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Before the expansion, PLEASE.......


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You really are making yourselves look even worse with these lingering bugs, especially the ones that have occured after you had features working. Examples:


1.) Companion armor match

2.) Double blade lightsabers not shutting off on companions (they stand there with blades going through their heads).

3.) Inspect bug


There are many more.


And yes, I fully understand all the nuances around programming and bug hunting and all that. I also get that bug fixing is supposed to be a priority there. At this point it really is a "put your money where your mouth is" proposition for you. You will get people coming back to look at the new expansion. You will lose a lot more of them than usual when they see how bugged the current builds are.

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You really are making yourselves look even worse with these lingering bugs, especially the ones that have occured after you had features working. Examples:


1.) Companion armor match

2.) Double blade lightsabers not shutting off on companions (they stand there with blades going through their heads).

3.) Inspect bug


There are many more.


And yes, I fully understand all the nuances around programming and bug hunting and all that. I also get that bug fixing is supposed to be a priority there. At this point it really is a "put your money where your mouth is" proposition for you. You will get people coming back to look at the new expansion. You will lose a lot more of them than usual when they see how bugged the current builds are.


Hilarious. These bugs are far from gamebreaking, the inspect one is the most important out of the lot yet still miles from being gamebreaking.


Thus they should just fix them when they can, I wouldn't prioritise it over anything else. I can live without my companions armor matching aslong as the game stays fresh

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Hilarious. These bugs are far from gamebreaking, the inspect one is the most important out of the lot yet still miles from being gamebreaking.


Thus they should just fix them when they can, I wouldn't prioritise it over anything else. I can live without my companions armor matching aslong as the game stays fresh



It's just too bad that "staying fresh" seems to mean "Adding more Cartel Market Gear"....

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I'm always in two minds about calls like these. On the one hand, it's almost like saying 'fix the lag' - it's a given, right? They're trying, right? Right?


On the other hand, I'm not sure, without people pressuring, that they are fixing the bugs, as there are some nasty ones I've hit recently that were reported at launch and still not fixed. I've logged countless bug reports and beyond a cursory thank you never seen any evidence of them being addressed. So in that case, making the statement effectively 'we care about the quality of this game we're signed on to' is a good thing.


It's not really a matter of whether they're game-breaking. You have to ask whether you want a quality immersive experience, or a continual reminder that the game isn't quite that polished.

Thus they should just fix them when they can, I wouldn't prioritise it over anything else. I can live without my companions armor matching aslong as the game stays fresh

That is prioritising them. I've worked on projects that are only a tenth of the size of a triple A MMO and the bug list is always into the tens of thousands at least. They never get fixed unless someone makes a point of saying 'and we'll fix some bugs today'. There's always a product manager saying 'and how will this make us more money? how will this affect the new feature we're trying to release next month?'.

Edited by Grammarye
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I used to play EVE Online. The CEO of CCP (the studio that produces EVE) caused quite a gaffe once when he said that new content generated more revenue then fixing bugs, so that was their focus. They let annoying, potentially game breaking bugs sit for years, and the players took it up the tail pipe because they loved the game as a whole, and dutifully handed over their money month after month.


I suspect Bioware is taking a similar approach. Why fix bugs when they can have the art department drop a new armor set every week and people will gobble it up for $15 bucks a pop? I'm guilty of it and I'm sure I'm not alone. Kira runs around with a lightsaber switched on in her pocket. The final boss of Terror from Beyond HM is a loot pinata because most of his mechanics are missing. Fixing these bugs won't give Bioware a windfall cash infusion.


The straw that finally broke the camel's back in EVE was when they launched their cash shop. There was a massive protest in the game's trade hub (game is sharded by solar system, so there's no concept of "different servers", everyone lives in the same universe). CCP at first ignored the protests until an internal letter from the CEO was leaked stating that (I'm paraphrasing) employees should ignore the cries of the players. You can imagine the outrage that followed.


Following that incident there was a measurable drop in subscriptions and CCP apologized and began focusing on bug fixes, game balance, etc. The game got SO much better SO fast, and the subscribers returned.


My story has no moral. SWTOR will never have the same, centralized, tight-knit community that EVE has so we'll never have our "Jita Riots". I hope Bioware will fix the bugs and polish the content we already have before any new content releases, but I'm not holding my breath. I always feel bad when SWTOR gets lanced by game critics for ridiculous bugs and branded with a low score, but they're not wrong.

Edited by KamikazeNY
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It's just too bad that "staying fresh" seems to mean "Adding more Cartel Market Gear"....


It's quite ironic that you make a statement like that the day the announce an expansion that they have (likely) been working on for the past few months if not longer. The reason the focus lately has been on cartel items is because the main content devs are working on Makeb.

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You really are making yourselves look even worse with these lingering bugs, especially the ones that have occured after you had features working. Examples:


1.) Companion armor match

2.) Double blade lightsabers not shutting off on companions (they stand there with blades going through their heads).

3.) Inspect bug


There are many more.


And yes, I fully understand all the nuances around programming and bug hunting and all that. I also get that bug fixing is supposed to be a priority there. At this point it really is a "put your money where your mouth is" proposition for you. You will get people coming back to look at the new expansion. You will lose a lot more of them than usual when they see how bugged the current builds are.



Why start now.

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I see that a major highlight of update 1.6, acquiring heroic space missions on rotating days of the week is still broken. As are a number of things. Such as the inability to match armor color on individual pieces, companion weapons (particularly lightsabers) always being out, the display problem on Revan's armor, the clipping bug on my tank's Saber Marshal's Robe (which has existed since game update 1.2 for crying out loud), the display problems with the new lightsabers and double-bladed sabers, inspect players not working, and a number of other things I can't be bothered to list.


There was no time before this patch to fix long-standing immersion breakers and total game-breakers. Oh but wait, you had time to adjust prices on cartel packs and introduce 2 armor sets for a hefty sum of cartel coins! So basically, you guys care more about adding items to your cash shop than fixing bugs that have gone on forever and in the case of heroic space missions, nullified a major component of a game update. Is that right?


Amateur hour. Straight up bush league, guys.

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The team that makes these Cartel Shop items are not in charge of bug-fixes. It's like yelling at a team of house builders and saying "Why are you painting the walls when landscaping is a mess!!"


They should be with the amount of content they dish out.

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They should be with the amount of content they dish out.


80% of the vanity stuff on the Cartel Shop is recoloured armors that already exist in game. This new Jedi armor is the only one I haven't seen before. Not much content there.


Bug squashing however is a much harder process.

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Hilarious. These bugs are far from gamebreaking, the inspect one is the most important out of the lot yet still miles from being gamebreaking.


Thus they should just fix them when they can, I wouldn't prioritise it over anything else. I can live without my companions armor matching aslong as the game stays fresh


Trust him, he's an engineer. :rolleyes:

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Right. All the bugs would be fixed if they just pulled the people off the Cartel Market and had them fix bugs in the core game code. That's not a recipe for disaster at all.




Guys: The people who make new items for the Cartel Market are not the same people who can fix graphical bugs or UI issues or arcane timing issues. Why should Bioware tell the artists and modelers and people populating databases to drop what they are doing --and sit around on their hands-- while core game coders on a different floor work on bugs? This is as nonsensical as suggesting that they have the voice actors spend their breaks tracking down lag issues.


And just to head off the next response: No. Hiring a bunch of new coders right now won't make those bugs go away faster. It will make them take even longer. Of course, the reason for the delay might be that they are doing just that, and that they are paying the spinup cost of training in new (or new-to-the-team) developers.

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Hilarious. These bugs are far from gamebreaking, the inspect one is the most important out of the lot yet still miles from being gamebreaking.


Thus they should just fix them when they can, I wouldn't prioritise it over anything else. I can live without my companions armor matching aslong as the game stays fresh


-Inability to acquire heroic space mission weeklies, a major component of update 1.6

-Crossfire still broken 1.4

-Player nameplate scaling still cripples performance for some users


Those bugs ARE game-breaking. Things that are cosmetic should also be of serious concern to them since it totally breaks immersion and kills the experience. Not only that, but when you can't even get certain pieces of armor or cosmetic functions to work properly, it really says a lot about the quality of your product.

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