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Operative Sniper


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Ok, let me first say, I don't want to play a Sniper.


I find the Sniper rather limited, and I enjoy the versatility of the Operative. However, I prefer shooting the enemy to sneaking up behind him and stabbing him. It's nice to have that option, but I prefer to snipe while Kaliyo tanks.


That said, I'm curious how you would build for that, so I thought I'd post for the sake of interest. How would you build an Operative, with the following priorities:


1: Sniping, ranged damage

2: Healing - has to be compentent, needn't be perfect.

3: Stealth - ie avoiding detection, not necessarily stabbing

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Operatives aren't mean to be ranged. Your best damage abilities are all melee, Snipe is a weak filler attack even for Snipers.


One of the problems is building Tactical Adavantage is key for an Operative, and the only way you can build TA stacks is with Shiv, and Lacerate (if concealment specced). Lethality would probably be more ideal if you would rather shoot more and stab less. You'll still need to shiv, though.

Edited by chuixupu
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I don't usually have trouble getting Tactical Advantage. With Kaliyo tanking, I can toss out a heal and boom, instant TA.


Honestly, Snipe still does the majority of my damage. In any case, this is a playstyle choice. I'm just curious how other people might build for what I'm trying to achieve.


Think of it as a challenge to the community.

Edited by Vego_Mohenjo
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Honestly, Snipe still does the majority of my damage. In any case, this is a playstyle choice. I'm just curious how other people might build for what I'm trying to achieve.


At low level, snipe is a pretty decent attack but by the 30s it's woefully underpowered. It's DPE and DPS are both bad. You're giving up a lot of DPS by using it.


The only sniper spec that even uses it is marksman b/c it has decent procs associated with it. For operatives, it's probably not even on most people bars. The only viable use would be as a damage filler for a medic spec while leveling b/c a medic is not hindered by range. Every other spec needs to be close and there are better skills when close range.

Edited by Infalliable
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I never like telling people how they should play the game. If you enjoy playing your Operative that way, then by all means do what makes you happy. However, just to give a warning, if you plan on doing a lot of endgame PvE stuff you'll quickly find that playing from range will most likely not do the trick. Playing from range can be fine in the early levels, but from then on Operatives are meant to be played as a close ranged class.


If you enjoy having a ranged class that has more versatility than a Sniper, I'd suggest the Commando/Merc class for you, since you are still able to move around quite a bit with them and deal damage, and both classes can heal as well. The only thing you give up is stealth.

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To be clear, I'm not really asking if I SHOULD play this way, I'm asking how you WOULD build for this, as a kind of thought experiment.


I realize there will be more efficient builds, I'm just curious how one would go about building for what I've suggested, or if it's even possible. Again, just out of curiosity.

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You could try something along these lines: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffMdh0RzZhcZGbbk.2 .


This gives you more than enough healing for pve levelling, and consistent damage over time.


Corrosive Grenade on strongest mob, then dart up everything. Don't need Snipe, just use the 0 resource "auto attack".


It's a highly mobile Hot n Dot build. Can even be used in pvp, does high damage but it's mostly padding . Not as good as a dedicated healer.

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You are right you can play anyway you want


But don't every plan on doing flashpoints, raids, PvP. All you'll be able to do is dailys, actually... if you play at range i doubt you'll get past the trash]


You can RP though!

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I felt the need to point out that while you may find sniper to be limited you're playing an even more limited character by attempting to be a ranged operative...


That being said it sounds like you'd rather be playing a sniper.


Not to mention that you don't have to just sit in cover all of the time as a sniper, fairly confident you can run 'n gun with a number of different specs.


Anyhow that's my two cents. And using your heal to get TA if you aren't trying to be a healer is a major hit to any damage you're doing.

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I've played med/conceal since day 1 (granted I quit the game for 10 months after hitting 50 and am now gearing up) even when it was laughed at and concealment was the gank king everyone and their mini CE droid whined about. It is still my fav build when not full healing. Love it solo and in pvp.


That said I actually keep the snipe power available when damage at range is the only option and if traveling to a ranged mod isn't worth the time. It is a rare option but an option none the less. Also it pains me to see so many operatives rarely use explosive probe. I use it on cool down even when in melee. It is pretty much seamless with a quick crouch and a backstab/ex probe combo is a thing of beauty.


Op sniping sucks compared to their other tools yes but it's an option and taking away options from my character isn't something I practice. In pvp I must say it is total humor killing someone acting like a sniper if even for a brief moment but honestly it's pretty much only effective with an ex probe thrown out and maybe even an orbital slamming an area you are shooting into. Sometimes distance = safety.


I should also note I also puzzle over 100% healers who never even do damage. Even a pure med sped'd op can punch some decent spike damage off which often is far more effective in saving someone's life. All those pretty little stats you stack the hell out of to buff your healing also buffs your damage. Too each their own I guess.

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Ok, let me first say, I don't want to play a Sniper.


I find the Sniper rather limited, and I enjoy the versatility of the Operative. However, I prefer shooting the enemy to sneaking up behind him and stabbing him. It's nice to have that option, but I prefer to snipe while Kaliyo tanks.


That said, I'm curious how you would build for that, so I thought I'd post for the sake of interest. How would you build an Operative, with the following priorities:


1: Sniping, ranged damage

2: Healing - has to be compentent, needn't be perfect.

3: Stealth - ie avoiding detection, not necessarily stabbing

Trust me, you don't want to play ranged as an operative. We're terrible at ranged combat.


1: Impossible to be decent at.

2: No idea how good it will be since I'm still leveling, but here's what I was planning on specing. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffbzGoRdsZMIM.2

3: Good enough to get by on without any skill points invested if all you want to do is sneak past mobs.


I should also note I also puzzle over 100% healers who never even do damage.

I have enough energy for damage or healing, but not both. If you like being alive don't complain about my damage.

Edited by Jawa-Punter
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I have enough energy for damage or healing, but not both. If you like being alive don't complain about my damage.


Just to point out I meant pvp. I heal in pve as well and I can understand that entirely. In pvp you do not have enemies with millions of hps. Death can come very quickly and sometimes damaging your enemy to kill them quicker uses less energy and time than standing and healing while 1 or 2 allies try to kill someone who pumps out insane damage. It is the ability to recognize when one option us more efficient than the other. Many healers completely lack the ability to see this (not meaning you of course ... just the many I have witnessed).


There has been so many times where I saw a healer simply healing his teammate while waiting for that teammate to kill the enemy when the enemy could have died in half the time if both players dps dumped into him. That is the situation I am trying to point out. Time is everything.

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Just to point out I meant pvp. I heal in pve as well and I can understand that entirely. In pvp you do not have enemies with millions of hps. Death can come very quickly and sometimes damaging your enemy to kill them quicker uses less energy and time than standing and healing while 1 or 2 allies try to kill someone who pumps out insane damage. It is the ability to recognize when one option us more efficient than the other. Many healers completely lack the ability to see this (not meaning you of course ... just the many I have witnessed).


There has been so many times where I saw a healer simply healing his teammate while waiting for that teammate to kill the enemy when the enemy could have died in half the time if both players dps dumped into him. That is the situation I am trying to point out. Time is everything.

Agreed 100%. The need to top someone off in a 2v1 is absolutely useless. I would suggest throwing off some HoTs, then help DPS. Worst comes to worst, stop and throw a quick cast heal.

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