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We dont want warzones , we want open world PVP


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As a Veteran PVP'er in mostly any game i have ever played.

I learned that Warzones , battlegrounds and everything you like to call it , ruins real PVP.


There is nothing more epic then a huge fight in a zone with your friends vs the opposite faction that results in a guild war.


Warzones are easily bored and is just a major grindfest.

To make this constructive , i'l list a few issues with Warzones


1)Warzones is a grind


2)Since there are objectives and none everyone cares , the ones that do care are ussualy punished by frustration


3)The persons that are not commendating to going for the obvious objectives of a warzone are ussualy rewarded by it , MVP votes ussualy goes to the top dmg dealer or with the best kill / death score


4) Community in warzones is awfull , yesterday i hade a guy flaming and harrasing me cause i got knockbacked on the fire platform in hutball ( he said i stood still while i was stunned )


I would love to debate this and ask the community for their experience and share it with us , but please keep it constructive

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I want both.

I also want real open world pvp, with very limited or no safezones anywhere, and possibly sovereign territory to fight over and claim. I also want death penalty and kill rewards for pvp outside of warzones, so you really have to keep your eye out when your running all over tatooine, even if its something simple like you loose 2% of your credits and it goes to the winner, etc.

However, I highly doubt the devs are even thinking about doing any of this, and even if they somehow were, it wouldn't be implemented for a long time. I think these kind of ides are not for this kind of game.

This is a story driven, single player based online game with lots of loot and warzones for the pvp nuts. Its very good for what it is, but for what many consider to be real pvp friendly gameplay, it might be best to look somewhere else.

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You do not have to do warzones at all. You get mercenary commendations from world pvp and can purchase gear for it at the same rate as warzone commendations. As for world pvp, the higher level you get, the more zones you share with the other faction. And I had a look at Illum the other day, it looks really good.
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Open pvp = noob zerg fest


Warzones = fair and strategic pvp




Open world PvP = War. It's rarely fair, but good planning and tactical insight will help turn the tide.


Warzones = A rigidly structured sports-like experience that has little or nothing to do with war.

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I want both, open world has some drawbacks as well. Once the groups get big enough each player becomes a part of a huge assist train aoe fest that takes no skill. It will take no skill until some developer comes up with a way to negate the assist train/aoe fest in large group PvP.


If you ask me what took more skill, getting above 2k arena rating in WoW or taking out entire warbands solo as a keep defending BW in WAR, I'll admit that it was the arena regardless of how much I hate the arena.

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It's not even 7 A.M. on launch day and people are already complaining about PvP. Figures. I await with a cringe and much chagrin the breaking of the game based on what comes of this...


As for the "structured PvP content", I have been pleasantly surprised. Huttball seems to come up 7/10 times, but it's not that bad really. I think it makes sense, from a story perspective, to have world PvP opportunities come later in the game. How would either side truly fare sending a bunch of rookies into important conflicts/areas as little more than cannon fodder? I have not seen any harassment in any of the warzones I have done and as of right now I've just finished leveling from lvl 14 to 18 through them. Hopefully at some point we will be able to que for ones specifically, but the three available at the moment are fun enough for me.


My only complaint at the moment is clicking to enter a warzone is kicking me to character select every time...

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I'm sure there will be some tweeks that will come but for now not the end of the world. What always used to burn my *** was not being able to talk with a NPC to turn in quests or gather quests with ******s that want to farm you constantly. I always hated that part of PVP only. Little bit of honor for the peeps turning in quests and getting them goes a long way for credibility to the PVP side. Just my opinion. I know folks here could care less about this but some do is all. Now with all that said let me get in the line for Fatman again on the que and hope not taking 2hrs to log in. Have fun all.
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It's not even 7 A.M. on launch day and people are already complaining about PvP. Figures. I await with a cringe and much chagrin the breaking of the game based on what comes of this...


Exactly, so silly on general forums today. Go back to WOW, this is not WOW, it will take time to learn a new game. Hope Bioware ignores all the early complainers and stays strong!

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I want competitive, challenging and tactical warzones.


Speak for yourself.


This ... open world PvP is nice if the game is designead around it. LoL for example does superbly well with just 5v5 instances ... wz done properly = blast. I just hope BW will not jump the bg frenzy that happened to Blizz, smaller number of bgs, done properly = win.

Edited by Repefe
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i had played some kind of open world pvp in lord of the rings online about 2 years. it was limited in a special region but enough large for 3 keeps, 4 large camps, hills, plains, bridges etc. i can say that it was totally zerg fest. whoever has more population, zergs other faction which is totally awfull. Edited by Ulasg
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Well you got some open pvp at 50. One FFA zone and ilum, dunno what's wrong with them

They actually require people to function. The FFA zone on Tatoine (Outlaws Den) has exactly 0 people in it together with no real reason to be there. I spent a good 20-30 minute there yesterday while just circling around or high level slicing nodes. Sure I made 10k credits and about 60 merc commendations, but didn't find a single enemy.


On top of that: World pvp kills net you the entire sum of absolutely nothing. At all.


World pvp kills need to have rewards (valor/tokens/etc).


Still keeping my hopes up for Ilum.

Edited by dwnsun
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i must say, after recently play WAR again (warhammer mmo) that its open rvr system right now is rather good. you can always have your fun, no matter if you are the zerg or being zerged. in first case you just get stable amount of points and hunt the minority, in second you are risking to getting instagibed by the zerg but getting those 3k RP solo kills is very, very satisfying when you catch some of them off guard and alone. also a proper 6 man team can press a full 24 people warband really hard if they are on voip and know what to do.


i would like to see something like that in SWTOR too because in WAR i found myself that i always have something to do - no matter what time it is, am i alone or in company. in SWTOR it is not like this now - in terms of PvP ofcourse. Warzones actually can a) get boring very fast b) when you get in with a bad team you are forced being spanked for next 10-15 minutes with no real alternative.

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i must say, after recently play WAR again (warhammer mmo) that its open rvr system right now is rather good. you can always have your fun, no matter if you are the zerg or being zerged. in first case you just get stable amount of points and hunt the minority, in second you are risking to getting instagibed by the zerg but getting those 3k RP solo kills is very, very satisfying when you catch some of them off guard and alone. also a proper 6 man team can press a full 24 people warband really hard if they are on voip and know what to do.


i would like to see something like that in SWTOR too because in WAR i found myself that i always have something to do - no matter what time it is, am i alone or in company. in SWTOR it is not like this now - in terms of PvP ofcourse. Warzones actually can a) get boring very fast b) when you get in with a bad team you are forced being spanked for next 10-15 minutes with no real alternative.


i played WAR from the off and this game is much much better.


Enjoy your lag/doorhammer.

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Coming from Warhammer Online where I used to tactically lead huge groups in open world pvp, I'll definitely say that while numbers do matter, a small tactically sound group can DRASTICALLY change the game if properly managed.


Some of my favorite PvP moments were from Warhammer Online's Open World, but their scenarios were also awesome too. I love them both but I'd like to see a solid RvR system in TOR eventually.

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i played WAR from the off and this game is much much better.


Enjoy your lag/doorhammer.


where is that whole people like you are getting into this world through?

oh wait i know .... :)


dude i played WAR from beta then first year, then i quit, then tried again. there is no lag right now at least for me, and world rvr is actually a decent thing. enjoy being ignorant i guess.

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I would much rather have Warzones, then not.

I love WPVP, but if that means forcing people into it, I'm not up for that, I don't want to fight some guy who didn't want to be a part of WPVP, it's upto us ot make WPVP happen, we need to actually do it. Nobody is denying it. If you can't find anyone to fight, it's obviously not a big interest for it, if we all go this big desire to do it, why aren't we? There is no barrier here, nothing that keeps us apart. But I don't think it's possible, if you want WPVP don't roll Sith Assassin, like sooo many % of the playerbase do, you can't pvp one faction. Go roll Jedi Shadow instead.

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