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A story is nice and all but...


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I could have Pesci and DeNiro acting out cutscenes in my room and it still wouldn't be enough for me to overlook how little creativity or variance there is in the actual quests. It's ok at first but at some it just became dreadfully redundant. Ugh, another hallway I have to clear through that's all going to respawn behind me before I'm done was something I though a lot. I'm not asking for dozens of different, dynamic scenarios, simply a few more interesting combinations than what we have.


90% of the quests happen in two areas:

  • An open area with a circle of mobs blocking glowies to click.
  • A closed, tunnel-like area with glowies to click along the way or at the end of it.


There are only 4 different pulls within those two environments:

  • Champion-level guy standing there
  • Patrolling Strong-level guy
  • Strong guy with a normal buddy
  • 3-4 normal buddies.


And some of you will say "But the story is so great it doesn't matter." I'm happy that works for you and I'm not trying to spoil the fun of that for those players. Enjoy.


However, if mind-numbingly non-creative quests are just something one has to do to "unlock" more cutscenes that feels like a design mistake. They are meant to compliment each other. The story is meant to augment the questing not replace it. This is still a game and the part where you're actually playing it is remarkable shallow and thoughtless on most quests on most planets.


Even in the context of the BioWare world they come up short in this regard. DAO and ME2 were equally story-based but the bits between the story were still interesting and engaging too.

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I personally dont see a different way to do this in an open world scenario, unless you want random encounters.


Either way, it is way better than the "wow formula" of...

kill 10 wolves

turn in quest

kill 10 great wolves

turn in quest

kill den mother

turn in quest


At least here, you have a reason to kill these baddies.

In wow, they just say..these wolves are a menace, kill them.


In Star wars, its... The Bloodletters gang has taken over an area of Narshadaa that belongs to the Republic. We need help tapping into their coms systems so that we can see if they are being backed by the imperials...


A little bit more motivation in my opinion

Edited by DarkSpartanx
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Sure, but look at other MMO's Rift for example: Kill a few guys, gather a few things, Some rifts open and you stop them. That's not too much, WoW Kill a few guys, gather a few things, talk to someone. Meh, same thing eh? Lets look at EQ, Kill a few guys, gather a few things, talk to someone.


Theres a patern here that works. MMO's have been doing this for little over a decade. Btw, I think your sig is funny "WoW-Like MMO comes out and its the best thing ever?" EQ, Rift, WoW, Aion, infact most mmos all came from MuD's, and UO, Neverwinter nights.


It's just the fact your not a mmo fan. It's cool.

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What exactly were you expecting..?

Mob density is like it is for a reason, if they had random spawn generators you'd have pulls in solo area's which aren't, y'know, soloable.


I partially agree on the type of quests not varying a lot, but then, it's an MMO there is only a finite number of quests you can have with the limitations of the control system.


There's no point comparing to DA or ME as they're completely different game types, TOR is a traditional MMO with cutscenes that is all, if you were expecting an enthralling Single Player experience like DA, ME or Skyrim for example then you're estimations of what TOR is are extremely far off.


Go play WoW or LOTRo or any other MMO then come back and say TOR's quest design is lack luster, as far as MMO's are concerned it's pretty good.

Edited by Mynameisaw
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No, I fully realize you'll always be killing 10 whatevers in MMOs. That's not my issue. I'm saying they weren't the least bit thoughtful in implementing them. The only dynamic that really changes is if it's indoors or outdoors. Otherwise it's the same 4 pulls ad nauseum til 50.


There are rare pulls where extra mobs will fly in on jet packs. That's interesting. In flashpoints, stuff explodes and more mobs run in. That's interesting. Questing is oppressively static most of the time. All these indoor phases and no one even ambushes you from the catwalk or anything. Just the same 4 groups of mobs scattered around waiting to be killed.


None of it's mind-blowing, nor am I asking it to be. I'm not asking for massively scripted encouters, just spice it up from time to time, ya know?

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There's no point comparing to DA or ME as they're completely different game types, TOR is a traditional MMO with cutscenes that is all, if you were expecting an enthralling Single Player experience like DA, ME or Skyrim for example then you're estimations of what TOR is are extremely far off.

I simply note ME and DAO in terms of flow and bridging between gameplay elements and story elements not mechanics. Questing can be more interesting than it is based on what they already have available to them and actually use elsewhere in the game.

Edited by icanhasraegtiem
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This thread sucks!


And it sucks because now im going to see those same 4 pulls for the next 40 levels.


As soon as you said

indoor ---> click glowy thing.

outdoor--> click glowy thing.


I thought: "heyyy! thats what ive just done!!!"


Much as i also understand that theres a mechanic behind it, i was kinda hoping to stay charmed enough by each zone to not let it affect me :) Guess its too late now. So thanks OP. Im sure theres a tonne of 4 year olds that dont know santa doesnt exist yet either! :p

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In their defence though, i logged into wow a few weeks ago (for the first time since maybe june or so). I was really hyped on playing a goblin priest for some reason. I discovered one that id made to level 11 and parked in ogrimmar. I took her out to aszhara and the first quest was "go collect 15 bits of venison from those stags please! The troops are hungry".


I tried doing the shredder quests, but my heart wasnt in it from there on in. The priest is now dumped just outside the capital and will likely never see the world like she always dreamed.


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Totally agree with you OP, but that is the game they've made. Stays this way the entire game. It's very much go from one quest giver to the next, repeating the same boring quest-types.


Welcome to the new generation of MMOs where you don't have to think and just play the game the way the devs envisioned you playing it (basically playing out the movie they've pre-conceived).

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I could have Pesci and DeNiro acting out cutscenes in my room and it still wouldn't be enough for me to overlook how little creativity or variance there is in the actual quests. It's ok at first but at some it just became dreadfully redundant. Ugh, another hallway I have to clear through that's all going to respawn behind me before I'm done was something I though a lot. I'm not asking for dozens of different, dynamic scenarios, simply a few more interesting combinations than what we have.


90% of the quests happen in two areas:

  • An open area with a circle of mobs blocking glowies to click.
  • A closed, tunnel-like area with glowies to click along the way or at the end of it.


There are only 4 different pulls within those two environments:

  • Champion-level guy standing there
  • Patrolling Strong-level guy
  • Strong guy with a normal buddy
  • 3-4 normal buddies.


And some of you will say "But the story is so great it doesn't matter." I'm happy that works for you and I'm not trying to spoil the fun of that for those players. Enjoy.


However, if mind-numbingly non-creative quests are just something one has to do to "unlock" more cutscenes that feels like a design mistake. They are meant to compliment each other. The story is meant to augment the questing not replace it. This is still a game and the part where you're actually playing it is remarkable shallow and thoughtless on most quests on most planets.


Even in the context of the BioWare world they come up short in this regard. DAO and ME2 were equally story-based but the bits between the story were still interesting and engaging too.


what level are you?

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That number is relevant how exactly? If I'm 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 how would your response change?


oh that's quite easy, lol...if you're not 50 the anwser is "you havent seen the whole game yet" , if yoou are 50 then the anwser is "this is what you get for rushin the game"

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oh that's quite easy, lol...if you're not 50 the anwser is "you havent seen the whole game yet" , if yoou are 50 then the anwser is "this is what you get for rushin the game"


Whether one takes 12 hours to level or 6 months, the quests will all be the same. So your point doesn't make any relevant addition to this thread.

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I could have Pesci and DeNiro acting out cutscenes in my room and it still wouldn't be enough for me to overlook how little creativity or variance there is in the actual quests. It's ok at first but at some it just became dreadfully redundant. Ugh, another hallway I have to clear through that's all going to respawn behind me before I'm done was something I though a lot. I'm not asking for dozens of different, dynamic scenarios, simply a few more interesting combinations than what we have.


90% of the quests happen in two areas:

  • An open area with a circle of mobs blocking glowies to click.
  • A closed, tunnel-like area with glowies to click along the way or at the end of it.


There are only 4 different pulls within those two environments:

  • Champion-level guy standing there
  • Patrolling Strong-level guy
  • Strong guy with a normal buddy
  • 3-4 normal buddies.


And some of you will say "But the story is so great it doesn't matter." I'm happy that works for you and I'm not trying to spoil the fun of that for those players. Enjoy.


However, if mind-numbingly non-creative quests are just something one has to do to "unlock" more cutscenes that feels like a design mistake. They are meant to compliment each other. The story is meant to augment the questing not replace it. This is still a game and the part where you're actually playing it is remarkable shallow and thoughtless on most quests on most planets.


Even in the context of the BioWare world they come up short in this regard. DAO and ME2 were equally story-based but the bits between the story were still interesting and engaging too.


Here's an awesome solution that doesn't require your ridiculous wall of text. If you don't like it, go play something else. Stop fookin complaining already

Edited by DSPD
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...you have been through Coruscant ?




Dude, I sooooo thought the same in coruscant, I couldnt even see the light at the end of the tunnel. My guildmates told me to focus on the story-missions, but hey? Did anyone ever pass by a questgiver in a Bioware game ?? Mass Effect ? Dragon Age ? KOTOR ? Ever ? No !


5 Datacrons, 5 Questareas, coruscant just hurts ;)

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Here's an awesome solution that doesn't require your ridiculous wall of text. If you don't like it, go play something else. Stop fookin complaining already


The only people that say things like this are people that can't form an argument of their own nor discuss anything they don't agree with.


Just because I can make a criticism doesn't mean I have to leave. The real world isn't so binary.

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I agree with the pulls being similar (up to the level I have played) but the quests I find much more interesting than WoW. In particular I like that all the 'kill x mobs' are gone from the quest givers -- sure, they appear as bonus quests but they are just that. i don't really cry too much if I don't complete them.


I'm very happy with this game (sure the story ranges from meh to fantastic), and as long as I'm not stuck in queues I will absolutely keep playing this game.


What I sorely miss, however, is that class instances scale with the number of friends you bring. I'm leveling with friends, and the story elements have lost quite a lot of their sting since they are just too damn easy. It would be so much more fun if you actually had close to boss-like encounters if you did bring a full group.

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The only people that say things like this are people that can't form an argument of their own nor discuss anything they don't agree with.


Just because I can make a criticism doesn't mean I have to leave. The real world isn't so binary.


This is the truth. I don't agree completely with you, but I don't want you to leave. Don't feed the trolls, and don't argue with idiots -- they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Quests updating new quests on the fly and then giving bonus quests.


You're right, WoW clone!


Oh wait ...




For the love of all things holy, shut your suck or go back to killing 100 boars, then turn in the quest, go back and kill 100 bigger boars, then turn in the quest, etc. etc.


The WoW generation grouped up with the ADHD and Self-Entitlement generation will be the death of us all.

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Quests updating new quests on the fly and then giving bonus quests.


You're right, WoW clone!


Oh wait ...




For the love of all things holy, shut your suck or go back to killing 100 boars, then turn in the quest, go back and kill 100 bigger boars, then turn in the quest, etc. etc.


The WoW generation grouped up with the ADHD and Self-Entitlement generation will be the death of us all.


I'll take Misplaced Anger for 200, Alex.


Nothing you've said is relevant to anything in this thread. Maybe read a topic before you knee jerk react?

Edited by icanhasraegtiem
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