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Depends on how Cathar do on the cartel market.


I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.

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I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.

Wookies, Rodians and Jawas can't speak basic

but Nautolan, Togruta and Kel Dor are the favorite of everyone

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Wookies, Rodians and Jawas can't speak basic

but Nautolan, Togruta and Kel Dor are the favorite of everyone


Well non-basic speaking races aren't impossible, but anyway my point is that there are not only better choices than cathar but better options for them to make money in the cash shop than speeders with x-mas lights on them.


I challenge Bioware to show me the multitude of posts asking for speeders with x-mas lights, gamble packs and holo-rancors. And why didn't they listen to the posts asking for things like Togruta (or the other races mentioned) instead. Are they really so arrogant and full of themselves they know better than the playerbase what the playerbase wants?


Sorry for the rant, back you your post :)

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I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.


They have said this several times, in particular in the last livestream they reiterated and said that developing a race is extremely time consuming and costly. If Cathar sales bomb, the likelihood of seeing another race anytime soon is practically none. If it sells well, we will probably see several next year. So if you really really want Togruta, or any of the other actual interesting races (That are actually possible, they've already completely ruled out some like Wookiee and Jawa) then buy Cathar, even if you won't ever play one... yes, it's lame, but it's the only way.

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Well non-basic speaking races aren't impossible, but anyway my point is that there are not only better choices than cathar but better options for them to make money in the cash shop than speeders with x-mas lights on them.


I challenge Bioware to show me the multitude of posts asking for speeders with x-mas lights, gamble packs and holo-rancors. And why didn't they listen to the posts asking for things like Togruta (or the other races mentioned) instead. Are they really so arrogant and full of themselves they know better than the playerbase what the playerbase wants?


Sorry for the rant, back you your post :)


throwing some lights on a speeder model already in game took them very little time, whereas making brand new models (yes we have some already in game, but you know they had to make more and all the customizations) and making them work with all the armor options and animations takes a significant amount of time

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I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.

If they ever add Wookies I quit. I freaking hate Wookies.

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I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races. They really want to make money? Add Togruta, Wookies, Rodians, Kel Dor or even Jawas! The fact they fail to see this proves they do not listen to the community at all.


It is according to the livestream. And actually, Cathar are among the most popular races on the forums, Togruta being another one of the common top 3, though I forget the last one.

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They have said this several times, in particular in the last livestream they reiterated and said that developing a race is extremely time consuming and costly. If Cathar sales bomb, the likelihood of seeing another race anytime soon is practically none. If it sells well, we will probably see several next year. So if you really really want Togruta, or any of the other actual interesting races (That are actually possible, they've already completely ruled out some like Wookiee and Jawa) then buy Cathar, even if you won't ever play one... yes, it's lame, but it's the only way.


So we should buy something sub-par to hopefully get something we actually want down the road (with 0 guarantee mind you)? That has to be the worst plan ever, good luck with that lol.

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Lets be honest the Cathar are going to sell like hot cakes in the cash shop just like everything else. Not everyone wants a Cathar but a lot of players do want it and have been waiting all this time to create new alts.


Very true they will, but only because people are so desperate for a new race. Starve long enough and you will eat anything.

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I hope that is not the determining factor for more races in game. Cathar are one of the least asked for races.


The biggest reason they are the least asked for is because Bioware said they would be added a long time ago.


Before then, Cathar were routinely at the top of all polls and were probably in the #1 place more than any other race. Togruta and Nautolan were popular, too, but saying that Cathar were unpopular is just silly. Perhaps if you weren't around when Bioware made the decision, I could understand.


Of note, CelCawdro's poll thread (which is a great piece of work, by the way) wasn't started until after Bioware announced the choice of Cathar as the next race.

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The biggest reason they are the least asked for is because Bioware said they would be added a long time ago.


Before then, Cathar were routinely at the top of all polls and were probably in the #1 place more than any other race. Togruta and Nautolan were popular, too, but saying that Cathar were unpopular is just silly. Perhaps if you weren't around when Bioware made the decision, I could understand.


Of note, CelCawdro's poll thread (which is a great piece of work, by the way) wasn't started until after Bioware announced the choice of Cathar as the next race.


Been around since beta and never saw cathar at the top of any polls. Pass me what you are smoking, maybe I'll see it then.

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Been around since beta and never saw cathar at the top of any polls. Pass me what you are smoking, maybe I'll see it then.


Do your own research. Cathar wasn't my first vote either, but unlike other people, I don't ignore facts just because they disagree with my opinions.

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This is the only race that needs to be added to the game.


Jawas are on the list of the last races that should be included, alongside Hutts. There are a dozen good reasons to keep them out of the game and the primary arguments for including them are "But the lulz!!!!111" and "I want to be able to exploit my size to do better in PvP"


I would suspend my argument if it was implemented correctly, though. Namely: No Jawa Jedi/Sith, they can only use light armor, they can only use pistols, they suffer a 33% decrease in run speed, they can't wear helmets, and they suffer a 75% decrease in HP.

Edited by Malastare
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  • 3 weeks later...
I cant wait for this, make it a cartel item, who cares juts add it to the game. They have all the stuff basically already as there is one as a companion.


Please make it a Cartel item!!! I would pay big bucks for this species....... That would be awesome :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree I would like the togruta too it depends on how well the cathar do, and besides even if they do decide to do the togruta it wont be for a while because it takes a lot of work to make the race perfect, sure the togruta already exist ingame but that doesnt mean bioware wont want to give players as many options as possible, infact if you go into dev tracker i think they said why adding new races isnt easy. so until then be patient be polite and enjoy the game.:cool:
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