they release more information before that deal is over we might (depending on the information). We are currently working on our last set of character stories so when we are finished we will probably cancel our subs.

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Just thought I might clear this up, since people seem to be confused.


The expansion is on sale for Subscribers ONLY for $9.99.

Non-subscribers have to pay $19.99 and so will everyone else when BioWare decides they don't need the expansion on sale anymore.


Is it worth it? Yeah, for subscribers it's totally worth $9.99.

If I was paying $19.99 or more I would expect a lot more content. There should be more class story content, otherwise I don't see the point in raising the level caps just to add a new planet that only has a planet storyline and normal quests on it. Without new class quests I'd actually only consider this an update and not really a full expansion. It's not like they are adding new classes to play. Just 1 new area, a 5 level increase and a hand-full of smaller less important game additions. This is basically a game update labeled as an expansion that we have to pay for.


If you have to pay $20 (sorry, I'm not so much into the 19,9999999999 approach) then you're on F2P and the latest after playing it for 1 month you've already saved money again compared to subscribers who payed $10 + $15 = $25. So if it's worth $10 for subscribers, then it's definitely worth $20 for F2Pers.

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So it has been confirmed that there will be no class stories in the "expansion". Let me know what you guys think about this and if it's still worth paying for.


I never expected there to be any class stories on Makeb, so I'm not bothered that there aren't. And no, I don't think RotHC is worth paying for yet, because I don't know much about it. Once it comes out and I can read/see more of what this expansion contains, I'll make up my mind the whole Worth-My-Money issue.

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None of any of this matters for two basic and simple reasons. 1- We all know that no matter how much people cry BW/EA is not going to change their minds and say "oh you're right, we'll just call it an update and make it free". And 2- We all know darn good and well every single one of these people are going to pay $10 (probably already have) because none of them can stand not being the first one to do the new stuff and reach 55 so they can complain about it. EA knows this as well, which is how we why they will not change their prices.


There are sheeps and men.

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Let me guess


You put peanut butter on a slice a bread and someone else puts jam on a second slice


and you still think its only a peanut butter sandwich




You want one person to lay it all out for you in a nice formated version


Figure it out


EA STATEMENT #1: Subscribers will never be charged for content updates

EA STATEMENT #2: Makeb is a Content update, not a expansion


1+1 really does = 2


Oh and if you didnt know the LONG STANDING STATEMENT of #1, stop arguing as you are NOT in full control of the FACTS.


To quote a different poster from you side of the issue (in this very thread)


But he does not say that its free. That was your assumption and you are raging on her for not simply accepting a projected assumption as factual evidence. The link that you posted supports you interpretation, but it does not demonstrate a factual argument. It is fine if you wish to put forth your assumption as an argument, but you are attempting to promulgate that into law. It is not.


The statement that "content updates" will be free to subscribers is correct, but this is no longer a content upgrade but an expansion pack. You are attempting to extrapolate out inaccuracies as a means of supporting your argument.


Clearly we can argue the as to what makes something a content upgrade and what makes something an expansion pack, and how this qualifies. That would be more conducive to supporting your argument. Hell, I can't even figure that one out.


I can understand your frustration with this, not based on money, but principle. However, seems you are barking up the wrong tree here. I would not put my contention in the frame that you have, but concentrate more on what could be a "slight of hand" in changing the wording from "content update", to "expansion" as a means supporting a fee, and what exactly has changed that allows them to do so.

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I've been here since 2008. I bought the CE and I loved the game. I have no regrets. But I am sorely, sorely dissapointed in the direction that this game is being taken. It's depressing to see a game that had such massive potential flounder into obscurity.


They released to soon, if 1.2 would have been 1.0 = :sul_grin::tran_grin::rak_05:

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as soon as I'm unable to download a patch because it's locked behind a paywall, I'll unsubscribe and find another game to spend my money on.


So rather then pay 10 to continue playing a game that you have a year invested in, characters that you have built up etc. You would turn and pay four times that for another game start up and start from scratch again......on principle?


Kinda cutting one's nose off to spite one's face, no?


I mean really, 10 bucks for a new planet and 5 more levels, new warzones, new flashpoints? Pretty cheap to me. Look at it this way, they've already triples your investment with free cartel coins. Even if you don't want to count that, you get 5 bucks a month in CCs, so your investment return, as a subscriber, will be realized in two months....after that the expansion is free as the monthly charge is not going up.

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I mean really, 10 bucks for a new planet and 5 more levels, new warzones, new flashpoints? Pretty cheap to me. .


Have they said new warzones and new flashpoints yet? :confused:


All I've seen them say is a new planet (size of Belsavis) and 5 more levels.

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I'm quite worried about these new class abilities too. With the possible exception of Marauders/Sents having too much surviablity for their DPS class balance is OK, but with new abilities, it's start again time for it.


See, this is the deeper stuff that I believe we should be worrying about.....what we get for that 10 bucks. Is the game going to go into a tailspin (as a result of the massive changes at the company level), will it be well done and researched or will it be like the tradeskill mess? Will it be bug city, or will it be well tested? Will it hurl PvP into chaos? Will it fix such issues as we see with marauders and sents? Are they pushing the "pre-order" as a money grab so as to have the funds to fix what is now a mess of an expansion before people have a chance to dip a toe into it?


So many questions, but for me, 10 bucks is the least of them. I'd gladly pay that if the bugs I am currently experiencing (unable to do space content, crashes every hour etc). I won't further my game play here as it stands currently, but would if those were corrected. Ten dollars either way is really a pittance.

Edited by Blackardin
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It really comes down to this. If people are having this much trouble sc****** up 10-20 dollars, maybe they need to focus more on money and less about this game.


That's not the point though, being mugged for $10.00 isn't much more pleasant than being mugged for $100.00, or that it is likely they principle not the absolute amount.


Personally I think the amount is ok, but it should be able to be bought using Cartel Coins.

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Have they said new warzones and new flashpoints yet? :confused:


All I've seen them say is a new planet (size of Belsavis) and 5 more levels.


I've reported you for questioning my authority. ;p


No, LOL, I don't want to start even more rumors. I'm just going on what has been said in the past regarding the expansion, from way in the beginning. I'm making an assumption that an expansion will have new content to cover the planet such as warezones and OPs only because it would not make any sense at all to release five new levels without end game content to occupy those levels.

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See, this is the deeper stuff that I believe we should be worrying about.....what we get for that 10 bucks. Is the game going to go into a tailspin (as a result of the massive changes at the company level), will it be well done and researched or will it be like the tradeskill mess? Will it be bug city, or will it be well tested? Will it hurl PvP into chaos? Will it fix such issues as we see with marauders and sents? Are they pushing the "pre-order" as a money grab so as to have the funds to fix what is now a mess of an expansion before people have a chance to dip a toe into it?


So many questions, but for me, 10 bucks is the least of them. I'd gladly pay that if the bugs I am currently experiencing (unable to do space content, crashes every hour etc). I won't further my game play here as it stands currently, but would if those were corrected. Ten dollars either way is really a pittance.



It's unlikely the money from Makeb will make any difference at all to issue like those.


Either they've got them in hand now, or they haven't (and never will).


Certainly game stability and CTD has suffered massively since the F2P patch.

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That's not the point though, being mugged for $10.00 isn't much more pleasant than being mugged for $100.00, or that it is likely they principle not the absolute amount.


Personally I think the amount is ok, but it should be able to be bought using Cartel Coins.


That IS the point. I wish people would understand that. Ten dollars is piddly, but not a one of the people arguing that it is whining would send me ten dollars if I asked for it.....unless they were going to get something in return. THAT is what people are looking at (at least the rational ones). What am I getting in return.


The "cheapskate" argument is a red herring.

Edited by Blackardin
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I've reported you for questioning my authority. ;p


No, LOL, I don't want to start even more rumors. I'm just going on what has been said in the past regarding the expansion, from way in the beginning. I'm making an assumption that an expansion will have new content to cover the planet such as warezones and OPs only because it would not make any sense at all to release five new levels without end game content to occupy those levels.


Except they said that they were going to tweak the EXISTING content's numbers so that it is set up for level 55's, effectively removing all of the content for 50's and making 55 something you have to buy if you want to do OPs or FP's. YAY.

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