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Playing as Empire: Pointless since we know how it all ends?


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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?



The game is roughly 3,600 years BBY. The Sith Empire is not the Galactic Empire.


Either lore fail or troll?


Why bother living on earth. Our sun will just absorb earth eventually anyway?


I'm counting the days, only 4-7 billion years to go.


Wait, is that 8 billion years?


Why am I bothering being alive, lets organize a mass suicide cult, thats such a great idea....


Dont bother telling the guy who wants to ignore me that this was sarcasm.

I think it's 4 actually.


Why live at all? You will die anyway, no matter what you do!

Edited by Diefenbaker
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The imperial symbol is almost the same as the Galactic Republic's symbol.


The "post-palpatine" Galactic Empire symbol is like the TOR Sith Empire symbol.

Plus the Rebel Alliance symbol is like the TOR Galactic Republic symbol.


But I'm sure everyone already noticed that.

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Heres the deal. The books written will not determine the outcome in game kiddies. What matters is the skill. Im gonna Bring the Hamemrstation online point it at your Sith planets and destroya ya..If there is anyone left me and my crew single handedly will destroy ya.


Corey Mitchel that goes for you.....Corey will be devastated everyday


May the force Be all Mine get your own.......

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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?




Yes, but then we get Darth Krayt, who is just outright better than Cade Skywalker. Also, Luke didn't do ****, Vader turned on his master in true Sith fashion. So, if you look at it right, the Sith did win that.

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It's a game.


Set in a fictional realm.


None of it is real.


I know that may have just blown the minds of a few people, but there you go.


So what if I know 3,000+ years later in the game's universe that the side I'm on will lose? That doesn't deter me from wanting to play on the non-winning side. I'm just as curious to learn about their stories, their lore, and their way of life.


Not all Sith/Empire are "bad guys" just as not all Jedi/Republic are "good guys". Good and bad are relative to what you personally believe.


Here is how I view it: It's a game and it gives me the opportunity to play a character that I would never be in the real world. In this case, working for the Empire. So what's wrong with that?


Let people have fun and play the game as they wish.


no, its real, just far far away

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Yes, but then we get Darth Krayt, who is just outright better than Cade Skywalker. Also, Luke didn't do ****, Vader turned on his master in true Sith fashion. So, if you look at it right, the Sith did win that.


Give this person a medal. He used more common sense than anyone else in this thread.

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It's a game.


Set in a fictional realm.


None of it is real.


I know that may have just blown the minds of a few people, but there you go.


So what if I know 3,000+ years later in the game's universe that the side I'm on will lose? That doesn't deter me from wanting to play on the non-winning side. I'm just as curious to learn about their stories, their lore, and their way of life.


Not all Sith/Empire are "bad guys" just as not all Jedi/Republic are "good guys". Good and bad are relative to what you personally believe.


Here is how I view it: It's a game and it gives me the opportunity to play a character that I would never be in the real world. In this case, working for the Empire. So what's wrong with that?


Let people have fun and play the game as they wish.


i find your lack of faith disturbing..

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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?




Well it win't be for a loooooong time, and that's plenty of time to reap the benefits of being an evil dirty Sith, which I plan on being. Worse comes to worse......"Oh I now see the error of my ways and am seeing the light" lol

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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?




In the words of Darth Malgus.


The Empire is about conflict. Even after the movies you saw even Luke became a Dark Sider, yes the emperors aprentice.


read the books the Empire lives on.


Sith are the lucky ones you only need one and that sith has ALL the power of the Dark Side at his disposal.


He can influence and entire world at one. Limitless power. How can you destroy that? Someone will always covet power and conflict so the Empire will always live on and especially the Sith.

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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?




Weird, I never knew that the Star Wars universe suddenly and inexplicably ended after Return of the Jedi.

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The imperial symbol is almost the same as the Galactic Republic's symbol.


The game liberally borrows stuff from the movies without it making much sense with regards to the timeline.


not-storm troopers speaking accents that are not-British or 'corosant' but... sith dialect?


Who also fly location to location on wedge shaped not-star destroyers.


Next thing you know they will make a not-deathstar.

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The game liberally borrows stuff from the movies without it making much sense with regards to the timeline.


not-storm troopers speaking accents that are not-British or 'corosant' but... sith dialect?


Who also fly location to location on wedge shaped not-star destroyers.


Next thing you know they will make a not-deathstar.


what like the flashpoint that you have to take out a super weapon space station

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Sorry for lack of reference but I think it was stated somewhere that designs used on kamino(spelling?) in the movie for the troopers and the ships were taking from a earlier era, the era that Star Wars The Old Republic takes place in.
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Sorry for lack of reference but I think it was stated somewhere that designs used on kamino(spelling?) in the movie for the troopers and the ships were taking from a earlier era, the era that Star Wars The Old Republic takes place in.


Exactly, this was canon put into place years and years ago, I imagine LucasArts to have requested this and it simply fit for marketing purposes.


Also, Sith Battlecruisers are awesome, so why not?

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I take it you have not read the books then? If you refer to films 4,5 and 6 well that was just the beginning :D


Lets face it, the republic had their problems, same as Han, luke and Lea and did not the republic rebels begin to resemble the old empire. Lets not leave out the moffs they always seem to survive.


Who were once allies become enemies and those once thought of as enemies become allies. This is how the struggle for power is. What are best intentions one day become an invasion of freedom the next.

Edited by Esume
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Eventually some moisture farmer with a bowl cut is going to take us all down, is it really worth it to bother playing as the Empire?




It is absolutely worth it. Also, this Sith Empire will go away and die, long before Luke is born. Luke destroys the galactic Empire that ends up being headed by the Rule of Two, which is a completely different group of Sith.

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Timelines make no sense, if this is set 3650 years before the original star wars and clone troopers (republic commandos) were created by Darth Sidious in said series, then how come you can play them 3650 years before they were created?????


The Republic has always had a military, it wasn't until sometime in around the New Sith wars that they demilitarized and began to rely on the Jedi Army of Light, and then they disbanded that two after said war. The clones were just a natural progression from what standard military personel were in the setting. These also aren't clones, these are ordinary military folk, who enlisted and served just like most typical militaries fo today.

Edited by Jorander
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Personally, I'm not playing Empire to rule the galaxy in the long run. Even if the Empire wins this war, we will eventually be destroyed. I don't care, I'm just playing to kill as many of those self-righteous Jedi bastards as possible.
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It's not Luke Skywalker who takes out the Sith, Darth Bane actually kills off Kane's Brotherhood of Darkness (The Sith Empire) with a mind bomb, on Korriban. Thus was the birth of the rule of 2, 1 to wield the power (Palpatine) and another to crave it (Vader). God, read a book.


Then, a few years after New Hope, the Galaxy will be invaded by the Yuzonvong (sp). The New Republic will collapse, and the Galactic Alliance will be born. The invaders will be defeated, but at a cost. Anikin, Han and Leia\s youngest son, will be killed, and Jacen, 1 of the twins, will never be the same.


Eventually, after a trip though the universe of self discovery, Jacen will be become the dark apprentice of another Sith Lord, and become Darth Cadeus, and, effectively take over the galaxy, for another imperial rule. (Atleast, I think that's how it plays out, I haven't finished the last book in that series yet.)


On a sad note, Mara, Luke's wife, is killed by Darth Cadeus, and their son, also has a brush with the dark side.

Edited by Hydroponica
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