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Bolstered WFs are a joke.


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Bolster is a great system for providing a larger pool of players to populate a warzone. I would rather play against higher level players, than not play at all. There is however a significant disparity in the talented skills available to a <= lvl 20 and lvl 40+ player.


This difference in skills can clearly stack the odds in the favor of higher levels, and is an obstacle that cannot be overcome with bolstering. I would suggest a hard-cap be implemented for matching low and high-level players where high-level players are in a lower priority for the match making system. Perhaps this mechanism already exists, but it is too early to tell at least on my server. I have only run into one (1) lvl 50 and that was last Saturday on an RP server. My 12+ Jedi Shadow did get him down to 40-50%, but his talented skills were too great to overcome.


It important to note, that this issue is readily apparent early in the post-launch phase. As more players attain higher levels, it is my understanding that the warzone match making system will first attempt to place players in temporary brackets for balance.

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My level 26 Jedi Guardian just pounded a 41 Sith Warrior because I timed my force stasis, force push, force leap, blade storm perfectly. I then threw up all my defences and he was just too beaten down to pull it back before my team mates finished him off.


Bolster system is fine. I also feel like pointing out that Bioware have said NO cross server, which I LOVE, making the bolster system needed, as well as that at no point have I felt like on our server Republic or Empire have overly dominated, both sides give as good as they get and I think that's down to the bolster system.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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in a month when the majority of players in a warzone are 50, no ones going to care anymore about bolstered vs bracketed. seriously, u are going to spend 1-2 weeks at 1-49 and months maybe a year at 50. just grit ur teeth and suck it up for the next week or 2 and get to 50 then all will be well.
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in a month when the majority of players in a warzone are 50, no ones going to care anymore about bolstered vs bracketed. seriously, u are going to spend 1-2 weeks at 1-49 and months maybe a year at 50. just grit ur teeth and suck it up for the next week or 2 and get to 50 then all will be well.


This is their current gripe. When they're 50, there will be other issues such as supposed class imbalances, cheating, unfair faction imbalances, etc. It will never end. As long as Bioware realizes that people are always going to complain, and to stick to their overall gameplan of releasing content to balance critism, this will be a great game.

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Oh for the love of God I hope you guys are planing on removing the WF bolster and adding brackets cause as it is now its a total joke. I am not sure if SWTOR was just lazy and didnt want to worry about PvP balance or they think bolster is just a good idea but both are wrong.


I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


I can think of only 2 reasons a bolstered PvP system would work.

1. It allows friends/guildies of ALL level to join a WF together.


2. You are lazy and dont want to have to worry about dealing with the balance issues that would arise from a bracket none bolstered system.


Now the reasons it is bad.

1. Difference in skills, when you got a bunch of low 20s/teens vs high 20s/30s the team with the higher levels, more amount of stuns/CC and just generally more skills WILL win.


2. A guild group of a few 40s can join a BG that have TONS more time PvPing together and wipe the floor with the other team and any new people that are in that BG will be turned off from WFs for ever like that. Granted that can happen in any game/PvP system but your not going to find some 40s beating up on 20s and teens in other MMO BGs.


3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.


4. "Getting murdered in my bracket at level 19, oh well I will level up get some better gear and at 28/29 I will join that bracket and see if its better." Well not with a bolstered non-bracket system you wont, if one side is winning the BGs all the time and your getting murdered it will stay that way till...




Please excuse my grammar as i am on an ipad. It spunds like you are used to wow pvp and never experienced true pvp. This how it should be and this style isnt going to push ,any away from pvp. The fact that a lvl can kick my lvl 32 butt is awesome! Don't get me wrong, we all love free kills but don't you get more from pvp when you have to fight for it? You should consider yourself lucky that a lvl 10 can't loot you as well.

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I think it is great right now while the game and everyone is new. Eventually, some time down the road it would be good to maybe make two brackets. Like 10-39 as one and 40-50 as a nother. Can't divide it up to much cause then it'll be harder to fill queues.


But overall, they have still been fun. There are some disadvantages though. Did one last night on my level 11 commando... had no CC whatsoever so that was rough. Yet with my one heal I managed to be the top healer and be in the top 5 in damage. So not like I was hurting our team more then some of the other schmucks I was teamed with.

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I think it is great right now while the game and everyone is new. Eventually, some time down the road it would be good to maybe make two brackets. Like 10-39 as one and 40-50 as a nother. Can't divide it up to much cause then it'll be harder to fill queues.


But overall, they have still been fun. There are some disadvantages though. Did one last night on my level 11 commando... had no CC whatsoever so that was rough. Yet with my one heal I managed to be the top healer and be in the top 5 in damage. So not like I was hurting our team more then some of the other schmucks I was teamed with.



I would settle for 10-35 / 36-50 brackets with bolstering. as even as a 50/50 split as possible to avoid queues that were too long.

Edited by undies
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