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Sure, they do. They've completely bypassed threads that had to be closed and opened again due to the sheer volume of posts. The developers themselves do not grace the forums unless they are urged to clarify something by a member of the community support team. The dialogue we had established in beta has long since died.


This is not necessarily true and a very pessimistic outlook of the Dev team. A member of the BioWare community may not necessarily spend the 15-20 minutes to type up a long post but you can rest assure they definitely do pass messages along. How do you think they really find out what the players want? Just like in politics not every issue is addressed with a public statement but is put on the table.


I do however agree that the dialogue that was here during the beta IS in fact long gone and its quite sad, but would you rather have them working on content / fixes or do you want them to arse around on the forums? I mean they laid off staff because too many people complained about spending 50 cents a day to have customer support.

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How do you think they really find out what the players want?


You're right - I am very pessimistic. I used to be one of the most voluminous, ardent defenders of this game. And I'm done with that. My foot is firmly in my mouth because of that defense. It's demonstrably true that, even if they know what we want, they're not giving it to us. Makeb is the most obvious and most significant example. They made a thread, specifically, to ask us what planets we want to see. And we get an original creation. :rolleyes:

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You forgot about the most important thing in your list:




How about my character and companion Color matching. Bioware broke that. And fix the sabers being on when holstered ....Looks ridiculous. Fix Esseles and Black Talon crashing client to desktop at the end when going into warp. These problems existed because of really poor testing, or no testing.

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Pazzak? or whatever it's called I could care less about.


More class balance this will fix most that is wrong with PVP a new warzone would be nice as well such as a capture the flag style.

Announce a Start Date for Ranked war zones. Season 1.

Give subscribers 250 cartel coins a month instead of 100.

A New Playable race.

Enhance the cantina scene some people have asked for drunk states after consuming to many drinks.

Get the voice actors in and create more new companions via quests.

GIve post 50 quest that pick up where your characters class quest left off or new chain quests on new planets for our characters to continue what was a good part of the game the story based side.


A lot of people have played all classes just for the story alone this was a good point of SWTOR and the Mass Effect games it would be good to continue this.


I don't need to sit down but this would be nice for cantina's it's in the game hence floating thrones, star ships seats etc.

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I would like to see a game update focusing on features, as well.


I think they are a good investment. Not everyone will complete all content, but you can be sure pretty much everyone will use every feature you add, and unlike content, it doesn't get stale or irrelevant as players gear up or the level cap is raised.

Edited by Felioats
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Here is the line, BW... I'm drawing it.


There are a whole lot of us who DO NOT WANT NEW CONTENT FOR 1.7! Why? You have way more important stuff to worry about.


The quality of life in this game is terrible. You need to make drastic changes soon. I propose Patch 1.7 - Quality of Life.


- We need to be able to sit in chairs.

-We need to be able to customize our appearance (barber shop option)

-We need to be able to play mini-games such as Pazaak

-We need to be able to dual spec

- Implement getting drunk. I know it sounds silly...but I loved that feature in WoW :)

-We need to have an in-game guild calendar. Easier to set stuff up than just using the message of the day.

-You need to give a huge effort to fix the countless bugs in this game. I was in Voidstar yesterday, we (Republic) dominated it and destroyed the IMPS and capped every door after the IMPS didn't even cap one door.(if you play on PO5, you know just how rare it is to even get a win as a level 50), After we won, we were given the DEFEAT. What?? This place has been buggy since release. Tend to your crap!


Hopefully once (if) it comes time for an expansion, you will tend to other MAJOR changes:

-WORLD EXPLORATION! - As it sits, once you have quested through a planet, you have NO REASON to ever go back there. There needs to be major overhauls on your planets. Make it worth going back to!

-Flying speeders - many are against this because it ruins world-PVP...but guess what? World PVP is already ruined :) Flying speeders exist in Star Wars, kinda silly they don't exist.

-Off rails space combat. Think Battle Front! Can you imagine an off-rails space combat PVP WZ? Fight your way through enemy lines to board their space station, then fight your way through the station via normal combat to acheiv an objective. Beginning of SW Ep 3 comes to mind.

-Arena system! A little 3v3, 2v2, 5v5 would be awesome! What I DON'T want to see if this comes is making Arena gear the best in the game. There shouldn't be any "Arena gear", just regular Elite War Hero gear would be fine.

-New CTF WZ's.

-Gear-based tiering when you que for WZ's

-Cross server Queing

-Acheivement tab

-Cooking and fishing profession

-Paid server transfer!

-Paid name change!

- MORE THAN ONE BASE. I hate the buggy hell that is the fleet. We need more than one place to call home.


But for now, the focus needs to be on QOL changes for 1.7. Please make it happen...


If these features seem familiar....too much like that "other game". Please spare me the "Go back to WoW!". I don't want to go back to that stupid Panda Express. I hate that game. But they do have features that BW could learn from and would do well to implement.


I understand that SWTOR is in its vanilla stage, but changes need to be made soon or it will follow SWG before you know it.


dude THIS ISNT WOW no matter how much you want it to be.


no to fishing and cooking. no to flying mounts no to x-server queuing no to the fact 1.7 shouldnt have new content.


i do agree tho they should fix bugs but alot of the things ur listing is jsut coz wow has it. i for one dont want this game to turn into wow coz minute it does the community will suck just like wows. wheres as atm on the whole we have good server cominitys.


no to x-server queues coz now in europe we have 1 pve 1 pvp 1 rp server for english to hell do i want to get put agaisnt hardcore pvpers

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I CAN ONLY AGREE that quality of life would still be the most important issue on most players lips and not the strive for more and more content and so many good things listed in the original post here. I would certainly not be in favour of arena, but would like to see 8 and 16 player wz and maybe evern 4's?....but if we did have arena they shouldn't get any better equipment through it, id suggest thats a must.


Id really like to see a reason to keep pvping though which as epic isn't that much better worth worrying about so id like something to get going with the ranked and id like to see it open to pugs of a certain level too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to agree with the OP these things would be perfect additions to the game. Stop re-skinning gear and giving the price gougers a way to DESTROY the economy of this game. The cartel market is fine the way it is you don't need to focus so much attention to it. We like the stuff that you are making available, the gear obtained from it is ok, except as a person who made in game credits from crafting all lvl's of light saber crystals I would like to say thanks for making Artifice and almost useless skill with the addition of all then new +41 at lvl 10 crystals...

The economy on many servers is CRAP! When it costs over 1 million credits to buy a single end game mod, armoring or enhancement that is pathetic.

The original poster is right, improve the in game quality of life in the game please!! Oh and if you are going to make the crystal crafting that Artificers do pointless then bring back the crystal vendor on fleet ( I would prefer you give my artificer teh ability to make tradeable end game crystals that people want!!!!!)

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Half of your requests are WoW things. If you really want WoW that bad go back to it. Truth is a lot of your stuff is VERY overdue but getting drunk, fishing and a bunch of that other garbage does not belong in this world.


Server transfers are pointless. All servers are about the same and shifting pop right now makes no sense at all. Once, say when server # doubles up, i am sure server transfers and character transfers will be an option.

Also Dual Spec. not needed, get field respec and you'll be fine.


Are PvP changes needed, specially arenas, yes! Mini-games, damn right (but i dont think they approve of gambling sadly). Planets will be rehashed in future i am sure but it is WAY too early for that right now. Honestly only thing this game could use RIGHT NOW is cross server ques for PvP.


They are putting out content and fixes VERY quickly right now and i am sure a lot of the stuff on your list that makes sense will be out sooner or later. However, ANYONE out there comparing a 9 year old game, one of the most successful games in history of gaming, with a 1 year old game with a shaky start to add needs to stop it, be a little more supportive and constructive about their suggestions or come back in a few years when TOR has developed a bit more.

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Well to be fair, it's not exactly unreasonable to request an idea be implemented even if it's from another game. A barber shop, and dual spec for example are both good ideas that people sure would appreciate. Now, how the OP decided to rant to deliver his message, I disagree with, but it is nonetheless a fair and reasonable request.
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Here is the line, BW... I'm drawing it.


There are a whole lot of us who DO NOT WANT NEW CONTENT FOR 1.7! Why? You have way more important stuff to worry about.


The quality of life in this game is terrible. You need to make drastic changes soon. I propose Patch 1.7 - Quality of Life.


- We need to be able to sit in chairs.

-We need to be able to customize our appearance (barber shop option)

-We need to be able to play mini-games such as Pazaak

-We need to be able to dual spec

- Implement getting drunk. I know it sounds silly...but I loved that feature in WoW :)

-We need to have an in-game guild calendar. Easier to set stuff up than just using the message of the day.

-You need to give a huge effort to fix the countless bugs in this game. I was in Voidstar yesterday, we (Republic) dominated it and destroyed the IMPS and capped every door after the IMPS didn't even cap one door.(if you play on PO5, you know just how rare it is to even get a win as a level 50), After we won, we were given the DEFEAT. What?? This place has been buggy since release. Tend to your crap!


Hopefully once (if) it comes time for an expansion, you will tend to other MAJOR changes:

-WORLD EXPLORATION! - As it sits, once you have quested through a planet, you have NO REASON to ever go back there. There needs to be major overhauls on your planets. Make it worth going back to!

-Flying speeders - many are against this because it ruins world-PVP...but guess what? World PVP is already ruined :) Flying speeders exist in Star Wars, kinda silly they don't exist.

-Off rails space combat. Think Battle Front! Can you imagine an off-rails space combat PVP WZ? Fight your way through enemy lines to board their space station, then fight your way through the station via normal combat to acheiv an objective. Beginning of SW Ep 3 comes to mind.

-Arena system! A little 3v3, 2v2, 5v5 would be awesome! What I DON'T want to see if this comes is making Arena gear the best in the game. There shouldn't be any "Arena gear", just regular Elite War Hero gear would be fine.

-New CTF WZ's.

-Gear-based tiering when you que for WZ's

-Cross server Queing

-Acheivement tab

-Cooking and fishing profession

-Paid server transfer!

-Paid name change!

- MORE THAN ONE BASE. I hate the buggy hell that is the fleet. We need more than one place to call home.


But for now, the focus needs to be on QOL changes for 1.7. Please make it happen...


If these features seem familiar....too much like that "other game". Please spare me the "Go back to WoW!". I don't want to go back to that stupid Panda Express. I hate that game. But they do have features that BW could learn from and would do well to implement.


I understand that SWTOR is in its vanilla stage, but changes need to be made soon or it will follow SWG before you know it.


this dude is so right, we need quality of life as a patch, i would love to see a quality of life update. this post is beyone spot on, myself, and many of the people i play with would lover to make changes to our characters that make us unique, as it is i see at least 5 toons a day who look just like me, are dressed just like me, and talk in exactly the same voice as me. i dont mind the voice part, but i would love to change my characters hair occassionally. my smuggler has a mullet. id love to give him a hair cut, and a shave. maybe add or remove scars. maybe play some pazaak, or some sabaac. maybe have a hobby. hell id love to just be able to fly my ship around the galaxy.. and i know i am just reiterating what this dude said, but i am a loyal subscriber. something else that needs fixed, i have 32 toons across 4 servers. cartel unlocks need to be account wide, not just legacy wide. if i use cartel coins on one toon, they are not available to the other toons. i have been here since the beginning 2nd wave of early access, and i have stayed loyally subscribed ever since. but now im tired of looking at the same toon with the same features after a year.. come on devs.. we need to be able to get dirty, take showers, get hair cuts/hair styles. i mean come on do you have the same hair and clothes you had months ago????? NO you dont.. so why should our toons???????

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What OP said

Here is the line, BW... I'm drawing it.


There are a whole lot of us who DO NOT WANT NEW CONTENT FOR 1.7! Why? You have way more important stuff to worry about.


The quality of life in this game is terrible. You need to make drastic changes soon. I propose Patch 1.7 - Quality of Life.


- We need to be able to sit in chairs.

-We need to be able to customize our appearance (barber shop option)

-We need to be able to play mini-games such as Pazaak

-We need to be able to dual spec

- Implement getting drunk. I know it sounds silly...but I loved that feature in WoW :)

-We need to have an in-game guild calendar. Easier to set stuff up than just using the message of the day.

-You need to give a huge effort to fix the countless bugs in this game. I was in Voidstar yesterday, we (Republic) dominated it and destroyed the IMPS and capped every door after the IMPS didn't even cap one door.(if you play on PO5, you know just how rare it is to even get a win as a level 50), After we won, we were given the DEFEAT. What?? This place has been buggy since release. Tend to your crap!


Hopefully once (if) it comes time for an expansion, you will tend to other MAJOR changes:

-WORLD EXPLORATION! - As it sits, once you have quested through a planet, you have NO REASON to ever go back there. There needs to be major overhauls on your planets. Make it worth going back to!

-Flying speeders - many are against this because it ruins world-PVP...but guess what? World PVP is already ruined :) Flying speeders exist in Star Wars, kinda silly they don't exist.

-Off rails space combat. Think Battle Front! Can you imagine an off-rails space combat PVP WZ? Fight your way through enemy lines to board their space station, then fight your way through the station via normal combat to acheiv an objective. Beginning of SW Ep 3 comes to mind.

-Arena system! A little 3v3, 2v2, 5v5 would be awesome! What I DON'T want to see if this comes is making Arena gear the best in the game. There shouldn't be any "Arena gear", just regular Elite War Hero gear would be fine.

-New CTF WZ's.

-Gear-based tiering when you que for WZ's

-Cross server Queing

-Acheivement tab

-Cooking and fishing profession

-Paid server transfer!

-Paid name change!

- MORE THAN ONE BASE. I hate the buggy hell that is the fleet. We need more than one place to call home.


But for now, the focus needs to be on QOL changes for 1.7. Please make it happen...


If these features seem familiar....too much like that "other game". Please spare me the "Go back to WoW!". I don't want to go back to that stupid Panda Express. I hate that game. But they do have features that BW could learn from and would do well to implement.


I understand that SWTOR is in its vanilla stage, but changes need to be made soon or it will follow SWG before you know it.


What OP means:


-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff


-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff I loved that feature in WoW

-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff

-wow stuff


I hate WoW and I don't want to play WoW again so I play SWTOR and I want it to be like WoW before it sucked.

Edited by Royox
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I agree with most of what OP proposed. Namely:


- Customize appearance option (like the barber shop in other mmo's)

- Dual spec (I think triple spec would be better for primary/secondary/pvp)


Those two would be easy as hell to implement. I can't tell you how much I wish I could just re-do my character's appearance after seeing how it looks for so long compared to my newer characters. My main is an assassin so I'd love to have a DPS, tank, and PVP spec so I can be more active without having to respec JUST to run a flashpoint and then back again for some PVP and then AGAIN for dailies. I can't tell you how many times I would pass on tanking because I don't want to keep respeccing or looking at my stat calculator back and forth to make sure it's the same spec I had. It's bad enough tanks are scarce and the dps que is obscene.


I would also like to add:


- Enable all assassin/shadow abilities to be used with electrostaves (EASY!)

- HIDE BELT (seriously, most of them are ugly or too big)

- Alternative to Hide Belt: Covert Belt. Not only is it new fodder for the Cartel Market but it's achieves the same thing!

- Armor dyes (since we can only unify to chest which doesn't always look good)

Edited by Leiluxe
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This thread "A thousand paper cuts" is all about adding quality of life changes. It is very well thought out and explained. And has a Dev response! Please check it out.





Arenas, flying speeders, Cross-realm queuing, Achievement tab, Cooking and Fishing? These are far from Quality of Life changes. This is blasted World of Warcraft copy-pasta. No, thank you, I like SWTOR exactly for the absence of the aforementioned features.

Edited by Ceyvel
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My take on OP's ideas:


Sitting in chairs: Yes please, being able to sit down only on three chairs in ship is not enough. Not really WoW stuff

Barber shop / Plastic surgery: Yes please, I want to be able to change my hair color, grow a beard or whatever without rerolling.

Pazaak: Would be nice, but not really critical

Dual spec: Already sort of possible with Field respec perk

Getting drunk: Possible, but not sure if lore fitting, as I think Jedis can't get drunk

Ingame calendar: Could be, not critical, almost every guild uses some external software and forums

Fixing bugs: These things are getting fixed all the time, what you claim hasn't happened to me in a long time. But I agree that Voidstar is probably one of the most buggy places in game

World Exploration: Does the word datacron ring any bells to you? Or bonus series?

Flying speeders: I assume this means flying mounts? Could seriously ruin some hard to get places with datacrons, so probably no

Off-rails space combat: Let's wait and see what the secret Space Project will bring, my bet is it will be off-rails missions

Arena: Fighting pit ala KOTOR1 would be cool

CTF WZ: Huttball is one of the coolest adaptations of CTF I have ever seen. Maybe create more HB maps with different tactics

Gear based WZ tiers: Pretty difficult to implement, as you could just swap gear after you enter WZ. My suggestion would be to make WZs from level 15 up. By that time, you should have at least some semblance of what your character is (Tank, DPS, Heal)

Cross server queues: With the mega server infrastructure, is this really necessary? But if it will be implemented, no complaints

Achievements: Could be, the current Achievements in Codex are sort of "meh"

Cooking/Fishing: WoW stuff, does not fit into SW environment.

Paid transfers: In works

Paid name change: In works

More bases: Guild ships connected to Fleet chat, maybe? Or, personal ship connected to fleet chat, with options to customize our ships to make the fell more "homely", showing off our achievements, armor racks, etc

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QoL improvements would be nice, but like many have said, Bioware has no incentives at the moment to go that route. They are too busy trying to get people to buy stuff. I expect every patch they release to have new content that needs to be "unlocked" (aka bought), for the foreseeable future.


These WoW comparisons are complete nonsense. All popular MMOs develop QoL, whether its the ability to play music in LotRO or Marriages in Rift or makeover kits in GW2, etc, etc. Therefore, its not too much to expect of a healthy MMO to offer these things. SWToR is evidently not that healthy.


Finally, while QoL would be nice, I honestly don't think EA or Bioware are the right companies to do it. You just have to look at the numerous and aggravating bugs that existed in-game when ToR's staff was STILL large, and you can't expect a shadow of that staff to work on QoL, let alone QA. God forbid, they actually fix existing, persisting bugs (companion lightsaber glitch to name but one).

Edited by veritas_prime
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As I mentioned in my post, I hate WoW. And i'll never go back. I last played the week before SWTOR pre-release. But it's not too much to ask that the basic QOL features be added to this game.


You say you hate wow, yet many of the things you ask for are in wow..


Server transfers paid or otherwise isn't going to happen until Bioware knows that people moving from server to server isn't going to kill the game for someone else or unbalance a server.. Wow had a lot of servers that were mostly one faction or another because it allowed server transfers.. All because of allowing server transfers..


We don't need WOW's version of dual speccing.. What we have now is fine... Not sure why you mentioned it..


Getting drunk??? Hmmm... I'll pass on that..


No.. We don't need CTF anything.. Can at least keep it somewhat like star wars??


Space combat is a minigame.. Can't it stay a minigame and stay on rails??


As I said.. I do agree with most of your ideas and many of them have been said before by myself and others.. It just struck me as funny that you say you hate wow and then almost everything you ask for is from wow..

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