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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Please stop referring to this as "DLC"... DLC is something you have for non-subscription games.

You know what we call DLC in subscription based games? Updates.

And this is exactly that. An update.

it is NOT an expansion.


in the same way that a meatball mashed into a bun is not a hamburger.


How about we call it what BW calls it?


A "Digital Expansion".


What that means is anyone's guess. This is a company that brought us "warzones" and "operations" after all. They loooooove giving their names to stuff that already has an industry standard name so you never know when they just renamed an existing concept or are introducing something new. :p

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you don't have to buy Makeb


You do if you want to keep at endgame content. The Makeb "expansion" is going to raise the level cap, remember?


I think you'd get maybe a tenth as many complaints about it if it were genuinely optional, rather than most likely tied to half to 3/4 of their post-Makeb content updates.

Edited by Guancyto
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If the FAQ, you can click "I'm a sub, why am I paying for this S*$&" (I don't remember the question :p ) But here's the answer


You do not have to pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel, players who pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel receive five (5) days of Early Access if they pre-order by January 7, 2013 11:59PM CT // 5:59AM GMT


So it looks like if Subs don't pay for it, we just get it when it's released.


Yea, the pre-order is just for early access. You either think it's a good enough deal to spend money now or you wait and spend some cartel points later (which you could save up knowing it's coming).


I doubt subs get it entirely for free though.

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Meh I just ignore the hate machine they are only here because they have this idiotic sense of revenge because LA broke their SWG wookiee. They are going to whine hate and complain and keep paying their 15 a month just so they can whine hate and complain.


Thanks for funding my gaming experience chumps

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I don't mind paying, but I expected an expansion to include...



- New level cap

- New planet

- New Chain planet quest and side quests (and the quests should be different than the one's in game currently)

- New chapter in the CLASS story lines, which are all that anyone really cared about anyway.

- At least 5 new FPs. A level 51, level 53 and then 3 level 50's that follow some sort of story arch like Taral V/Maelstrom Prison.

- New WZ

- New Op

- New mini game

- New race

- Tons of new QoL changes.



I bet we get the first three on the list and that's it.


Mists of Pandaria is about $30. That's roughly $3 per feature you stated. If TOR gives you the first 3, that means you SHOULD think a fair TOR expansion would be $9. Is this correct?

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OK, maybe I've overreacted but see this:


Expansion is priced in Poland for 36 PLN (for subscribers) which is more than $11. So in country like Poland it's more expensive than in USA. I hope you see my point.


PLUS - take into account that when someone is US earn 1000$ a month, in Poland we earn 1000 PLN/month. So for us this "expansion" (no storyline, really?) is more like 36$ (for subscribers) or 72$ (for free players).


It's not very cheap from our perspective. And even less so if all that there is is the planet story, lvl cap and few shiny items. Sorry, would this be worth those 36$(PLN in my case) for you? I do not think so.


Ok, I can pay the monthly sub and those 36PLN is not that much for me. But it still does not mean, that the upgrade is generally cheap.

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You didn't have to buy the speeder, you don't have to buy Makeb, and guess what? It's $10. I pay more in tolls every week.


You don't have to pay for tolls either, doesn't make them a good thing, just means you'd rather get where you're going faster and are willing to pay to use that highway. The thing about using a toll as your arguement is that there are other ways to get to where you're going. Here, there's no other way to get Makeb or the Walmart speeder other than to pay extra money.


You don't seem to grasp what people are saying so let me put it nice and simple for you. It's not about it being $10 (I even said that I'm sure it'll be worth the $10 in my post :rolleyes: ) it's about the fact that we shouldn't be paying for this as a sub int he first place. It's about principle, not $10.

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Yea, the pre-order is just for early access. You either think it's a good enough deal to spend money now or you wait and spend some cartel points later (which you could save up knowing it's coming).


I doubt subs get it entirely for free though.


There is nothing saying Makeb will ever be on the Cashshop at this moment. :csw_yoda:

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You do if you want to keep at endgame content. The Makeb "expansion" is going to raise the level cap, remember?


I think you'd get maybe a tenth as many complaints about it if it were genuinely optional, rather than most likely tied to half to 3/4 of their post-Makeb content updates.


Ok, so its optional.

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You don't seem to grasp what people are saying so let me put it nice and simple for you. It's not about it being $10 (I even said that I'm sure it'll be worth the $10 in my post :rolleyes: ) it's about the fact that we shouldn't be paying for this as a sub int he first place. It's about principle, not $10.


Why shouldn't we have to pay for it?

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If you cant afford 10 dollars for an expansion, you probably shouldnt be paying 15 a month as a subscriber.

Being skeptical about the use of the term 'expansion' for what currently looks like a content update doesn't indicate an inability to afford something. It might just indicate a healthy consumer who doesn't enjoy being tricked into buying a flimsy piece of crap, no matter how much they have in their wallet.

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Again not one example, not one. :)


Ahh back to this. Again, your guesses in past posts about the expension are just that. Stop your doom and gloom til you know more. Maybe use that ultimate power of perception you have and look look us up some good things.


Dual spec, server transfers, customizations, ship customizations. Any confirmation on those would be good.


Free is 100% free, there is no such thing as 50% free. :D

when you show me where is was said we get the expansion 100% free. I'll take my argument back. Until then....

If your argument is 8 months ago there was this thought from the developers that subscribers might get it for free and you ran with it in the hopes it was free. Then I'm sorry for you. Stop jumping to conclusions and thinking that everything that's mentioned at any point is concrete.


Ch4 is just world story, there is no seperated class story in Makeb or any planned for the future (at the moment) they have stated this twice now. :confused:


I'm not sure about you but my class story ended at Chapter 3. I'll admit the information is data mined and very ambiguous but the next step in class story would be chapter 4.


I don't really believe it is but I'll wait for a little more info. on it.

Edited by Quraswren
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Ok, so its optional.


Not if you want to access the future content updates that you, as a subscriber, are paying for and funding with your subscription.


"Pay $10 extra for a whole lot of not much or unsub" is not a great argument to make to your customers, which is why Makeb works incredibly poorly as an adventure pack/DLC.

Edited by Guancyto
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I think I'll probably wait until after the holidays to make a decision or not. $10 for DLC is not uncommon and I think its fair -- I've paid it for Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Civilization V, Fallout 3/New Vegas, etc (although I am selective, I'll only take the ones I want/ think I'll find interesting). We'll probably get more information as we get into next year (I'm happy to see they've at least made an announcement before the holidays!), but based on whats already detailed, I think there is one reason that stands out as to why you need this DLC: raising level cap.


As a PvPer, it will be interesting to see what this level cap change does (new brackets for 50-55?). I think the most promising bit is that raising the cap by 5 gives Bioware an awesome opportunity to improve class balance, since they presumably have at least a couple of new abilities in store for each class and/or advanced class. So if the rumors that 1.7 is a major class balance update are true, then we should probably get an idea where Bioware is going to bring the skill trees when they release new abilities.

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Mists of Pandaria is about $30. That's roughly $3 per feature you stated. If TOR gives you the first 3, that means you SHOULD think a fair TOR expansion would be $9. Is this correct?


First off, I wouldn't mind paying $40 for a real expansion. Secondly, MoP added an absolute TON of new content for the $30 or $40 it cost. There wasn't one new area and that's it. They completely redesigned most of the classes, making each sub tree feel more unique. Added in a new mini game, a new race, a new class, A new starting zone, 4 or 5 new questing zones, 5 new dungeons, a raid. Not to mention that they always add several styles of new armor each expansions. From green quest gear to blue dungeon gear to purple end game, everything looks new.


Comparatively speaking, Bioware seems down right lazy. Especially when F2Pers will have to pay $20 for this new "expansion".

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I think I'll probably wait until after the holidays to make a decision or not. $10 for DLC is not uncommon and I think its fair -- I've paid it for Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Civilization V, Fallout 3/New Vegas, etc (although I am selective, I'll only take the ones I want/ think I'll find interesting). We'll probably get more information as we get into next year (I'm happy to see they've at least made an announcement before the holidays!), but based on whats already detailed, I think there is one reason that stands out as to why you need this DLC: raising level cap.


As a PvPer, it will be interesting to see what this level cap change does (new brackets for 50-55?). I think the most promising bit is that raising the cap by 5 gives Bioware an awesome opportunity to improve class balance, since they presumably have at least a couple of new abilities in store for each class and/or advanced class. So if the rumors that 1.7 is a major class balance update are true, then we should probably get an idea where Bioware is going to bring the skill trees when they release new abilities.


I know $10 in DLC content in DCUO was pretty nice as well. Well worth the cash for what you got especially if you liked the game to start with.

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I wish everyone would stop complaining about the price of the expansion. It's 10 bucks for subscribers. I paid more than that for my lunch yesterday. Seriously, if you're already subscribing and you can't afford an additional $10, you probably shouldn't be subscribing in the first place. If you can afford the $10 but don't want to pay it, skip a couple Big Macs between now and Spring and you'll have your $10 to buy it.
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Not if you want to access the future content updates that you, as a subscriber, are paying for and funding with your subscription.


"Pay $10 extra for a whole lot of not much or unsub" is not a great argument to make to your customers, which is why Makeb works incredibly poorly as an adventure pack/DLC.


Ok, so its optional.

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Because as a sub we don't pay for content patches, which is clearly what this is looking like.


Seems to me like I've gotten 2 free content patches since F2P launched. I think this is something called a "digital expansion" **doublechecks front page*** Ah, yes, a "digital expansion". Not a content patch.

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I don't mind paying, but I expected an expansion to include...



- New level cap

- New planet

- New Chain planet quest and side quests (and the quests should be different than the one's in game currently)

- New chapter in the CLASS story lines, which are all that anyone really cared about anyway.

- At least 5 new FPs. A level 51, level 53 and then 3 level 50's that follow some sort of story arch like Taral V/Maelstrom Prison.

- New WZ

- New Op

- New mini game

- New race

- Tons of new QoL changes.



I bet we get the first three on the list and that's it.

Sounds a lot like what MoP brought to WoW, and that cost $40. So lets cut your list of wants into 4 parts, and if you get any of those 4 parts it is worth the $10.


New planet? Check

New planet quests? Check (And they will be different because the game focuses on story so the story will be new)

New level cap? Check


That already makes it good enough value for 1/4 of the price of MoP.


Then you add the likely QoL improvements, new gear and it starts to look even better.


Stop trying to compare this to a full priced expansion in other games. This is a small expansion and you are paying a small price for it. Bioware are prefering multiple small expansions over 1 large one one because if it fails they have only spent a quarter of the money, but by the time we have paid then $40 we will have had just as much content as MoP.


Of that I am fairly certain, and I am one of thoe who probably won't buy this expansion because it has no class quests, so far from a fanboy.

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I wish everyone would stop complaining about the price of the expansion. It's 10 bucks for subscribers. I paid more than that for my lunch yesterday. Seriously, if you're already subscribing and you can't afford an additional $10, you probably shouldn't be subscribing in the first place. If you can afford the $10 but don't want to pay it, skip a couple Big Macs between now and Spring and you'll have your $10 to buy it.

Nobody is forcing you to read those attempting to feed back their concerns either, yet you've made an utterly pointless grandstanding post to go 'look at me, I'm opinionated!'.


Why, exactly?


As has been mentioned to the nth degree, it's not the price.


Why is there this strange need to have two sides, one right, one wrong? It's an opinion. A value judgement. Do you need other people to tell you it's ok, you are allowed to spend $10?

Edited by Grammarye
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First off, I wouldn't mind paying $40 for a real expansion. Secondly, MoP added an absolute TON of new content for the $30 or $40 it cost. There wasn't one new area and that's it. They completely redesigned most of the classes, making each sub tree feel more unique. Added in a new mini game, a new race, a new class, A new starting zone, 4 or 5 new questing zones, 5 new dungeons, a raid. Not to mention that they always add several styles of new armor each expansions. From green quest gear to blue dungeon gear to purple end game, everything looks new.


Comparatively speaking, Bioware seems down right lazy. Especially when F2Pers will have to pay $20 for this new "expansion".


and to get that, you went nearly 10 months with nothing. I call that lazy too.

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