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ignoring the fact that you are a massive troll and a terrible player (both in SWG and SWTOR), i personally prefer SWG pvp over SWTOR.




- Easily accessible open world PvP (restuss, anywhere you were overt)

- major forms of CC were snares/roots

- gearing system was 99% crafter based

- no gear gap existed

- combat was fast paced, but fights did not end instantly (among good players anyways)

- class balance (other than melee) was very close

- guild wars (same faction even)

- cross faction chat



- Melee was 100% useless in organized pvp

- Massive lag in large open world PvP battles

- only 4 battlefields (aka warzones) which got repetitive

- queuing system for battlefields was frustrating





- its starwars

- 5 warzones, devs seem intent on continuing to develop more

- queuing system is very user friendly.

- minimal gear gap (as of 1.6)



- class balance is laughable

- ranged classes are massively inept at combating melee

- ranked pvp is disfunctional b/c of poorly thought out design

- PvP gear acquisition

- PvP gear stat allocations (bioware doesnt play the game if they think i need that much accuracy)

- engine can barely handle the 8v8 combat of instanced warzones

- world pvp is all but non-existent due to the hassle of traveling to areas where open pvp may take place.

- no "reward" for world pvp at all.

- no central world pvp zone

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ignoring the fact that you are a massive troll and a terrible player (both in SWG and SWTOR), i personally prefer SWG pvp over SWTOR.




- Easily accessible open world PvP (restuss, anywhere you were overt)

- major forms of CC were snares/roots

- gearing system was 99% crafter based

- no gear gap existed

- combat was fast paced, but fights did not end instantly (among good players anyways)

- class balance (other than melee) was very close

- guild wars (same faction even)

- cross faction chat



- Melee was 100% useless in organized pvp

- Massive lag in large open world PvP battles

- only 4 battlefields (aka warzones) which got repetitive

- queuing system for battlefields was frustrating





- its starwars

- 5 warzones, devs seem intent on continuing to develop more

- queuing system is very user friendly.

- minimal gear gap (as of 1.6)



- class balance is laughable

- ranged classes are massively inept at combating melee

- ranked pvp is disfunctional b/c of poorly thought out design

- PvP gear acquisition

- PvP gear stat allocations (bioware doesnt play the game if they think i need that much accuracy)

- engine can barely handle the 8v8 combat of instanced warzones

- world pvp is all but non-existent due to the hassle of traveling to areas where open pvp may take place.

- no "reward" for world pvp at all.

- no central world pvp zone


SWG's PvP balanced? In the NGE maybe, but Pre-NGE LOLOL.

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Being perma dizzy knocked down, or one shot with a flame thrower, or having a mind disease lowering your blue bar to -1 HP, or beyond clip range AE mind poisons from combat medics, or eye shot BH spams, or defence stacking fencers you can't hit, or stun loaded weapons before stun armourings were available, or group TEF abusing




smash monkeys, resolve system


Well, firstly I don't know why I used "or" so many times, but I enjoy PvP in this far more than SWG's clone wars (and I didn't even mention creature handlers, until now). It was fun abusing the OP status of some classes like Tera Kasi, hell even having 3 AT-ST's at my command annihilating troops by the score was fun, but hella overpowered.



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I feel bad for all the people who are SWG pros, but never played pre-NGE and moreover, pre-CU.




- HAM bar. (The idiot roadblock)

- If you played TKM



- If you did not.




- If you don't play a Commando / Merc.



- If you do.



Edited by SDTAXantos
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SWG's PvP balanced? In the NGE maybe, but Pre-NGE LOLOL.


im obviously talking about the nge...........



to anyone complaining about pre-nge combat mechanics that sucked. sorry you had to deal with it? but pre-nge was barely one quarter of the total lifespan of SWG. the NGE *was* SWG


personally, pre-nge (including pre-cu) was meh. the game had incredible depth (too much in some cases), and was almost entirely player driven (again, too much so in some cases). my dream MMO would be the pre-nge profession system merged with all of the balance and content that existed post-NGE

Edited by cashogy
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The only downside to SWG's pvp was that after a few months no one was running Battlefields and I remember waiting for 30+ mins looking at the other faction in restuss waiting for them to cross the auto pvp line. Space pvp was epic on E-Chimy, happened every Sunday and there were plenty of people on both sides.
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Pre-NGE SWG pvp was awesome. Sure it had LOTS of issues but we still had lots of fun. Hundreds of players outside Anchorhead or Bestine locked in combat, AT-ST walkers, Rancors etc etc - brilliant. No stupid coms, no shame hole 'warzones' pure open pvp.


SWTOR has a lot of good elements compared to todays MMOS but it simply has way too many stuns.

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Once again, they're completely different styles of games and aren't comparable so you can't actually choose one that is "better" over the other.


Having said that, I prefer sandbox-SWG's pvp over SWTOR arena-based pvp. SWTOR PVP is meaningless other than personal gear-goals.


I remember my first time PVPing...... **execute dream ripples, scene-break** It was back in 2003, right after launch, my first few playthroughs I experimented with being a Rebel. One afternoon someone decided they wanted to try pvp and somehow convinced a whole lot of us to join him. So there we were, a massive bunch of MMO-noobs with all kinds of species and wielding any kind of weapon we can get our hands on, gathering in Anchorhead, and we hoofed a straight line towards Bestine. At around the same time, the Imperials also had the same idea and we had this massive epicly confusing battle being fought in the sands between both cities. People running around all over the battlefield not knowing what to do. Blasters firing off everywhere. Wookiees. Rodians. Humans. Zabraks. Not many Mon Cals or Bothans at the time. Only a very few were experimenting with melee weapons; the majority were playing with blaster pistols and rifles. The good players had bone armor on; the rest us have never seen such magnfiicent armor in person and we all wanted to get our own afterwards. Every single person present was having the time of their life; quickly declaring our allegiance and running back to the fun. It was glorious. **execute dream ripples, exit**


Back to the topic. Different genres, different playstyles. Can't compare.


In this game I cannot take over bases, cities, or participate in pvp that is more meaningful than srtictly personal gain. There's really no sense of faction allegiance or factional teamwork. It's a me me me system. But that's what works for an arena-based pvp game.


For a very very long time SWG PvP lacked ANY personal gain at all, and that worked and didn't work at the same time. For one, people PVP'd because they actually enjoyed it, instead of feeling forced to do it. But, there were no incentives for anyone sitting on the fence to come join. Factor in the cloning costs and condition hit to your equipment, plus a visit to an entertainer, and suddenly it's not really worth it to them.


Anyway, before this drones on any longer with my reminiscing of the wonder days, since you can't compare these different games side by side without comparing genres, I prefer sandbox pvp over themepark pvp.

Edited by Sanctioned
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im obviously talking about the nge...........



to anyone complaining about pre-nge combat mechanics that sucked. sorry you had to deal with it? but pre-nge was barely one quarter of the total lifespan of SWG. the NGE *was* SWG


personally, pre-nge (including pre-cu) was meh. the game had incredible depth (too much in some cases), and was almost entirely player driven (again, too much so in some cases). my dream MMO would be the pre-nge profession system merged with all of the balance and content that existed post-NGE


Had they stuck with the CU and added all the content they did, I have no doubt that SWG would still be alive today and SWTOR wouldn't have even been a though.

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