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Before launch, I remember an ex-BW saying...


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...that TOR was setting itself up to be the greatest failure in MMO history.


I refused to believe it.


I have leveled 2 characters to 50 at the same time, and am now in the process of leveling a total of 5 alts.


If class stories are not expanded on AND FOCUSED ON, I think that prediction is going to come true.


And if it does come true, I fear that Bioware will have developed a reputation of not being able to deliver what they promised to, and will, in my mind, lost that truly AAA developer status.

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I agree that they should stop charging for minor content. To be honest, its quite petty and its gonna hurt the game more than it will help.


Develop a full fledged expansion and charge full price for it. Take your extra money from the cosmetics in the cartel shop. Be too greedy and you might end up with nothing.

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IMO, losing a couple of devs shouldn't change the direction of a game. It's supposed to be about the players, but seeing as this isn't a perfect world, I could see why the game's direction would be side tracked. In the end, I can only hope that the game remains a game and not a cash cow star wars theme park.
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I'm afraid that Bioware is no more, the 2 doctors have quit along with alot of the people that have started on this game.

For all intents and purposes, this a EA game now....


And SWTOR was never Bioware work, but Mythics. They renamed the studio right before working on the game, so they could have a better marketing selling BW game.


The game in itself is not a failure. But EA is. The system behind is BS, the worst I've ever seen, and I've tried EQ2 f2p.

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I'm afraid that Bioware is no more, the 2 doctors have quit along with alot of the people that have started on this game.

For all intents and purposes, this a EA game now....


Well to be fair to EA they threw vast, giant, super sized bags of cash at Bioware to make this game and it was Bioware and Bioware only who fubared it. Then the original staff got pushed out and the development house assimilated properly into the EA gestalt.


Now I see this going along the same lines of another super IP, Warhammer Online which was launched and then abandoned (but kept on life support to retain the IP, cant let someone else make it work now can they?) That had a lol-expansion too.

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And SWTOR was never Bioware work, but Mythics. They renamed the studio right before working on the game, so they could have a better marketing selling BW game.


The game in itself is not a failure. But EA is. The system behind is BS, the worst I've ever seen, and I've tried EQ2 f2p.


Um..... Bioware was given the Mythic house (not the other way around) to control ONLY just before the launch of SWTOR, they renamed Mythic to Mythic-Bioware and funnily enough just undid that and made it Mythic again, strange eh?

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Not everyone plays an MMO for the class stories. I think the failure was to focus too much on single player elements in an MMO rather than vice versa.


And the other half on the forums are telling us they concentrated too hard on the end game, hardcore model.


Fact is, no armchair analyst has it right. There is no right answer. The product either works or it doesn't. It's usually a combination of factors, including unrealistic expectations by the fan base that make a product look like a failure.



The truth is we got a game very similar to WoW and EA's gamble didn't pay off like they hoped. It's now in its second stage. If they can hold a steady sub count and make a profit then we won't see it abandoned. WoW clone or not, if they can keep the content fresh and update the game they will make a steady profit. It's a circular relationship.

Edited by Arkerus
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The truth is we got a game very similar to WoW and EA's gamble didn't pay off like they hoped. It's now in its second stage. If they can hold a steady sub count and make a profit then we won't see it abandoned. WoW clone or not, if they can keep the content fresh and update the game they will make a steady profit. It's a circular relationship.


As a WoW clone, it stands to reason that expansions which raise the level cap, are something people have to pay money for. Granted they took it a step further here, making this one digital only. But that's probably because they wanted to cut the costs on printing boxes and the like.

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As a WoW clone, it stands to reason that expansions which raise the level cap, are something people have to pay money for. Granted they took it a step further here, making this one digital only. But that's probably because they wanted to cut the costs on printing boxes and the like.


And no doubt hide that fact that only 1/2 of the shipped cd has data on it. :D

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