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Would people object to Chapter 4 taking place on old planets?


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in part its not a bad idea, however if you only use old planets you may not have the challenge of surrounding mobs that are at or near your level, you would probably only fight anything when you are inside an instance. that would probably translate to no open world objectives other that talk to this guy or click this thing with very little standing in your way.


Some good concerns there. but in some ways they've already been taken care of. during the rakghoul event, we had daily quest that were actually scaled with level. the approach was to instill "appearing" monsters that would pop up when you were in the area (example was the sand people hiding in the sand...you got near them and they would pop up, and were always your level). Im sure they just tagged the mobs with your level when they "spawn trigger" went off. they could just apply the same principle to mobs for the new area's. or take it a step further...let the mobs wander around as "no level" mobs...but they got tagged with the level of the first person to hit them. something like that.

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I think they under-utilized the starting worlds. Korriban and Tython have some really neat geography and atmosphere, and you spend very little time on them compared to later worlds. I think we spend enough time on later planets like Hoth and Belsavis that adding more content there would feel redundant, and a new planet is preferable to expansion there, but I definitely think the starter worlds are worth returning to.


Korriban would be especially interesting for Chapter 4.

It's the closest thing to Mars, the planet of war. The reddish textures and sky create a scene that is beautiful and truly otherworldly. That place is so underutilized. It has the perfect atmosphere for pvp and dungeon crawling.


I seriously doubt BioWare will use it because it's Empire only.


Belsavis is out of the question. It's gotten way too much attention. It's bad enough having to visit for some of the dailies.


Several companions complain about Hoth. It's the planet where nobody wants to be unless they have to.


I really think chapter 4 deserves a new planet.

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I think all planets should keep being used! But I guess they would have to expand the maps, or add new maps to the planets because the old ones have set level ranges.


True. But I've also noticed a lot of buildings or areas that are not used. I don't think they have to be instances either. Certain areas are just dangerous. If a lowbie wanders in... they learn a hard lesson. lol!

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arguably this would be good since it would give people a reason to go back to these planets and it seems people have complained how there is little motive to go back currently.


I think if Ch. 4 does that along with adding any new high level areas they should also add daily areas to some of the iconic planets (Tattooine, Taris, Hoth, etc.)

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True. But I've also noticed a lot of buildings or areas that are not used. I don't think they have to be instances either. Certain areas are just dangerous. If a lowbie wanders in... they learn a hard lesson. lol!


Sure that might work :p


They could do a mix I guess. Add some higher level spots on the old maps, plus add new maps so you get to see more of the planet.


Would really like to see some more "top"-environments from coruscant and nar shaddaa for instance ^^ Being sent down into those damn "boxed" sub-level areas was a drag.

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Ugh. Again. Is there a particular reason why you (almost completely) restricted yourself to planets from the movies, a timeline that is 3000 years later than the game? Planets like Endor or Naboo aren't going to be what you expect. For example, on Naboo, Otoh Gunga does't exist. The human population is still very small, as there have only been human settlements on the planet for 250 years, and not in any great numbers. No one really knows that Endor exists, and more importantly, we know that nothing of interest happens there, because 3000 years later, people still don't know it exists.


So, I reiterate yet again: SWTOR is a game set in the Extended Universe. It should conform to the Extended Universe. Trying to force it into the movie timeline is silly. Trying to bring culture from the movie timeline into the Old Republic is a violation of the lore. And yes, some people actually care. Some of those people are Lucasarts, who are depending on Bioware to add to the universe in a consistent way, since the SWTOR storylines are now Star Wars canon.


They used Hoth. Which isn't supposed to be a very well known planet (hence why the rebellion set itself up in there in Empire Strikes Back). So I don't really buy that a planet like Dantooine can't get used.

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We have lots of planets going to waste currently after they're completed. Asking for lots of new planets for chapter 4 is unrealistic and will keep us waiting years. Why not re-use planets and perhaps expand them? What does everyone else think? Flaws with it?


Personally, I would like to have seen a compromise (not as great as the one they clearly made) where we got a new planet (preferably one already in lore) AND added some new content to existing planets. I feel the issue is there is no real direction here, and no long-term plan for this game. They offer armor/clothing sets that are in-game, just recolored, when there are tons of outfits in-game that players want, but are only used on NPCs. That art is already done, and it wouldn't look as much like you were just recoloring items that we already had access to. The same with the planets. We could have quest lines on some of the capital ships, and existing planets, but I would like to see some new areas. I liked the way they added Section X to Belsavis. This could be done on other worlds, possibly using already existing areas, for some of it. Personally, I would love to see some high level content taking place on Korriban and on DK.

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Personally, I would like to have seen a compromise (not as great as the one they clearly made) where we got a new planet (preferably one already in lore) AND added some new content to existing planets. I feel the issue is there is no real direction here, and no long-term plan for this game. They offer armor/clothing sets that are in-game, just recolored, when there are tons of outfits in-game that players want, but are only used on NPCs. That art is already done, and it wouldn't look as much like you were just recoloring items that we already had access to. The same with the planets. We could have quest lines on some of the capital ships, and existing planets, but I would like to see some new areas. I liked the way they added Section X to Belsavis. This could be done on other worlds, possibly using already existing areas, for some of it. Personally, I would love to see some high level content taking place on Korriban and on DK.


Totally agree. I'd love a Korriban bonus series, a new area of Korriban is excavated and unleashes all sorts of badness. You could have something similiar for Tython as well.

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Totally agree. I'd love a Korriban bonus series, a new area of Korriban is excavated and unleashes all sorts of badness. You could have something similiar for Tython as well.


Absolutely. And for new players, especially f2p, it is a great incentive to see 50+ toons flying around. Plus the story possibilities are seemingly endless.


But as others have said, it really does have to be a mix of new planets and old.

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We have lots of planets going to waste currently after they're completed. Asking for lots of new planets for chapter 4 is unrealistic and will keep us waiting years. Why not re-use planets and perhaps expand them? What does everyone else think? Flaws with it?


Higher level content would take place in different areas of the planet anyway, and while it might be possible to just walk from one zone into the next, it might just as well involve a trip by speeder that doesn't get unlocked untill you complete a specific mission.

The major benefit would be, that the server resources for that planet would get shared by people of several levels at once, and be used more continuously and thus more efficiently.

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We have lots of planets going to waste currently after they're completed. Asking for lots of new planets for chapter 4 is unrealistic and will keep us waiting years. Why not re-use planets and perhaps expand them? What does everyone else think? Flaws with it?


I actually like this idea...and I think it wouldn't be as hard on the developers as it would making whole new planets with whole new characters and what not. I mean when you think about it..there's no way we've seen every square inch of the current planets when we are only on them for four or five levels. It would be cool to have to return to Tython or one of the other planets ..and get sent to the other side of those planets to take part in new missions both planet based and class based.

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I think they under-utilized the starting worlds. Korriban and Tython have some really neat geography and atmosphere, and you spend very little time on them compared to later worlds. I think we spend enough time on later planets like Hoth and Belsavis that adding more content there would feel redundant, and a new planet is preferable to expansion there, but I definitely think the starter worlds are worth returning to.


I agree with this post. We are barely on Tython or Korriban that long..and we only get to see a very small section of those planets. It would be great if BW created new story content that takes us back to those starting planets. I'd really like to be able to explore the areas of Tython that are far away from the Jedi temple...and I'd love to be able to explore the areas of Korriban that are not part of the Sith Academy.

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Personally, I would like to have seen a compromise (not as great as the one they clearly made) where we got a new planet (preferably one already in lore) AND added some new content to existing planets. I feel the issue is there is no real direction here, and no long-term plan for this game. They offer armor/clothing sets that are in-game, just recolored, when there are tons of outfits in-game that players want, but are only used on NPCs. That art is already done, and it wouldn't look as much like you were just recoloring items that we already had access to. The same with the planets. We could have quest lines on some of the capital ships, and existing planets, but I would like to see some new areas. I liked the way they added Section X to Belsavis. This could be done on other worlds, possibly using already existing areas, for some of it. Personally, I would love to see some high level content taking place on Korriban and on DK.


Like the freaking gear that the Green Jedis on Corriellia have!! I want BW to add the Green Jedi robes and gear in to the Cartel Market!

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Totally agree. I'd love a Korriban bonus series, a new area of Korriban is excavated and unleashes all sorts of badness. You could have something similiar for Tython as well.


Heck yeah! I always wondered why all the other planets in the game were given Bonus series..but Tython and Korriban don't. Tython and Korriban need to have a bonus series!! Make it happen BW!!

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I would love to see some old planets get reused.


The way this game is built encourages it, anyway. We only adventure in a small area on each planet, so there could be many more places that we could, say, take a shuttle to and complete some more quests. We've already seen this happen with some of the ops and daily areas: Black Hole is on Corellia, Section X and Eternity Vault are on Belsavis, Karagga's Palace is on Hutta. We also see this with warzones: Alderaan is on...Alderaan (yeah I know this is obvious, but the name of the warzone is 'Alderaan'), Huttball is on Nar Shadaa, Novare Coast is on Denova (the same place as Explosive Conflict), and I think the new Ancient Hypergate takes place on Asation (Terror From Beyond).


That said, the planets still feel like one time events because we never really go back for the class story or anything like that. I would love new planets, of course, but I think it would be awesome to explore more of the already existing planets as well.

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It would be great to have a mix of old and new. For example, Chapter 4 could START on Nar Shaddaa, and *then* you go to Makeb. Then perhaps halfway through, you need to take a trip to a company's headquarters on Corellia, or dig out some old records in the swamps of Taris. Then you go back.... and so on.
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It would be great to see new areas being added to the most popular levelling planets - I'd guess:


  • The x4 starting planets (although I personally don't like Ord Mantell!) with missions for both sides i.e. you get to visit Korriban as a Republic Player!
  • The x2 capital city planets
  • Tatooine
  • Hoth
  • Alderaan


Maybe even Flashpoints or Warzones.


All with the themes of either taking part as - or repelling - strike teams which have targetted missions on each planet (i.e. smuggle a defector out, sabotage or steal data, assassinate or capture a target etc. etc.)


You could have a set of dailies that encouraged you to go to spend 30 mins in one of these zones each day to get themed gear based around the planets.

Edited by FeelFlow
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I'd love to see Nar Shadaa flushed out more. It's supposed to feel like a big open city but feels too closed off and lonely.


Good call. I'm levelling another char which is about to hit this planet and I'm really looking forward to experiencing it again.


I think on the Republic side, it's too similar to Coruscant i.e. so it feels too soon in the game to go and experience it so soon after Coruscant. It could've done with appearing around level 30 for both sides.

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We have lots of planets going to waste currently after they're completed. Asking for lots of new planets for chapter 4 is unrealistic and will keep us waiting years. Why not re-use planets and perhaps expand them? What does everyone else think? Flaws with it?


They can, and should, do this. Instead of tossing aside these great (some even iconic) landscapes, they should take advantage, expand, and give us a reason to go back. The problem with the current planets isn't a lack of space or diversity. The problem is that the planets are only used for a few levels and there's nothing to entice anyone back to explore.


I would be surprised if the expanded content is based only on Makeb. Most planets don't currently offer 5 levels of content without the class stories.

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I don't think I would object to it but I would rather see different world event type stuff that brought you back to older planets or even older planets with a newly opened area


There needs to be some randomly spawned and active events listed on a mission board type thing in fleet that sends you back to older planets to deal with Empire or Republic fighting or a various number of reasons to go back and complete a random event. Random spawns type stuff rewards players for going there and completing it. It could be similar to rift spawns to be honest.


Things like chapter continuations on new planets I feel would be best.

Edited by Quraswren
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