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Bolstered WFs are a joke.


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Can't players ever think outside the box for a change? Thing about it. If their are only a handful of high level of players wanting to enter a warzone ...but can't ....because there isn't enough players with their level yet ...what would you sugggest? Would you do what Bioware is doing now or make the Power Levelers wait for a few more weeks?


No I agree with you and am hoping that's their thought process. I left Rift after hitting 40 due to 30 minute que times on release.


But at some point there needs to be a 50's bracket, or atleast an endgame tier bracket such as 40/45-50 bracket.

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I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.





I can't take this post seriously because of these 2 statements alone. Only a simple minded fool would make such speculation to assume that his ideas = everyone's ideals.


I enjoy Warzones. I enjoy the way they are set up. It is no more unbalanced than the MMORPG I was playing just before TOR launched. This way, I can play with friends and guildies and enjoy myself, rather than wade through bracket after bracket of twinked, BoA, OP tiers (yes, most classes at one point are top of the food chain) and be told that Pre-endgame PvP doesn't matter anyway.


At least here, I can enjoy it with people I know. To me, fun is greater than all.

So, I, alone just made those 2 statements you made, completely and utterly wrong.


Not to mention, Warzones are rarely about killing. It's about completing objectives. So, unless you are a mid-field zerger, it doesn't matter near as much as you think.

Just for example. A lvl 11 healer can make or break a single WZ.

Edited by Floored
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still amazes me the fact there are no lv brackets for the warzones.


I just did a Voidstar against 2 lv50s 1lv46 1lv43 1lv38 and the rest were lowies... on the other side was our group...I was top lv (28).

I don't need to say we were destroyed...they got to the cpu in 2mins and we barely blowed the 2nd door.


Funny thing, during the match on our side....3 guys left....3 joined....2 more left...1 joined

Edited by Erudain
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Now here I can't see any point in arguing for the system we have in this game, because I'll just be flammed by the OP for being a fanboy.


If you don't like that a lot of people enjoy the current system, then don't play PvP.


If you can't stand the fact that lvl doesn't matter the same in this game for PvP as it does in other games, play another game.


PvP here is more based upon skill, and your yelling at everyone shows more your lack of said skill.


This x9001

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still amazes me the fact there are no lv brackets for the warzones.


I just did a Voidstar against 2 lv50s 1lv46 1lv43 1lv38 and the rest were lowies... on the other side was our group...I was top lv (28).

I don't need to say we were destroyed...they got to the cpu in 2mins and we barely blowed the 2nd door.


Funny thing, during the match on our side....3 guys left....3 joined....2 more left...1 joined


Its take more then 2 mins to run thru the whole map with all the damn doors open and noone throwing a single CC. Go "lie" down.

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not to mention, Warzones are rarely about killing. It's about completing objectives. So, unless you are a mid-field zerger, it doesn't matter near as much as you think.

Just for example. A lvl 11 healer can make or break a single WZ.


this with a bolster system you are making sure that twinks don't mop the floor with new level 10.


If you are losing WZs I suggest that you look at how you handle the concept of doing the objective and how people adapt to the other team.


Oh and if you have a heal use it once in a while on people you'll see that you will win more and more matches

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You guys are TOTALLY losing the point of this post so I will break it down to its biggest issue.


Whats the MAIN point of PvP and has been in EVERY MMO for ever. You PvP to get something which makes you stronger. Its just the way it is, just as a raider raids to get better gear to get stronger so he can get to the next raid a PvPer PvPs to get stronger.


If there is NO room for getting stronger due to a bolster system the REAL PvPers that PvP to become stronger are not going to want to PvP anymore and PvP will get turned into a casual thing raiding guilds do for fun cause their instance is locked for the week.


I just want to make my self clear, I LOVE the PvP in this game. It is fun and I enjoy it a lot and even though the CCs are a bit long its the least of my concern. I AM good at PvP I know this to be true cause I can 1v1 almost anyone with the same stats and I am almost always at the top of damage for my class on the boards. So I can not stress this enough it has nothing with me getting beat and being upset about it. It has to do 100% with sustainability of a system which rewards are pointless.


No REAL PvPer is going to enjoy a pointless reward system.


Also just for the record cause I can see people only reading what they want to read. I said "competitive edge" key word there being EDGE. In other words if you are not getting rewarded with PvP gear which makes a difference in stats you dont have an EDGE up on the competition which is something I enjoy (as to many PvPers). As I have already stated whats the point of PvP if you cant notice your self getting stronger the more you do it.


Skill is skill, you either have it or you dont and if you have it there is only so far you can progress with it to the point where everyone is just standing in front of everyone else button mashing and its just who gets their abilities off on the other guy first.


PvP with out growth and chance for increase is just rock paper scissors in the end.

Edited by Havocis
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To add, I was in a WZ with 2 50s and 2 high 40s (guild group) and we got destroyed by the other team who had no one above 30.


Yeah you and your team were really terrible then. Doesn't change the fact the bolstering doesn't work and they need to do brackets. This is common knowledge.

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The real question should be "Why not keep bolstering but just bracket PvP?"


Brackets work better, as proven in games that SWTOR basically copied anyway, and you can still include the 'bolstered' rule in bracket PvP. So a level 20 will be bolstered to a level 29 (assuming 29 is the highest in the 9 level bracket) and a level 20 and 29 will have far more similar skill sets than a level 10 vs. a level 49.


Just bracket the stupid game and be done with it. You can keep the bolstering rule in effect. But any game where level 10s will fight level 49s is laughable and is nothing but lazy development. There is no way to balance a such scenario because the entire point of levels is to further increase the power of your character. You can't honestly say someone with a full talent tree does not have an advantage over someone that only has 2 points in their tree. It doesn't matter how good of a player you are, you are still at a disadvantage - and one that can more easily be managed with simple bracketing.

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I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


I am, because it’s great:


:) ) A bracket systems require class pvp balance at each level - time taken away from the end game (i.e. intended pvp) balancing.


:) ) Allows fast Q's without having to go X-server, enhancing the sense of community and reigning in the douche-baggery associated with total anonymity.


:( ) Has caused a bunch of complaints due to this not being exactly the same as a players previous MMO.


:) ) Allows low level characters to participate in PvP with higher level characters, giving visibility on what abilities the higher players have access to, how they fight and behave in different PvP situations.


:) ) Removes the 'gear check' as much as is possible - an arbitrary barrier into PvP.


As a long time MMO PvPer and applaud this decision, removing many bad traits associated with PvP matches and allow people to get stuck in right from the get go.



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You guys are TOTALLY losing the point of this post so I will break it down to its biggest issue.


Whats the MAIN point of PvP and has been in EVERY MMO for ever. You PvP to get something which makes you stronger.


In my mind, thats what PVE is for... gear progresson and all that crap.


I PVP to test my abilities and become a better player, not better items.

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I love the pvp system. You get gear at lvl 20 and lvl 40. this gear is pretty good stat wise and will last you till you get to the higher levels. If you quest you can even upgrade this gear.


Bolster gives you about the same stats as a 50 when your lvl 10. You have the following stats roughly.


12000 hps.


1200 main stat


Boosted crit multiplier and crit chance. Before I hit 50 a few low levels could wipe the floor with me. there are alot other good people I have trouble killing now that I am 50.


The game just released officially today. They already plan a 50 pvp matches for other ranks and what not. If you really want to pvp and be at the same level as others get to 50.

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If the OP is so gear focused, why is the OP playing WOW? His system is WOW's.


I left WOW simply beacause that was all it beacame, and all it was going to be.


I didn't PVP in WOW beacause of the absurd amount of gear and bracket hoops you jumped through, when all I wanted to do was have fun in a relativly even game mode where objective was the focus.


My lack of focus on Gear does not make me Carebear, in fact I argue it makes me the reverse. It makes me someone who plays the game for the game, not the gear.

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Now the reasons it is bad.

1. Difference in skills, when you got a bunch of low 20s/teens vs high 20s/30s the team with the higher levels, more amount of stuns/CC and just generally more skills WILL win.


2. A guild group of a few 40s can join a BG that have TONS more time PvPing together and wipe the floor with the other team and any new people that are in that BG will be turned off from WFs for ever like that. Granted that can happen in any game/PvP system but your not going to find some 40s beating up on 20s and teens in other MMO BGs.


3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.


4. "Getting murdered in my bracket at level 19, oh well I will level up get some better gear and at 28/29 I will join that bracket and see if its better." Well not with a bolstered non-bracket system you wont, if one side is winning the BGs all the time and your getting murdered it will stay that way till...




1. Doesn't matter, there are always going to be bad players at high levels and good players at low levels. While abilities do make some difference, it isn't enough to make up for player skill. In addition, your example is stuns/CCs, and almost every class gets all of theirs at low levels. The only abilities that make a really big difference are long CD skills (usually around 3mins) so they aren't going to give someone an edge in every single encounter. Of course the team with higher level players will have an edge but that is no certainty that they "WILL win". Also, your entire example here makes the assumption that one team has a lower average level than the other. That is just stupid. Aside from a few outliers, both teams are going to be pretty evenly matched. You will never end up with a WZ of level 10s vs level 50s. People from all level ranges will be on each team and it balances out.


2. Level of group is totally irrelevant, organized group will always win against PUGs regardless of level. It will happen at low level brackets too, with people who are either long time PvPers from other MMOs, or people who are rerolling alts. Bracket system would make no difference here.


3. You obviously don't understand how the scaling works in the bolster system. People with epics have much better bolstered stats than people in greens. You should go read up on how things work before you argue about them.


4. Leveling up and getting new gear would help in a bolstered system as well... has nothing to do with bolstered vs. bracket. This point is just so stupid I can't even begin to argue it.


5. Your personal opinion, plenty of people disagree. Stop QQing 'cause you are horrible at PvP, and stop arguing about things you have no understanding of.


Bolstering ensures quick queue times for all factions without having to use cross-faction queue systems. The only reason I can see anyone complaining about it is because they are getting stomped in PvP and blame the bolster system for their own failure and inability to PvP.

Edited by BlobbMonster
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3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.



Wrong. Bolster normalizes your stats to standard 50 stats. In no way does it incorporate bonuses you may get from epic gear.

Edited by Sugarpill
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I simply don't play warzones at all, ever, and probably never will. There are bunch of reasons I don't like them and don't want to try (fabricated nonsense), but it is the bolstering system that is keeping me from even giving it a taste. Hopefully open world PvP will start to take shape sooner rather than later (cause I'm really itching to PvP now that I've seen some enemies in Nar Shaddaa but was unable to attack them!!!???)


I recommend that anyone reading this who does not like warzones, to not even queue for them. Stay in the open world and let BW see the metrics on how many are joining the WZs and how many are not. If people stop going to the WZs, they will not develop more and focus their PvP energy on something else (and hopefully better.) If you just suck it up and resign to go into WZs, they will think they are 'good enough', and not bother improving the system or adding changes to how PvP works, they'll simply make more WZs to add to the variety.



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I was originally going to try and play devil's advocate for the bolster system, but I just can't think of anything that I really like about Bolster over Non-bolster except that once a certain group of people have all the maxed gear they pretty much become god and it ruins the game. I'm still conficted about the Bolster system. Maybe it just takes some time to get adjusted to, I don't know.
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I'm having fun in the warzones overall but most people here are missing the point completely. Yes bolstering ur stats does make you more competitive against high levels but do you seriously believe the extra abilities and skill tree points don't give them the edge?


Also everyone in here is bragging about thier mad skills 1v1 a higher lvl but let's compare more important aspects of pvp, which healer do u want a lvl 30+ or a lvl 10 with his 1 heal...? Remember he is bolster tho so you should be fine.

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Bolster is fine. If you're decent at PvP you can go in at 10 and hold your own against a lvl 20-30 guy 1v1.


Obviously as you level, things will get easier, but at lvl 10 you already have a fair number of abilities that when bolstered make you more than capable of staying afloat. Early on (10 or soon after) as an operative I had a stun, an aoe blind, stealth, ranged burst, melee burst, and my cc breaker ability.


It may be more difficult for some classes who don't have as diverse a kit to start with, but that doesn't mean that bolster should go away. It just means that those classes need to try harder :)


Really? You have a ridiculously high surge rating... add some crit and you will rain the damage on people as a low level... only problem is... you can die quite easily.

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Oh for the love of God I hope you guys are planing on removing the WF bolster and adding brackets cause as it is now its a total joke. I am not sure if SWTOR was just lazy and didnt want to worry about PvP balance or they think bolster is just a good idea but both are wrong.


I am telling you guys RIGHT NOW... no one will be playing this game for the PvP if it stays bolstered none brackets as it is now.


I can think of only 2 reasons a bolstered PvP system would work.

1. It allows friends/guildies of ALL level to join a WF together.


2. You are lazy and dont want to have to worry about dealing with the balance issues that would arise from a bracket none bolstered system.


Now the reasons it is bad.

1. Difference in skills, when you got a bunch of low 20s/teens vs high 20s/30s the team with the higher levels, more amount of stuns/CC and just generally more skills WILL win.


2. A guild group of a few 40s can join a BG that have TONS more time PvPing together and wipe the floor with the other team and any new people that are in that BG will be turned off from WFs for ever like that. Granted that can happen in any game/PvP system but your not going to find some 40s beating up on 20s and teens in other MMO BGs.


3. Makes the worth of gear pointless. How many people do you know say (oh yeah that will be great for PvP) well now forget about it. A bolstered system means someone in crappy greens is at par with someone that has epics.


4. "Getting murdered in my bracket at level 19, oh well I will level up get some better gear and at 28/29 I will join that bracket and see if its better." Well not with a bolstered non-bracket system you wont, if one side is winning the BGs all the time and your getting murdered it will stay that way till...




you hate a challenge

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