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I've just got my Operative to 50 and finished chapter 3 and i just wanted to say how amazed i was with the entire storyline from beginning to end. It just kept getting better and i loved every twist and turn!


I guess this is just a congratulatory post for Bioware on the entirety of the imperial agent and i'm looking forward to seeing whether the other classes storylines are just as good and I'm looking forward to what comes next (at 50 and beyond)



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Totally agreed.


Now the bad news: the IA writer, Alexander Freed, recently left Bioware to go freelance. (apparently finding himself high in demand because he is awesome) :D


But he did say he wrote quite a lot of future material for the game. The other writers will have to pick up where he left off.

Edited by chuixupu
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Yeah, just finished my IA last night. The best story so far (after rolling 6 classes). Lots of plot twists and turns, surprises along the way and it seemed like, without knowing, all your choices in how you played the character led to this amazing end.


Well done! Can't hardly wait for the expansion pack to come out (if ever) and see where it leads.

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Totally agreed.


Now the bad news: the IA writer, Alexander Freed, recently left Bioware to go freelance. (apparently finding himself high in demand because he is awesome) :D


But he did say he wrote quite a lot of future material for the game. The other writers will have to pick up where he left off.


I seem to recall them saying they have the next 3 acts written ahead of time. So if act7 is suddenly awful we'll know why :')

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I follow both Hall Hood and Alex Freed on twitter, if anything goes south they're both gonna hear from me ;D


We're looking at a long lead time in story though, who knows what will happen in the meantime.

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