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Sith Warrior ability bloat


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I have a 35 Mara and a 41 Jugg.


I dont level them much mostly because there are just so many abilities that i feel i need to use in every fight to maximise efficiency in killing and therefore achieving mission objectives.


I have a 46 Merc, 50 Sage, 50 Sniper and a 50 Assassin. None of those i feel overwhelmed with abilities. Hell, on all of them i am quite happy using only 4-6 abilities for every single fight, not including big cooldowns when needed (eg. oh sh!!t buttons).


When my Assassin was 46, i finished her class story whilst only using a maximum of about 6 abilities the whole fight. And i could have done it half asleep.


It is just the Sith Warrior classes that i am not able to watch the screen at all - i am forced to permanently pay attention to the ability cooldowns for priority abilities.


My Jugg for example, is Immortal talented to ensure survival with Quinn as permanent companion. Ensures i can solo everything except heroics very easily and most importantly - EFFICIENTLY.

Edited by MouseNoFour
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I'm not sure if you're complaining or what your point is but as someone who only plays a marauder, our abilities, the number of abilities we have access to and the number of abilities that we use in high end pve encounters is just fine, we're probably lacking a little...
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I'm not sure if you're complaining or what your point is but as someone who only plays a marauder, our abilities, the number of abilities we have access to and the number of abilities that we use in high end pve encounters is just fine, we're probably lacking a little...


Clearly you did not read the whole of what i have written.


My post was about how overwhelmed i feel whilst playing either AC of the Sith Warrior class. And that it is the reason i rarely play either class. My 41 Juggernaut was level 41 in January of this year. My 35 Marauder hit 35, in June. I created my 50 Assassin August and my 50 Sage in the same month.

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Clearly you did not read the whole of what i have written.


My post was about how overwhelmed i feel whilst playing either AC of the Sith Warrior class. And that it is the reason i rarely play either class. My 41 Juggernaut was level 41 in January of this year. My 35 Marauder hit 35, in June. I created my 50 Assassin August and my 50 Sage in the same month.


You're overwhelmed? So don't play those classes? OK, well perhaps NOT every class has to cater to #winning with 3 buttons? This is NOT DIABLO FREAKING 3!! Why is it that every game MUST be totally dumbed down to 3 buttons for everyone?

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You're overwhelmed? So don't play those classes? OK, well perhaps NOT every class has to cater to #winning with 3 buttons? This is NOT DIABLO FREAKING 3!! Why is it that every game MUST be totally dumbed down to 3 buttons for everyone?


Any chance you could stop complaining?? If you dont like someone else's opinion... press back on your browser?

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It's people like you who whine and whine and whine and whine and whine that ZOMGBBQWTF this class is hard to play and it requires a higher skill-cap and whaa, whaa, whaa... until BioWare caves in and nukes the the class and turns it into crap.
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Yes the sheer amount of abilities you need to use for Jedi Knight was what made me sub. 2 action bars will never be enough for a Jedi Knight.


Edit: But, I feel that it is unfair that the Jedi Knight has to use so many abilities just to break even with other classes. The Jedi Knight should be more powerful if one uses all abilities to their fullest.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Any chance you could stop complaining?? If you dont like someone else's opinion... press back on your browser?


Sounds like you are the one complaining. Honestly its nice to have all of those abilities at our disposel. If you feel overwhelemed dont play that class. And it really isnt that hard to play them either.

Edited by lorddakar
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I have a 50 of every Imp

Sorc Heals

Op Heals

Merc Heals

Merc DPS

Assassin Tank and DPS Spec

Jugg Tank

Mara DPS

PT Tank and DPS Spec


And out of all those... The Mara/Jugg all have the least amount items utilized on the hotbars, and even less utilized to play the class with the exception to the Merc DPS...


Seriously try playing an operative healer, until the 1.5 release of 2 more hotbars I had to fight over using all my heal abilities, dps abilities, cover abilities, to include other quickslot items...


I just can't see the validity in your post but thats just my 2cents. As other said if your having trouble either look into a proper rotation or just dont play the class.

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Wow, what is it about all those with the hate towards the OP? Never did the OP ask for a change to the Sith Warriors, all the OP was doing was posting an observation/opinion of their experience to those classes.


So instead of people offering advice to the OP on how to play the classes better what is happening? Attacking the OP. It really is a wonder that this game has any subscribers with the negative and attacking attitudes in this forum.


OP, best advice, ignore the righteous attackers in this thread. Find those who play these classes in-game and see if they will kindly give you advice on maybe ways to play these classes where they will be more fun to you. I have not really played the classes so I wont offer any other advice then what I have already said.

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Any chance you could stop complaining?? If you dont like someone else's opinion... press back on your browser?

Actually No you can no just ignore because then the simpletons will mess up the game for all the people that actually enjoy to have something bit more complex then HULK SMASH

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Well, Immortal spec does use lots of abilities but the whole thing flows quite nicely in my opinion. There's a certain logic behind and although the tree could use major improvements, there's not a lot wrong with the abilities.


I guess it comes down to personal preference though. I can't stand my Shadow, I tried both Kinetic Combat and Infiltration but the only thing I enjoy doing on a Shadow is sneaking past mobs. The whole class feels clunky to me, nothing I can do comes close to the smooth logic of the Saber Throw - Force Leap - Master Strike sequence on my Vigilance Guardian.

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I have a 35 Mara and a 41 Jugg.


I dont level them much mostly because there are just so many abilities that i feel i need to use in every fight to maximise efficiency in killing and therefore achieving mission objectives.


I have a 46 Merc, 50 Sage, 50 Sniper and a 50 Assassin. None of those i feel overwhelmed with abilities. Hell, on all of them i am quite happy using only 4-6 abilities for every single fight, not including big cooldowns when needed (eg. oh sh!!t buttons).


When my Assassin was 46, i finished her class story whilst only using a maximum of about 6 abilities the whole fight. And i could have done it half asleep.


It is just the Sith Warrior classes that i am not able to watch the screen at all - i am forced to permanently pay attention to the ability cooldowns for priority abilities.


My Jugg for example, is Immortal talented to ensure survival with Quinn as permanent companion. Ensures i can solo everything except heroics very easily and most importantly - EFFICIENTLY.




aye some classes are easier to play. To be honest, just keep at it and youll start to enjoy it .. i promise.

my op healer, wow it was tough when i first started to play it ... then i got in to the groove of healing and now its my main.

Its all about giving a class a go .. you might hate it (sniper, for me) or you may love it (op healing, for me).

generally, people choose their first char in any mmo because of what they were in another game and want to play a somewhat similar role .. or the complete opposite.

I wouldnt whinge until you give it a full go at 50, thats where all the good stuff comes in :)

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I have a 50 Juggernaut I do Ops with and a mid-Iforget-level Marauder I'm playing around with...


My advice is, drop everything that doesn't work on elites, like pommel strike. Just take them off your bars all together. They hit hard, but not when it matters. Consolidate your core rotation keys in one area. There are kind of a lot of them, but not too many to be manageable. Put your secondary abilities, generally the ones with long CD's on taskbars you'll click on.

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I have a 35 Mara and a 41 Jugg.


I dont level them much mostly because there are just so many abilities that i feel i need to use in every fight to maximise efficiency in killing and therefore achieving mission objectives.


I have a 46 Merc, 50 Sage, 50 Sniper and a 50 Assassin. None of those i feel overwhelmed with abilities. Hell, on all of them i am quite happy using only 4-6 abilities for every single fight, not including big cooldowns when needed (eg. oh sh!!t buttons).


When my Assassin was 46, i finished her class story whilst only using a maximum of about 6 abilities the whole fight. And i could have done it half asleep.


It is just the Sith Warrior classes that i am not able to watch the screen at all - i am forced to permanently pay attention to the ability cooldowns for priority abilities.


My Jugg for example, is Immortal talented to ensure survival with Quinn as permanent companion. Ensures i can solo everything except heroics very easily and most importantly - EFFICIENTLY.


I have a 32 Jugg and a 37 SM so i do know how you feel about being overwhelmed with abilities. I usually head back to Dromund Kass and try out new rotations with just two hotbars on the dummies in the left part of the city (they are directly left of the speeder transport leading to intelligence, the sith place and bounty hunter spot). I wish I could help you out more OP but all I can suggest is my strategy for dealing with all these new abilities. Best of luck to you. :)

Edited by Irix
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I have a 50 Juggernaut I do Ops with and a mid-Iforget-level Marauder I'm playing around with...


My advice is, drop everything that doesn't work on elites, like pommel strike. Just take them off your bars all together. They hit hard, but not when it matters. Consolidate your core rotation keys in one area. There are kind of a lot of them, but not too many to be manageable. Put your secondary abilities, generally the ones with long CD's on taskbars you'll click on.


yeah that works on PVE , but pvp u need to keybind force push/choke ect

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Best advice is probably the one OP wants to hear the least. Invest into a mice with a bunch of buttons, like Naga. Once you do that it'll make the more dynamic play style that requires more frequent ability juggling on the fly a lot easier and in the end perhaps even certain other classes to you cos you'll instinctively perceive them as too simplistic.
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You're overwhelmed? So don't play those classes? OK, well perhaps NOT every class has to cater to #winning with 3 buttons? This is NOT DIABLO FREAKING 3!! Why is it that every game MUST be totally dumbed down to 3 buttons for everyone?


I don't see where they ask for 3 buttons. A level 50 Immortal Jugg has 32 Combat Keybinds. Thirty-Two. I'd hate to think of them adding any new abilities to the class, even with 6 bars there is a reasonable limit to effective keybinds without having to move your hand all over the place.

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Clearly you did not read the whole of what i have written.


My post was about how overwhelmed i feel whilst playing either AC of the Sith Warrior class. And that it is the reason i rarely play either class. My 41 Juggernaut was level 41 in January of this year. My 35 Marauder hit 35, in June. I created my 50 Assassin August and my 50 Sage in the same month.



You're not wrong.


There's a few classes that could probably do with some ability merging......... certainly with level increases I suspect it is inevitable as they add yet more abilities.


The thing to remember on many of those classes is that there are some abilities that you can effectively disgard.

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Wow, what is it about all those with the hate towards the OP? Never did the OP ask for a change to the Sith Warriors, all the OP was doing was posting an observation/opinion of their experience to those classes.


So instead of people offering advice to the OP on how to play the classes better what is happening? Attacking the OP. It really is a wonder that this game has any subscribers with the negative and attacking attitudes in this forum.


OP, best advice, ignore the righteous attackers in this thread. Find those who play these classes in-game and see if they will kindly give you advice on maybe ways to play these classes where they will be more fun to you. I have not really played the classes so I wont offer any other advice then what I have already said.


Actually, it isn't clear what the point of the post was outside of complaining their characters had too many abilities. If it was advice they were after, surely it would have been logical to discuss this in the class forums, not come to General Discussion?

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I hope they don't change anything. It's not GW2.


There's different classes with different playstyle and different amount of useful skills to play them. If you don't like a specific class because how it's played then don't play it but the thing is some people enjoy as it is.


I love that on my healing scoundrel/operative I need almost 3 full bars with useful skills to play. I would be quite angry if they reduced the amount of useful skills. I'm sure some feel the same about Marauder and Juggernaut.


To me, it seems like you didn't found how the class really works, which are the most useful skills and which are the less important ones or the situational ones. As you are high level and only playing a bit once in a while, I can see how it might feel overwhelming. The best thing you could do imo, if you really want to play that class, is to reroll and focus on that class only.


That's what I do when I come back to a game. Instead of using an half leveled char of a specific class, I restart one, at least for a while then either continue with it or change back to the half leveled one once I get how it's played.


I started a scoundrel at launch and around 20-25, I didn't understood really how it worked. So I stopped and leveled another class. As I really wanted to play a stealthed melee healer, I tried it again from scratch and this time I got it.


I think you need to restart from the base.

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I do agree somewhat.


Juggs and Guardian have 2 abilities that only work on normal/stong mobs (Savage kick and Pommels strike) compared to 1 other classes get, and half the time they dont trigger because of the poor responsiveness of SWTORs combat.


Along with Chilling scream which only reduces move speed and so is a PvP only ability.


To get even with other DPS or Tank classes, Juggs/Guardians do need to use more buttons. Sometimes a good thing, other times a bad thing.


Of course it doesnt help that the Jugg/Guardian was, until late beta, a Tank only character and that the DPS spec was only added late beta and you can see it clearly looking at the skill trees really.

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