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Which set of armor from the cartel sells for the most?


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I'm thinking about buying one of the 1,200 cartel coin sets on the market so I can flip it on the galactic market and make some credits, but I don't know which one is the most popular right now.


Anyone have any suggestions for what I should buy? I'm assuming sets like Noble Commander and Outlaw don't sell for much since they look pretty ugly, but I have no idea what the market is like right now. I don't want to blow 1,200 coins and end up buying a set that won't sell though.

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That inquisitor/investigator one likely is popular. I'm personally gunning for the Destroyer set for my knight. Those are the two I would venture with.


Yeah, Inquisitor, Destroyer, and the Bounty Hunter Armor is very popular on Jung Ma.


Now anyone can be a Bounty Hunter using the 31 set + the 43 chestpiece.

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I'm thinking about buying one of the 1,200 cartel coin sets on the market so I can flip it on the galactic market and make some credits, but I don't know which one is the most popular right now.


Anyone have any suggestions for what I should buy? I'm assuming sets like Noble Commander and Outlaw don't sell for much since they look pretty ugly, but I have no idea what the market is like right now. I don't want to blow 1,200 coins and end up buying a set that won't sell though.


Maybe it's kinda late but Destroyer set is very popular for Jedi Knights since it's the only hood-down robe they can get...

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On my Server the Destroyer helmet is pretty popular (sells for 600k)... the rest of the destroyer set is not popular at all though (chest for 250k)


The investigator- and the Guerilla-Sets are pretty easy to sell and you will probably get like 1.2million for the complete sets on my server.


If you only want to make some credits it might be a better idea to buy cartel packs and resell them (they sell for 360-400k on my server) so you will get 1-1.2k per coin.


But thats my server ... so what do you have to pay for cartellitems on your server? How much do you have to pay for

1. Throne (3-4mio on my server)

2. monkey lizzard (600-800k)

3. Jedi Knight Sword (600-800k)

4. pink power cristall (1mio on my server)


Lets compare some markets :D

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I just know I got that black/yellow outfit with the weird helmet (oh wait, the helmets are all weird in TOR) on several of my characters. Reason being: the boots! Though I wear the full set on my Smuggler, and got one for Risha as well, so we look exactly the same.
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I play the market on buying/selling of cartel items (via the GTN only). It's a hobby for me, it generates good credit gains, and allows me to subsidize collecting cartel armor and weapons for all my characters and companions.


I'm sure it varies by server, but I have yet to see any of the sets on the market sell well across the set. Meaning... some pieces are in demand, some are not. And, it changes over time too.


Many people seem to prefer to pick and choose pieces from within the sets to use for themselves and/or companions. So I do not feel that any one set sells better then another. What does happen though is your server community will pay premium prices for certain pieces in the sets. So start with that assumption and then spend about a week checking prices each day on your servers GTN to establish what is in demand for the highest prices. It will become clear in a matter of days.


Now, if you are just looking to create some conversion of cartel coins to credits... then I believe you will do better with either buying and selling unlocks, or some of the single piece armors. Again, you need to take a few days to study the preferences of your market on your server. But from an investment/conversion standpoint... selected unlocks and the single armor pieces are your best return for least risk.


From a strictly personal perspective, I prefer the X-3 chest, Destroyer legs, Pathfinder head, Trailblazer boots, and then whatever gloves are cheap and available. It makes for a very nice looking set for my personal tastes. And honestly the Pathfinder head (which are goggles that work with a hood) are the best headpiece and on my server carry the highest average selling prices (probably becasue they are desireable for a lot of players as well).

Edited by Andryah
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I just know I got that black/yellow outfit with the weird helmet (oh wait, the helmets are all weird in TOR) on several of my characters. Reason being: the boots! Though I wear the full set on my Smuggler, and got one for Risha as well, so we look exactly the same.


That's my favorite set. I hate all the robes and heavy armor, etc for female toons. Right now my Juggernaut wears the Destroyer and my Shadow has the Outlaw set. I pulled the mods and gave them to Theran. Now my Agent will get the Outlaw set and I don't know which of the other two for Kal.

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That's my favorite set. I hate all the robes and heavy armor, etc for female toons. Right now my Juggernaut wears the Destroyer and my Shadow has the Outlaw set. I pulled the mods and gave them to Theran. Now my Agent will get the Outlaw set and I don't know which of the other two for Kal.

Believe it or not, but I'm actually searching for a moddable medium armor skirt for my other smuggler. I want to combine a normal jacket with a drab skirt to give my mirialan smuggler a bit of a tribal look.


Oh, and another thing that sells pretty well: warzone experience boosts! The other experience boosts don't sell too well, but the warzone ones go for 15-20k just for the minor one, 30-50k for the major. And Im undercutting all other traders at those prices.

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