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Everything posted by Pysces

  1. I have early access, have begun all my new quests, and cannot pass 60. Something is wrong. I created a ticket, but I don't understand if there's possibly something I'm missing.
  2. What a constructive, generic response to an actually legitimate concern. You know, the whole, "Stop QQ'ing, s-t-f-u or g-t-f-o, lol, be tough, lol, just deal with it! Because this logic does not enable BW to persist with ****** improvements to the game!". A server merge would be wise, not, "oh let's just leave and keep up a vicious cycle of nomadic server hopping to fill the void!". But an a relatively related note, man, as a returning sub to this game, it's so disheartening to have just ONE PvP server, which is also lightly populated. Damn...have things gotten so bad? Just would love for the game to be moderately populated again.
  3. The very fact that people are still complaining about bubble stun astounds me. Sorcs/Sages are pretty underpowered in PVP (unless they're healers), and to take away what little survivability they have is pretty selfish. I don't play a sorc, but my friend does, and I see the forums about the state of the class, and it's not good. Every class has a couple stuns and to take one away from a sorc sounds pretty unjust.
  4. I think people would still be engaged with 8 man ops, but I guess that would be more the serious pvp guilds. Regardless, arena is still an excellent idea and welcome addition to the game in my opinion.
  5. Happy Birthday, man! That's a very creative, and awesome cake.
  6. That armor is overrated. I don't see the appeal in it since its color scheme is so plain and just boring.
  7. I don't understand how you would validate the supposed to kills though. Like, killing 3 different scoundrels. How would the bounty provider know this was truly done?
  8. Well, it was considered OP and this was about a year ago, and it was sadly nerfed, and now it is no longer viable. Yes, burst is king, shut the **** up about burst being king, no one is disputing that people. But things that are considered OP are usually and hopefully addressed at some point in time, and Pyro is deemed just that by many. It's like you people only a play a certain way (whatever is OP and FOTM) to get empowerment through a cheap means of winning, rather than the actual the play style of a class.
  9. No, they really do. Also, you keep implying that a spec is impossible to change by a dev. I know how PVP works, I'm not new to MMO's, and I know that burst is king. However! It does not change the point and logic I presented that by tweaking a spec to make it viable--operative word being "viable"--it can then compete. This suggestion applies to other classes too for those with similar legitimate concerns! People shouldn't have to be pigeon-holed into a tree to compete. Now, if you're trying to tell me it's not going to happen and deal with it, then sure, I get that, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't try to get attention from BW to address my legitimate request. Edit: P.S: Remember when shield tech was considered viable (maybe you weren't playing back then), but then it was deemed OP? What happened? Oh, it got nerfed, and now it's horrible for PVP. Yes, a spec can change better or for worse how the dev sees fit.
  10. Where in my previous posts have I implied burst go bye bye? I have never argued for sustained. I simply argued and suggested that AP gets tweaked for viability. What is wrong with you hard ons for Pyro? It's like you have this elitist, exclusive, super secret club of douchebags that want to reign supreme. Meanwhile, rational folks are being told to shut the **** up and not offer fair requests?
  11. Yeah...it's vastly unreasonable and unfair of one to request that a paying subscriber isn't pigeon-holed into a style of playing they don't enjoy. Damn me...where's that crucifix I am to be hung on? Just because you're gazing through tunnel vision goggles, doesn't mean the community is or should be.
  12. Flamethrower needs addressing, and it's been stated in other posts as well. Flamethrower is not the only source of AP's damage though. Flame burst and immolate hit well enough, but need to be amplified in damage. I keep going in circles it seems. The AP tree needs adjusting, in conclusion, to make it viable. As for the color? I never post in color in all my other posts, but went for it today, because it's appealing to the eye, why not. Uh oh...going orange now--watch out.
  13. Simple, the AP tree gets tweaked, and crit bonuses could be heightened for certain abilities to give it more burst. That's just one example. However, not too much burst, because I want to be balanced and not OP like everyone's cherished Pyro tree is.
  14. Good God...I think you may be the proud owner of a learning disability. In my hypothetical proposal, AP would be getting the damage output increased thus being viable. Seriously man, learn to read, and pay attention to details!
  15. You keep continually neglecting to acknowledge the point that the Pyro PT is seen and demonstrably is OP with it's output. Yes, I would like to compete competitively in ranked games with AP, hence my points I made about damage being increased to make that happen and the class viable. You really tend to ignore what one says, as evidenced by your responses corresponding with my points...That's not an insult, but an observation.
  16. No, I don't propose or want that at all, because then it would be the same problem all over again. "NERF AP! TOO MUCH BURST!". No. I propose a simple increase in damage output, that is all. Simple. And yes, that would seriously make it a more viable spec. I do well, but not well enough to compete with the output Pyros/Maras/SIns/Juggs dish.
  17. So...by tweaking the AP tree to increase output would not help...with damage output? Are you trolling? Clearly, by increasing damage output in a tree that needs an increase for viability would help it, and a help that those interested in or play AP would be pleased with.
  18. No, it would help the AP tree, and for you to say it wouldn't requires an explanation. I play the AP tree, and am fully geared and augmented, but lack the extra oomph that Pyro has, but otherwise have pretty nice tools for survival, but not OP in that respect. Pryo as it stands, once again, has too much output, hence the complaints. Clearly, a minor tweak is needed, and once again, substituted for more survival tools (whatever that may be).
  19. I misunderstood you and responded a moment ago, but need to now respond accordingly. Of course the Pyro PT is desirable due to their great deal of burst, but it's also the problem if you haven't gotten that yet. The burst does need to be changed, but not crippled. It's a fair request, and in substitution something needs to be added or changed for survivability, but not sure what. The AP tree is lacking burst, but has better tools for survival, so a minor increase in burst would help that tree out significantly and make it more viable.
  20. If you read what I said, I said the Pyrotech (because don't mistake PT's for being OP, it's just Pyrotech), should be nerfed a bit with its burst. In exchange, we should be given better CD's or something to match the survivability the other afore mentioned classes in fact shine with.
  21. Yes, so nerf the burst a tad (not exponentially, like programmers always seem to do when nerfs are in order in ANY MMO), and offer us more tools for survival. We do have a laughable deal of survival abilities. Juggs/Maras/Sins (and vice versa of other faction) have much more effective survival tools.
  22. I agree with most what you said, however the Pyrotech PT is indeed dishing too much damage. I personally have a 50 PT, but play as AP. I sacrifice damage for fun, sure, but I persevere. I suggest the damage from the pyro tree be limited some, but we do need another gap closer. Instead of keeping Jet Charge in the Shield Tech tree, it should be universal. It's ridiculous to keep it in ST, and I have made a post in the suggestion forums about this also.
  23. I like it. I think it's a pretty good idea. Ultimately, it's just a very reasonable request for us PT BH's to have a universal charge, considering Juggs/Maras/Sents/Guards don't have to spec into their charge, so why should we? Please Bioware, consider this fact.
  24. Well, ask yourself this (because I thought about that too), does a mercenary really need/want to charge towards a target? They fight at a distance and have abilities to keep enemies away. I mean, they could have reverse jet charge, but since they already have a knock-back, it may be a little much.
  25. Bioware, please...I think I speak for all PT BH's when I say: Take jet charge out of the shield tech tree, and make it a PT skill in general. Shield Tech has become no longer viable in PvP, and to have it sit there taunting everyone is painful, when we know, as a Bh, that we should be able to fly to our targets if we so choose to. Can I get a vote on this? Please, and thank you!
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