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Truth about SWTOR's Competitive PvP and how to fix it.


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Please explain to me how it does nothing for the skill cap?

FF, imo, is simply a buggy leisure that I sometimes use in ranked until it irritates me to take it off. In no way does it increase my *skill* being able to tab over and stop a cast. Your response, of course, will be negative to mines because by default, you're out after attacking me than staying on topic.


Now, to show how stupid and unrelated this argument is, let me point the OP out yet again:


1) Ranked is a poor way of showcasing skill and furthermore, the incentive to actually play it is little to none. While the idea is solid, the execution isn't well done. Nor will it work to high standards in a game like this due to its combat system.


A - The rewards are egotistical at best and in all honesty, replaced by better looking items.

- What does FF have to do with this?


B - Assembling 8 dedicated players to concern themselves to Ranked matches is a serious irk. Many people

have work outside this game and priorities to attend too where they cannot be bothered to having log on at

a strictly specific time just to play three to five games over the course of two hours.

- What does FF have to do with this?


B2 - Adding a further point to B, with the lack of cross server ques and population dwindling, the morale to even

face the top tier teams on one's server dampens this problem further. Which leads to less ranked matches.

A domino effect.

- What does FF have to do with this?


C - While playing for objectives may be an original idea, in ranked there's nothing skilled about it in the slightest.

Certain comps are outright cheesed (IE: Smashers, Bubble Stunners etc.) There's too much focus on CC

and numbers to get any point across. Most of it boils down to what team overwhelms the other or a stream

of point blank luck. There's nothing 'clutch' and there's nothing particularly impressive about any feat in it.

If one team loses a point, then it's 9/10 times over due to the way the system works.

There's generally no comeback.

- What does FF have to do with this?


C2 - Adding a further point to C, the people running these comps shouldn't be blamed or looked down at all. By

all means, if any advantage works to your favour, then use it. The problem is, the advantage is stupendously

great where it blocks out any form of creativity for additional group flavours.

- What does FF have to do with this?


D - Resolve is not a horrible system, but it is certainly below average. It doesn't address the problem of mass

stuns and control across an entire team. Not to mention, when it's about full - you're probably already dead.

- What does FF have to do with this?


How can we work on fixing competitive PvP?

2) Small-scale PvP similar to Arena-styled matches (2v2, 3v3, 4v4). KOTOR had an arena. Why shouldn't SWTOR?

It can be a simple, small maps with a few pillars and what not. I understand such a venture will take money, but

I believe it can be more beneficial than pushing ranked warzones. Especially considering the status of where this

game is truly at.


- The benefits of this would correspond to the correct measures of this game's lowering population.

- More players would be able to get into the 'ranked' action easier, and it allows more versatility in combinations.

- Less emphasis on overwhelming force and more skill based factor comes into play.

- Different specs (IE: Concealment Operative / Infiltration Shadow) might actually have a chance to play.

- Easier to organize.

- This doesn't replace ranked perse, but is an addition to PvP options.

- What does FF have to do with this?

3) Alternatively, you can lazily just allow solo ranked ques. However, be warned of the qq that will follow and this

won't 'fix' the problem. It will only be temporal solution to a later, bigger issue you will have to face.

- What does FF have to do with this?


4) Resolve should work more like this: Stuns need to follow a DR curve. They need to grow less effective on

every stun that is shot at toward the player. (Effective = Cut duration)

- What does FF have to do with this?


5) Add cross server ques. This should be standard in any MMO.

- What does FF have to do with this?


6) Fix the lag / bug issues. Certain abilities don't go off, or there's a massive delay on X ability that should be addressed.

- What does FF have to do with this?


You have anything constructive and related to add or are you out after a personal vendetta I can care less for?:rak_03:

Edited by Xinika
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i wouldnt be surprised if all of this has been said but im going to add my opinion anyway. i think i would like odd number arena rather than even. preferably 5v5. In a 4v4, you will always get 1 heal, 1tank, 2dps. I think 5v5 (and to a lesser extent 3v3) allows for a bit more creativity in both strategy and group composition.


On seasons, these need to come out. i dont care if it is the same as now, 8v8, or if the implement some type of arena. just having season would encourage ranked wzs. This plus cross server would be a great band-aid if they decide to put resources into making arena maps.


Also, i love world pvp. hell, my favorite moments in this game all involved large scale, semi balanced world pvp on ilum. i just hope they are smart about it and learn a little from WAR by capping the amount of people on each faction (most servers have a large faction imbalance), running it in a separate instance, and doing whatever they can to minimize/eliminate the lag. if there is lag, world pvp would be dead after the first days of it coming out.


ps, i personally dont like FF. the only time i regularly use it is when i am playing on my tank with a healer friend making it ever so slightly easier to see their health bar.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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Please explain to me how it does nothing for the skill cap?

You are playing a Marauder. Your opinion is automatically invalidated. Do you even use 2 quickbars? It's in the same class as power tech easy. Btw I agree with you on the QQ. But still your opinion is still invalidated because you roll a 2 button class.

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You are playing a Marauder. Your opinion is automatically invalidated. Do you even use 2 quickbars? It's in the same class as power tech easy. Btw I agree with you on the QQ. But still your opinion is still invalidated because you roll a 2 button class.


Not quite but try again.

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You are playing a Marauder. Your opinion is automatically invalidated. Do you even use 2 quickbars? It's in the same class as power tech easy. Btw I agree with you on the QQ. But still your opinion is still invalidated because you roll a 2 button class.

To be fair... Marauder is actually one of the higher skill capped classes in the game. Though, not so much Rage/Smash. Anh/Watchman or Combat/Carnage, yes indeed.

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Thank you for bumping the thread.



+1 Xinika


I cant see the big deal with backpedal - sometimes it is needed to increase the range for a force pull (for example) or some other ability where you are too close. Everyone has their own way of playing, some have keybinds, some have mouse keys, some use mouse clicking, some use the force.


At the end of the day its what works for you as a player and its no one else business. It doesn't make you less of player because you don't follow 'the norm'.

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One of the big problems with this game is class balance and viablity. Jedi Guardians for example are worthless in pvp. Defence spec it worthless. Shield and Absorbtion are worthless. Vigilance spec is utter garbage for raw dps and the damage of the dots is pretty much like having a level 1 support character assisting you attacking your target.


Focus is the only spec right now keeping the class alive for pvp.


Too many players play Assassins, Mar, Sorcs, Merc & Sniper. The same goes for the republic counterparts. If you see how many types of characters in a match that people play over time and keep a record tab you get a % of what class are overpowered and flavor of the month. This is what I see day in and day out for every pvp match I've played.


Do you see Guardians and Juggs? Hell no. No one plays them because they offer no viablity to the team. They are badly designed and need a re-work to make them viable.


Now keep in mind this is just one class that is having major problems. There are several other I can name but I do not have the patience to type it all down.


CC is also severly out of control. Being able to perma lock a player to be unable to act by any means and keep doing it is totally out of the question. They need to redo the CC in this game. No excuse for such piss poor design.


They need to priortize class balance above all else. Then work on the rest of the improvements. If they do not fix class balance then I can see why everyone outside swtor has told me that pvp is broke beyond hell.


I have only been playing for 2 weeks and done about 375 matches and I have seen enough of the problems players have stated. This reminds of WoW in the early days except for this game it is on a much worse scale.


Lastly players should not have to go through this much stress just to play a game that is balanced and have fun.

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One of the big problems with this game is class balance and viablity. Jedi Guardians for example are worthless in pvp...



Guardians are the most demanded class in any form of PvP right now...

They can tank AND dps.


At the end of the day its what works for you as a player and its no one else business. It doesn't make you less of player because you don't follow 'the norm'.

Exactly, but remember - there was a time when they said the world was flat and you were a heretic if you believed otherwise.:rolleyes:

Edited by Xinika
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+1 Xinika


I cant see the big deal with backpedal - sometimes it is needed to increase the range for a force pull (for example) or some other ability where you are too close. Everyone has their own way of playing, some have keybinds, some have mouse keys, some use mouse clicking, some use the force.


At the end of the day its what works for you as a player and its no one else business. It doesn't make you less of player because you don't follow 'the norm'.

This so sick of people insulting clickers. If I want to play with a mouse it's my own business. (Now keybinding certain abilities is convenient and easier. Yes but that doesn't make me a better player than someone who uses the mouse).

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You might as well mouse click, keyboard turn, and drink coffee while you fight. If you aren't playing with assisting and focus targeting, you are hitting yourself with self inflicted stuns while you trying to help burn a target.


Sooo much time wasted. Go ahead though keep up with the same argument that mouse clickers use "I'm just as good this way, this is how I play and I'm the awesomest."



Which is cool and all if that's how you want to play. It just unqualifies you from being a 'expert' on your class and writing threads about ***Competitive*** PvP.


Yes because as you know "Kettlebell" (<--- who?) decides what the "standard" is in SWTOR for Expert PvP Play. You should read his stickied threads.......no? Watch his Expert PvP Videos and Guides? No again?..hmmmmm


FFA is about as useful as tab targeting, which is about as useful as resolve, which is as useful as...well you get the idea. Just because SWTOR has features, doesn't mean they work as originally intended, or are perfect. Oh in reference to your other comment, I'd rather take 8 solid players, then 8 sub-par players relying on FFA to make them a better player. Also here is a pro tip, playing on a PvP server does not make you a better pvper......so I think you should sit down now.

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Guardians are the most demanded class in any form of PvP right now...

They can tank AND dps.



Exactly, but remember - there was a time when they said the world was flat and you were a heretic if you believed otherwise.:rolleyes:


No they are least demanded and no Guardians cannot dps. Any class can double or tripple the dps a guardian can do.


Let me put it to you this way. I can do the same DPS roughly as sith mar at level 40 vs my level 50 guardian in either focus spec or lolvig spec with full war hero.

Edited by Captain-Luke
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You might as well mouse click, keyboard turn, and drink coffee while you fight. If you aren't playing with assisting and focus targeting, you are hitting yourself with self inflicted stuns while you trying to help burn a target.


Sooo much time wasted. Go ahead though keep up with the same argument that mouse clickers use "I'm just as good this way, this is how I play and I'm the awesomest."



Which is cool and all if that's how you want to play. It just unqualifies you from being a 'expert' on your class and writing threads about ***Competitive*** PvP.


Uh, choosing not to use a poorly designed focus frame is barely even noticeable. You're acting like the OP keyboard turns and clicks. And about clicking. This is swtor, the game is made for clickers and its a good thing that it is, because it allows more people to play it. High damage environment, slow global cooldown, autofacing, range on most attacks and the nature of warzone designs all make clicking effective in a game like this compared to say WoW. Is it better to click? Of course not, but you can still be productive doing it.


Backpeddaling looks worse than it is, but its not a big performance drop if you do it. It is normally associated with keyboard moving, instead of moving with the mouse. Using your keyboard to turn makes it more difficult to use binds which results in clicking. But Technically jumping and moving at the same time is worse than backpeddaling for movement. I do this all the time (bad habit), because I play WoW. But in swtor you actually move slower while jumping. I have no clue why the developers wanted jumping to slow your movement and no one ever calls out people for jumping lol.

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FF, imo, is simply a buggy leisure that I sometimes use in ranked until it irritates me to take it off. In no way does it increase my *skill* being able to tab over and stop a cast. Your response, of course, will be negative to mines because by default, you're out after attacking me than staying on topic.


Focus fire is buggy? I've use focus fire quite a bit, every rated match. Never had a rated match that it has failed on me. Aquire Focus targets target works quite fine thank you very much so Please stop making up excuses as to why you and your team lack the skill necessary to actually play a ranked war zone at a competitive level.


And If you're not doing any of these things to play at a competitive level your credibility for this whole thread has just been shot to nothing and I find it just a big QQ rhetoric that has been said over and over in 1000 different threads, you just gathered them up into 1!!!




You have anything constructive and related to add or are you out after a personal vendetta I can care less for?:rak_03:


Shall I give it to you then? ALL my responses will be in this blue.


Now, to show how stupid and unrelated this argument is, let me point the OP out yet again:

1) Ranked is a poor way of showcasing skill and furthermore, the incentive to actually play it is little to none. While the idea is solid, the execution isn't well done. Nor will it work to high standards in a game like this due to its combat system.


The execution is well done? It's done just fine and nothing you do in ranked war zones will put you over anyone else for doing ranked war zones, faster gear for incentive to actually do them but there is no plus side.


A - The rewards are egotistical at best and in all honesty, replaced by better looking items.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Ok we both know focus fire has nothing to do with this but it's a perfectly fine reward and it's what the reward should be. Cooler looks. Something to stroke the ego, not something that gives better gear and stats above everyone else. The gear gap is the last thing we want as pvp'ers because we want more people to be playing with us!


B - Assembling 8 dedicated players to concern themselves to Ranked matches is a serious irk. Many people

have work outside this game and priorities to attend too where they cannot be bothered to having log on at

a strictly specific time just to play three to five games over the course of two hours.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Having 8 competent players to a team is a very good thing and focus fire does have something to do with this, even if they log on or not because when you actually do play and people are doing what they're supposed to do those 3-5 games over the two hours will go much better for the team and if a team is winning, well in my experience people log on more to do more rateds.


B2 - Adding a further point to B, with the lack of cross server ques and population dwindling, the morale to even

face the top tier teams on one's server dampens this problem further. Which leads to less ranked matches.

A domino effect.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Yes we would all love cross server queues because the small amount of servers there are. PoT5 is still doing just fine with rateds going on most nights with quite a few teams queue'ing and new ones poping up all the time!


At the new teams popping up all the time, I get tons of questions from new teams that formed asking what they should and shouldn't do. I always tell them they need to focus fire, then I tell them in what orders they should probably be focus firing and what perferably needs to be done to make that focus fire effective with their comp.


C - While playing for objectives may be an original idea, in ranked there's nothing skilled about it in the slightest.

Certain comps are outright cheesed (IE: Smashers, Bubble Stunners etc.) There's too much focus on CC

and numbers to get any point across. Most of it boils down to what team overwhelms the other or a stream

of point blank luck. There's nothing 'clutch' and there's nothing particularly impressive about any feat in it.

If one team loses a point, then it's 9/10 times over due to the way the system works.

There's generally no comeback.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Maybe in your crappy matches it all comes down to who overwhelms who with point blank luck as neither side is using focus fire.


What does focus fire have to do with playing an objective? Did you really just ask me that? Well if there's no one around to defend the objective you're attacking it's much easier to cap a node and if there's no one around to attack the objective well then looks like you're not getting capped on. This is pvp still, focus fire kills your enemies, the point to pvp... Killing people.


C2 - Adding a further point to C, the people running these comps shouldn't be blamed or looked down at all. By

all means, if any advantage works to your favour, then use it. The problem is, the advantage is stupendously

great where it blocks out any form of creativity for additional group flavours.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Using the best comp to your advantage is something everyone has available. Sad to say this is part of MMO pvp and how it always works at a competitive level. Also some classes are better to put on the focus train than others... Like 2x pt because they just blow everything up together :p. You don't get that amazing single target burst of a pt with any other class so having him there to do his job has plenty to do with composition and focus fire.


D - Resolve is not a horrible system, but it is certainly below average. It doesn't address the problem of mass

stuns and control across an entire team. Not to mention, when it's about full - you're probably already dead.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Well resolve isn't going to mean jack when you can be CC'ed and killed in the span of the 4-6 seconds that the focus is hitting you. CC team down with bubble stun and nades, focus down a person. If there's someone white barred focus them down while you CC someone who isn't full resolved to stop heals or damage from the other team from going off.


How can we work on fixing competitive PvP?


2) Small-scale PvP similar to Arena-styled matches (2v2, 3v3, 4v4). KOTOR had an arena. Why shouldn't SWTOR?

It can be a simple, small maps with a few pillars and what not. I understand such a venture will take money, but

I believe it can be more beneficial than pushing ranked warzones. Especially considering the status of where this

game is truly at.


- The benefits of this would correspond to the correct measures of this game's lowering population.

- More players would be able to get into the 'ranked' action easier, and it allows more versatility in combinations.

- Less emphasis on overwhelming force and more skill based factor comes into play.

- Different specs (IE: Concealment Operative / Infiltration Shadow) might actually have a chance to play.

- Easier to organize.

- This doesn't replace ranked perse, but is an addition to PvP options.

- What does FF have to do with this?


3) Alternatively, you can lazily just allow solo ranked ques. However, be warned of the qq that will follow and this

won't 'fix' the problem. It will only be temporal solution to a later, bigger issue you will have to face.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Solo ranked queues would be HELL. No one will be doing what they're supposed to and we'll just have everyone derping around like we do in regs. I don't know why you'd suggest this.


4) Resolve should work more like this: Stuns need to follow a DR curve. They need to grow less effective on

every stun that is shot at toward the player. (Effective = Cut duration)

- What does FF have to do with this?


This isn't going to help anything and will only hurt the situation more. Ever play WoW where you could CC a person down for basically minutes at a time in an Arena?! Yeah that's all you did was either CC or be CC'ed while the 2nd died.


And as I said, people are just going to die from an effective focus fire in the duration of a stun anyways. You don't seem to understand that concept at all, do you?


5) Add cross server ques. This should be standard in any MMO.

- What does FF have to do with this?


Now that I'm actually reading this... Why d you keep bringing up the same issues over and over like they're different issues?!?!


6) Fix the lag / bug issues. Certain abilities don't go off, or there's a massive delay on X ability that should be addressed.

- What does FF have to do with this?



Focus fire doesn't have a lot to do with some of your points but it has a crap ton to do with the points on other things, so think before you type please.


You are playing a Marauder. Your opinion is automatically invalidated. Do you even use 2 quickbars? It's in the same class as power tech easy. Btw I agree with you on the QQ. But still your opinion is still invalidated because you roll a 2 button class.


Not a lot of buttons you say? Faceroll is it? I guess counting is hard?

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keybinds are faster and more accurate than clicking. true story


jump shooting is faster than backpedaling. no real need for jump shooting tho, as you can pretty much shoot at a 90 degree angle. l2 strafe.


Probably the best post i've ever seen from you! You're redeeming faith, in yourself at least.

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I feel like you guys are talking about focus target in two different applications.



Xinika seems to be talking about setting a focus target who is a healer/caster on the other team, and the idea seems to be you would quick switch to them when they're casting, interrupt, and switch back to your target. This is not necessary, and imo not very optimal because of the next point.



What Xerain seems to be talking about is setting your focus target as a designated person on YOUR time and continually having everyone focus that designated person's target. which you absolutely SHOULD be doing, especially in ranked. It makes focus fire that much easier and quicker, and focus fire like that is how you burn down people quickly.


The latter is an absolute should do. The former is therefore a "probably shouldn't do, because the latter is a should do".

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Shall I give it to you then? ALL my responses will be in this blue.

Thanks for a post that is slightly constructive. Regardless of how arrogant and immature you still are.


Focus fire doesn't have a lot to do with some of your points but it has a crap ton to do with the points on other things, so think before you type please.

It's unrelated to this topic. This whole idea about FF is your biased opinion, and keep it at that. If you want, go make a topic elsewhere. Take your own advice.

Edited by Xinika
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Thanks for a post that is slightly constructive. Regardless of how arrogant and immature you still are.



It's unrelated to this topic. This whole idea about FF is your biased opinion, and keep it at that. If you want, go make a topic elsewhere. Take your own advice.


No it's not an opinion. Focus Fire wins you games. Taking objectives is all about who can kill who faster. This isn't opinion. Focus Fire allows for faster killing giving you an upper hand against a team that doesn't focus fire.

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No it's not an opinion. Focus Fire wins you games. Taking objectives is all about who can kill who faster. This isn't opinion. Focus Fire allows for faster killing giving you an upper hand against a team that doesn't focus fire.

That's great. Still has nothing to do with this topic. Also, still an opinion - even if it's wrong or right. How old are you? You go out beating your chest like an ape when someone disagrees with you?:)

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That's great. Still has nothing to do with this topic. Also, still an opinion - even if it's wrong or right. How old are you? You go out beating your chest like an ape when someone disagrees with you?:)


Plenty to do with the Topic that is based on PvP and your credibility to said topic being slim to none since you don't seem to partake in any of the efforts to play pvp at a competitive level. Your argument is going out the window by showing us this, you know that right? That's really the point I'm trying to get across to you more than anything.


You don't go into a competitive pvp topic and tell people not to focus fire, that it's ok to back pedal, that it's ok to keyboard turn, and that it's ok to click all your attacks. The real competitive pvp'ers will call you out on your crap... as I've seen a few do here.


Also none of the things are as bad as you say. You're really making a mountain out of a mole hill with a lot of your points and not taking a logical view at any of it really, which is quite sad. You seem to expect a team to stack smash and bubble stun then just jump into a competitive environment and face roll but that's not the case nor will it ever be, Sure those things are broken but both sides have the option to use them, and a newly formed team isn't going to beat a well seasoned team that's been playing together for months. New teams need to learn they're not just going to pwn face right away and there is WORK towards all this and there is a lot of little things you need to understand that you keep arguing about but it's not going to do anything for overall effectiveness, such as your qq resolve changes (IMO resolve is the best system for CC counter effectiveness in any mmo I've played, at least we're garanteed some down time from ANY form of CC then, sure it should probably last a wee bit long but it doesn't need huge changes).

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Plenty to do with the Topic that is based on PvP and your credibility to said topic being slim to none since you don't seem to partake in any of the efforts to play pvp at a competitive level. Your argument is going out the window by showing us this, you know that right? That's really the point I'm trying to get across to you more than anything.

According to who? You? Again, an opinion based on one's perspective that's still unrelated to my post. According to your very logic, this has turned into a personal issue against me rather than the issue at hand. Want to keep spewing more illogical posts?:)


You don't go into a competitive pvp topic and tell people not to focus fire, that it's ok to back pedal, that it's ok to keyboard turn, and that it's ok to click all your attacks. The real competitive pvp'ers will call you out on your crap... as I've seen a few do here.

Never said any of that up to now. If you're going to use my words against me, make sure that I said it.;)


Also none of the things are as bad as you say. You're really making a mountain out of a mole hill with a lot of your points and not taking a logical view at any of it really, which is quite sad. You seem to expect a team to stack smash and bubble stun then just jump into a competitive environment and face roll but that's not the case nor will it ever be, Sure those things are broken but both sides have the option to use them, and a newly formed team isn't going to beat a well seasoned team that's been playing together for months. New teams need to learn they're not just going to pwn face right away and there is WORK towards all this and there is a lot of little things you need to understand that you keep arguing about but it's not going to do anything for overall effectiveness, such as your qq resolve changes (IMO resolve is the best system for CC counter effectiveness in any mmo I've played, at least we're garanteed some down time from ANY form of CC then, sure it should probably last a wee bit long but it doesn't need huge changes).

You are entitled to your opinion, but grow up. Your word doesn't mean it's better, right or even wrong because you shout it louder.

Edited by Xinika
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I don't even know who you are so why would it be some crusade against you?! But seriously, you ************ about these problems is like a high school football player in some back water town ************ about the problems of the NFL like they're his own. That is exactly how I see you. "herp derp, I back pedal and click and I know what i'm talking about cause I did a few rated war zones" <That's what kills your credibility. Stuff like that. So i'm just calling you out on it.
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I don't even know who you are so why would it be some crusade against you?! But seriously, you ************ about these problems is like a high school football player in some back water town ************ about the problems of the NFL like they're his own. That is exactly how I see you. "herp derp, I back pedal and click and I know what i'm talking about cause I did a few rated war zones" <That's what kills your credibility. Stuff like that. So i'm just calling you out on it.

You're not calling out anyone if you're making up and putting words in my mouth. Up to now I never said any of that. By all means, quote me - thank you.

Are you that arrogant?


Also, thank you for keeping this topic alive.:)

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