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The Republic: SWTOR is "Out of Control"


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It's all relative. What you think is a ripoff, someone might think is a good deal...or a fair deal. I spend money on digital crap from TF2. Do I feel like I got ripped off? No. But, if I tried to explain it to my father, he would say i'm an idiot for paying real money for imaginary stuff. Who is right? What I find value in, he doesn't. What entertains me, doesn't entertain him.


Indeed, as I said above.


However $18.00 for a badly reskinned mount - how would you justify that cost? :confused:



(it's not just the mount by the way, much like the people in the video I think the who Cashshop is seriously overpriced, probably by at least 50% on all prices $3.00 for some fireworks? :eek:).

Edited by Goretzu
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I could less about christmas - it doesn't invalidate the other monkey business though.


The T7 ship gear fiasco has cost them 2 subs from my house. That was before Makeb entered the equation.


You mean the 'fiasco' where they made upgrades to HEROIC solo content available via Fleet Commendations, the GTN and the Cartel Market? That one, with three different methods of obtaining the upgrades?


Some of you people seriously need to stop and think before you act. You really do. You're complaining about a business attempting to make money in a way that many others are also doing. Nothing in the Market is P2W, nothing is REQUIRED to play the game (for those of us who sub) and the whole Christmas thing... I'm not anti-Christmas but people need to stop whining when a now-meaningless holiday is no longer celebrated publicly by a company that knows nothing about you.


Christmas is, theoretically, about the celebration of the birth of the 'savior of mankind'. It has turned into a greed-filled, selfish time of the year when companies goad you into spending money that could be used for better purposes and has gotten so bad some people take second and third mortgages on their homes to pay for gifts that mean nothing.


I'm glad they aren't shoving it in our faces. I like the Cartel Market. I think Makeb should cost $10. I'm glad SWTOR has an endgame. I'm glad gear is easier to obtain. I like the character stories, SGRs or not. I do not think 'everything is fine' and I DO think EA/Bioware has made some mistakes. I do not think any of them are game-breaking. I do think some bugs need to be fixed, some balancing needs to be done and some other things need work. I do not think the game is nearly as bad as most of the forum whiners claim, and certainly not worth canceling my sub over.

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Exactly, adding Christian holidays to fantasy worlds is immersion breaking in my opinion. Life Day is all that was needed since it is in the Star Wars lore.


Id like to point out t hat Christians hijacked the Christmas season from Pagan religions...At least the time f year that they celebrate it. And you don't have to be christian to appreciate the significance of this time of year either. If you think that all this time of year is about then you need to be smacked.... Now that is out of the way Like others have all ready said there is nothing that is Specific to Christmas..... Except maybe that awful looking speeder(no offense to any one that might like it though to me it just looks tacky >.<)

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I laugh at the idea that the space gear in the Cartel Market is shattering to the balance of the game. It's not hard to get the gear through other means and the space missions barely affect the metagame.


Not sure if trolling or serious. o.O


Probably serious, and I agree with Alyx. My guildmates tell me they can get 200k farming TFB story and I personally can net 60-70k an hour watching TV farming on my tank. Take that money, buy the parts off the GTN. The only reason I haven't is because I never do space missions anymore...

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Fair enough you think $18.00 for such a mount is fine, I accept that........... however a lot of people do not, you have to accept that too. :)



As they sold them at a loss (i.e. less than they cost to make) I suspect so - however I'm pretty sure a Santa Mount doesn't cost Bioware EA $18.00 per character to make......... I'm not even convinced they spent $18.00 on recolouring the mount skin in total. :D



Again I don't see how selling something for less than you make it can be a rip off, I guess that is just me though. :)


thats fine if you think it is too much. Guess what you don't have to buy it. I think BMWs are overpriced but I don't have to buy one. I also don't go to BMW's website and compalin that their cars cost too much and say they are ripping me off.


and??? so they sold them at a loss? what's your point.



But ok you don't like the Veyron analogy switch that with Ferrari. At 200k each thats too much and it is not sold at a loss. So it must be bringing all of (who is it Mercedes that owns them now?) mercedes down.


Really though the fact that it is selling at loss should make me angry because it IS bring VW down then. At least selling the santa mount which cost $0 to make at $18 isn't hurting the company.

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You mean the 'fiasco' where they made upgrades to HEROIC solo content available via Fleet Commendations, the GTN and the Cartel Market? That one, with three different methods of obtaining the upgrades?


Some of you people seriously need to stop and think before you act. You really do. You're complaining about a business attempting to make money in a way that many others are also doing. Nothing in the Market is P2W, nothing is REQUIRED to play the game (for those of us who sub) and the whole Christmas thing... I'm not anti-Christmas but people need to stop whining when a now-meaningless holiday is no longer celebrated publicly by a company that knows nothing about you.


Christmas is, theoretically, about the celebration of the birth of the 'savior of mankind'. It has turned into a greed-filled, selfish time of the year when companies goad you into spending money that could be used for better purposes and has gotten so bad some people take second and third mortgages on their homes to pay for gifts that mean nothing.


I'm glad they aren't shoving it in our faces. I like the Cartel Market. I think Makeb should cost $10. I'm glad SWTOR has an endgame. I'm glad gear is easier to obtain. I like the character stories, SGRs or not. I do not think 'everything is fine' and I DO think EA/Bioware has made some mistakes. I do not think any of them are game-breaking. I do think some bugs need to be fixed, some balancing needs to be done and some other things need work. I do not think the game is nearly as bad as most of the forum whiners claim, and certainly not worth canceling my sub over.


Your snarky response hasn't swayed my decision. You honesty think I just up and unsubbed because of one single thing? What a foolish assumption!


Your extreme displeasure that I have decided to unsub has been noted though. :p


Ah. I was going to type out more of a tailored response but I think I'll leave it at that.

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thats fine if you think it is too much. Guess what you don't have to buy it. I think BMWs are overpriced but I don't have to buy one. I also don't go to BMW's website and compalin that their cars cost too much and say they are ripping me off.


and??? so they sold them at a loss? what's your point.



But ok you don't like the Veyron analogy switch that with Ferrari. At 200k each thats too much and it is not sold at a loss. So it must be bringing all of (who is it Mercedes that owns them now?) mercedes down.


Really though the fact that it is selling at loss should make me angry because it IS bring VW down then. At least selling the santa mount which cost $0 to make at $18 isn't hurting the company.


Do you have to pay car manufacturers a monthly fee to look at their cars? Oh that's right, you don't.

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thats fine if you think it is too much. Guess what you don't have to buy it. I think BMWs are overpriced but I don't have to buy one. I also don't go to BMW's website and compalin that their cars cost too much and say they are ripping me off.


and??? so they sold them at a loss? what's your point.



But ok you don't like the Veyron analogy switch that with Ferrari. At 200k each thats too much and it is not sold at a loss. So it must be bringing all of (who is it Mercedes that owns them now?) mercedes down.


Really though the fact that it is selling at loss should make me angry because it IS bring VW down then. At least selling the santa mount which cost $0 to make at $18 isn't hurting the company.


Again whether something is A rip off is nothing to do with whether I buy it or you buy it, it is simply too highly priced.


A Veyron certainly isn't as it is sold for a LOSS - that is a BARGIN, dispite its price. :)


Whether something is a bargin or a rip off has nothing to do with whether it hurts or helps a company either (the Veyron helps the company btw, they accept a small loss for a massive benifit in PR, prestige and other sales).


Charging $18.00 for comedy Santa mount does nothing but hurt Bioware EA and SWTOR. :csw_yoda:

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Do you have to pay car manufacturers a monthly fee to look at their cars? Oh that's right, you don't.


... wait what? That makes no sense. You pay Bioware to look at this game?


are you trying to make a statement about the monthly sub?


you do know the game is free 2 play right? so you can play the game for free.


You can even get cartel coins FOR FREE. as in with out spending a dime. So with time and credits you can unlock everything in the game with out spending a dime.


I however can't go to Ferrari and say "Hey can i drive your cars for free?" No I have to give them money. I can look at them for free.


BIoware howver is giving you a game FOR FREE and if I want I could spend money to buy items that HAVE NO IMPACT ON THE GAME. Or I could get it for free either from buying in the GTN or using FREE CARTEL COINS.

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You can even get cartel coins FOR FREE. as in with out spending a dime. So with time and credits you can unlock everything in the game with out spending a dime.


This is untrue, you cannot and will not be able to get Makeb with Cartel Coins. :(

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They can reverse the negative tide IMO with a few simple changes, which I have already suggested.


As to the point about life day...it's the holidays. Many games (as far as I am aware) usually hold holiday events. They decided for one reason or another to not hold one here, and I think that wasn't a wise choice.


It gives the impression, IMO, that this is an amateur effort, an unfair image from my perspective.

Oh, just one little thing would shut up all the "we have to pay for Life Day" complaints. And Bioware still has a few days to sort it out.

Next maintenance day is on Christmas day, right? Well, they either won't do a maintenance, or pull it forward to monday. But let's say they do actually have a maintenance update and want to sneak in something to appease the masses. Could be really simple. Just something like:

All players: a mail with some small fun lifeday gift. Make it a moddable adaptive hat or something.

Preferred and Subscripted players: another mail with another fun lifeday gift. A moddable chestpiece with treebranch decorations, reminding of Kashyyyk.

Subscripted players: a pet Ewok, about half the size of a Jawa.


So no event, just a few little gifts.

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Again whether something is A rip off is nothing to do with whether I buy it or you buy it, it is simply too highly priced.


A Veyron certainly isn't as it is sold for a LOSS - that is a BARGIN, dispite its price. :)


Whether something is a bargin or a rip off has nothing to do with whether it hurts or helps a company either (the Veyron helps the company btw, they accept a small loss for a massive benifit in PR, prestige and other sales).


Charging $18.00 for comedy Santa mount does nothing but hurt Bioware EA and SWTOR. :csw_yoda:




I see the problem. You don't know what the definition of a rip off is

A ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad financial transaction. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person is overcharged for something, or receives goods or services not of the standard expected for the price. A ripoff is usually distinguished from a scam in that a scam involves wrongdoing such as fraud; a ripoff may be considered excessive, but not illegal.




rip·off [rip-awf, -of] Show IPA

noun, Slang.

1.an act or instance of ripping off another or others; a theft, cheat, or swindle.

2.exploitation, especially of those who cannot prevent or counter it.

3.a copy or imitation.

4.a person who rips off another or others; thief or swindler.




Yes a rip off MUST involve a transaction.

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Honestly I wanted a bunch of cartel items but now after looking at price for items ratio to price of coins it is ridiculous ripoff. For any full armor set it's like $15 and all regular sets of just chest or anything are $5. Cartel Packs are about $3 (small)-$5 (large)
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Honestly I wanted a bunch of cartel items but now after looking at price for items ratio to price of coins it is ridiculous ripoff. For any full armor set it's like $15 and all regular sets of just chest or anything are $5. Cartel Packs are about $3 (small)-$5 (large)


you can get almost all the armor pieces off the GTN for in game credits.

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I see the problem. You don't know what the definition of a rip off is









Yes a rip off MUST involve a transaction.



Nope that is exactly what a rip off is, I agree. :)


Much like paying less than the cost of production for something is a bargin (like your Veyron example). :)


And again something being A rip off is indepedent of me buying it or not

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is Makeb out yet?


also i wouldn't be suprised if they do put it up there eventually perhaps after it has been out for a long time.


Bioware EA have said it will not be availible for Cartel Coins nor will it ever be availible for Cartel Coins.



To answer the question posed here about purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:


We'd like to clarify that Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for purchase through SWTOR.com/buy only, and there won't be an option to purchase it using Cartel Coins.

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There is no difference in paying 18 bucks for a a speeder and 25 bucks for a sparkle pony....except Ganon and the tools at WoWbreaker TV will gush about the sparkle pony.


THe sparkle pony had value. It was an adaptive mount that EVERY character you had or later created received. For people with many alts it was of huge usefulness. Also Blizzard donated part of the proceeds to Charity.



The Life Day mount does not compare.

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THe sparkle pony had value. It was an adaptive mount that EVERY character you had or later created received. For people with many alts it was of huge usefulness. Also Blizzard donated part of the proceeds to Charity.



The Life Day mount does not compare.


^ This

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THe sparkle pony had value. It was an adaptive mount that EVERY character you had or later created received. For people with many alts it was of huge usefulness. Also Blizzard donated part of the proceeds to Charity.



The Life Day mount does not compare.


that actually makes the sparkle pony worse. Because now it has value. before it was just amount but now it actually is usefull in game as you don't have to ever buy a mount for any character again.

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Nope that is exactly what a rip off is, I agree. :)


Much like paying less than the cost of production for something is a bargin (like your Veyron example). :)


And again something being A rip off is indepedent of me buying it or not


again if you don't like the Veyron analogy chose a different car company they are selling for profit like Ferrari.


No for something to be a rip off someone must be scammed. NO ONE IS BEING SCAMMED.


Now if they sold the santa speeder in game for 10 credits then YES it would be a rip off for cartal coins. But since it is the only way to get it then no it is not a rip off.

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see I agree you have a right to complain but that is a bit excessive. Call me crazy but when i don't like something I wouldn't spend 20 days complaining about it. I would voice my dissatisfaction then move on.


I didn't like Transformers, but I didn't spend 20 days yelling on forums how Micheal bay is destroying film. it sucked I moved on and did something i enjoyed.


i guess i'm just crazy though.


I have loved this game since beta, and have invested well over $500 worth of sub $ into the game (which is more than most of the people telling I'm stupid for quitting have invested btw), which gives me every right to voice my opinion on what I believe is right and what I believe is wrong with the game in any cordial manner I wish to utilize.

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again if you don't like the Veyron analogy chose a different car company they are selling for profit like Ferrari.


No for something to be a rip off someone must be scammed. NO ONE IS BEING SCAMMED.


Now if they sold the santa speeder in game for 10 credits then YES it would be a rip off for cartal coins. But since it is the only way to get it then no it is not a rip off.


No, I really like the Veyron example, it perfectly shows that something can be expensive and not A rip off. :)


Where as a pretty terrible Santa Mount with a production cost of effectively $0.00 being sold for $18.00 is a perfect example of A rip off.


As they say in the video, $2.00 per character would have probably been the maximum acceptable amount for that particular mount. :csw_yoda:

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