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Getting HK-51 is way too difficult


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the quest on live with the gathering is so much more easy than on PTR. I managed to complete my HK quest within 2 hours of servers going live on that patch day. I went with 2 guildies and facerolled it all. Really easy to find the parts all you have to do is follow the directions. To give you some perspective day 1 of PTR I spent about 12 hours and only found half the pieces and that was with everyone searching zones.
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Its Not really that hard or time consuming if you have a basic understanding of how to do a search pattern...


To make it more fun go into the Section X mission with one person on first part of chain & one person on last part ~ both sets of Mobs spawn simultaneously...


Having Dread Guard show up unexpectedly made things a lot more interesting ;)

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I didn't even need a guild for any of this quest--solod it. And for finding the parts...yep, I used the chat window to ask if anyone else was looking. It was a week after HK was added, but there were a couple people looking anyways--helped speed it up.


But none of that even has anything to do with "hard." It's not hard. It's pretty ordinary lvl 50 content. For the Heroic 2 part, I had to put away my dps companion and bring my healer, but that's not exactly hard.


If you mean that it took you more time than you wanted to spend, or that it was not the kind of gameplay you wanted, you might title the post in that way, rather than saying "too hard."

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The hunt for the droid parts should be made skippable for the rest of your Legacy once you've unlocked HK-51 for one of your characters.


That's really all I have to say on the subject.


now THIS I totally agree with.


or at least make them replicable or something. hunting for parts, especially around dromuund Kaas was the most annoyingly tedious part of the quest... though Taris etc wasn't that much better....


do they still despawn after 5 seconds of being found?


that said... I did the chain on a single character and I feel no motivation to redo it. I.. might, possibly on opposite faction, just to see the differences in a story, but companion himself is not all that awesome to me, so... meh


also - this


What is it with the MMO community and equating tedium with challenge?


Scavenger hunts that revolve around luck are TEDIOUS.

Scavenger hunts that revolve around say riddles to find locations are challenging.

Enemies that are damage sponges are TEDIOUS.

Enemies that use a rotation of abilities that must be countered in order to win are challenging.


Edited by Jeweledleah
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I agree with the OP,...I got HK-51 but it was extremely difficult. I am a casual pve gamer, lvl 50 jedi guard tank specced....im in mostly purple gear I buy from Terminal and some dailies,..columi and rakati and exotech gear. The difficulty came in the flashpoints and a few other areas,...very very hard and impossible to solo. I normally solo mmo's,...so I had to swallow my pride and plead over and over and over and over in chat for help to get a group. I HATE GROUPING ..i hate it..i despise it,..but to get HK-51...you have to


I went to YouTube and studied all the flashpoint videos and tactics...studied for days...then I was ready. I don't even group and I was smart enough to at least do that. Some in my group didn't have a clue..ROFL....at least watch a video of the fights people,..but then again they could have been griefing and intentionally trying to wipe the group during fights....u don't really know what people are thinking


1. Section X area,..Got a group together and this dude griefs by intentionally pulling a champion boss. Soon as we zoned in,.he runs like a madman and aggros a champ boss and runs back and says..."sorry". I booted him immediately and got someone else. You see Bioware,..this is what is going on every day in your game...griefing. They do it for the lol's


"easter egg part hunts"....omg....what can u say...just get er done,..group up and cover a wide area is best


2. Flashpoint,...this end boss was so hard to kill. Worst mechanic i ever seen in history of mmo's...god that was a pain in the %$#. Group wiped multiple times until we got lucky and pushed it over the edge,...somehow,..I still don't know but we did. Just count your blessings and get hell outta there


3. Back to the section X area...had to get another group as this area was extremely difficult to fight your way to where the HK was located,..no way to solo this and group I was in barely made it,....done...I got my HK-51


This should be an optional solo quest to get HK-51,...why do you force grouping on us? If you people wanna group and love challegnes,..then knock yourself out big boys and girls...have at it,....but don't force grouping on rest of us who solo mmo's....yea there are alot of us that solo mmo's. My guess is that more solo than group in mmo's....it's changed over the years to a solo mentality in mmos...it just has


Finally,..I am very happy I got HK-51,...but the horrendous experience I went through to get him was uncalled for..it as a nightmare for me. Now,..back to soloing this awesome game...I love swtor but hate grouping. I have no doubt that at some point in future HK-51 will be able to be purchased from a cartel pack...and I went through hell and did it the hard way

Edited by Jetsunz
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I am a casual pve gamer, lvl 50 jedi guard tank specced....im in mostly purple gear I buy from Terminal and some dailies,..columi and rakati and exotech gear. The difficulty came in the flashpoints and a few other areas,...very very hard and impossible to solo. I normally solo mmo's,...so I had to swallow my pride and plead over and over and over and over in chat for help to get a group. I HATE GROUPING ..i hate it..i despise it,..but to get HK-51...you have to


I went to YouTube and studied all the flashpoint videos and tactics...studied for days...then I was ready.


Casual Player

You don't play much but you want unique/rare/difficult items that people who play more and work hard for to be handed to you.


Mostly Purple Gear

If you're in mostly crap purple, figure it out and get better gear. If you're in mostly Rakata, then there's something wrong with your gameplay. What about your companions? Are they in anything good or just green cuz you don't know they need upgrading also?


YOU HATE GROUPING... you despise it

Then you don't understand MMO's or you're just bad at soloing them and for someone who claims to solo MMO's all the time. YOU need to adjust to the game, not the other way around.


You Studied Videos... for days

Well, what can I tell you? You don't understand how to play.


If you're somewhat decent at this game HK is not difficult, just time-consuming. You posting another "QQ I WANT EVERYTHING NOW" doesn't help anyone.

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Complete listing of reason why MMO where nothing ever feels difficult is enjoyable:


end of list



Seriously. Player of an MMO is always worst enemy of himself and the game he plays. Nerf this. nerf that. WAAAH eveytrhing is too haaaaaard!!


If devs make the mistake of actually listening to the player, often outcome is a game where nothing is difficult or entertaining at all and everything is on farm for everyone. Then people mysteriously get bored of it and whine about it on forums.

Edited by Stradlin
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A guildie and I decided to start this chain tonight. We're only halfway through finding the HK parts.


The quest chain quickly went from "this is so cool" (the Theoretica, some of the most interesting and atmospheric content in the entire game) to "this is So. ***********. Boring.


We still need to visit Hoth and do the two flashpoints becuase we got too bored by the time we found the Taris component.


Now I know why the credit cost to buy this for your alts is so high.....I'd rather stab myself in the face than do this scavenger hunt again.


TL;DR - Theoretica :D Scavenger Hunt :(

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Is this some sort of joke thread? I see 9 pages....and I skimmed a bit....but the OP cannot be serious?


If you found getting HK-51 hard....how the heck did you complete your class quests? Getting HK-51 was probably the easiest thing I've done in this game yet!


Time consuming? A little.

Annoying? At times.

Hard? .....um, not quite!

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lol dang, i'm Rep. Oh well. I'm gonna try again with group finder this weekend. Thanks for the offer though. :)


No problem.... Wish I could have helped... my highest on pub side is only 25ish. And I am taking it really slow as to see all the story with it.


I know there are alot of good players on our server, try to hook up with a guild, and get it done that way.

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This isnt a joke thread? Saying that getting HK-51 is to hard is like saying it is to hard to log into SWTOR...


I did the quest twice on both the Empire and Republic side. Both with pick up groups and both well under three hours. It is perfect for casual players. I just thought the scavenger hunt stuff was just annoying.

Edited by Steelyeye
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I thought the HK series was excellent and hope they do similar things for new companions in the future. I can understand some people not liking the scavenger hunt part of it, but I grouped with another guy and we enjoyed popping around the galaxy together. It also was nice to experience a bit of community when looking together for the parts with other people.
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I did the entire thing today from start to finish. I thought it was too easy although the final H2 was at least challenging to do solo. I just got 50 one the character who did it a few days ago.


I remember doing epic weapon quests in everquest. Before they were all figured out they took MONTHS to do. Not only that, you needed to get pieces for them in zones that required a full raid of 40+ people. Not only that said raid of 40+ people had multiple people going for the same drop and they didnt drop for everyone so you had to farm raids to get everyone their epic. No I don't agree with anything you said in this post. HK-51 is a cakewalk. Everything in SWTOR is very accessible.

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