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Warzone Abandonment Debuff.


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Every day the warzones are getting worse and worse with more players who just leave the WZ after the other team gets 2 or 3 caps, 1 or 2 scores in hutball, or gets through the first 3 doors in voidstar. This hurts the current team in the WZ and even more my personal favorite. I wait for my pvp queue to pop only to get into a WZ that is eiather ending in 2 min or has basically just ended.


The people who leave WZ's early get no debuff or anything they just get to requeue and hopefully get a better team. Instantly! They do not have to wait to requeue for a WZ.


They should receive a 30 min debuff just like you would if you bailed on a fail GRP Finder GRP. There is nothing to keep someone in a WZ and from basically just leaving early and requeueing right away.


When your in GRP finder and wait 45min as DPS or longer depending on time of day or what Flashpoint you are queuing for. You leave early you get to wait 30min before you can wait another 45min to get a grp. So glad that when its GRP Finder i get to pick. Do i attempt to DPS this ( Sorc dps full 63's) with this tank who has less hp then me and just stated " how do i guard someone. Never tanked before." This is when i decide either i wait it out cause even if we kick the tank it will take forever (thank god i have a fully 61 geared companion to tank FP's), Do i just bail and go play a alt for half hour or something else, Or do i just deal with the junky grp the grp finder just gave us.


This debuff needs to be implamented into PVP this way it will help prevent WZ's that some of us get into being half over, already over, or the other team is basically camping spawns already cause it was 8 on 5.


There are so many missing peices to make PvP better in this game. I hate to say this and im sure i will get blasted for it. But BioWare should take a page out of Blizzards book and do some reading on what PvP via WZ's are and World PvP.

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After being rolled over by teams of 5+ marauders ill quit every warzone i see people jumped by 5 monkeys thank you.


There is to many warriors in PVP now but oh well. Used to be to many sages / sorc's. Granted the Mara/Jugg/Sent/guardian classe's are by far to over powered.


But back to the original subject. Go ahead and leave and you should get a 30 min debuff for being a Pu**y

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Then you will see people just afk in a corner. They need to add more incentives for completing warzones more cash, comms, valor who cares but putting a debuff I think is the wrong way to handle it.



Totally agree. Why should a person solo queueing with near max WH stay in a warzone that spawns 3 recruits in it? Or when others quit ahead of them making odds even longer?


In a perfect world, we'd have a much better matching system then 'random'. Then again, in a perfect world we'd still not be in perpetual preseason 1 of ranked, lol

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Thats what Vote to Kick is for.


You can't vote kick someone in pvp if they respond/move do anything, unless they changed something recently.


To the OP or anyone who agrees with this; Perhaps instead of asking for a debuff/lockout on quitters you should try to figure out why your team lost three VS doors in minutes, why they scored 2 times in the first min of huttball or why they caped two nodes in CW right away.


Was your team allowing themselves to get leaped to on your own end zone? Did they rush back to mid when it looked like it was going to be a score or were they 'going to make that guy pay' by 3 vs 1-ing him in the endzone while his team grabbed the ball and leaped to you again.


Was your team 7 vs 2-ing on one VS door without a thought given to where the other 6 enemies were?


Did 5 people go to your 'natural/left' node in CW at the start of the match?


Did anyone call? if they did call and called "inc 1" did 4 people respond while leaving yourselves short on your other node? Do you hit the map often to see where everyone else is on your team and adjust accordingly?


I don't like quitting but I have done so a bit lately. I try not to do it often, I don't mind sticking it out in a tough loss because of a premade or just being out skilled/geared but some of these basic mistakes are getting old for players that have been here for a year. I try and do my own version of penance though to make up for the few times I have left. I'll stay when I get dropped into an ongoing match that's a lost cause.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Nope. My pals and I shouldn't be punished for bailing on a WZ when we get paired with the 4 worst pugs in history. I don't know if yall stick your heads out of the mud enough to notice, but there are some awful players out there. When you get 2-3 of them on the same team, there's nothing you can do but leave. Being punished for that isn't fair.
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Here's a dumb questiion. How do you quit? I mean, what action? Click something or type something. I seriously have never done so unless I had to leave the game completely, where I would just hit ESC and quit game. lol

lol. Rightclick on the blinking PvP symbol on the minimap. I also logged out before I found out this more efficient way.

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Here's a dumb questiion. How do you quit? I mean, what action? Click something or type something. I seriously have never done so unless I had to leave the game completely, where I would just hit ESC and quit game. lol


LOL d00d, that's how I first started quitting as well...though that was due to being so angry that I figured I probably need a break from it all together if I'm going to get that angry over a video game. Logged right out in the middle of a WZ and went for drive.


Pretty sure it's right click on either your portrait or the actual WZ que button. I keep forgetting as I don't do it often but it's one of those two.


^^ Yeah what Theodulus said.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Stopped reading at "Warzone Abandonment Debuff."


Seriously. Enough has been said in the 100000000000000000000000000001 threads created this week alone.


Yet you felt compelled to write a snarky flame post rather than simply not opening the post at all?

Seriously. If you don't want to read the topic, don't respond to the topic.

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One possiblity is to make a respawn timer for the other team if somone on your team quits and disallow people joining already ongoing wz. Giving out more exp/comms/valor would make people grind through pvp more easly and ruin already poorly implemented gear system. Other way around the problem might be increasing rewards for teams with less players but again, you must disable joining an ongoing wz. In my opinion, joining an ongoing wz shoul be disabled either way. Its very frustrating to join 2 matches in a row for 1 min.


I dont agree with the penalty for quiting, some people dont have time to loose - thats it. I myself have quit few times because i was 7/9 wins on tuesday morning and wanted to do he weekly. Why should i be punished for quiting if i am puged with 5 people in recruits or pve gear? Ill help them some other time when i dont need my weekly.

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