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What would you think of a TOR version of ''Caverns of Time'' ?


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Didn't exile already find a similar cave on Korriban?

Maybe use that?

I didn't play WoW, so I initially had no idea what this thread was about.

But yeah. I'm pretty sure that Exile did find a cave like that (sorta).

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To some degree, reliving any of the battles from the past and the future would be great. Time travel does exist in the Star Wars universe, but that would be too much of risk for the game's story as it would interfere and confuse the main plot.


What can be done is to have visions of the past and the future. Players could visit a force mystic who allows them to see into the past or future and take part in one of the many conflicts ie. The Great Hyperspace War, the Battle of Yavin or the Clone Wars. Characters in the past have had visions like these of conflicts and individuals in the far future. In the Knights of the Old Republic comics, the Jedi Q'Anilia had a vision of the future which included Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Cade Skywalker. Also there were Dark Side Jedi known as the "Emperor's Eyes" who were able to see into the future and to a further extreme, alter it.


Now you'll wonder if the future was known now, wouldn't they try to prevent it. They could try but what could be a reasonable explanation is the Republic Dark Age circa. 1000 BBY when a lot was forgotten and many things like worlds and species were rediscovered.


This is just my opinion on the subject of seeing into the future and past and taking part in those events.

Edited by Vitas
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To some degree, reliving any of the battles from the past and the future would be great. Time travel does exist in the Star Wars universe, but that would be too much of risk for the game's story as it would interfere and confuse the main plot.


What can be done is to have visions of the past and the future. Players could visit a force mystic* who allows them to see into the past or future and take part in one of the many conflicts ie. The Great Hyperspace War, the Battle of Yavin or the Clone Wars. Characters in the past have had visions like these of conflicts and individuals in the far future. In the Knights of the Old Republic comics, the Jedi Q'Anilia had a vision of the future which included Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Cade Skywalker. Also there were Dark Side Jedi known as the "Emperor's Eyes" who were able to see into the future and to a further extreme, alter it.


Now you'll wonder if the future was known now, wouldn't they try to prevent it. They could try but what could be a reasonable explanation is the Republic Dark Age circa. 1000 BBY when a lot was forgotten and many things like worlds and species were rediscovered.


This is just my opinion on the subject of seeing into the future and past and taking part in those events.


* what this guy said, and have it start on Voss.

BAM. Content.

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What can be done is to have visions of the past and the future. Players could visit a force mystic who allows them to see into the past or future and take part in one of the many conflicts ie. The Great Hyperspace War, the Battle of Yavin or the Clone Wars. Characters in the past have had visions like these of conflicts and individuals in the far future. In the Knights of the Old Republic comics, the Jedi Q'Anilia had a vision of the future which included Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Cade Skywalker. Also there were Dark Side Jedi known as the "Emperor's Eyes" who were able to see into the future and to a further extreme, alter it..


This is a very good way to go about it, use the force to see visions but at the same time as you said it would take you away from the main story. I would much rather see chapter 4 than go back in time. ;)

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To some degree, reliving any of the battles from the past and the future would be great. Time travel does exist in the Star Wars universe, but that would be too much of risk for the game's story as it would interfere and confuse the main plot.


What can be done is to have visions of the past and the future. Players could visit a force mystic who allows them to see into the past or future and take part in one of the many conflicts ie. The Great Hyperspace War, the Battle of Yavin or the Clone Wars. Characters in the past have had visions like these of conflicts and individuals in the far future. In the Knights of the Old Republic comics, the Jedi Q'Anilia had a vision of the future which included Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Cade Skywalker. Also there were Dark Side Jedi known as the "Emperor's Eyes" who were able to see into the future and to a further extreme, alter it.


Now you'll wonder if the future was known now, wouldn't they try to prevent it. They could try but what could be a reasonable explanation is the Republic Dark Age circa. 1000 BBY when a lot was forgotten and many things like worlds and species were rediscovered.


This is just my opinion on the subject of seeing into the future and past and taking part in those events.


Wow...you nailed it brother. This

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I feel like Flow-Walking or Force Visions forward in time to the movies/Clone Wars would be a sign of desperation more than really in tune with the game. "Look Kids! It's Mark Hamill! *Applause*"


Going backwards to the earlier Sith/Jedi wars might feel more "Old Republic", especially with the Great War completely unexplored and the Hyperspace War being so closely tied to the narrative. I agree with what some people said, the Sacking of Coruscant would make for a very cool scenario.

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Call it the holodeck, and get sued by Star Trek, call it a computer stimulation, call it a force vision, call it a Celestial anomaly....


But do you think that players would like something (yes, blatantly ripped from WoW) that would allow you to replay the assault on Darth Revan's flagship, the Endar Spire evacuation, Malachor V......


Caverns of Time is actually a good idea because it allows you to go backwards or even forwards to have instances, scenarios, and raids in notable events in history. Star Trek Online does not have any instances set like this, but time travel is done a lot in the movies and tv series. You only see it a few times during STO storyline quests, and they are actually pretty cool. They put you on space stations and against ships that are in the same timeline from the original series (TOS), the one that was made in the 60's.


The difference between STO and SWTOR though is that the events they have done, you can relate to or they feel familiar if you watched TOS. Only the people who have read the books or played the prequel KOTORs could make any sense out of and time travel in SWTOR. And another thing too, is that in none of the movies (but maybe the tv series) time travel was never done. I dont know about the animated TV series cause i didnt watch them.

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Everquest 1 had something similar way before WoW came by. You would flashback to a story from history and be the character in the story. Their gear, their stats and such. No need to actually go back in time and alter history with this mechanic.


You wouldn't need to alter history. What you could do is inhabit the body of an indivual who was involved and simply follow the event to the objectives that took place.

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Call it the holodeck, and get sued by Star Trek, call it a computer stimulation, call it a force vision, call it a Celestial anomaly....


But do you think that players would like something (yes, blatantly ripped from WoW) that would allow you to replay the assault on Darth Revan's flagship, the Endar Spire evacuation, Malachor V......


That would totally rock! Being able to replay events even further back (Great Hyperspace War?!) while connected to some VR machine wuld be interesting. :)

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it's a horrible idea and not swtor-worthy because it is taken from WoW. swtor doesn't need any of WoW's crappy features :rolleyes:




Sounds legit. :)


On a more serious note, I kind of like the idea as long as we don't get some assassins from another timeline trying to kill the important people. x) No Infinite Dragonflight, please.


But as someone stated, a bunch of time travel-themed flashpoints and maybe even an operation in an ancient Voss temple where one of the shamans/seers/whatever performs rituals so you can witness something from another timeline(and take part in it). I would like to see TOR take on that and Voss would be a perfect way to implement something like that.


Great Hyperspace War, Sacking of Coruscant, maybe Mandalorian Wars(I agree, enough of Revan but that's still an interesting topic) and the likes.


I don't diss the idea just because the op brought WoW as an example of it.

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Other things they should stop ripping off from WoW: Using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.


Freaking seriously, if the OP had made the suggestion like this:


I think it would be really cool if they had battle simulation of old TOR era battles that we could play out.


Then this wouldn't have become a WoW hate thread instead of discussing the real merits of the suggestion.


One of the reasons WoW become so popular, like it or not, is because they looked at what other games were doing, what players liked, and what they didn't and tried to improve on it.


If someone doesn't like WoW that's fine, but hating it so much that ideas are given spite for even being inspired by WoW is unhealthy and suggests that one should see what kind of psychiatric care their medical provider offers and then take advantage of it.

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While I like the concept....Please, No more Revan story lines. Perhaps go back and find out who Started the Rakghuls on Taris or a defense of the Jedi Temple. I do like the concept though.


This would've actualy been a nice followup from the Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island stuff.

"We've found out who sent them here.. But where did they ever come from? How can we stop them overall?"

I would like that. But furthermore.. I am not THAT interested in this idea. I'd first like to see new content, real fresh new content, before we go re-visit stuff.


EDIT: I am also pretty sure we will see a comeback of Revan. Well surely he might've vaporated, but he also could've teleported away. We don't have any clear evidence of killing him. So we never know what truly happend. And I am guessing we will see him coming back. As for that, we don't need any re-visit that has to do with Revan.

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Make me :p


Angry ex-wower is angry. And there's nothing you can do about it. :rak_03:


But for reals in response. You stated that SWTOR didn't need more WoWification. Now while its understandable that the design itself may come from WoW or that is how the OP chose to reference the system that htey would like to see implemented, its not WoWifying the game (I'm using your own logic here) by implementing a similar system in SWTOR.


The lore itself has time travel in it. So the idea of a system in place where events from Star Wars lore could be implemented in the game or have player involvement is actually kinda cool.


This isn't Kotor 3 and its not a single player game. And more to the point it actually needs worthwhile content to do other then stories. Because for a 200 Million dollar price tag"stories" isn't enough to warrant investment in an MMO. It actually needs content.

Three days hardly makes you an ex-wower, lol. I don't think there is a single MMO I've given less than a month to see how I liked it. I still play WoW (have for 8 years). I hope SWTOR succeeds and there are things I like about it, but there are things like a more living/dynamic environment, non-OPs/FP activities, etc. that they would do well to emulate WoW. Heck, just adding weather, night day cycles, more random spawning/pathing of mobs (all of which WoW has) would be a good thing. You don't need to add dragons to improve the game by taking the best from other games and emulting it. All MMOs have much in common. SWTOR just hasn't implemented many of the "generic" features of other MMOs.

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In WoW it has been built in the game's lore. I am sure it could be justified here but it could bring more hate to TOR players as copy-pasting Wow features - that is why I would like TOR to be spared that. But I like the idea and would enjoy it.


I liked another Blizzard idea in StarCraft II WoL: when Raynor got the crystal from Zeratul and had to relive (i.e. replay) his memories. With so many datacrons around it could be possible to weave something similar into the SW lore.

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What funny is people think that WoW cornered the market on time travel. A gentleman named H.G. Wells wrote a classic a century before WoW was even thought of on time travel. Guess in this day and age no one knows what books are.:p




I don't think she means it has to be through time travel that you experience these events. Could just be dreams or vision... Time travel doesn't really work for sw. I mean time travel isn't something you just introduce into a universe and not make it a focal point. It would be as important as traveling through space imo.

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Example? I've never seen time travel in Star Wars. One of the reasons people were so up in arms about the rumored live action show was that it would involve time travel.


In actuality, everything has time travel, including real life, we all move forward in time at the same pace as everything else (or everything moving at roughly the same speed in the space-time continuum. Obviously things closer to the speed of light move through time more slowly). But what is the example of time travel in Star Wars, not including cases of flow-walking or time dilation, where people moved back and forward through time like Doctor Who, Star Trek, The Time Machine, and so on?


Here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Flow-walking


EDIT: Arrh you already had flow-walking

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