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Share Your 1st Anniversary Celebration Moments with the community!


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I do find Eve's event amusing though - dev's try to kill everyone! Merry Christmas!:D


Somehow so very, very Eve that one.


But the Dev's got involved and did something that the whole community could join in on. BW gave you a script which gives every character 25 fireworks (WITH THE OPTION TO BUY MORE ON THE CARTEL STORE?!, even more proof they just want to milk every cent outta ya) and called it a day. No 'Xmas theme on the fleet' or Snow on Tython etc. no EVENT that charcters could engage upon at all. Wonder what they are going to give you next year? probably just 25 fireworks again.


They could have even given you a Festive Green/Red Color crystal, but no, even thats too much to ask for. Probably woulda put it in the C-Store anyways.


EDIT: I copywright the idea of a Festive Green/Red color crystal. However you can make it if you do not intend to add it to the Cartel market.

Edited by DeludedAussie
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But the Dev's got involved and did something that the whole community could join in on. BW gave you a script which gives every character 25 fireworks (WITH THE OPTION TO BUY MORE ON THE CARTEL STORE?!, even more proof they just want to milk every cent outta ya) and called it a day. No 'Xmas theme on the fleet' or Snow on Tython etc. no EVENT that charcters could engage upon at all. Wonder what they are going to give you next year? probably just 25 fireworks again.


They could have even given you a Festive Green/Red Color crystal, but no, even thats too much to ask for. Probably woulda put it in the C-Store anyways.


EDIT: I copywright the idea of a Festive Green/Red color crystal. However you can make it if you do not intend to add it to the Cartel market.


Oh believe me I think Eve's is an awesome idea I just find it amusing how they celebrate the season -- by mass murder!

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What exactly were we celebrating? No really - I didn't see an event, the general chat remained as vicious as ever, and in the mean time my partner was showing me all the cool stuff in Wintersday in Guild Wars 2. Not quite the moment I hoped to share, I'll admit.
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ya i totally agree. This is a shameful LIfeday attempt. And the fact they charged for life day items is unbeleiveable. Any other game gives it to you free for being a customer. Ea and Bioware have showed that there gona penny pinch us constantly any chance they can. They are simply digging their own grave from a consumer standpoint. Eventually we arent gona spend our real money when all we get is garbage out of packs and garbage to buy. The space mission items on the Cartel Market are a early sign PAY TO WIN is upon us. They could care less about anything but taking a penny and loosing a dollar over the long term. Good Luck Bioware you truelly need it with this embarresment you bestowed upon yourselves by doing this. You lost every lowal customer and star wars fan by charging for the hideously ugly Life Day items. Take it from someone dumb that spent way too much money on packs to only get a couple fluffs and no rares its a scam. I truelly think the packs r regulated by metrix. I will never spend another dollar on a pack when rare items are not even rare sorry. Complete failure in my eyes of a broken F2P system. We are one year in and still havent got all content that was planned for this year. We can all assume that next year will be just as bad once they charge us for mckeb which truelly wont be a reall expansion.
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What exactly were we celebrating? No really - I didn't see an event, the general chat remained as vicious as ever, and in the mean time my partner was showing me all the cool stuff in Wintersday in Guild Wars 2. Not quite the moment I hoped to share, I'll admit.


How sad is this. We as monthly subscribers got nothing, while other non subscription games give tons of cool stuff to their players for free, especialy in this time of year.

Edited by tzagheru
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In anticipation of the 1st Anniversary for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ on December 20th, we’ve gifted all members of our community with a valid Star Wars: The Old Republic account as of December 10th, 11:59PM CST, 25 complimentary stacks of faction-based fireworks! Thank you for your support this year!


Send Us Your 1st Anniversary In-Game Celebration Screenshots!


Between now and January 2, 11:59PM CST, send us screenshots of your best 1st Anniversary celebration moments for a chance to be featured on The Old Republic™ official website and Facebook page.


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It's been a decent year, glitches,bugs,poor decision making.... Canceled a day after 1.6

It's been real. And it's been fun. But it hasent been real fun.


Peace out homies.

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I'm subbing since day 1, so the first anniversary was kinda important.

So first thing first, I started collecting those wonderful fireworks on all my alts. You know the very limited fireworks also available in the cash shop. Because we need to feel special. Then I checked the new items in the cash shop only to see the event was only available with $.

So I went to the forum and expressed my anger about your greed, just like hundreds of us, while the press, as usual, started talking about how greedy you are.

BW soon answered there would be no event outside the cash shop for christmas. Basically telling us to **** and pay.

Christmas is, as you may not know, a RL event about giving present to people. Not selling them. Even if you are a big evil company as EA.


Anyway, I kept playing the game thinking how greedy you are. Then you announced Makeb, and it was kinda cool, because I was waiting for it. And saw as a faithful player, having payed for the collector, and every months since the release, that I have to pay for it.


So I though, it's time I give a gift to my favourite MMO ! You know christmas, gift, etc... So here it is, my gift to you ! A special screenshot you can use on FB or the SWTOR site !

Gift here


Merry christmas !


P.S. If you receive a lump of coal instead of a gift from Santa this year, it's probably because he tried SWTOR f2p. Can't blame him, poor fellow.

Edited by erei
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It is as if they wanted this game to fail miserably. I really liked this game, I really did, but I won't be coughing up any more cash for this. Just about every other MMO out there did it better. 25 rockets and cash shop items to celebrate an event that is simply not there at all. This on top of the upcoming "give us your money"-content patch is just sad. What does EA want next... our children as slaves for their salt mines? Edited by Kadotus
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Even worse they have followed on from this insult with "And to help our game grow in 2013 we are going to ignore the class stories which are the only thing people really liked about the game in the first place! Merry xmas!"


I really don't care about anniversary gifts, anything RP related just gets trashed no matter how 'good' it is, but basically telling me the class stories are over for at least another 6 months has killed it for me. Only the fact my GF still likes the game is keeping me here, and you can be sure I will be trying to lure her elsewhere as soon as I can.

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Bioware is Haveing War On Xmas just like Fox News!


They dont Care about the kids, families, players enough to have Holiday Events.


They overcharge for them in the Cartel store.


A cartel Holiday speeder, that looks like something a Drug Dealer would have on MTV pimp my ride show, that is so Ugly and Obxnixious that even seeing it, leads to disbelief.


Bioware why, oh why are you having on War on Xmas like Fox News?

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We got update on our great celebrations!





If you look at the bottom of page you'll see they want us to discuss the article unfortunatelly thread was locked soon after creation :(

Bioware style :)

Meanwhile, this thread is no longer sticked again. Tbh, i'm surprised they didn't delete it the moment they've posted the screenshots.

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Unstickied again. Bump to keep the egg on your face EAware for the total baubles up you made of the opportunity this holiday offered you.


If you want the game to fail so hard, why not just get it over with and put BiS weapons/armour in the cash shop and just make them more powerful every 2 months. That should keep enough P2W people paying to fund your 1 programer/art studio guy/developer/community manager you have left.

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We got update on our great celebrations!





If you look at the bottom of page you'll see they want us to discuss the article unfortunatelly thread was locked soon after creation :(



Hmm........ well those screenshots certainly capture the moment, the moment of getting 25 fireworks as a "1 year celebration".


Is it me or do the characters themselves seem to be saying "what? is that it???:eek:" :D

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I wonder how many posts got deleted before it got locked. I was temped to post a picture of me playing WoW.


The thing is what do they expect.


WAR did so much more with so much less for their 1 year anniversary.


I mean if they'd had a Life Day event you could understand and accept them saying "we didn't have time for both"........ but they didn't do either........... they didn't do ANYTHING. :mad:

Edited by Goretzu
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