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The Republic: SWTOR is "Out of Control"


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It is still pay to win even if you can attain it ingame, because you can pay to have the best stuff without having to play the game.


This isn't about the money, it's about the direction this is going. This was planned to be free to subs. It's not enough content to pay for, this (and the p2w ship gear and money grab christmas stuff) is just a preview of the future.


Can't wait to pay $10 for the cather race though

and $20 for the Secret space project

and $15 for guild ships

and $35 for yet another planet with no class/companion story

and $10 for another recolored human


Ok, lets look at your statement, and your price breakdown here


Once again, they acknowledged that the price difference on the space parts was wrong, due to miscommunication,and will be fixed.


There has NEVER, been any documented word, of them guaranteeing that makeb and the level increase would be free to subs, only that the content updates released on a 6 week cycle would be free to subs, which they have been, and will continue to be


1.5, didnt cost subs anything

1.6 didnt cost subs anything

1.7...will be coming near the start of the new year, wont cost subs anything


these are content updates, they released a new warzone, new daily hub, new companion, didnt charge a dime for it.


Rise of the Hutt Cartel, is an expansion, with a level cap increase, and a new planet, just like EVERY other MMO, more features will be in the expansion than just the level cap increase and the planet, and it costs 10$, less than ANY other expansion released for any other AAA MMO


They said cathar will be on the cartel market, didnt say how much it will cost, but 10$, seems a bit high

super space project will either be part of an expansion, which will mean it is bundled with more content and probably cost 10-15$ and not be on the market, guild capital ships, IF they are released, will be part of a content update, not on the market, and will not cost subs. new planet according to what they have up for this expansion, would be 10$, not 35$, and would be part of an expansion, which would probably be paired with another level cap increase, and probably some more features. new races will probably be through the cartel market, just a product of the times, more than a direct problem with BW/EA.


When you look at this logically, as opposed to assuming you should have direct control over the world for 15$ a month, it really isnt all that different than ANY other MMO out there and the way the do things....its actually cheaper...

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The stuff being sold in cartel market for space can also be crafted and attained with tokens, and its just a minigame, this isnt anything you do as a group or against other players. there is no edge to get. Edited by Shingara
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The Winter Solstice was celebrated in Europe centuries before the Christian's decided to join the party and claim it was the time of Christ's birth. Many of us see it as a time for family and friends to pull together, to eat and drink ourselves senseless, keep warm on the cold winter nights and prepare for the New Year...of more drinking!


EA left out winter celebrations in this game for one reason only, money. Clearly they didn't see a quick buck in it. Instead they thought better to get us all to pay upfront for content we may see in 6 months.

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....its actually cheaper...
No, it's not. A level cap and a single planet with no class story or companion story is not enough to be an expansion pack. That's the amount of content most games offer in a single content patch. You're delusional. Look at 1.2. Patches have been getting smaller and smaller with littler and litter polish. We're going to be nickle and dimed from here on out. We're getting 1/10 the content for 1/2 price.


I know you're vehemently defend the game no matter what, but compare the world events. Rakghoul was amazing, Chevin was pretty bad, and now instead of even having one, they put more stuff in the market and expect us to say thank you. SWTOR is literally the only AAA western mmo without a holiday event, and it's one of the few major MMOs that doesn't celebrate it's own anniversary. (No, a few fireworks in the mail that were previews of what you could buy in the cartel market doesn't count.)

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Curious how this thread became about the Expansion announced today?


OP was talking up the very low ball attempt at Life Day and the game's 1yr Anniv.


They should have made a much bigger deal out of both of them. Instead they did minimal effort on a few baubles and basically asked everyone, Subs and F2P, to fork over $30 for their work.


For this, rightfully so imho, several players have cried foul in the forums.



Personally I would like to see some sort of announcement like ' We hear you, and will work to do more event type activities' or some such. Sure it might only be a placation, but just acknowledgement that they messed up would bring some good morale back to the players.

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To be honest i dont think theres anything else bioware can do to lower my opinion of them but i dont think this makeb thing is a big deal, its a half baked expansion for a cheap price. Im done sitting around praying bioware will get their act together and make this game into the AAA mmo anybody with 6 months worth of mmo experience could have made it into.


Its time to come to terms with the truth, this game is a f2p AA mmo, and its probably never going to rise above that, maybe im wrong, maybe they will add dual specs, combat windows, macros, chat bubbles, you know all the things most AAA mmos have had for the last 5-10 years.


Maybe they will release mini "expansions" like makeb two or more times a year instead of huge and expensive expansions once every 2-3 years like wow. It wouldnt be a bad idea but i will believe it when i see it, bw used up all of my wishful thinking this past year.

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Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......


Most games don't have "christmas", in fact, I can't think of one that does. But they all have end-of-year events. Lotro has the pegan inspired Yule celebration with awesome minigames, great story about a snowed-over town where you get to decide things like whether to help beggers by giving them food or alternatively earn your quest reward by chasing the vagrants beggers out of town.


I'm not a Christian either. I'm an atheist currently. I would like a holiday event. A life-day event is what SWG used to do. Remember throwing snow-balls on tatooine and drinking hoth-chocolate for the buff before flying to the Imperial Star Destroyer? Good times.

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I propose we all take those hutt balls we got from the cartel packs (you can get one of the GTN for like 100 credits now, because no one wants the darn things), head to hoth and have a pretend snowball fight. It will be epic. You get rewards for not running into a snow cat while hiding from the hutt balls.


....and it's still a better holiday celebration than BW gave us.

Edited by Prettyevilish
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Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......



Who said christmas has to be about christians? I'm an atheist and I love christmas.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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In episode 117 of The Republic, Gary Gannon says that SWTOR is "out of control." Referring to the pay-to-win space gear and the reskinned $18 Christmas speeder.


The Republic 117: Out of Control


Interestingly enough, according to this article on Massively, SWTOR is the only AAA western MMO that isn't having a Christmas event.


So what do you think? Are the GamebreakerTV guys off the mark? Do you feel the same way they do?



Please note: I am not in anyway affiliated with either GamebreakerTV or Massively. I just wanted to bring this info to the community's attention.


Gary goes a bit overboard. No one is forcing you to buy the speeder. They also are wrong about the Grade 7 space ship parts. Suprised none of the "experts" spoke up about that.


Also he freaks out over Life Day. In no way is Life Day an important holiday in Star Wars. It's only famous to us because of the god awful holiday special.



Suprised that Gary only mentioned Rift twice in that video. Usually he mentions it like 10 times and gushes over the player housing.

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Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......


I'm an Atheist yet i love the Holidays. Christmas isn't just for Christians, not in 2012.

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I dont know how you can pay to win against yourself but im sure someone will try and tell me. As for gamebreaker, they are a running joke between me and my mates as we try to see how bad they can say swtor is before shouting 'but hey try rift, its great, its over there'. Anyone would think gamebreaker are being sponsored to promote rift as best they can, ow wait they are.


I tried todo a drinking game for everytime they went well x amd x is bad but in rift its AMAZING, i had to stop as i couldnt see properly on the last show.


THANK YOU!! I'm glad someone else realizes this!

Edited by Abiza
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My favorite part is at 13 minutes and 55 seconds in when Gary finds out that the Christmas speeder costs $18.


A bit after that, after about 20 seconds of a shocked look on his face, Gary Gannon says:


"This is their monocle. This is the Eve monocle. But it's not... it's close, but it's not gonna get the press like the monocle did.


Eighteen dollars!? For this joke? This should be given away. This should be given away to every player for free. In the game to just race around.


We're going to get to it in a second, they're not even having a freaking holiday event. They're charging for Christmas items and they're not even putting on any kind of an event, yet they wanna charge eighteen dollars for this hunk 'o crap?


You have to be kidding me. You have to be kidding me."

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The part that really blows my mind about this whole thing is they all got together and decided that $20 for this abomination "holiday event" was a great value. The 'content' of this $20 pack has about the same value and appeal as used toilet paper. If that's what they consider my $20 to be worth, I shudder to imagine what they consider is a good value in their upcoming $10 expansion.
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The part that really blows my mind about this whole thing is they all got together and decided that $20 for this abomination "holiday event" was a great value. The 'content' of this $20 pack has about the same value and appeal as used toilet paper. If that's what they consider my $20 to be worth, I shudder to imagine what they consider is a good value in their upcoming $10 expansion.


The price was truely crazy, even if they did lower them they originally thought that content was so good that it should cost $20.

Makes you wonder.

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I could less about christmas - it doesn't invalidate the other monkey business though.


The T7 ship gear fiasco has cost them 2 subs from my house. That was before Makeb entered the equation.


That is a silly reason to unsub. Just work for the gear like normal. It is available for purchase via space comms as well.


Pay 2 win? What exactly are you winning? the space missions? Its not like space missions get you any advantage progression wise.

Edited by Yndras
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As it was previously stated, I don't consider gear as "pay to win" in a situation where you:

  • Don't HAVE to buy it and can still earn it the old-fashioned way.
  • The gear is not useful for any PvP content.


Am I the only one who doesn't care about not having a Life Day celebration? Honestly, that particular piece of lore and the show surrounding it was pretty terrible anyway--I'm surprised they even brought it up. If you don't find the Cartel Shop items to be a good value, then exercise your free market decision to not buy it, it's not rocket science, folks. Not buying stuff will tell EA/BW to reconsider their pricing / marketing if they want the Cartel Market to be profitable for them.


As for celebrating Christmas in an MMORPG; the last I checked, quite a few non-Christians celebrate Christmas. I know quite a few Jews, Atheists, and otherwise who celebrate at least some aspects of Christmas, minus parts of it that pertain to Jesus. Some people just like to get their britches in a knot and get offended about every little thing because they want attention.

Edited by WhiteStriker
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That is a silly reason to unsub. Just work for the gear like normal. It is available for purchase via space comms as well.


Pay 2 win? What exactly are you winning? the space missions? Its not like space missions get you any advantage progression wise.


It has nothing to do with P2W - but I'm not going to explain it again. There's a 90 page thread covering it more than completely somewhere around here. As to whether it's a silly decision or not, that is up to me to decide for myself. :p

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