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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So what happened to "Level How YOU Want to Level"??


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So... launch is here and the PvP leveling gear that was removed near the end of beta is still nowhere to be found. Not only was that stuff pretty awesome looking (for being low level gear), but between that and giving us an actual decent amount of experience for PvP (not quite on par with PvE if you take into account that you may not be winning all your warzones, but definitely still felt like the right amount of exp) it felt like BioWare cared about the PvP community. I mean if I remember right there were even multiple sets of the same stats to choose from, you could buy whatever you thought looked cooler.


After all, someone who focuses solely on PvE can gear up through flashpoint drops / commendations, quest rewards, crafting, vendors for ls/ds and just general planet commendations as well.


Now don't get me wrong, I don't intend to skip my main class quests. But that was the only PvE I was planning on doing along with a space mission every once in awhile. With the old model I could actually gear up at a competitive rate with the PvE crowd without feeling like my time spent in warzones was wasted. It felt constantly rewarding because it wasn't like there was just a set every 10 levels, rather there was a piece every 1-3 levels. Spread more evenly. I could focus on getting a piece at a time rather than saving up a giant pool to buy a set when I finally reached a certain level bracket. It was such a nice system.




Seriously, I've made a couple of threads about this before the old forum wipe. The community supported them and after putting our heads together none of us could find one single good reason why this gear should have been removed. Even the PRICES of the gear were accurate, it wasn't like someone who only did the occasional warzone to break up their questing was going to be getting totally decked out in PvP gear, it still had to be earned and took time if you wanted to get all set up.


It feels like the biggest slap in the face. As far as I know there hasn't been any developer response on this either. And I've asking about it ever since it was first removed.


Before the NDA was lifted, without going into specifics I was telling all of my friends how relieved I was that an MMO developer finally understood that all we want is equality and that they should definitely pre-order the game. Now I look like a bit of an ******e, because while there are still some great PvP features, you've removed something that was important for no apparent reason. Yeah I'm depressed that it was removed, but even more so it makes me doubt your ability to continue making good decisions when it comes to these matters. PvP is tired of taking the back seat. I just don't get it. We just want to be treated equal and play the game how we want to. If a no-brainer like this gets ignored, whats next? I hope I'm wrong and I hope the sky is indeed bolted in place.

Edited by Convectuoso
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I'm probably the same as you, do the main storyline quests, but mostly gain XP from Warzones.


So after doing lots of Warzones, I finally found the PvP vendor and.... only 2 sets available? R20 & R40!? I bought the R20 stuff straight away. But now at R26, I'm starting to replace it all with PvE gear that has better stats.


PLEASE BW... give us more options.

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I'm doing only class quests and leveling through warzones just fine. It doesn't seem to be really slower than doing it mostly with quests from what I'm seeing my guildmates doing. The fact that empire isn't very good on my server and that we therefore win most of our warzones certainly helps, but even when you lose you still get a very decent amount of exp + money.


Gear isn't that much of an issue because the pvp set is orange gear so you can upgrade it more or less continuously by purchasing better mods from the GTN once you have your first set. Money isn't a problem either because you earn so much of it in warzones.


Compared to leveling through BGs in wow I feel like I get the red carpet treatment in swtor.

Edited by Zlodo
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The camera auto pivot needs to be fixed as does the interface lag, it feels slow which you can't have in a PVP setting.


Camera breaks it.


Yes i know its early :> I'm going to keep playing space missions till its fixed


Yeah I agree it seems slower for some reason, I'm suck playing w/ 80-100ms which isn't great but sometimes there's more delay than I think there should be even for that. The "smart camera" function was one of the first things I complained about in beta. I know it bothers plenty of other people, I really have no idea why it's so hard to just allow us to disable it.

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Pve whine happened god I hate those people so much.


I've heard this response a lot. But how does it make any sense for carebears to whine about this?? I mean I listed a plethora of gearing methods for PvE gearing in my original post. All I want is one good one for PvP... it really does help to enrich the leveling experience... and it's already there, all they have to do is bring it back.


Like what is the logic behind someone saying... "errr, those guys are happy for once... I don't like that they're happy, so I'm going to gather up my ol' dragon-slayers anti-PvP protest pals and we can complain about it even though we have more options and no legitimate reason to whine."


For as much as I've heard the response that it's the PvE guys' fault that our gear is gone, it just doesn't make sense. I've never actually seen someone complaining about the fact that PvP focused players were finally happy.


I mean am I just a complete idiot? Because I really cannot sympathize with that logic at all, no idea why someone would complain about that. I hope that's not the reason it was removed, because that means we have developers who literally just read random forum posts and make ill-informed decisions because one guy was mad. Anyone with common sense will tell you that's not good for the longevity of this game. Blizzard has been doing this a lot lately (it shows too, people are leaving WoW left and right), and if people come here and find that BW isn't any different, a lot of them are just going to head back over to WoW where things are comfortable and they've at least got got some characters invested.



And I'm not saying this is a death sentence for the game, but the reason it's not is because BW is still a big name, and Star Wars is an even bigger one. People will come for other reasons, what I'm saying mostly applies to the at least semi-experienced MMO crowd (which is nothing to scoff at either, even if it's not where the majority of the profits end up flooding in from).

Edited by Convectuoso
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Ehm, at level 17ish, if I get 6-10K XP for 15 minutes of PvP and I get 3-5K XP for a quest which takes AT LEAST 15 minutes when you take travelling time into account (bonus XP adds to that time) - then how am I not levelling like I want to?


It's true that I can solve 3-4 quests at the same time - but when I check the clock - it takes me about an hour for each area, including bonus XP. At this point - the final yield is probably 4x4500 and 5-6K on top for bonus XP. That's between 50-75% of what I get for PvP.


I think PvP XP is very generous, actually.

Edited by DKDArtagnan
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Pve whine happened god I hate those people so much.


Oh poor didums, If i want succes over another individual I look at my RL CV and career to see how succesful I have been in life not a pixelated daydream that once the computer has been switched off no one gives a flying fig about, get over it and enjoy what this game is truly about a massively inmersive fantastic story.

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I have no idea why they would ever want to remove any gear from a game like this, and I too found the selection to be very disappointing. Was it really a case of people complaining that we got all the good gear, and they wanted it without having to PVP at all? Because thats just not right.
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Personally, I'm thankful they didn't spam us with PvP gear. Nothing is less satisfying than changing gear all the time - as you get no sense of achievement when you know you'll upgrade very soon. It nullifies the meaning of upgrades - and I think they made the correct choice in making the upgrades happen rarely. It means we have something to look forward to, and it means the gear we DO get means something.


Not every game needs constant gear upgrades to drive the treadmill. That kind of trivial "content" is fake and has no place in an immersive MMO.

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Pve whine happened god I hate those people so much.


You know what's funny? Self-proclaimed pvpers who play a PvE game then qq about the pve crowd. Games like this, Rift, WoW were all built for pve first, pvp as a sidekick. Get over it.


Guild Wars 2 will be out soon and will be built around pvp and focused as such. Daoc and Warhammer were built around PvP, did you play? Darkfall is a true pvp game with open world pvp where you can actually be looted and lose your stuff. THAT is pvp, not this and WoW.


So before you go on the carebear rants while playing a pve game.....just not sure how people can claim to be hardcore pvp carebear eaters when they are not even playing a pvp game.



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Actually, this game is marketed as a PvP game just as much as a PvE game.


People who keep harping on about it not being a PvP game are to be ignored.


That said, I still think PvP is a fine alternative to PvE in terms of levelling as is.


Marketed as a pvp game....or marketed as having pvp in it? Seriously dude, if you really think this is a pvp game you are delusional. I consider myself a pvper but I realize the difference between a pvp game and a pve game with pvp in it.


I play mainly for pve here, I am waiting on GW2 for my pvp fix.


Funny.....no mention of pvp in this game overview from tis very website......but it is a pvp game?



Game overview:


An epic adventure awaits you!

Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and be the

hero of your own Star Wars™ saga in a story-driven

massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts.

Explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between

the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy.


Choose to be a Jedi, a Sith, or from a variety of other classic Star Wars roles, and make decisions which define your personal story and determine your path down the light or dark side of the Force. Along the way you will befriend courageous companions who will fight at your side or possibly betray you based on your actions. Together, you will battle enemies in dynamic Star Wars combat and team up with other players to overcome incredible challenges.


Join us. Your personal Star Wars saga begins in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

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You're entitled to your own interpretation of their marketing campaign.


If you listen to what they're saying, they're openly advertising PvP (and even open world PvP) as significant features of SWtOR.


I agree it's not the ideal implementation of PvP, but they certainly spent a lot of time developing battlegrounds, an entire open world PvP zone, and the necessary PvP mechanics and gear to go along with it. Something like Huttball has been a significant part of their marketing campaign.


Lots and LOTS of people are here for the conflict between the Republic and the Empire - and if you can't see how much they've done to set that up, then YOU are being totally delusional.


You're confusing "YOUR KIND of PvP" with PvP.

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