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PLZ Remove Premades VS pugs.


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Its just 4 Person Premade, not 8 Person Premade.


Btw you do get boosted with Higher Health and Higher damage when against lvl 50 players. They only advantage they have is their armor, and abilities.

Sure they will steamroll you, and you will lose, but focus fire and you will take a lvl50 down no problem.


I have no problems with 4 person Premade, because I was in a PUG and we totally owned 3 lvl 50 because the rest of they team just keep doing their own things. And 3 lvl 50 players just couldn't keep us down.

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You can only queue with 4 people right now, but hey, bump it up to 8 and make rated warzones so organized groups can face eachother, I'm all for that.


worst idea EVER,


Rated BGS made me quit wow, personally I LOVE the pvp in this game right now, I cant wait to get to higher planets to get some more open world PVP going on. Warzones will hold me over for now (specially since im bugged and cant get onto my ship) but I REALLY want to kill open world.


As for 4 people working together... Anyone can do it, its not hard to get 2 dps a healer and a tank for PVE just try it for PVP... works wonders.

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Its just 4 Person Premade, not 8 Person Premade.


Btw you do get boosted with Higher Health and Higher damage when against lvl 50 players. They only advantage they have is their armor, and abilities.

Sure they will steamroll you, and you will lose, but focus fire and you will take a lvl50 down no problem.


I have no problems with 4 person Premade, because I was in a PUG and we totally owned 3 lvl 50 because the rest of they team just keep doing their own things. And 3 lvl 50 players just couldn't keep us down.


An organized 4man pre-made that is on comms(vent, TS, mumble, etc) can absolutely rickroll just about any warzone unless the rest of their team is just absolutely worthless (rare).


Happens all the time on my server, pre-mades really kill the WZ experience if your on the losing end.. and every WZ that pops seems like Im against that same premade. It gets old fast.

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First, do something about players running the wrong way with the ball, are minimap arrows to small? lol What about when they go "rambo" through the fire. My favorite is the level 10's you can pass to, even pass to the level 10's on the other team, they will hold the ball until they explode or get zerged, bonus points for all. Sometimes I like to throw the ball to the other team, the ones having a melee death match underneath crosswalks or in the middle, comedy time.
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It is not normal when 8 ppl 10-19 lvl plays versus 8 ppl 50 lvl in premade with teamspeak.

Let them play with another team with teamspeak and 50 lvl fully pvp geared.


Not much they can do, you can queue at the same time and from what I have heard, you get your group 7/10 times or so. You can only group four with players for PvP, but there is nothing stopping people that have multiple groups to hit the join button at the same time.


I would like to see full rated warzones, but until then, you may want to group as well it really does help.

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It is not normal when 8 ppl 10-19 lvl plays versus 8 ppl 50 lvl in premade with teamspeak.

Let them play with another team with teamspeak and 50 lvl fully pvp geared.


You are of course correct.


There will be people who are wrong and who cannot think clearly that will post gibberish as a reply, so just ignore it.


The right way of thinking is disallow any more then 4 to queue together so we can prevent fully organized groups on teamspeak, it ruins play for the vast majority of players.


Additionally, we need to make sure that the queues does not allow two groups of 4 to go "1..2..3.. queue" and get into the same game together making a full group of 8. That needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

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what can i say how about instead of qq on forums about pre-mades u get your buticson in a guild and have your own pre-made , or even better learn to play huttball so u can stop that pre-made from scoring , and btw is easy to stop them if u know how , but as i can see in huttbal more then often u non pre-made ppl are more eager to kill eacho ther then doing the warzone , or even worse explore the huttbal ignoring ball carrier or the ball at all.


Why shouldn't we make pre-mades when we see 80% of warzones players just run like mindless chickens in the warzone making us lose the warzone, atleast this way i have 50%/50% chances of wining it

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OMG I didn t think about this but seriously BW please do NOT let pugs fights fully organized groups. This is why I left wow.


Pugs vs. pugs and Groups vs Groups.


If you are solo you play in a solo match, if you are grouped you play only in a grouped match.

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This isn't a heal-strong game like most MMORPGs out there where if you didn't kill a guy in 3 seconds you'd expect him to regenerate like a T-1000 to full health, and this greatly weakens the ability of coordinating focus fire + good healing. Most of the WFs tend to favorite small scale encounters (Alderran, Huttball) and in fact moving as 8 people together at once is a very good way to lose the two aforementioned WFs. Now of course if the other side is coordinated and higher level than you they do have an advantage but it's not insurmountable, and the reward is given proportional to your accomplishment and not so much as whether your side or won. I've been in a game where our team got rolled but still got second highest medals even though we lost badly.


The only exception to that is the 6-0 Huttballs, but I think those are more due to the other side knowing the map well to get the ball across very quickly.

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If they made premades vs other premades exclusively they might have 1 match per hour, for obvious reasons. If you want to complain about a feature at least give a better solution to what's already there, ffs.


Press the queue button

1) check if solo

---if solo send to random pool

---if grouped then send to grouped pool


2) check solo pool

---randomize players in pool so 'join at same time' potential is reduced

---build tentative group

-----check if group had players who just played together last match if so randomize group again

if players didn't play last match together (more than 2) then start match



Edited by Amnolith
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A few things I learned from beta.....


It is possible for a guild to get more then 4 players in a WZ. There is a way, but I'm not one to kiss and tell.


If your always facing the same premade in a war zone, queue up and then when the match pops, wait for it to expire and then requeue. The premade will hopefully join the first queue and you will get in the next game.


Good hunting.

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