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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Unless of course they never say free and players just use some nice verbal jargon in the hopes to convince themselves and others that it should be free cause they can make some word play between 2 different people.


Free ain't free, until it's actually free. :eek:

Edited by Quraswren
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Get a grip it's 9.99 not 39.99 like wow's expansions than really are not that big for the money.


It's sad the amount of time people spend complaining about such petty stuff on these boards.


really? extra classes and a huge content boost are not worth the money? yet the life day junk which is pure garbage cost $20 lol.


Comparing SWTOR to WoWs content and expansion is not going to show SWTOR in a good light regardless of your feeling of WoW (never played it myself, have no interest in the stylization but I can appreciate what they get)

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it was stated it was part of a patch not a expansion THAT IS CERTAIN.



It was also stated "this year".


Obviously something is making them run longer, but noone wants to think perhaps it's because it's going to include more than originally planned? Speculating of course.

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it was stated it was part of a patch not a expansion THAT IS CERTAIN.


Certainly 6 months ago but not 4 months ago it seems and clearly not yesterday.


Now, in the next couple months if the contents of the digital expansion is not really up to par. I'll be happy to jump on the poor expansion bandwagon with you.


So it's at minimum 3 months late, and went from free to $10.


Can't be late without a release date. Can't be free when it clearly costs $10. I do get you're probably one of those that got hooked on some random verbiage in a 6 month old post but just so you know, 2 months later. BW pretty much blew that out of the water and making some correlation between 2 people about software cost that were not talking with each other is probably a bad idea. Both for us and for them. They at least should have had better PR on it as you have said.


It's not about the $10 or the delays. It's about the disrespect it shows to their customers and the comedic ineptitude of their PR decisions.


I could get behind your ideas here though. So many things on the PR side could have been done so much better no matter what side of the argument gamers are falling on.

Edited by Quraswren
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This was their chance to "make amends" and they blew it, big time. All for $10.


Make amends to who, you?

Very amusing to say the least.


Seems that you are one of those people in this thread who believe that large content updates with level cap and probably much more which will be announced as they have stated, grow on trees and should be handed out free of charge, well it doesn't really work that way.

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Obviosuly some people are such fanboys they dont remeber that this Patch, was suppose to come out this year hrm....... now there talking spring and then chargeign for it. With the history of poor content can you blame people for eign skeptical. I say wait and see but i wouldnt hold your breath. ITS NOT BW ITS EA the founders of bw are gone and so are most of hte developers.
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Can you name a single western MMO that raised the level cap and the only inclusion in there was some quests?


Can you answer your own question?


Cause of right now, if you thought it was SWTOR. That would be a very big guess given released information and knowing more is to come.


Now, if in 3 months you're proven right. Then you would be correct and can dance about it on the forums here.

Edited by Quraswren
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Unless of course they never say free and players just use some nice verbal jargon in the hopes to convince themselves and others that it should be free cause they can make some word play between 2 different people.


Free ain't free, until it's actually free. :eek:


You already agreec it was free, it's too late to go back on that, but anyway that was what you were looking for earier.


It was free, now it's not. Whether you like/hate that is up to you, but they did say it was going to be free. :)

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Can you name a single western MMO that raised the level cap and the only inclusion in there was some quests?


Dungeons and dragons online


But you honestly think they are only adding new quests? Just because they haven't released all the info doesn't mean that is all there is in it.

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You already agreec it was free, it's too late to go back on that, but anyway that was what you were looking for earier.


It was free, now it's not. Whether you like/hate that is up to you, but they did say it was going to be free. :)


Nope - not free.


Never thought it would be. Your imagination seem to have run away with you on a 6 month old quote. Thats Ok though. There seem to be others that suffer from the same malignant line of thinking especially at this point in the game.


The latest possible orginally stated release date was 31 December 2012, now I don't mind a bit of slippage, but to say it hasn't slipped is untrue.


Come on now. Clearly you have been playing games long enough to know a time frame mentioned like, "by the end of the year" is highly ambiguous and should be taken with a grain of salt.


Please tell me you didn't actually think that was some solid date when mentioned like that?

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Nope - not free.


Never thought it would be. Your imagination seem to have run away with you on a 6 month old quote. Thats Ok though. There seem to be others that suffer from the same malignant line of thinking especially at this point in the game.

You obviously knew something James Ohlen didn't when he said it would be free then. :eek:


Come on now. Clearly you have been playing games long enough to know a time frame mentioned like, "by the end of the year" is highly ambiguous and should be taken with a grain of salt.


Please tell me you didn't actually think that was some solid date when mentioned like that?

I agree, but never the less that was the date. :)

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seriously people have selective minds and they just probly wanna troll other people. I WAS here from day one and ill tell u when makeb was annoucned it was announced as part of a patch. A P A T C H. hrm..........


Your grasping at straws here, holding blindly to something a developer have said six months ago, and on top of that you have the nerve to call other people trolls.

If you are too dense to realize that over the course of six months their plans can change for whatever reasons then the problem is solely at your end.

Cough up 10$ or don't if you are being cheap about it, either way nobody gives a damn.

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seriously people have selective minds and they just probly wanna troll other people. I WAS here from day one and ill tell u when makeb was annoucned it was announced as part of a patch. A P A T C H. hrm..........


OK cool. I'll play along a little.


Lets say, 8 months ago, you're right. Do you really think after months and months of software development, the change up BW has had that it was not possible that we have the first information to an actual released digital expansion and that maybe, BW changed their ideas (not yours) on what they originally had planned for the planet.


The reason I say that is I know another big ***** gaming company that created a very large MMORPG that did the something similar but instead of changing what was announced at a huge venue. They took one out completely, changed one entirely and didn't even add somethings. ( AKA path of the titans and archeology to name two)


Things change in software development. It's the nature of the beast and this entire thread (and many others) is why game companies have little reason to tell us gamers anything when they are still in development. (Yet we also ***** when they don't tell us)


Look how we act when something as simple as a content patch could grow large enough over time to be a digital expansion.

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Your grasping at straws here, holding blindly to something a developer have said six months ago, and on top of that you have the nerve to call other people trolls.

If you are too dense to realize that over the course of six months their plans can change for whatever reasons then the problem is solely at your end.

Cough up 10$ or don't if you are being cheap about it, either way nobody gives a damn.


My only issue is that they're never going to explain the rationale behind the change. The change itself was completely predictable and understandable. Easily justified. But their thinking on the issue is going to remain secretive. I much prefer to have some degree of transparency with the developers of a game - neither "side" of this issue should be forced to divine the motivations of BioWare as they should be telling us their motivations outright.

Edited by CelCawdro
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OK cool. I'll play along a little.


Lets say, 8 months ago, you're right. Do you really think after months and months of software development, the change up BW has had that it was not possible that we have the first information to an actual released digital expansion and that maybe, BW changed their ideas (not yours) on what they originally had planned for the planet.


The reason I say that is I know another big ***** gaming company that created a very large MMORPG that did the something similar but instead of changing what was announced at a huge venue. They took one out completely, changed one entirely and didn't even add somethings. ( AKA path of the titans and archeology to name two)


Things change in software development. It's the nature of the beast and this entire thread (and many others) is why game companies have little reason to tell us gamers anything when they are still in development. (Yet we also ***** when they don't tell us)


Look how we act when something as simple as a content patch could grow large enough over time to be a digital expansion.


This is also the same company that pulled the rug out on ranked warzones 24 hours before they went live. The same company that apparently puts more value on a life day speeder than their 'non-expansion content' going by cost. The same company that has stated the coins they sell aren't worth enough to pay for said 'non-expansion content'.

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So the non-expansion only has 2 hours of content?


Given, for the money ratio to time watched (or played) I'll play an MMO any day and since I never now how either one will turn out before paying, you'll understand my point VS your flawed analogy.


$30 for a nice meal also highly priced vs the time you actually get using the meal. Your original analogy is bogus at best.


You obviously knew something James Ohlen didn't when he said it would be free then. :eek:


Yes, yes I did but I was there so that might make a difference.


I agree, but never the less that was the date. :)


Not really, that was thrown out to pander to the crowd. Again, all the reason to never tell the gamer anything if at all possible.

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