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A helpful warning about Cartel Shop armor


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I always wondered why they did this. I would've thought the best thing would be to make all Cartel Market items be level 1 with no mods so people can RP their character from the get go rather than having to wait until they're halfway through the game to get the Cartel item that has the exact perfect look they want.


I think if they retroactively unmodded all the Cartel Market items and set them to level 1 empty shells they'd improve sales substantially. I'd certainly be inclined to buy some Cartel Market items in that case but as it is I'll likely just look for similar looking but lower level pre-F2P items so I don't have to wait so long to get the look I want. The only way they'd get my money for a level 30+ item is if it was unique (could not be crafted or found as a quest reward), cool looking, and fit my character perfectly but then they'd have gotten my cash sooner if it was level 1 and I'd have been much happier. For me part of RP is having the proper look for my character so having to spend half (or more) of the game in armor that doesn't fit my character just irritates me. My Consular drove me nuts in this regard as I did not enjoy running around in horrible looking armor that didn't fit how I was RPing the character at all until I finally was able to scrounge some armor at level 30+ that did fit the RP look I wanted. I enjoyed the story of the earlier levels but the cut scenes would have been even more fun if I'd had gear that truly fit the RP look I wanted instead of having to wear gear that went completely against that look because it was the only gear with decent stats.

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If the gear is in the Cartel Shop, I should be able to wear if from level 1 to level 50. Otherwise, it's just EA ripping off its customers. I'd HAPPILY buy an "empty" armor set and do this.


How are you being ripped off? You don't need to buy the armor, its a choice.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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If they were to do something here, it would be this IMO...strip the level requirement from the gear itself. The mods inside it will already give it a level requirement if I am not mistaken.


The absolute best way to handle the entire situation, IMO of course, is as follows:


1) Strip mods out of all Cartel Shop armors, set them at level 1.

2) Sell mod packs advertised by their primary attribute and level. Inside the mod pack you would have an entire set of mods that would have normally been in the armor.

3) Drop the prices of all of the armor dramatically...


Offer helmets of different types for 200 coins each

Offer chest pieces of different types for 300 each

Offer complete armor sets for 700 each

4) Offer the mod sets for 500 each


By doing it this way folks can buy the cosmetic look they want without the mods, and buy the mods separately if they desire at the appropriate level.


They can offer mod sets with each primary attribute, for levels 10, 32 and 43.


This would make this game soooooo much more money!! this is the way it should be period! i hate what my bounty hunter is wearing right now and would gladly pay some money to get stuff that i like the look of.


also would be nice if we could change the colors of the armor... like good ole SWG days and the paint kits. make paint kits cost 300


No to selling "mod packs" this way is the path to pay to win. :p


umm that's what just about every other free to play game is so why not?? if you want an edge in other free to play games you can go into the shop and buy super bad ***** gear and weapons and mods that's how the games make money because they don't charge subscription fees at all, and yet they have new expansions just about every year

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umm that's what just about every other free to play game is so why not?? if you want an edge in other free to play games you can go into the shop and buy super bad ***** gear and weapons and mods that's how the games make money because they don't charge subscription fees at all, and yet they have new expansions just about every year


Eh... people are a bit too free with that "pay to win" criticism, I think. To me it's not P2W unless it's something I can't get in game. And the only thing you might not be able to get by other means with some of this stuff is the LOOK... not the performance.


In this case, I can only assume the reason for level minimums on the armor is to maintain some kind of overall progression of appearance. i.e. They want low level stuff to LOOK like low level stuff. Simpler maybe. Whereas the higher end stuff is more intricate or "cooler" looking, if you will. It's just surprising to see them stand on a principle like that when it's a cash shop item that COULD have been made usable at any level...or at least 10-50.

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I heard somewhere on the forums from another player that you could simply rip out the mods from Cartel Shop armor and then equip the shells from level 1....

The level restriction was on the shell itself. I think the lowest armor set has a level restriction of around level 32, and even some of the armors that I wanted were at level 43, why would I spend money on gear I will only wear for 7 levels? (Obviously at level 50 I'm going to be sporting my PVP or PVE gear).....

This isn't really a complaint, just a friendly warning for anyone who had similar ideas. A warning I wish I had before I bought the items.

You did have a warning. The item says the level restriction. Probably not wise to just listen to some random person on the forums for that sort of information. All the gear works this way. I tested this a long time ago by buying a very cheap piece of orange gear off the GTN that had mods in it. That's something you could have done rather than buying something off the Cartel Market without having tested this first.


Also, you can easily wear this gear at level 50. You can wear a chestpiece or pants that don't have a set bonus and still get a set bonus from your other 4 pieces of armor that have bonuses as you only need 4 out of 5 pieces for a full set bonus. You can also easily obtain a Campaign armor mod with Black Hole commendations and put that into the piece of gear for the set bonus.....or, you can always just not buy something if you don't think it's going to have enough value for you.

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A lot of the people wearing Cartel Shop gear are level 50 (War Hero, Elite War Hero, Campaign, Dread Guard) because they keep their set bonus no matter what the shell. Thus the gear is really for 15-50 then a short break while they get the War Hero gear/ Campaign Armourings (Black Hole/Campaign vendour). With 1.6 the War Hero costs are going down so many people won't even have to unequip their Cartel gear while they grind HM Dailies and Warzones.:cool:
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I, for one, am grateful for the OP sending out the warning. While I was not considering the same idea, the thought of purchasing some of the cartel gear had crossed my mind and I wanted to research the potential pros and cons, and this thread has delivered nicely. This has also reminded me to pay attention to certain details, and there are a few things here I didn't really consider before.


So thank you OP, your experiment was not a waste, as lessons learned have extended to others.

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Just to let you know .... Consular lvl 50 PvP/PvE gear is the ugliest gear in a game that ran face first into a wall made of ugly gear.


You will weep tears of thanks that the Cartel market now gives you the option to do away with it altogether. Trust me.




But it gets even better. Because you can do away with it all together without touching the cartel market.

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